• Record Label: Arista
  • Release Date: Jan 31, 2020
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  1. May 20, 2022
    it's just amazing how he puts all his heart into songs like Two of Us for his mom and Habit for his fans. He clearly conveys beautiful messages in his songs, for sure whoever identifies will know how to appreciate this beautiful album! The writing is mature and has references that only those who follow him closely understand, and it's something beautiful to see. Incredible!
  2. May 25, 2022
    the album it’s incredible surprise me a lot i wasn’t prepare for this his voice is something from another world the lyric and the molody are amazing its not something to hit but something to feel
  3. Jul 17, 2022
    This album is so beautiful. Louis’s writing skills are very well showcased and to officially have a full album with just his voice makes me so happy. This made me smile and it made me cry and I loved it!
  4. Jul 24, 2022
    One of the most underrated albums I have ever listened to. We made it is my favorite, I like only the brave and two of us too, and of course I’m not forgetting always you and fearless. And I can’t wait for Louis’ second album, because I know for sure it would be a mind-blowing.
  5. Sep 16, 2022
    Amei tanto, perfect now é a minha música favorita. Louca para o próximo álbum
  6. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wow that independent critic in particular really got this one wrong. This album does have a couple of weak spots, namely Perfect Now, but otherwise it’s really, really good. The title track soars, and bops like Habit and Always You stay stuck in your head for hours after. I’m so interested to see where this young man goes from here. Expand
  7. Feb 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Walls, if not a masterpiece, has all the elements of a debut album of someone transitioning from a boy band past on to a solo career.
    I became Louis's fan a little recently after his appearance on James Corden's show where he performed - We Made It. I am from India and am not as much into western music as most people would be. But what attracted me was his voice. He has an unusual and unique voice, which when used well, pulls at your heart strings. His songs seem inspired from his past and the most endearing part of this is his gratitude towards the good and the bad that his life has thrown at him. He is also one of the few artists who have retained their accent in songs, which I think helps in showcasing his identity and authenticity.
    The standouts are Fearless, Walls, Kill My Mind, Two of Us, and Only the Brave.
    I look forward to what he puts forth next and hope he uses his beautiful voice effectively and experiments more in his next record.
  8. Jan 31, 2020
    So personal and welcoming. Louis really did his best on this album. He opened his heart and gave us a wonderful debut.
  9. Feb 1, 2020
    Never heard such different range of vocals in a single album.....only the brave is like the cherry on top
  10. Jan 31, 2020
    Walls is a strong and oddly beautiful debut album. Tomlinson’s unique voice, crystal with a touch of rasp, does credit to both the rocky anthem type like the infectious Kill My Mind and the tender ballad Two of Us. Habit is one that really stayed with me, and the title track is subtle and powerful. In fact, the only song that didn’t really resonate with me was Perfect Now, but it isWalls is a strong and oddly beautiful debut album. Tomlinson’s unique voice, crystal with a touch of rasp, does credit to both the rocky anthem type like the infectious Kill My Mind and the tender ballad Two of Us. Habit is one that really stayed with me, and the title track is subtle and powerful. In fact, the only song that didn’t really resonate with me was Perfect Now, but it is perhaps for a younger audience. In short, this is a nearly perfect debut album from a gifted singer/songwriter. Expand
  11. Jan 31, 2020
    good lad with a very nostalgic sound! Listening to his stuff sometimes makes you feel like you're back to the 2000's. Although it's not the most creative album I've ever heard, I can tell he poured his heart into every word of every song, which is very important to me. Real lad with real songs, that's it. Cheers!
  12. Feb 1, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson has come out with his new and first album, and I love every track on it ! The songs hold such deep meaning to them, his sweet voice just makes you think back and can’t help but get emotional. Or at least that’s what I felt. I’m so exceptionally proud of Louis, he’s come very far through many hard times and listening to his music feels special to me. I hope everyone elseLouis Tomlinson has come out with his new and first album, and I love every track on it ! The songs hold such deep meaning to them, his sweet voice just makes you think back and can’t help but get emotional. Or at least that’s what I felt. I’m so exceptionally proud of Louis, he’s come very far through many hard times and listening to his music feels special to me. I hope everyone else enjoys it as well as I did ! Expand
  13. Jan 31, 2020
    this album is truly beautiful. loving all the guitars and Louis’ voice. there are some real tunes in this record
  14. Jan 31, 2020
    I think louis tomlinson did an amazing job with this album, is a really chill one, with beautiful lyrics and a good continuation of his life as a one direction member, with a little oasis vibe, I genuinely love it a lot, I hope he keeps making music.
  15. Jan 31, 2020
    its a really good album. i wont give a ten just cause louis still seem a little lost about what path to really go in his carrer but its okay cause its his first album i guess, its just that some songs kinda break the indie vibe he was trying to go for most of the album. still a very good one, it shows how the dudes super talented. i look forward to his next album as well
  16. Jan 31, 2020
    This is a beautiful work made by this talent man for his fans! Every song is well written, these lyrics tell something, it's not mainstream bulls***, it's not for sales. He puts himself in it, that's so important. Maybe it sounds a bit like one direction bc he was the one who wrote most of the band's songs, it's not a bad thing it means he is finding his way to his true self as an artist.
