• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: May 23, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 271 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 53 out of 271

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  1. Aug 11, 2012
    Intelligent, chilling and beautiful. That's exactly what the first album of Angels & Airwaves is. I wouldn't believe that this is the project of blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge, if I wouldn't recognize his voice. Completely different but also amazing. His voice sounds extremely beautiful here and the songs are really good made. Brilliant musicians made one fantastic album here, which is sadlyIntelligent, chilling and beautiful. That's exactly what the first album of Angels & Airwaves is. I wouldn't believe that this is the project of blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge, if I wouldn't recognize his voice. Completely different but also amazing. His voice sounds extremely beautiful here and the songs are really good made. Brilliant musicians made one fantastic album here, which is sadly very underrated. Expand
  2. Jan 25, 2012
    Tom Delonge has seemed to have developed a massive ego stating this was going to be a massive rock revolution which it really is not. It was alright but its not blink-182
  3. Oct 19, 2011
    i enjoyed this album, the prog feel the everything but this record does have weak points but other than that excellent. delonges vocals are inspiring and on point
  4. DannyR
    Jan 15, 2009
    This album was simply inspring during one of the lowest points of my life. A lot of people will underappreciate this album, but it truly is something ambient and incredible for those who desire a message in their music. It's well worth your time.
  5. shaeC
    Dec 5, 2008
    Simply the best album, ever. Yes one mite say its different, but so what? This is a great album that redefines Delonge. You have to listen to it as music not ex-blink guy declaring independence. people who would say that it build the song up to much are obviously fools and know nothing. The build up on each song is perfect. it makes the song more meaningful. SO, fuck you america this Simply the best album, ever. Yes one mite say its different, but so what? This is a great album that redefines Delonge. You have to listen to it as music not ex-blink guy declaring independence. people who would say that it build the song up to much are obviously fools and know nothing. The build up on each song is perfect. it makes the song more meaningful. SO, fuck you america this album rocks. keep it real delonge. Expand
  6. NickZ.
    Nov 9, 2008
    This album is amazing in it's entirety. Everyone should give this album a chance!
  7. HrafnkellL
    May 1, 2008
    I never liked Blink 182 NEVER they were a bunch of sellouts. But Angels And Airwaves is a different story this band i like it seems that Tom has grown up from all that blink 182 punk pop rock something BLA BLA But his friends Travis and Hoppus are in a band called plus 44 (aka blink 182 with 4 members not 3) But ye back to the album its Mind Blowing like someone stated before i just cant I never liked Blink 182 NEVER they were a bunch of sellouts. But Angels And Airwaves is a different story this band i like it seems that Tom has grown up from all that blink 182 punk pop rock something BLA BLA But his friends Travis and Hoppus are in a band called plus 44 (aka blink 182 with 4 members not 3) But ye back to the album its Mind Blowing like someone stated before i just cant stop listing to it it´s almost perfection but still it´s a little short but i like there style much of effects Keyboard ( Synths) and they create this almost perfect and the guitar lines are just good it´s just i cant describe it the album is a great begining of a great band so 9 out of 10. Expand
  8. MárioT
    Apr 23, 2008
    Tom Delonge was really reborn through this new music, which is more connected to his essence and stimulates us to discover all the power from our emotions, but he doesn't do it in an obvious way.
  9. PatrickM.
    Apr 16, 2008
    This album came out just after my mother died, so I was more open to it than those reeling over the breakup of blink-182. I am a huge blink fan, and I am stunned that so many other blink fans completely dismiss this album. This album is very powerful and I don't find any of these tracks to be 'whiny' or 'emo' as some reviewers have indicated. This is not an emo This album came out just after my mother died, so I was more open to it than those reeling over the breakup of blink-182. I am a huge blink fan, and I am stunned that so many other blink fans completely dismiss this album. This album is very powerful and I don't find any of these tracks to be 'whiny' or 'emo' as some reviewers have indicated. This is not an emo album, it's uplifting amidst a real description of the world today. And anybody who is open to it can enjoy it. Expand
  10. JerryTerry
    Mar 20, 2008
    First album of my life that I can listen through over and over to every song. Simply awesome. Concert was even better!
