User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
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  1. Nov 20, 2019
    It's country, soul, and easy listening at its best. Yola knows how to pierce through our ears to our heart. Truly amazing.
  2. Jul 29, 2019
    I have an unrealistic expectation of music. I want it to haunt me when I'm done hearing it so that I have to hear it again. This album delivers, and it is beautiful. I can't detect a trace of anything cynical in this album to suggest that it's influenced or shaped by the cookie-cutter music industry. (If it is and I can't tell the difference then I don't care.)

    Do you know that moment
    I have an unrealistic expectation of music. I want it to haunt me when I'm done hearing it so that I have to hear it again. This album delivers, and it is beautiful. I can't detect a trace of anything cynical in this album to suggest that it's influenced or shaped by the cookie-cutter music industry. (If it is and I can't tell the difference then I don't care.)

    Do you know that moment when you listen to an album because of one good song, and then you find yourself skipping over the following songs after a minute or so when you realize that they are filler? That moment never came.
  3. Feb 24, 2019
    Dan Auerbach is fully aware that the moment when country music went pop in the Sixties is one of the most thrilling moments in musical history, so his production on this record is to be commended. Still, the real hero is obviously Yola herself, who possesses a voice that is the soul of confidence itself. Country and soul are both distinctly American genres, but once again it takes theDan Auerbach is fully aware that the moment when country music went pop in the Sixties is one of the most thrilling moments in musical history, so his production on this record is to be commended. Still, the real hero is obviously Yola herself, who possesses a voice that is the soul of confidence itself. Country and soul are both distinctly American genres, but once again it takes the British to really interpret them properly. Collapse

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Oct 10, 2019
    This solo debut makes all the right moves to sail past retro on its way to timeless.
  2. Feb 25, 2019
    It’s a perfect period production that only occasionally tempts the listener to wonder how much more affecting Yola’s songs might be if she turned her attention from “whip-poor-wills” and “the grocery store” to landscapes closer to home.
  3. Feb 22, 2019
    She's channeling her own experiences so they speak to the universal, just like the classic soul she loves. The result is an extraordinary record, one designed to be part of a grand musical tradition, and it contains enough emotion and imagination to earn its place within that lineage.