  17. Jan 31, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson did a good job keeping true to himself and not trying to write hits for charts. Sure, a few songs are flawed but there is no way we can ignore he is, in fact, a new artist (on his own). Some lyrics are very deep and personal, Only The Brave is a great tune.
  18. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kill my mind opens the album beautifully, you immediately feel sucked into Louis’ British roots, with his thick thick accent and magician voice singing a typical Brit pop song. On the album he introduces a sound we haven’t heard from him before, Britpop and indie, in songs like kill my mind, walls and only the brave, meanwhile tomlinson still stays loyal to his pop roots with songs like perfect now, don’t let it break your heart and too young. His voice, even though maybe not the strongest Voice coming out of one direction, sounds magical and suck you into the story he’s telling with his music. Songs like fearless, too young and two of us make it heart to not tear up, while I can imagine perfect now will work empowering for his mainly female fanbase. I thought the album was an excellent, guitar driven album. Tomlinson got a new fan and I can’t wait what the future holds, it can only get better from here. Expand
  19. Jan 31, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson demonstrates a good level of maturity and growth in terms of his sound throughout his debut album. Coming from someone who has never been a huge One Direction or Louis Tomlinson fan, I am rather impressed. 'Always You' has a very catchy chorus that has been stuck in my head for a day and the single, 'Walls' consists of a nice melody and a great level of production.Louis Tomlinson demonstrates a good level of maturity and growth in terms of his sound throughout his debut album. Coming from someone who has never been a huge One Direction or Louis Tomlinson fan, I am rather impressed. 'Always You' has a very catchy chorus that has been stuck in my head for a day and the single, 'Walls' consists of a nice melody and a great level of production.
    However, I had somewhat of a 'meh' moment while listening to 'Perfect Now', which has a positive message that applies to many of Tomlinson's fanbase, it simply was not for me.
    A notable element of Louis' music is that his voice is quite distinct, in a very positive manner - his timbre is extremely pleasant.
    Overall, I recommend the album to anyone who has a taste for the realm of alternative-rock-pop!
    Great job.
  20. Jan 31, 2020
    Un álbum muy bien hecho, con un sonido muy melódico y entretenido
    Es un album honesto, te explica quién es realmente Louis Tomlison.
  21. Jan 31, 2020
    Tomlinson dives into many genres within this album, seemingly with emphasis put on atmospheric feeling on tracks like Kill My Mind and Defenceless paired with smart production combining both guitars and strings on many tracks such as standout favourites like Walls and Habit. It is an album that feels both respectively inspired by past artists, even his own past band, while having authenticTomlinson dives into many genres within this album, seemingly with emphasis put on atmospheric feeling on tracks like Kill My Mind and Defenceless paired with smart production combining both guitars and strings on many tracks such as standout favourites like Walls and Habit. It is an album that feels both respectively inspired by past artists, even his own past band, while having authentic vocal delivery that ensures a very enjoyable listen and a very hopeful future for Tomlinson himself in the music industry. Expand
  22. Jan 31, 2020
    I didn't even know his name until a week ago, then his fans spammed me on Twitter with the hashtag of walls and intrigued me. this morning I listened to the album without any expectation and instead I was found to be moved and to dance and reflect. I don't really understand the reviews of the newspapers, it seems to me an excellent debut album. You have a new fan Louis Tomlinson!
  23. Jan 31, 2020
    A great debut. Dipping his toe in to his true musical passion whilst keeping by the 1D fans happy.
  24. Jan 31, 2020
    Honestly the song Two Of Us touched me a lot, I believe there is a great and exciting story behind it. The vocals, rhythms and lyrics of the other songs on the album are incredible. Certainly an album that promises success!
  25. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Every song is sung with such emotion. The studio versions make you feel like you’re listening to a completely different song. It’s all amazing Expand
  26. May 2, 2020
    Fans waited years for Louis' album, and he delivered what he claimed to be an honest album. And you can feel his honesty, especially in songs like Two of us (a beautiful and heartbreaking, but hopeful, ode to his beloved mother, Johanna), Only the brave (the song that closes the album and talks about being bold in a world that harshly tries to confine you), Too young and Don't Let It BreakFans waited years for Louis' album, and he delivered what he claimed to be an honest album. And you can feel his honesty, especially in songs like Two of us (a beautiful and heartbreaking, but hopeful, ode to his beloved mother, Johanna), Only the brave (the song that closes the album and talks about being bold in a world that harshly tries to confine you), Too young and Don't Let It Break Your Heart.
    The whole album is pretty much cheerful and bops like Always you (a song that talks about traveling the world but finding home in one person) with an enthusiastic chorus, the kind of song that you can dance to in your room at night, or in a party surrounded by friends), Don't Let It Break Your Heart and Defenceless set the tone, almost as if Louis is saying "hey, this feeling is bothering and upsetting me, so I'm gonna talk about this and it's gonna be okay". His feelings are too real and the listeners are able to relate to the point of thinking "yeah, you know what? It will be okay".
    The song that entitles the album is a soft melody with a soft lyric leaded by a powerful vocal that has cleared developed and improved throughout the years. Owner of a remarkable voice, his voice is not afraid to reveal the world his feelings, and that's a gift for both Louis and his fans.
