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Universal acclaim- based on 111 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 98 out of 111
  2. Negative: 8 out of 111
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  1. Sep 12, 2020
    Manson & Jennings make a fantastic team together making music. This album is dark, melodic and diverse.
  2. Sep 11, 2020
    Continues to reinvent and reinforce that fact that he is a legend. Give this a listen and tell me otherwise.
  3. Sep 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Magnífico Disco. Brooken Needle la mejor. Tiene influencias de David Bowie, The doors y The Beatles. Maravilloso. Expand
  4. Nov 2, 2020
    Honestly his best album in years. This man is a living legend!! Such a fan!
  5. Oct 18, 2020
    This album is easily among the best records Manson has ever made. Certainly his best in the past 2 decades. Teaming up with Shooter Jennings was the best decision he could’ve made, because this album is an instant classic. 9/10
  6. Sep 19, 2020
    Sheer brilliance and absolutely the best Manson album in ages. Just what 2020 needed.
  7. Sep 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album begins with an ominous spoken word intro that harkens back to his days as the Antichrist Superstar, and that serves as a warning of what's to come. "All I can see are gods to the left and demons to the right", this marks a shift into the first track, a high energy opener that features a dance between loud and atmospheric; a song which takes a nihilistic approach to America's current political climate. Though Manson is long past his days of writing political and social records, it's nice to be reminded that he's still got what it takes to make you think about your beliefs. It's from here that the album takes an unexpected twist, with tracks We Are Chaos, Don't Chase The Dead, Paint You With My Love, and Halfway & One Step Forward drawing on various different 70s and 80s inspirations; from Sisters of Mercy to Elton John and David Bowie. The first half of the record, side A, concludes in a bittersweet crescendo, a fight between forces of light and dark that Manson struggles with internally.

    Infinite Darkness marks the beginning of side B and a definite shift in tone. Rage and irony replaces hope and melancholy for this track. Perfume and Keep My Head Together work as a pair to deliver a heavy blues feel rarely felt on this record, and it fits in well; these songs deliver a dose of irony and even good advice in their lyrical themes. Solve Coagula begs people to listen as he lets them know that he's as much Marilyn Manson as he's ever been. As the god of **** says we have "tore off both your arms, gouged out your eyes, and ripped out your own tongue", he asks us to hear him out. In many ways it feels like a track that serves as vindication for Manson, a man who has been blamed for countless school shootings (Columbine, most notably) and for "corrupting the youth". It turns out it was our own fault all along. He's no monster, he's simply himself. The album closes with the epic final scene that is Broken Needle, an admission of his own shortcomings and the way he seems to admit to hurting others in the past. It's a very reflective track that's quite the tear jerker and feels almost like an apology more than an explanation; it's one of Manson's finest works and an amazing closer. Overall, this album does everything right and more. It draws on each era of Manson's career effectively and in a way that feels fresh and exciting; he also manages to experiment with some new sounds. It's a pained and raw record that comes off almost as an open letter in its reflective nature. The only issue one can take with it is that it ends. One thing is for sure: Manson is back on top of his game and Shooter Jennings is perhaps the best to compliment Manson's own sound since Trent Reznor and Twiggy Ramirez's work on his early records
  8. Sep 12, 2020
    This album is an instant masterpiece. Easily one of his best albums ever. Creatively unique with very mature lyrics and catchy melodies. A deep dive into the dark depths of the human nature in general and the artist especially.
  9. Oct 30, 2020
    I've stuck with Manson through the years and I'm extremely glad I did. This is a rewarding listen, completely different than everything before in some ways and yet familiar. It's a Marilyn Manson record for sure, but with an empathy and perspective that's unfamiliar. Probably some of the credit goes to producer Shooter Jennings, who was able to bring out some sides of the artist notI've stuck with Manson through the years and I'm extremely glad I did. This is a rewarding listen, completely different than everything before in some ways and yet familiar. It's a Marilyn Manson record for sure, but with an empathy and perspective that's unfamiliar. Probably some of the credit goes to producer Shooter Jennings, who was able to bring out some sides of the artist not before seen. Expand
  10. Sep 16, 2020
    A true masterpiece of music! Eclectic and full of deep story telling, deep and rich, beautiful art
  11. Sep 11, 2020
    There was a time when Marilyn Manson frightened Christians and evangelicals in the US so much that they resorted to telling many lies about him in order for young people not to attend his concerts or consume his music.