  11. BobJ.
    Nov 6, 2007
    If Tom was never in Blink-182, everyone would agree that this is an amazing album, but everyone's still stuck on the whole Blink thing. This is more of an alt/prog album, and people should forget the whole pop-punk thing that happened in the past.
  12. MichaelS
    Nov 5, 2007
    This is not and never will be blink-182. This is also nothing around. Stick with it and many will love it.
  13. ErlingS
    Nov 2, 2007
    probably the best album ever released. At first, the album seems boring, but after you have listened to it a couple of times, you understand how fantastic this shit is! God, tom is a genious
  14. ToddD.
    Sep 22, 2007
    This album is a daring and amazing new style of music, incorporating atmospheric rhythms, catchy vocals and lyrics, great bass and drums, and echoey, spacy, and perfect sounding guitar lines.
  15. PunkD.
    Sep 19, 2007
    This album is mind-blowing. I can easily see why reviews are mixed as they were reviewing the album on first listen. The album is themed, and it would be hard to distinguish between some of the songs on first listen. However, this album is a serious grower, and once you get to know the songs, sit back and play this album from start to finish, the soundscapes, the lyrics, the story, This album is mind-blowing. I can easily see why reviews are mixed as they were reviewing the album on first listen. The album is themed, and it would be hard to distinguish between some of the songs on first listen. However, this album is a serious grower, and once you get to know the songs, sit back and play this album from start to finish, the soundscapes, the lyrics, the story, everything will blow you away. Expand
  16. AlbertS.
    Aug 17, 2007
    DeLonge's soaring vocals and Willard's drumming, with Sinn's bass and Kennedy's keyboarding combine to make a 50 minute long masterpiece that makes one's heart soar and mind engage at full throttle. Listen to this album in a dark room with a candle, and see where your mind takes you. Start to finish, gapless playback, the whole shot. You will be surprised, no, DeLonge's soaring vocals and Willard's drumming, with Sinn's bass and Kennedy's keyboarding combine to make a 50 minute long masterpiece that makes one's heart soar and mind engage at full throttle. Listen to this album in a dark room with a candle, and see where your mind takes you. Start to finish, gapless playback, the whole shot. You will be surprised, no, astounded, by the depths this album goes to. It's amazingly well put together, and I'm sure I'm not alone in waiting anxiously for I-Empire. Expand
  17. TaylorS.
    Aug 3, 2007
    This abulm not only focuses on party and stuff but it expresses what is actually happening in todays world This band may just revolutionize music i am looking foward to I-empire
  18. NathanR
    Jul 24, 2007
    this album tends to have a certain feel to it. I cant say what it is, as I can not think of what it is, but the guitars are really good, clear and well played, the druming is well observed and done, particuarly in the adventure. The bass is rather well played and tends to be played very well and relaxingly, as if the player is really feeling his way through the music. Tom Delonge's this album tends to have a certain feel to it. I cant say what it is, as I can not think of what it is, but the guitars are really good, clear and well played, the druming is well observed and done, particuarly in the adventure. The bass is rather well played and tends to be played very well and relaxingly, as if the player is really feeling his way through the music. Tom Delonge's singing is very good and his lyrical features are well written and sung. He doesnt put as much swearing and things to do with sex into his lyrics and has grown up a tremendous amount. I love this band and think it should be voted top marks. Expand
  19. JasonPH
    Jun 11, 2007
    I really like this album. Guitar work by both DeLonge and Kennedy is very nice. Only downfall of this album is the intros into some of the songs like Valkyrie Missile, its too long and it may entice new listeners to stop listening to the CD. But once you get past the intros you have some very nice music. Exceptional work on The Adventure, Do It For Me Now, and It Hurts. These songs really I really like this album. Guitar work by both DeLonge and Kennedy is very nice. Only downfall of this album is the intros into some of the songs like Valkyrie Missile, its too long and it may entice new listeners to stop listening to the CD. But once you get past the intros you have some very nice music. Exceptional work on The Adventure, Do It For Me Now, and It Hurts. These songs really sold the album. Expand
  20. LeongL
    Apr 8, 2007
    You know, it's on of those things that does JUST enough to keep your attention. It's not the best album, but a good first attempt. Overall, I more or less enjoyed it, but let's hope for a better album next time.