    Perhaps the only song, despite of liking it, that I would argue against is Perfect Now. In a world that male point of view regarding the way women are and view themselves are growing more and more obsolete, Perfect Now perhaps will sound a little bit out of date, but it's lovely anyway, especially if you know that Louis has 5 sisters and young fans who might have struggled with self image.
    And speaking once again of the fans, the single We Made It is for them, as Louis himself has claimed in interviews. However, We Made It might as well be about Louis too. Despite of all his personal struggles, all of the harsh critics he received during his 1D days about his voice and the way he is, about not standing out in the band, not getting the credit he deserved, and the difficult prospect of his solo career, he still managed to put out an outstanding album. It also speaks to fans and, more important, includes them, something rare nowadays. Louis considers his fans as being one of his biggest supporters and he knows he's not alone in this journey.
    Overall, the album is really good and honest; an album to cry, to laugh, to smile and to reminisce to. It's not a rollercoaster of emotions, instead, it's an album that does a pretty good job in following a concept and balances its emotions. Hopefully this is only the beginning for Louis Tomlinson. He deserves it. Enjoy it, Louis!
  27. Feb 1, 2020
    really, really liked it! one or two songs maybe a little less, but overall great vibes. his voice is so unique and soothing and his lyrics hit hard, ‘nothing wakes you up like waking up alone’ ooof i felt that
  28. Feb 1, 2020
    Beautiful album. Not trying to chase chart success just being his authentic self. Walls, Always you and Defenceless are standout songs. Just a shame reviewers wanted a chart chaser.
  29. Feb 2, 2020
    I’m not one of Louis’ fans, so I can understand many hesitations by people to listen to this album. But after listening, I can definitely say that Tomlinson is underrated and overlooked by the general public. In Walls, Louis shows himself through his lyrics and almost every song can be found relatable in some sort of way to individual people (especially songs like ‘Two Of Us’, ‘Walls’, andI’m not one of Louis’ fans, so I can understand many hesitations by people to listen to this album. But after listening, I can definitely say that Tomlinson is underrated and overlooked by the general public. In Walls, Louis shows himself through his lyrics and almost every song can be found relatable in some sort of way to individual people (especially songs like ‘Two Of Us’, ‘Walls’, and ‘Fearless’). If you are a fan of indie music and Oasis-inspired tracks, you’ll love this album. Tomlinson proves that he’s much more than 1D, and I’m thoroughly surprised by this piece by Louis! Don’t always trust the critics: this deserves more than a 50 or 60 score. Expand
  30. Apr 6, 2020
    One of the best albums up to date. The sound that Louis Tomlinson takes on is different compare to today's generic same cord sound. Its melody that haves more then one sound sets on the album. Giving each song a different feeling and with a different story line. Dispite what people say, it's one of the best.
  31. Sep 7, 2021
    This is an amazing album, Louis put his heart on this. You can feel his love, care, vulnerability only by listening.
  32. Jan 31, 2020
    Louis' first album, literally surprised me in all the compositions and its seronity all cohesive. It was to be expected more since one of the best tracks ever released does not appear on the album, as it left something to be desired and gave his work a little over the median. There are tracks that captivate me a lot!
  33. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great album, I was surprised by the experts' criticism to be average, the extremely pleasant sound and the very sincere and deep lyrics I was very pleased with the song always you which has a very pop melody and possible potential for a summer success, great boy did not even follow Jimmy fallon's program helped a lot I loved his presentation and decided to give the album a chance I did not regret it I hope he has a very promising future Expand
  34. Feb 2, 2020
    it's a good debut album, there are some songs that I don't like in terms of beat but in general it's a good album to listen.
  35. Jan 31, 2020
    An honest album. Louis was able to show us his roots, personally and artistically, in a way I haven't seen before. It's worth the stream, you won't regret it.
  36. Jan 31, 2020
    It's an incredible album! The way the artist expresses his feelings in the lyrics shows how he has matured and grown over the years. I loved
  37. Jan 31, 2020
    it's a very good album, the songs are good and calm, it's a beautiful album and full of feelings.
  38. Jan 31, 2020
    Walls by Louis Tomlinson sincerely surprised me. I thought it would be the same ole cookie cutter music which is on Top 40 radio, today. However, after hearing Walls (the single), I realized this artist actually makes music which goes against the grain and not status quo. Tomlinson's focus on lyrics, the emotion, and the vulnerability in his story in every song is what music is missing.Walls by Louis Tomlinson sincerely surprised me. I thought it would be the same ole cookie cutter music which is on Top 40 radio, today. However, after hearing Walls (the single), I realized this artist actually makes music which goes against the grain and not status quo. Tomlinson's focus on lyrics, the emotion, and the vulnerability in his story in every song is what music is missing. Although there are moments where the artist digresses in sound and lyrics (Perfect Now, Always You), you still can't get the melody and words out of your head. The aforementioned songs, are the only ones I get pure pop vibes from.
    This album is unique. As the listener progresses through the album tracks, they can clearly identify the growth in Tomlinson's music and lyrics, and the outcome is a well written, foundation album that he can build on. If Kill My Mind, Fearless, Walls and Only the Brave is the direction Tomlinson is moving in for his sophomore album, I am here for it. I only see him getting better and better, and the 2nd album more focused on the sound he wants develop.
