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Universal acclaim- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 43
  2. Negative: 3 out of 43

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  1. Steven
    Jul 15, 2007
    Brilliant Album. Ignore the mediocre reviews.
  2. BenH.
    Jul 21, 2007
    It is a departure from UNKLE's previous albums, but if you like rock this is their best. It's sweet mix of guitars and electronic elements with masterful voice work and the distinctly UNKLE ambiance. Awesome.
  3. SimoH.
    Jul 9, 2007
    Best unkle album yet!
  4. VicenteB.
    Aug 5, 2007
    Album of the year 2007. Excellent!!!
  5. MargieR
    Oct 29, 2007
    Amazing! Just saw them @ the Echoplex in L.A , they were worth the wait, blending dance, electronica, Rock was their best move yet. Unkle rocks my world.
  6. kastef
    Aug 7, 2007
    Wow! Lavelle, welcome back!
  7. JonV.
    Sep 24, 2007
    Somehow this album found its way into my cd player and it just doesn't seem to come out. Strange. Oh wait, maybe it's because I didn't know Unkle beforehand and wasn't surprised by their Rock influences. I just love this Album. Especially the songs with the Clayhill singer, just awesome.
  8. MatthewM
    Jul 21, 2007
    More rockish than any of their other albums, but probably their best album to date, Excellent!
  9. ManchesterS
    Jul 28, 2007
    Brilliant--recruiting the monster musos from the Desert Rock Scene and adding it to the UNKLE mosaic! Lavelle in top form again. Best album this year, followed by QOTSA. Surprised?
  10. JohnB.
    Oct 21, 2007
    One word, amazing.
  11. MattC.
    Jul 18, 2007
    One of the best albums I've heard this year.
  12. JasonH.
    Aug 26, 2007
    Great. i just heard th full preview of all tracks from this album on their special site the last track (when things explode) and hidden track are the best to my opinion.
  13. AdP.
    Oct 6, 2007
    I've read a lot of reviews about this album that give it a warm to tepid rating complaining about Lavelle's departure from synth to being to close to commercial rock. Um, thats the point! His experimenting with this genre works for me, the fact that he has lower ratings means his in front of the curve, as one critic put it. Notice the subtle deep links in the lyrics to the I've read a lot of reviews about this album that give it a warm to tepid rating complaining about Lavelle's departure from synth to being to close to commercial rock. Um, thats the point! His experimenting with this genre works for me, the fact that he has lower ratings means his in front of the curve, as one critic put it. Notice the subtle deep links in the lyrics to the title. Some critics seem to be a bit closed minded, but what do you expect!. Also notice the contrast between the critics and the users rating, speaks for itself. Expand
  14. NS
    Dec 17, 2007
    This was the first cd I'd bought in some time. And it was initially dissapointing when I listened to it. I don't know what I was expecting, but I had hoped for something along the lines of "Edit Music for a Film". It's nothing like that, and I was ambivalent about it. Then, over time, the songs began to creep into my head when I was driving or sitting at home rewiring This was the first cd I'd bought in some time. And it was initially dissapointing when I listened to it. I don't know what I was expecting, but I had hoped for something along the lines of "Edit Music for a Film". It's nothing like that, and I was ambivalent about it. Then, over time, the songs began to creep into my head when I was driving or sitting at home rewiring electronics, and other times. I'd suddenly hear a melody in my head and wonder what it was, finally realizing that UNKLE was doing some awesome subliminal stuff. This album plays on emotion and adrenaline, and after 2 months, it's become my favourite cd. It's phenomenal. Expand
  15. killaH
    Jul 28, 2007
    U.N.K.L.E. spells salvation for music fans. 'Hold My Hand' is tha shit.
  16. PatrickH.
    Mar 6, 2008
    So good it hurts. Great workout music. And you should hear them perform it live.
  17. Nov 9, 2010
    If you know anything about UNKLE and Lavelle, their music is all about experimenting. To me, all of UNKLE's albums are different, but not in a bad way. In fact it's like the music is evolving. While I love this idea of experimenting with sound and coming closer to the rock (what is wrong with that?) with this album, I realize that some may not like the sound. This is a sound you eitherIf you know anything about UNKLE and Lavelle, their music is all about experimenting. To me, all of UNKLE's albums are different, but not in a bad way. In fact it's like the music is evolving. While I love this idea of experimenting with sound and coming closer to the rock (what is wrong with that?) with this album, I realize that some may not like the sound. This is a sound you either love and understand or hate. But listen to the album before taking the word of anyone's review and make your own decision. Expand
  18. JimmyH.
    Jan 6, 2008
    There really aren't too many weak points on this album, i have no clue why it's getting the critical mauling that it is. Unlike Never, Never, Land, these tracks are actually bearable to some extent, which was the main weakness with UNKLE's second album. The highlight of this album is either Josh Homme's Restless or Persons And Machinery from Autolux, both are some of There really aren't too many weak points on this album, i have no clue why it's getting the critical mauling that it is. Unlike Never, Never, Land, these tracks are actually bearable to some extent, which was the main weakness with UNKLE's second album. The highlight of this album is either Josh Homme's Restless or Persons And Machinery from Autolux, both are some of my favourite songs of 2007. I definitely recommend this album. Expand
  19. JackB.
    Jul 17, 2007
    Price you pay is a quality track
  20. DecepticonPom
    Jul 22, 2007
    Not a PATCH on Psyence Fiction but miles better than the turgid Never Never Land. WARNING: The vaccuum packed two disc version with book is an absolute bugger to get out of the box! And who else thinks Burny My Shadow is a gratuituous slight to Josh Davies (albeit a bloody good choon of one!)?

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. If there’s a central problem with War Stories, it’s that at times it strays too close to rock orthodoxy and loses the offbeat stylistic flourishes that made Unkle such an exciting proposition to begin with.
  2. There are enough excellent moments on War Stories to judge it a success, but there's another sense of missed opportunity hanging over the album.
  3. While the results aren't entirely successful, "Twilight," especially, by Massive Attack's 3D, proves that Lavelle can reimagine 'soul' like no one else.