  21. RanC
    Apr 4, 2007
    i dont understand the people that is stuck in the same pattern like u2, or another alike band. i mean you should get outside the box and give an oportunity to this band that change my own music style. After listening very careful to AVA i really realised whats my style,my way of life. AVA is the best that could happend in the worlds music. jus pay attention and wait...you will see. dont i dont understand the people that is stuck in the same pattern like u2, or another alike band. i mean you should get outside the box and give an oportunity to this band that change my own music style. After listening very careful to AVA i really realised whats my style,my way of life. AVA is the best that could happend in the worlds music. jus pay attention and wait...you will see. dont stay in the box.....give the band and your self a chance...ENJOY...its better!!! Expand
  22. MugstaDeuce
    Apr 4, 2007
    i feel like i can fly......try to really listen to it!
  23. Nant14
    Mar 15, 2007
    Improvement for Tom.Improvement for the whole music.Really heart-stopping album.I wish AVA to continue their music experiments.I don't understand critics that gave this album mediocre scores.
  24. andyc
    Feb 23, 2007
    This is an album which we all have to listen to carefully. Forget that its the "New Tom D." Forget that "They're Overrated." just sit down. and listen.
  25. ColinT
    Feb 14, 2007
    While entertaining, there's really nothing at all new about the sound. I liked the album but I can't say much good about it because it was pretty average. I like AVA better than Blink, though.
  26. phillipg
    Feb 2, 2007
    Tom is a true modern day poet ! More people should realize this
  27. justafanblink
    Jan 14, 2007
    Delonge is on his way of changing music for the better."We Don't Need to Whisper," is a start to something great.Although Mark and Travis are left doing their own thing.I wish best of luck to Delonge,knowing he was born for greatness.Blink will forever be missed.
  28. Liz!G
    Jan 3, 2007
    I was never a huge fan of Blink, or Tom for that matter, but Angels and Airwaves is definitely one of the best bands to come around in the past 2 years. We Don't Need to Whisper is sheer classic. It's unique and it has it's own style. The drums and guitar riffs are utterly AMAZING. They're one of my favorite bands of all time, and I think they deserve a chance because I was never a huge fan of Blink, or Tom for that matter, but Angels and Airwaves is definitely one of the best bands to come around in the past 2 years. We Don't Need to Whisper is sheer classic. It's unique and it has it's own style. The drums and guitar riffs are utterly AMAZING. They're one of my favorite bands of all time, and I think they deserve a chance because they're trying something new. Harsh criticism for this band really isn't fair because it's their very first cd. This cd has helped me through some really tough times this year and I listen to it all the time. It never gets old. I'm also having the Adventure be played while I walk down the aisle at my wedding next year so BOOYA BITCHES!! Expand
  29. Anon82
    Dec 31, 2006
    Best rock vocal.mr tom delonge
  30. AlyssaJ
    Dec 31, 2006
    Toms music is awsome!!!
  31. Zanriel
    Dec 29, 2006
    This album continues the trend started in Blink-182's last album. It's moodier, more progressive, and less punk, but still has plenty of upbeat tracks. It's probably not the best for fans of straight up rock/punk, but it's great for fans of melodic rock like Jimmy Eat World, Collective Soul, etc. I love it!