    Walls, in my opinion, has something for everyone, if you're a new, older fan, it brings back the 90's vibe, a la Green Day, Oasis and other alternative groups. It isn't perfect, but I would recommend this album to anyone who is looking for a feel good, inspirational, and honest lyrically based album. If your looking for outside the hum drum box of Top 40 radio, this is the album for you!
  39. Jan 31, 2020
    It's a great album, emotional, sincere lyrics, a calm and peculiar voice, very beautiful, this album is a pleasant surprise with a great sound.
  40. Jan 31, 2020
    I just want to say that the album is BEAUTIFUL! Louis has delivered an honest, lyrically rich and vocally GORGEOUS debut album; and I can’t believe we were deprived of hearing his voice in One Direction. SO PROUD OF HIM. Here are my top 5!

    Only The Brave
    Too Young
  41. Feb 1, 2020
    álbum com músicas e letras muito boas e fáceis de viciar simplesmente incrível!!
  42. Feb 5, 2020
    Its a good album, but i would like him to use the Miss You vibe with the Kill My Mind vibe but is good and way better than LP1 by Liam Payne
  43. Feb 5, 2020
    I thought his whole album would be heard like the boy band ones, but it has some different songs with really good lyrics, I liked most of them
  44. May 6, 2020
    A such good album! Have amazing lyrics and sweets melodies, Louis made a great work on it.
  45. Jan 31, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece. All songs are very deep and full of emotions that tell a story behind the lyrics. The songs have a melody very enjoyable that makes you want to relax and lay down thinking about your life and your own feelings. This album is a incredible example of overcoming and faith.
  46. Feb 6, 2020
    The album really has something hidden deep down, like the best composition and pleasant sounds at the median level maybe it didn't know how to work hard and until some loose songs are better than some of the album. But it brings a 90's vibe, and fits perfectly in your voice and that's spectacular. It was a good launch, but I hope a lot further forward.
  47. Feb 1, 2023
    The project positively surprised me. I thought Lou would stay in the EDM genre, but it's good that he went in a completely different direction
  48. May 29, 2020
    A commendable effort by Louis but the album falls short. Weak production and scratchy vocals can't be saved by Louis's adept songwriting.
  49. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Since 1D days, I always thought he's the weakest voice in the band. Then Four happened, and it's safe to say, I'm shook! He co-wrote many of the band' great tunes and I'm in love. He has a way with simple (sometimes cheesy) lyrics but he can make it a banger, then it's gonna stay long in your brain (I mean, Fireproof, anyone?! Or rock influenced like No Control). I became a fan after that (ppl definitely need to listen to non-single songs in Made in the A.M. to know what I'm talking about). AWY, this brings us to Walls, his solo album, which at first listen, I feel like this is a shy version of "Louis the songwriter". I think, he's playing safe here? There are some songs that hit me in the feels (bc Louis has this quality, he doesn't afraid to show his emotions and you CAN feel that in his songs and his voice) like Two of Us, DLIBYH, Defenceless and Only the Brave. The least fave songs maybe We Made It and Perfect Now bc it's repetitive for the former, and lyrically reminds me of WMYB or Little Things for the latter and I don't think it's quite fit in this album. Over all, I like the album's sound and messages. I can't wait for Louis to finally be brighter and braver in the future. Expand
  50. Sep 24, 2020
    o Louis é um compositor incrível porém poderia ter trabalhado mais e pensado melhor em algumas coisas desse álbum
  51. Dec 3, 2020
    Still sounding very One Direction, maybe he needs to experiment more in order to bring something different.
  52. Jan 31, 2020
    The massive Oasis inspiration is the easy thing to notice on Walls, as well as the lack of originality. Tomlinson needs to carve his own path soon, as most of his ex-bandmates. He is indeed talented but he needs to make sincere and original music, in order to be taken seriously. I have to admit though that Two of Us is a seriously moving song, maybe his best.
  53. Apr 20, 2020
    "Walls" is the debut album by English singer Louis Tomlinson. And that is exactly what it is: a debut album. But is this really a debut? Tomlinson has been in the music scene for about ten years, he has had the enough budget and experience to make more than a correct album. So, is this forgivable?
    Normally when any artist releases its first project, he is allowed to play around with some
    "Walls" is the debut album by English singer Louis Tomlinson. And that is exactly what it is: a debut album. But is this really a debut? Tomlinson has been in the music scene for about ten years, he has had the enough budget and experience to make more than a correct album. So, is this forgivable?
    Normally when any artist releases its first project, he is allowed to play around with some sounds but not too much. This is supposed to be your presentation letter and must not be very aggressive nor very calm. This is exactly what Tomlinson does in his first record: he sings the most pure pop songs with the help of a background band, little harmonies and a small inoffensive choir.
    Louis has left One Direction but is seems that One Direction hasn't left him. He still uses the band's album formula which mainly consists in recording basic pop songs with partner love as the principal theme .throughout the whole album since writing skills are limited to it. I didn't want to make any comparison with his ex-band companions projects but here I go. Luckily, "Walls" is not as chaotic as Liam Payne's first record (which I gladly consider one of the ten worst albums of 2019) but is far of reaching the charisma of Harry Styles' "Fine Line". Globally "Walls" is oriented on feelings and life. Tomlinson had in mind to write about his mother and sister travelling to heaven, his son etc and I understand the direction he has wanted to take, but I personally found that, musically, the album is very poor and banal. Emotions are not received in the same way if musically it doesn't emphasize the subject enough and it's a shame, because the artist has many things to let out. However I felt at several moments that I was listening to an unambitious, repetitive generic British pop record that we've already heard a million times; I felt like I was definitely listening to a debut album. The songs connect very well with each other but that's because they all sound sadly the same.
