
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Jan 29, 2021
    By the time Vertigo Days comes full circle with "Into Love Again," he and the rest of the Notwist have taken their audience on a wild and wise journey of the heart.
  2. Feb 1, 2021
    While Vertigo Days boasts a heap of guest musicians, none ever outshine The Notwist, something that can often happen on guest-heavy albums. Instead, this cast of characters from around the world does wonders for their sound and makes for an intriguing and rewarding listen every time.
  3. Feb 3, 2021
    As the music comes full circle, Vertigo Days forms a satisfying whole. On subsequent spins, more and more subtle threads and parallels become apparent, highlighting the craftsmanship The Notwist have invested in what may prove to be their finest album to date.
  4. Jan 29, 2021
    The ambitions, expansions, and collaborations on Vertigo Days mostly pay off, sacrificing a little thematic cohesion for the reward of greater variety in sound. It does the good work of forging musical links out of broken global barriers.
  5. Mojo
    Jan 29, 2021
    Feels out of reach, as if shrouded in gauze. ... This may coalesce in a live setting. [Mar 2021, p.85]
  6. Feb 1, 2021
    There are places where Vertigo Days might benefit from a sterner edit. By and large, though, the guest spots and experimental excursions feel less contrived than the stylistic zig-zags of records past, and more the natural consequence of a band engaging with the world.
  7. Jan 29, 2021
    The 14 tracks on Vertigo Steps function as nuggets of noise. There are rhythms and drops, meaningful pauses and blather, atmospherics that drift into nothingness, and abrasive sonics. Listening can be a trip maybe one doesn't want to take except as an escape from reality.
  8. The Wire
    Apr 5, 2021
    The material on the album is a constellation of soft and fragile connections between intangible forms of rock. ... Juana Molina moves “Al Sur” with propulsive singing and electronic rhythms, making the song her own before “Into Love Again” brings this lovely album full circle with a Yann Tiersenlike folk ballad. [Apr 2021, p.60]
  9. Uncut
    Jan 29, 2021
    Vertigo Days does not deviate far from the established Notwist formula of soft-focused indie-folk electronica, which can feel too tastefully non-committal at times. But there are vivid beauties here too. [Mar 2021, p.34]
  10. Feb 24, 2021
    Vertigo Days is a mix of both familiar and strange. Innovative in approach and original in delivery, the spontaneous and exploratory, yet structured, experimental rock takes some dedicated listening to fully appreciate but is well worth the time.

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