  32. TyroneP
    Dec 17, 2006
    Once you get past the euphoria and PMA attitude inherent on this album, and flow (if you can), with the positive energy- it's fantastic. Criticizing this album is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. But give it a chance, set your cynicism on a shelf, and try to understand it...
  33. MarcoP
    Dec 7, 2006
    My favorite album of all time....... Tom Delonge Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  34. Abbi
    Oct 29, 2006
    This is one of my favorite all-time albums. All you Blink fans need to get over the fact that they're over. Delonge has found his musical bliss and I think it is breath-takingly beautiful.
  35. wisnusXe
    Oct 28, 2006
    my fav album.... we don't need to whisper... my fav song : the adventure...
  36. mattvocal
    Oct 27, 2006
    Well, the album isn't great, but I do like it though. I remember when Tom kept saying 'This will be the best rock album in the past 20 years.' Yeah, I was thinking 'Well, he's working hard from what it sounds.'but honestly, it isn;t great. Good, but not great. The album seems to have lag of the same parts a little spread out over the songs. But I will say Well, the album isn't great, but I do like it though. I remember when Tom kept saying 'This will be the best rock album in the past 20 years.' Yeah, I was thinking 'Well, he's working hard from what it sounds.'but honestly, it isn;t great. Good, but not great. The album seems to have lag of the same parts a little spread out over the songs. But I will say this, 'Valkyrie Missile','Do It For Me Now','Distraction','It Hurts', and 'The War' are the best songs on the record. Actaully,'The War' is the only song that sounds like hard rock similar to 'Stay Together For The Kids' and 'Adam's Song'(If you ever noticed) But Yeah, I miss Blink 182. Yet again, I'll have to deal with AvA. Expand
  37. billyk
    Sep 28, 2006
    just because the albums different, it doesnt mean its bad. yea, it is a little repetitive, but it is still one of my favoret albums and they are my favoret band right now. im not suprised by everyone elses reaction though...no one seems to be open minded like i am these days...
  38. ColinD
    Sep 5, 2006
    Tom Delonge's effort i believe is heart winning and i give the guy for having enough balls to say whats hes said about the record and what the music and "BAND" is going to change the world. Now i am a huge fan of delonge. i admire his style. He needs to push himself more musically and expand his capabilites. Most of the songs on the album did sound the same. But were undeniably good. Tom Delonge's effort i believe is heart winning and i give the guy for having enough balls to say whats hes said about the record and what the music and "BAND" is going to change the world. Now i am a huge fan of delonge. i admire his style. He needs to push himself more musically and expand his capabilites. Most of the songs on the album did sound the same. But were undeniably good. My opinion alone and many will disagree. I wish so much that blink who get back together and never broke up. Maybe whatever happened to blink we really dont know for sure. Tom delonge can give us a messege of what he wants the album to be. He is in his own world right now. Its weird to me that he would put out to the world that god wrote half of the album and that this is the best band that have ever come out in 20 years. Thats quite a ego. Those are huge words. Ava will never be bigger than u2 or pink floyd. Tom needs to break the boundraies of his big head and just have fun playing music because that is what its really all about. You can touch someones heart. But one album cannot change the world. Expand
  39. PaulM
    Sep 3, 2006
    Very good music, but Tom's voice doesn't seem to fit in with the music at some points. Otherwise, a good CD
  40. DannyO
    Sep 2, 2006
    Wow what a great album. Its amazing, it literally makes me cry sometimes. Its beautiful sounds just make the perfect melody. Valkyrie Missile just had everything a song needs. This is how all music should be.
  41. natasha-leer
    Aug 29, 2006
    heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! your album is fantastic. it is true...you do reach out to peoples hearts with your singing YOUR MY HERO TOM DELONGE!!