    He doesn't need to grow up musically right now but it would be great for the release of his next project since "Walls" is just a nice but decent debut album.
  54. Feb 5, 2020
    5 for song writing but missing 5 for ability to sing ...............................................
  55. May 31, 2022
    Louis' debut album is a great example of a singer with ideas, who's scared to carry them out. I think it's painfully obvious Louis isn't comfortable with this best feature, his brilliant voice color. Not once is his voice worth of notice in this album and it's a shame. Louis himself has said he does not like some of the songs on the album, thus, why exactly are they there? I expect muchLouis' debut album is a great example of a singer with ideas, who's scared to carry them out. I think it's painfully obvious Louis isn't comfortable with this best feature, his brilliant voice color. Not once is his voice worth of notice in this album and it's a shame. Louis himself has said he does not like some of the songs on the album, thus, why exactly are they there? I expect much much more from his next album! Expand
  56. Jan 31, 2020
    Don't go by the critics reviews, this album is surprisingly good! Some hidden bangers there that weren't released as singles. I was truly surprised to hear Louis in all his glory, after only hearing bits and (small) pieces of him in some one direction songs. But this album brings to the fore his amazing voice, some truly authentic lyrics and great melodies. Especially if you like theDon't go by the critics reviews, this album is surprisingly good! Some hidden bangers there that weren't released as singles. I was truly surprised to hear Louis in all his glory, after only hearing bits and (small) pieces of him in some one direction songs. But this album brings to the fore his amazing voice, some truly authentic lyrics and great melodies. Especially if you like the 90s/oasis vibe, you'd love this album. Great debut, Louis. Expand
  57. Jan 31, 2020
    What's wrong with these so called music critics? Haven't read such deliberate negative reviews in a long time. Good for me I don't go by what I read otherwise I wouldn't have discovered this gem of an album. Great voice, heartfelt lyrics and cool melodies. Especially a few songs like the title track and kill my mind bring back the indie-rock nostalgia of the 90s/2000s. It's a great freshWhat's wrong with these so called music critics? Haven't read such deliberate negative reviews in a long time. Good for me I don't go by what I read otherwise I wouldn't have discovered this gem of an album. Great voice, heartfelt lyrics and cool melodies. Especially a few songs like the title track and kill my mind bring back the indie-rock nostalgia of the 90s/2000s. It's a great fresh sound far away from most of the over produced, fake sounding songs we get these days. But well, radios only play those so I expect this album to get overlooked. In any case, if you get a chance, do listen to this album. Especially Kill My Mind, Walls, Always You, Defenceless and Fearless. And Two of Us. Seems like I listed almost all the tracks lol. Expand
  58. Jan 31, 2020
    Really loved Walls, it’s a beautiful album.The production is great and songs like “defenseless” and “walls” have the perfect arrangement. “Always you” I just can imagine playing in every pop radio station. But my favorite of all then is “Only the brave”, whose only problem is that it finishes too soon. My less favorite is “perfect now”, too cliche for my liking. But overall, in a álbumReally loved Walls, it’s a beautiful album.The production is great and songs like “defenseless” and “walls” have the perfect arrangement. “Always you” I just can imagine playing in every pop radio station. But my favorite of all then is “Only the brave”, whose only problem is that it finishes too soon. My less favorite is “perfect now”, too cliche for my liking. But overall, in a álbum with some pretty amazing lyrics, Louis Tomlinson shows why he was the main songwriter in one direction and he also sounds really good and shows a versatility in his voice. Excited do see what louis has in store, he definitely has a lot of potential and talent. Expand
  59. Jan 31, 2020
    If you love singer songwriter pop, with unique vocals, and refreshing, vulnerable lyrics.... this is the album for you. It’s heartfelt without being schmaltzy.... and really a tone of resilience comes through.
  60. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. After crafting this album for four years, Louis Tomlinson finally delivered his highly anticipated debut album, which I’ve found to be raw, honest and vulnerable. The theme of the album is finding yourself and your sound after leaving One Direction, grief, and just being unapologetically yourself. His songwriting stands out the most in this album, on tracks such as Two of Us, Only the Brave, Always You and so on and so forth. Definitely worth the four year wait. Expand
  61. Jan 31, 2020
    Sorry man, but the album sounds empty. Nothing new. He are still living on One Direction.
  62. Feb 1, 2020
    An honest one. Has got really uplifting songs. I liked the indie vibe. This guys has gone and shown the biggest growth as a singer and song writer
  63. Jul 30, 2020
    It's incredible how Louis grew up since one direction, his voice is much more confident and the lyrics in all songs make me feel so good. He deserves much better! Appreciate Walls.
  64. Jan 22, 2021
    Lyrics are alright but the that alone won't qualify an album as good. Two of us is a great song. But the rest of them are just basic pop songs which are easily forgettable.
