
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Oct 27, 2017
    Dance music gets one step closer to an honest depiction of euphoria; yes, yes, you’re drooling quite heavily, but at least you’re drooling through an earnest smile.
  2. Aug 21, 2017
    Warmth stands to resonate with those seeking a transportive experience whose peaks and valleys never overwhelm.
  3. Aug 17, 2017
    The music on Warmth is among the duo's most powerful, and several tracks from the LP could come alive in the right kind of DJ set.
  4. Aug 16, 2017
    Fans of experimentation with hardware in live shows, and evident in this work, Blondes have mixed all of these elements and delivered a fine album in Warmth.
  5. Aug 14, 2017
    Taken all together, Warmth is an enveloping listen, whether you’re the type to get up and move to music, or just sit and overthink it.
  6. 75
    Blondes' third album sees them take several steps forward, delivering a piece that's often mesmeric and always distinctively theirs.
  7. Aug 14, 2017
    The great thing about Blondes is how they move through such simple ingredients as a decent bassline and a tight groove, and end up in some tripped out wonderland after nine minutes of hedonistic bliss. On Warmth, they’ve traded that sound for something a bit harder and more immediate, which doesn’t end up all bad, but does sacrifice that elegiac joy they used to perfect so readily.
  8. Aug 14, 2017
    On Warmth, Blondes haven't drastically improved on their sound, but they feel at home delivering ten more high-quality textural cuts.

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