  42. NjoiF
    Aug 28, 2006
    An amazing album. Simply one of the best that i have ever heard. Better then blink and boxcar racer, Tom has done it again. Every single song is great, particularly valkarye missile, the adventure and Start the Machine. Everyone who hates this album should jump off a building
  43. Louise
    Aug 23, 2006
    This album is the best ever! Screw the boring old farts who can't get into anything new and different. Tom is, was and always will be an absolute god! Who cares if it's emo/punk/rock... all i care about is if it's good... and it isn't... it's even better. In the words of Tom Delonge... 'It's the raddest!'
  44. MadelineH
    Aug 21, 2006
    cool but no blink 182
  45. ryanw
    Aug 14, 2006
    i totally agree with everything roger said
  46. AmarganthA
    Aug 10, 2006
    The best ambiental rock album ever... lol, U2 can pack bags.... Hell, the music is not a bit like the U2 shit, yet still they compare... Well, if you must, A&A are gods. the best album this year... Great music, great singing... This is going to be the best band ever, trust me... just wait... Angels & Airwaves, thank God you brought life into music...
  47. JilHIP-hopSucks
    Aug 8, 2006
    gREAT aLBUM gREAT sONG but could of been better we will see if the next angels and airwaves album will be better
  48. DavidY
    Aug 6, 2006
    Personally, I really really enjoyed this record. Sure, it wasn't as truly amazing as I first hoped, and none of the tracks have had such an immediate impact as "The Adventure", and sure, Tom's vocals may seem slightly out of place at times. But this is a really, really good record. The production is state-of-the-art and top-notch and all thoughts of blink-182 simply wash away Personally, I really really enjoyed this record. Sure, it wasn't as truly amazing as I first hoped, and none of the tracks have had such an immediate impact as "The Adventure", and sure, Tom's vocals may seem slightly out of place at times. But this is a really, really good record. The production is state-of-the-art and top-notch and all thoughts of blink-182 simply wash away with the opening synths of "Valkyrie Missile". Long live AVA. Expand
  49. Beck
    Jul 30, 2006
    Lives up to the hype Tom Delonge surrounded it with and then gives you a bit more. I agree that some songs do sound a little similar, but other than that it's wonderful.
  50. DrewB
    Jul 28, 2006
    This is the best album I have heard in over a decade. I can't believe RS gave it such a bad review. Do the reviewers listen to an album once and roll with their review? I know I have to hear an album 3 times, over 3 days before making a judgement, and this album is sensational. Catchy hooks, outstanding production, and they rock. I love it. Can't wait for more!
  51. Carly
    Jul 22, 2006
    I don't like this album but i'll give it a ten because Blink are my favourite ever band. I love you Tom
  52. AlR
    Jul 21, 2006
    To me, its the best album of the year so far. I do think its epic and all the rest of what Tom claimed and wanted it to be. There isnt a bad track on the album, which i think is an extremely difficult thing to do. I think people, and critics especially, should read the lyrics in the songs. There all so deep and meaningful and like Blink and Boxcar tracks were, you can totally relate to To me, its the best album of the year so far. I do think its epic and all the rest of what Tom claimed and wanted it to be. There isnt a bad track on the album, which i think is an extremely difficult thing to do. I think people, and critics especially, should read the lyrics in the songs. There all so deep and meaningful and like Blink and Boxcar tracks were, you can totally relate to them and feel inspired by a song to go out and do anything you want to. Tom has definatley proved he can create great music on his own again, just like in Boxcar, with some awesome tracks like The Adventure, It Hurts and to me one of the greatest tracks iv ever heard, Valkyrie Missile. Even though it last nearly 7 minutes, you cant get bored of it! But that is just how i feel and i am a massive fan of his work. I do think if the was a blink album it would have got much more recognition and with maybe Mark and certainly Travis input, then this would be even more bigger then it is. But this is Toms individual work and i personally think its amazing he's done a great job and become an overall better musican, so well done and keep up the good work! Dont let anyone put you Tom, your the best there is!! Expand