  65. Jan 3, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it's a amazing, actually a incredible album. the construction of every song and lyric deserves to be listened. Expand
  66. Nh5
    Jan 31, 2020
    Walls is a fantastic body of work. Louis has clearly shown is versatility through songs like ‘Kill My Mind’, ‘Only The Brave’ & ‘Fearless’. Tomlinson has also managed to tug on the heartstrings through songs like ‘Two Of Us’ & ‘Too Young’. Overall an amazing album that takes you on a journey of Louis life through the past ten years . Overall a really enjoyable album!!!
  67. Jan 31, 2020
    I casually keep up with the 1D guys out of nostalgia, and I always had a soft spot for Louis. I have to say his voice does better when it’s supported by other vocalists (which I imagine he knows as there are lots of backing vocals on the album); I don’t love the sound of it solo. The songs are pleasant enough overall, but nothing really stands out to me as something I want to listen toI casually keep up with the 1D guys out of nostalgia, and I always had a soft spot for Louis. I have to say his voice does better when it’s supported by other vocalists (which I imagine he knows as there are lots of backing vocals on the album); I don’t love the sound of it solo. The songs are pleasant enough overall, but nothing really stands out to me as something I want to listen to frequently. I think Walls is the best track and it’s basically an Oasis song, so that’s...I know Louis said he’s taken time developing “his” sound, but I feel like he still sounds like either 1D or Oasis on most tracks. I hope he keeps making music though because I’ll keep checking it out. Expand
  68. Apr 3, 2021
    This album is so bored, the only incredible song is “always you” the rest is so horrible
  69. Nov 28, 2021
    "Walls," demonstrates the strength and growth of Tomlinson, maturing past what he had written for his boy-band five years before. Instead of writing about how he wants to take a girl home, or dance with her all night, he plays with expressing his emotions in a more explanatory way, exploring his heart and to what extent that'll go to. It's truly good songwriting, luckily that doesn't mean"Walls," demonstrates the strength and growth of Tomlinson, maturing past what he had written for his boy-band five years before. Instead of writing about how he wants to take a girl home, or dance with her all night, he plays with expressing his emotions in a more explanatory way, exploring his heart and to what extent that'll go to. It's truly good songwriting, luckily that doesn't mean lyrics are contaminated with cliché metaphors. It's not something that would be put into a poetry book, but that's not what it needs to be.

    The issue I have with "Walls," is that it doesn't seem like five years were put into this album. Since One Direction wrapped up in 2015, to the release of this album in 2020, it seems like about ten percent of that time was put into this album. As well, each song has it's own catchy tune, but they all fall under the same category and lack range. Sure, it's good to have a cohesive album, but when it feels like Tomlinson is staying on his side of the court, afraid to test new waters, it's hard to like the album for what it is. After a few dozen listens, you kind of get the whole thing and don't want to listen again.

    When it comes to Tomlinson's voice, I've always admired the uniqueness of it. I found that critiques of his vocals were too conservative, as Tomlinson was able to completely shine when he found his sound as a solo artist. If you want to hear songs where his rich and raspy voice bring the songs to a whole new level in a way that no other artist could, I would recommend "Kill My Mind," "Fearless," or "Defenseless." However, some songs just didn't hit the mark. Especially, and surprisingly, the title track is one of those. Tomlinson is able to reach his high notes, but something about the sound in general makes this song almost unbearable. There isn't a song that doesn't belong on the album, but it still feels plain and gray, kind of like his album cover.

    I'm excited to see what Tomlinson does next.
  70. Feb 3, 2020
    Walls was honestly disappointing. I thought he'd have songs like "back to you" or "just hold on" but instead it's pretty boring. I only likes 2 songs out of 12. The production is awfully boring.

    It kind of sounds like he is still finding his music style, hes released edm, pop, soft rock and even indie. I want to hear more of his pop/edm side, I think hes better off on that route.
    Walls was honestly disappointing. I thought he'd have songs like "back to you" or "just hold on" but instead it's pretty boring. I only likes 2 songs out of 12. The production is awfully boring.

    It kind of sounds like he is still finding his music style, hes released edm, pop, soft rock and even indie. I want to hear more of his pop/edm side, I think hes better off on that route.


  71. Feb 2, 2020
    Disappointed. He has a very unusual voice but instead of using it creatively (thinking of Suede here), he's basically copying Oasis without having what Oasis had and 20 years after it was fresh. Weak and unambitious album.
  72. Jan 31, 2020
    Tomlinson has spent last 4 years creating... this. Extremely mediacore and every song sounds like something I heard in a grocery shop circa 2013. The blatant copying of Oasis is obnoxious and there are at least 4 songs that sound like Ed Sheeran album tracks. His songwriting is banal and basic. Most songs ( especially the non single tunes ) lack depth and humanity. This whole record soundsTomlinson has spent last 4 years creating... this. Extremely mediacore and every song sounds like something I heard in a grocery shop circa 2013. The blatant copying of Oasis is obnoxious and there are at least 4 songs that sound like Ed Sheeran album tracks. His songwriting is banal and basic. Most songs ( especially the non single tunes ) lack depth and humanity. This whole record sounds like a modernized One Direction b side. Expand
  73. Jan 31, 2020
    The songs on this album aren't memorable.They all sound dated.Some of these pretend "artists" need to find another hobby because music isn't cut out for them
  74. Feb 5, 2020
    Se esperó demasiado para este álbum con letras flojas y simples. Dos canciones son buenas, sin embargo, sigue el mismo camino que hizo con One Direction, nada novedoso.