    That time is over and Mason has long since ceased to be that provocative figure, which for me was always a welcome change because people started paying more attention to
    There was a time when Marilyn Manson frightened Christians and evangelicals in the US so much that they resorted to telling many lies about him in order for young people not to attend his concerts or consume his music.

    That time is over and Mason has long since ceased to be that provocative figure, which for me was always a welcome change because people started paying more attention to music and not to the gimmick.

    Although unfortunately after releasing one of his best albums in 2000, Mason entered a streak that contributed very little to his career and in those years produced what is perhaps his worst album to date; The High End of Low.

    This streak lasted until 2015 when he released the album that he saw as his resurgence: The Pale Emperor and that hecontinued with Heaven Upside Down.

    Manson is back now with We Are Chaos and it's funny because the album is far from being chaos.

    This album is a bit strange for how Mason alternates his industrial sound with obviously more relaxed songs that even at times touch the grounds of Alternative Rock.

    And it may sound cliché but I do support that Manson changes his formula, but where he really shines is when he dwells in the sound that brought him to life and in that aspect the best things about We Are Chaos is when he explores that side.

    The album is short and concise, although not all the songs work quite well but there's fluidity in the rhythm and it doesn't become a tedious experience, although I must admit that of this revival trilogy, this album is in last place, more than anything, because despite the solidity of some of their songs, frankly there's nothing innovative both in the sound and in the lyrics.

