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Generally favorable reviews- based on 33 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 33
  2. Negative: 3 out of 33

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  1. Jul 18, 2015
    It's hard for a less accessible album like this to compete amongst later Sigur Rós releases but this album is really great nonetheless and one of my favourites by them. It's less post-rock and more dark ambient but that doesn't make it any less awesome. I understand the unpopularity and I don't recommend anyone to listen to this as their first Sigur Rós record — but do dig into this, it'sIt's hard for a less accessible album like this to compete amongst later Sigur Rós releases but this album is really great nonetheless and one of my favourites by them. It's less post-rock and more dark ambient but that doesn't make it any less awesome. I understand the unpopularity and I don't recommend anyone to listen to this as their first Sigur Rós record — but do dig into this, it's really great. Collapse
  2. Jan 31, 2015
    This album is great to listen to while you do anything really. It is a little bit muddled, starting out with screams and ending in strange clicking sounds in some of the later songs. Besides the fact that it never really builds up to anything specific, the interesting wash of white noise, with cathartic hymns and an unsettling atmosphere makes this a decent album and a fantastic debut.
  3. Jun 28, 2013
    I'm giving this album a 3 because there are literally 3 songs on the whole collection. I love Sigur Ros and and I'm always down for moody atmospheric music but this has absolutely no song structure apart from Track 3 (Fantastic) Track 5 (Real Good) and Title Track 9 (Average). Kudos for being different but I don't need an album that is white noise 80% of the time
  4. Dec 6, 2012
    A magnificient work! I can't give it anything better than 8 because I can hardly give bonus point for lyrics and music. Their alternative style is awesome but it would be unfair of me to rate it better. Whatever, go and listen to 'Von', it's absolutely stunning! The title-giving track is so unbelievably chilling - it's just awesome! So much feeling without many words (and I didn't evenA magnificient work! I can't give it anything better than 8 because I can hardly give bonus point for lyrics and music. Their alternative style is awesome but it would be unfair of me to rate it better. Whatever, go and listen to 'Von', it's absolutely stunning! The title-giving track is so unbelievably chilling - it's just awesome! So much feeling without many words (and I didn't even understand them) or melodies. But it's no 9 or 10, because I know that they can do much better. Expand
  5. JuliaA
    Feb 14, 2007
    The energy in this record is still raw,but unfortunately they didn't have the plan of what would they do with this one...but I still like 'Dogun','Hun Jord' and 'Syndir Guds (Opinberun Frelsarans)'.luckily they got things right with their albums after this one.
  6. TomBiswrong
    Oct 25, 2006
    Umm, Tom B, you are wrong about this being a "later" album from Sigur Rós, in fact this is actually their first album. I just though I would make that clear.
  7. TomB
    Jul 15, 2006
    When upon listening to this album, I releazied that it is the opposite demeanor of the other albums Sigur Ros have made. There is ambient soundscapes of the otherworldly, to bright and heavenly, peaceful and powerfull music. If you became a fan of Sigur Ros from the other albums ( "()", "Tak..", "Agaetis byrjun" ) You will probably dislike this. But don't let the first song disrupt When upon listening to this album, I releazied that it is the opposite demeanor of the other albums Sigur Ros have made. There is ambient soundscapes of the otherworldly, to bright and heavenly, peaceful and powerfull music. If you became a fan of Sigur Ros from the other albums ( "()", "Tak..", "Agaetis byrjun" ) You will probably dislike this. But don't let the first song disrupt your ideas about the artists. Despite how different it all sounded compared to the other albums, I still greatly charish this one. So if your a fan of ambience and Sigur Ros, this is a must buy. If you're not, however, you might want to try Agaetis byrjun or Takk first. Expand
  8. BearlyyB
    Jan 19, 2006
    This is like listening to the wind. Agaetis Byrjun is amazing.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Based on pure sound, Von is just as much of a treat as the acclaimed follow-up.
  2. The beauteous wash of sound, an otherworldly choir; a dystopian aural experience, both blissfully narcotic and nightmarishly grounding.
  3. Blender
    Slower into its stride, with tune-free twittering and dull homages to FX-pedal rock making up the first half. [Jan/Feb 2005, p.123]