  75. Jan 31, 2020
    Gladly, he has his own platform to express his creative ideas but this albums lacks character. I am hoping for the best. xx
  76. Oct 31, 2020
    boring, bland, bad vocals, all the songs sound the same and nothing good vocally
  77. Jan 15, 2021
    Sounds like 1D - and not in a good way. He definitely hasn't matured. Sounds like an album for 13 year olds.
  78. Feb 5, 2020
    Immature album. Sounds like a 1D material, Louis don't demonstrate any evolution.
  79. Jan 25, 2021
    This is why you shouldn't trust user reviews - this album is garbage and is purely hyped up by obsessed fans who for some reason think this guy makes good music.
  80. Feb 1, 2020
    What an absolute joke! All the songs sound the same because he has ZERO vocal range, he sounds like he's gasping for air. The songs suck, his songwriting (if it can even be called that) needs a major remodel, needless to say, this is his debut AND last album
  81. Feb 1, 2020
    Not even one song I'd want to hear again. Too much autotune, juvenile lyrics, and Oasis imitation. And he had 28 people help him write this album? Perfect Now, Walls, and Only the Brave are the worst of them. Dreadful.
  82. BTA
    Jan 31, 2020
    Despite having so many writers on his album . His lyrics are like he s trying so hard to be like Ed Sheeran with that over cheesy writing, but that styles doesnt suit everyone. Some of the tunes are good but none sound yhat memorable. He could work on using his vocals a bit differently. Most songs are like he wants it to be sad ballads but isnt willing to leave that pop sound becauseDespite having so many writers on his album . His lyrics are like he s trying so hard to be like Ed Sheeran with that over cheesy writing, but that styles doesnt suit everyone. Some of the tunes are good but none sound yhat memorable. He could work on using his vocals a bit differently. Most songs are like he wants it to be sad ballads but isnt willing to leave that pop sound because that's why sells nowadays. . Have huge expectations from him. Expand
  83. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Horrível e sem identidade, only bombas genéricas jogadas... Parece uma playlist aleatória Expand
  84. Jan 31, 2020
    Horrible, you just can't beat your one direction mates. You need to leave the band behind and start working at a good pace.
  85. Feb 6, 2020
    Coming into this album as a casual listener to 1D, I was very disappointed in this album. It sounds like 1D reject songs and honestly that’s saying a lot. I heard that Louis said this is the album he has always wanted to make or something, well unless he’s always wanted to make **** music that does not show. Somebody in his life needs to care about him enough to tell him it’s time to hangComing into this album as a casual listener to 1D, I was very disappointed in this album. It sounds like 1D reject songs and honestly that’s saying a lot. I heard that Louis said this is the album he has always wanted to make or something, well unless he’s always wanted to make **** music that does not show. Somebody in his life needs to care about him enough to tell him it’s time to hang it up, or else he will keep embarrassing himself. Expand
  86. Feb 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Una album mediocre jajaj mas de lo mismo de esta colgada de las muertas y la joteria...
    Ya que se mate tambien
    Por estas 1000 ya habra certificado carton? Por tremendo fracaso jajaj
  87. Mar 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. listen to this very hard. i cant finish one song. at all i dident like this. Expand
  88. Aug 10, 2020
    i mean it's not the worst album i've heard and i would give it a "4" but the zero is cause 9.2 is a joke. so here some facts
    (1) Louis can't sing. He does not have a different voice,he just can't sing.
    (2) He wants so hard to be cool that it's sad. (3) he says that he wants to be recognized as a good songwriter but this personal album has more than 30 songwriters ? And "I guess some
    i mean it's not the worst album i've heard and i would give it a "4" but the zero is cause 9.2 is a joke. so here some facts
    (1) Louis can't sing. He does not have a different voice,he just can't sing.
    (2) He wants so hard to be cool that it's sad.
    (3) he says that he wants to be recognized as a good songwriter but this personal album has more than 30 songwriters ? And "I guess some queens don't need a Crow" it's a very childish lyric for a Man that it's almost 30, who are you the male taylor swift? c'mon...
    (4) "We made It" , "Always you" and " Don't let it break your heart", are the best ones
  89. Dec 3, 2021
    it’s terrible, his fans know it’s awful and it’s just generally bad. it’s worse than justin bieber’s and ed sheeran’s albums combined. that’s how horrendous it really is.
  90. Jul 24, 2020
    TRASH, he is only successful by the band, the album is really bad, he is the worst of the 5
  91. Sep 4, 2020
    flopped hard without 1dead lmao literally couldn’t get through it. it has one alright song and the rest is straight garbage. not y’all calling him songwriter and singer of the decade like no humiliation kink tbh
  92. Sep 20, 2020
    To summarize in one word, Louis Tomlinson’s Walls is weak, it has uninspired lyrics that tarnish over 3/4 of it. Definitely not a fan of his vocals either.
  93. Sep 27, 2020
    This wasn’t a surprise, Louis Tomlinson always haf the weakest voice on One Direction and wrote a few of their worst songs. Some artists just don’t work as solo artists... Forgettable lyrics, songs and just a forgettable artist overall.