    Notable Tracks

    > Red Black and Blue
    > Half-Way & One Step
    > Perfume
    > Solve Coagula
    > Broken Needle
  12. Sep 18, 2020
    The best way I can describe this is Mechanical Animals with slightly less 'mechanical', and I mean that in a good way. It's a bit more mellow than most of Manson's other works, a nice change of pace, and is something I think we all desperately needed in the 2020 climate.
  13. Sep 25, 2020
    Brilliant. Just like "The Pale Emperor", another Manson's album that's really worth a listen.
  14. Feb 18, 2021
    This one is one step ahead of other his albums and its ok for all people ..
  15. Sep 11, 2020
    Absolutely a great album- Best sense Holywood ( though Pale Emperor was pretty good) Very Good ! Recommend!
  16. Sep 15, 2020
    Необъяснимо, но факт... Давно слушаю Мэнсона, но чтобы вот так?! У меня весь альбом целиком на повторе уже который день... Обидно за "жёлтые" рецензии от критиков!
  17. Sep 17, 2020
    Just stunning!! Some of his best work to date.
    Outstanding track has to go to 'purfume'
  18. Sep 27, 2020
    Amazing album and best Marilyn Manson album since Holy Wood! Album is real masterpiece!
  19. Oct 5, 2020
    I think this is the best album yet. It shows how much they have evolved . excellent
  20. Oct 7, 2020
    Ein ruhiges und Tiefgründiges Album.
    Sein bestes der letzten 10 Jahre.
    Vor allem Broken Needle und Don't Chase the Dead sind Fabelhaft.
  21. Oct 19, 2020
    This album has deep shades of Nick Cave and David Bowie, but it also seethes with an undeniably Manson attitude of defiance and destruction. While the work of the great masters Cave and Bowie is in many respects inimitable, on “We Are Chaos” Manson dines at their table to reinvigorate his own worthy musical project. I have always liked that Manson is capably able to channel pure rage andThis album has deep shades of Nick Cave and David Bowie, but it also seethes with an undeniably Manson attitude of defiance and destruction. While the work of the great masters Cave and Bowie is in many respects inimitable, on “We Are Chaos” Manson dines at their table to reinvigorate his own worthy musical project. I have always liked that Manson is capably able to channel pure rage and thoughtful irony in equal measure into his music capturing the tragi-comedy and fury of generations coming of age in a world of rotten contradictions, and blending the deeply personal aspects of self-discovery-cum-loathing with a defiance aimed at the corrupt icons of modern society. We are chaos harnesses everything that’s come before in surprising, revealing and vindicating ways. Expand
  22. Nov 22, 2020
    I was a teenager in the mid-90s and Marilyn Manson was amazing at that time. He offered a unique and interesting twist on metal/industrial/rock that has never been rivaled in the same manner. He is not my favorite artist and I really did not listen to him after about 1997 (pre mechanical animals). But now in my (almost 40) older age I decided to give some of his stuff after Superstar aI was a teenager in the mid-90s and Marilyn Manson was amazing at that time. He offered a unique and interesting twist on metal/industrial/rock that has never been rivaled in the same manner. He is not my favorite artist and I really did not listen to him after about 1997 (pre mechanical animals). But now in my (almost 40) older age I decided to give some of his stuff after Superstar a listen. I have enjoyed some of it but most of the albums are forgettable in my opinion.
    I saw John Wick and heard Killing Strangers and thought it was a brilliant song. So I gave his newer stuff a chance. I was not impressed with Heaven Upside Down at all. I will give it a shot again if that is insane but I thought The Pale Emperor was better.
    I was in bed after midnight when We Are Chaos the music video popped up on my feed. I learned he was releasing this new album that day. I listened to it on Spotify, and then in the morning drove to a local record store and bought the vinyl immediately.
    This is one of the best albums he has ever made. Forgetting singles and the EP Smells Like Children, this is 3rd right after the first 2 (Portrait and Superstar) in my book. This album has such a beautiful sound while maintaining a dark tone that is in the same flavor of Manson yet people of any age could relate to it and appreciate it. The issue with some Manson stuff (especially after Superstar) was he appeared to be trying to maintain this freaky rebel teenager vibe and it just seemed kind of sad.
    I do not mean to sh** on his catalog from 98-2017 as I am sure many fans would not agree with me, but at the same time you have to admit this album is so beautiful and poetic compared to that other stuff. Some of these songs as individual tracks (Red Black and Blue, We are Chaos, Paint you with my Love) rival some of the singles from his biggest albums in his heyday.
    He did what David Bowie did with Blackstar but much sooner than Bowie did. I love Bowie. He is above Manson in my musical preference, but Bowie did a lot of crap albums from the 80s-2000s. Earthling is the most interesting but I never listen to it. When he released Blackstar it was simply phenomenal. He was already 69 years old and died of cancer basically at the same time... it was sad but I was happy he gifted us one of his best albums on his exit.
    Manson has achieved this amazing latter day album release years before Bowie did. And if he is still capable of making this level of album right now, that really gives me hope for another amazing Manson album.
    Shooter Jennings is an amazing producer also. This record is probably the best of the last several years in rock music. It is unfortunate Manson has carved such a specific fanbase where those outside of it tend to ignore or dismiss his music. If that were not the case I believe many more people would appreciate this album based on how it sounds and what it is saying.
    If you have an idea of Marilyn Manson just forget it and listen to this album for what it is and not as a Marilyn Manson album. The majority of rock fans would probably enjoy much of it at the very least.
  23. Sep 12, 2020
    What an amazing departure from his normalcies. Masterfully done. If there is a next album from Manson I can only hope there is this level of production and experimentation.
  24. Sep 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Marilyn Manson has found what's been missing in his music since the early 2000's A SOLID CO WRITER AND BACKING BAND. He has found it in Shooter Jennings and Co. 10/10 A+ certified spooky. THIS IS A FR3SH RELEVANT RECORD FOR RIGHT NOW AND REMINDS NE WHY I FELL IN LOVE WITH PORTRAIT OF AN AMERICAN FAMILY back in 94. We have some Radio Friendly tunes here... Expand
  25. Sep 11, 2020
    Mr. Manson is back! An excellent album showing human feelings.
    One of the best in the last 11 years.
  26. Sep 11, 2020
    The perfect album to listen to in these times. Manson once again shows his great versatility and talent. Do not expect a 90's era Manson, as other fans do. This is Manson at his most human, and transparent.

  27. Sep 11, 2020
    I miss a little bit of the heavy Manson, but this is a different kind of good. It's strange, new and exciting.
  28. Sep 11, 2020
    Este me recuerda mucho Holy Wood, vemos a un marilyn manson super maduro y evolucionado lo unico malo es que ya supere los temas religioso
  29. Sep 13, 2020
    Literally every song in this album sounds horrible. It's just Manson mumbling so much that you can't hear what he's saying. He used to be so creative but this trash just puts the nail in the coffin, Manson is over.
  30. Sep 15, 2020
    Horribly tone-deaf and has nothing left to say.

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Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Sep 25, 2020
    Baroque, doom-laden proclamations are Manson's bread and butter, and We Are Chaos is stuffed with them. [Oct 2020, p.86]
  2. Mojo
    Sep 23, 2020
    We Are Chaos thrives when Manson ditches his horrorcore shtick and actually emotes. [Nov 2020, p.80]
  3. Sep 14, 2020
    Manson has given his audience a collection of tracks that are stronger, tougher and better than they have any right to be. His ascendance led to the death of the original rock era, but his music is more vital and creative than ever. A stunning work.