• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Aug 14, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 55
  2. Negative: 6 out of 55
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  1. Apr 28, 2017
    Critics are wrong, this is another great album by Bullet! Nothing I can fault with it, lyrics are good, beat is good, just the right amount of heavy! PERFECT!!
  2. Dec 6, 2016
    This has got to be in my opinion the second best album in Bullet's Discography. Obviously nothing will ever beat The Poison but this album is a new sound, a new style of Bullet and I love it. Excited to see what comes next from one of My favourite bands.
  3. Jul 28, 2016
    BFMV shiny with this album.
    After the disaster that was temper, this one to been the better thing that exists I begin in several years.
    Together with The poison they are my favorite albunes.
  4. Jan 25, 2016
    This by far isn't the best Bullet have produced but songs such as Venom and You Want a Battle? are pretty good songs to listen to it is one that I wouldn't recommend people listen to to get their own opinions on it.
  5. Dec 14, 2015
    This album is kind of an odd case. On one hand, you have the singles that are very good. But then on the other, the album takes a swan dive with Professor Ruin. So I guess as a final verdict, I would experiment and find which songs in the album you like and just get those. The rest you may want to leave out of it.
  6. Sep 8, 2015
    Great Album. Been a big bullet fan for a long time. It being rated worse then Temper Temper makes me wonder what these critics are thinking. Yea their not the same as they were before but music change is a good thing.
  7. Sep 8, 2015
    When it comes to Bullet For My Valentine, this album's value is definitely up there with the first 2 albums. My only "gripes" with the album, are lack of super intresting guitar pieces, predictable structure, and cringe worthy lyrics.
    But does that make this album bad? Definitely not! There is some amazing work that has been put into this album. Vocal medlodies are powerful, and
    When it comes to Bullet For My Valentine, this album's value is definitely up there with the first 2 albums. My only "gripes" with the album, are lack of super intresting guitar pieces, predictable structure, and cringe worthy lyrics.
    But does that make this album bad? Definitely not! There is some amazing work that has been put into this album. Vocal medlodies are powerful, and can't help but hum/sing along with every single song. A change in pace, with almost modern sounding breakdowns that give me goosebumps.
    Hell and High water has my favourite instrumental breakdown on the entire album, it's so simple, but sounds incredible. Not to mention the catchy "90's grunge" style melodies during the verses.
    Every single song on this album has been great, and if I had to pick a "least" favorite, it would be Army of Noise. It's not a bad song in any sense, I'm just not a fan of the guitar work in it, specifically the note scale. (Not sure how to explain it). But it makes up with a great breakdown.
    Otherwise, great album by a great band, the worst part about it is knowing I'll have to wait another couple years for another one.
  8. Sep 6, 2015
    I enjoyed most old music that Bullet for my Valentine made, so I expected a lot from this album. When they released "raising hell" my expectations went up even more because I really enjoyed the song. After that they started previewing songs that had boring and dull lyrics but the music quality was good.

    So I thought, there's still hope for this album. Now that it's out I have to say I
    I enjoyed most old music that Bullet for my Valentine made, so I expected a lot from this album. When they released "raising hell" my expectations went up even more because I really enjoyed the song. After that they started previewing songs that had boring and dull lyrics but the music quality was good.

    So I thought, there's still hope for this album. Now that it's out I have to say I enjoy it, but the lyrics remain a LOT worse than I expected. In this album they've proven themselves worthy but it never really shines because of the dull lyrics that seem to hold them back too.

    I'd still recommend the album though, as it is better than temper temper, and it gave me a good feeling as long as I just didn't listen to what they were saying.
  9. Aug 31, 2015
    The question you were dying to ask: Is it better than Temper Temper? The answer is yes. Considerably so. But the other question: Does it compare to the bands most celebrated outings such as Scream Aim Fire? Not quite. Make no mistake, Venom is a good album and a true return to form, but it comes across as an almost 'edgy' attempt to recapture their earlier years - and while they mostlyThe question you were dying to ask: Is it better than Temper Temper? The answer is yes. Considerably so. But the other question: Does it compare to the bands most celebrated outings such as Scream Aim Fire? Not quite. Make no mistake, Venom is a good album and a true return to form, but it comes across as an almost 'edgy' attempt to recapture their earlier years - and while they mostly succeed, it does come across feeling a little bit forced. Expand
  10. Aug 20, 2015
    Bullet For My Valentine is BACK!! This is a great, heavy album that's receiving mediocre critical reviews, and I do believe it will become one of those metacritic rarities that has an much higher user score than critic score. Temper Temper was an exploratory album, one I could not manage to appreciate. Venom, however, takes band's sound back to their roots, with elements that perhapsBullet For My Valentine is BACK!! This is a great, heavy album that's receiving mediocre critical reviews, and I do believe it will become one of those metacritic rarities that has an much higher user score than critic score. Temper Temper was an exploratory album, one I could not manage to appreciate. Venom, however, takes band's sound back to their roots, with elements that perhaps date back to the Jeff Killed John days.

    All I know is that I love it, my metalhead friends love it, and we can't wait to mosh it up again at a live performance! Here's to metalcore at its finest!
  11. Aug 17, 2015
    Venom isn't the band's best work, but it almost makes up for the Bullet's lackluster Temper Temper that came before it. Cuts like "Here's A War" and "Venom" show these guys can still craft a good hook amongst all the chaos. BFMV's groove-crafting still stands as some of the best around, like on the intro to "The Harder The Heart" and the start/stop nature of "Pariah". Sometimes I feelVenom isn't the band's best work, but it almost makes up for the Bullet's lackluster Temper Temper that came before it. Cuts like "Here's A War" and "Venom" show these guys can still craft a good hook amongst all the chaos. BFMV's groove-crafting still stands as some of the best around, like on the intro to "The Harder The Heart" and the start/stop nature of "Pariah". Sometimes I feel like the band is chasing the balance of musicianship of Scream Aim Fire with the hook-laden tracks found on Fever, but never quite finding that balance. Still, Venom is no slouch and should remind us all that this band is one of the greats in the industry, capable of tossing out another album that is universally praised. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Q Magazine
    Aug 26, 2015
    Frontman Matt Tuck leaves no cliche unturned in his angst-ridden lyrics and the second half of the album is weighed down by the leaden balladry. [Oct 2015, p.104]
  2. Aug 14, 2015
    The band's detractors will probably complain that the template remains firmly in place, and the band is aimlessly trekking through well-trodden terrain, but by returning to their roots, Bullet for My Valentine seem to have reignited the spark that made their early work so vital.
  3. Aug 14, 2015
    Flashes of the airtight songwriting that ran through ‘Scream Aim Fire’ and ‘Fever’ remain--closer ‘Pariah’ does controlled fury very well--but otherwise, it has to be case of back to the drawing board, because Bullet sound as if they’re beginning to run on fumes.