  94. Oct 1, 2020
    O álbum de estreia do ex-One Direction é uma versão diluída de um disco do Oasis – uma xerox de um fax de um esboço do ‘Definitely Maybe’. O problema é que o álbum é profundamente banal. Ouvi-lo é como percorrer um atoleiro de banalidade.

    - The Independent
  95. Oct 30, 2020
    Louis tomlinson creo expectativa durante cuatro años pero al final solo demostró que nunca lo subestimaron
  96. Jan 16, 2021
    He cannot sing whatsoever. His voice is hard to listen to..he should stick to writing or producing instead
  97. Apr 5, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum começa com uma letra e ritmo realmente ruins, "Kill my mind". Apesar de ser uma música ruim, com péssimos arranjos, acaba sendo uma das "melhores" do álbum. Sabendo que kill my mind é uma das "melhores" do álbum, tenha certeza que as próximas faixas tem bastante qualidade lol. A segunda faixa segue o mesmo modelo de Kill my mind, uma batida cansativa. O cantor usa a mesma base em quase todas as músicas do álbum, má escolha de Louis, pensando que é uma base ruim. Two of us, a terceira faixa, nos leva a um momento triste da vida do cantor, a morte de um ente querido. a letra é um destaque no álbum, uma letra sincera e emocional. O cantor de “Kill my mind” tinha tudo em mãos para trazer uma ótima música, mas estragou tudo ao seguir a mesma melodia das outras faixas. Tomlinson teria feito uma boa escolha se continuasse a melodia no início da música. Na quarta faixa, o cantor tenta desesperadamente trazer um novo “we are the champions”, infelizmente Tomlinson não tem o talento necessário para isso. A música é um terror, algo superficial e sem sentido. "Too young" é a quinta faixa do álbum. Nessa faixa, o cantor traz uma melodia mais suave, mudando o ritmo repetitivo das músicas anteriores. Uma boa escolha para Louis, mas como você pode ver, o cantor sempre estraga suas canções com uma má decisão. A má decisão desta vez? É a letra. Tomlinson canta o mesmo refrão ao longo da faixa, trazendo uma música monótona, que não sai do mesmo lugar.
    "Walls", a faixa que dá nome ao álbum, é uma decepção. Normalmente os artistas dão o nome do álbum para a melhor faixa, mas Louis nos traz um grande aviso com isso: ele não tem talento suficiente para trazer uma boa faixa-título, e um bom álbum de estreia. Simon Cowell, o que se passou em sua mente quando decidiu transformar esse garoto em um artista? Ninguém jamais responderá. “Habit”, essa faixa prova que Louis tem o hábito de fazer escolhas erradas em uma música, na verdade, no álbum todo. A oitava música, "Always you", nos leva a um lado diferente de Louis. Nessa música Louis mostra que pode ter talento, mas não o suficiente para mostrar algo perfeito para o público. A música prova que as únicas pessoas que ouvem o cantor, são seu nicho de fãs, que são alimentados por um casal fictício, de Tomlinson e Harry Styles. Deveria ser um crime acreditar que um artista no nível de Styles pudesse se relacionar com Louis. Nona e décima primeira faixas do álbum, vamos falar sobre elas juntos, porque é basicamente o mesmo conceito. Duas músicas que poderiam funcionar, mas aqui temos um grande problema. Desta vez, o problema é o cantor. O exagero dos efeitos e o auto tune na voz do cantor fazem com que as faixas se tornem um produto. Essas são boas canções, se a pessoa que estava cantando estivesse no seu nível de talento.
    “Perfect Now”, acredito que poderia passar por essa vida sem ter que ouvir essa música. A música falha em tudo, composição, batida, efeito na voz. Tomlinson falhou em mostrar um bom fator nessa música. Se preferir continuar com ouvidos, salve-se dessa música. "Only the brave" última música (felizmente para os ouvintes, infelizmente para Louis). A música é um skip. Fazendo uma música de menos de 2 minutos e acaba assim? Eu teria vergonha de me auto intitular "artista" e fazer uma música assim. Em seu álbum de estreia, Tomlinson prova a todos que não tinha talento para ser um artista solo. O cantor precisa de seus quatro companheiros de banda ao lado dele, para conseguir chamar a atenção do público, se escorando no talento de outras pessoas. É uma pena para o Louis, que veio de uma banda de sucesso, acabar assim. Como um fracasso.
  98. Jul 6, 2021
    horrivel em todos os aspectos, louis fracasso
  99. Aug 2, 2021
    This album is absolute trash, this man cannot sing for the life of him...yikes
  100. Sep 17, 2021
    What a disaster I think I lost my ears after listening to his voice. Boring, he should stop singing at this point

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 5, 2020
    Try as he may, Tomlinson has not quite progressed from featured voice to solo artist. For all the major changes in his life, his music seems to be stuck in place. You can take the boy out of the boyband, but not the boyband out of the boy.
  2. Jan 31, 2020
    Solo debuts with this much expectation are incredible challenges. While “Walls” isn’t a craven ripoff or an attempt to recapture One Direction highs, it’s not yet clear exactly who Tomlinson is without them.
  3. Jan 30, 2020
    Even if the songs on Walls aren't the most distinct or memorable, they come from a place of authenticity that's genuinely heartwarming and enjoyable. Like any other settled adult, he's perfectly content to stick to the reliable and Walls winds up being the most mature and natural of the ex-1D bunch.