  53. incubus3389
    Jul 15, 2006
    Its truely beautiful.. epic.. there is something truely granduer about its sound.. love
  54. Kira
    Jul 15, 2006
    HONESTLY GUYS, this is the best CD that has come out in ALONG time,and anyone out there that says that Tom can't sing or play guitar, i'd like to see YOU do better, cause personaly i think hes amazing. if you ever read this Tom, (which you probably wont) but, i LOVE ALLYOUR WORK, the old and new Blink-182, BoxCar Racer, and the newest of your projects, Angels and Airwaves, i HONESTLY GUYS, this is the best CD that has come out in ALONG time,and anyone out there that says that Tom can't sing or play guitar, i'd like to see YOU do better, cause personaly i think hes amazing. if you ever read this Tom, (which you probably wont) but, i LOVE ALLYOUR WORK, the old and new Blink-182, BoxCar Racer, and the newest of your projects, Angels and Airwaves, i think you have so much talent and i'm expecting Angels and Airwaves to go further than Blink-182 . So keep it up Love you guys all. -KIRA. Expand
  55. umbertoe
    Jul 9, 2006
    yes, this album is an amalgamation of the styles of the Cure, Peter Gabriel, and U2...and yes, it is full of layers of effects and mondoproduction. but, it is very moving and inspirational if you can let go of yourself for a bit and let the music take you to new heights. the progressive movement of the music seems to be built for elevating the listener. and, it is up to the listener to yes, this album is an amalgamation of the styles of the Cure, Peter Gabriel, and U2...and yes, it is full of layers of effects and mondoproduction. but, it is very moving and inspirational if you can let go of yourself for a bit and let the music take you to new heights. the progressive movement of the music seems to be built for elevating the listener. and, it is up to the listener to allow themselves to love it...not be cross with it as to feel some sense of worth as an individual for putting it under your feet with the rest of the dirt. but, one might have recognized that in the lyrics had one really given their ear. I really enjoyed it...not sure about its epicness in relation to the rest of rock, and rock recording echelon....but, I think it is as cohesive and listenable and inspiring as most anything i've heard in twenty years. Expand
  56. ADog
    Jul 9, 2006
    This is good music. I found that the change in music style from the edgy punk to a more anthem-like sound refreshing. The tone and message of the songs are clear, honest, and even hopeful. I found the message of hope coming from a "punk goof" as hitting a more honest tone than a robed messanger from Rome (not at all "poo-faced"). I listen to this album often and it feels good everytime I do.
  57. k.tk.t
    Jul 8, 2006
    hey you guys give them a chance..... they feel great with thier new band.... they are really good... and i think that they will be better than blink 182...
  58. MacarionM
    Jul 6, 2006
    "I understand a band wanting to explore new options but you dont mess with proven success." I don't care about this album, I haven't even heard it. I just wanted to point out that the guy who said this^seriously needs to be harpooned in the scrotum.
  59. JOHNB
    Jul 4, 2006
    This album rocks.
  60. sandyo
    Jul 1, 2006
    AVA has created a very meaninggul album that speaks to you - it is intelligent, creative, and beautiful. While many people are comparing it to what Blink-182 use to be I am looking at it as what it is - pure hopeful thoughts that really make you think that if you look past all the drama and the hate in the world that everything will end up ok - and AVA really mean it - It is a wonderful AVA has created a very meaninggul album that speaks to you - it is intelligent, creative, and beautiful. While many people are comparing it to what Blink-182 use to be I am looking at it as what it is - pure hopeful thoughts that really make you think that if you look past all the drama and the hate in the world that everything will end up ok - and AVA really mean it - It is a wonderful enlightening album full of hopes and dreams to make the world a better place for everyone. So don't compare it to the potty-mouth humor that was Blink but look at it for what it is - a new band with a new start creating beautiful music Expand
  61. dymol
    Jun 30, 2006
    Great album, unique sound and outlook
  62. HomieBB
    Jun 29, 2006
    this is great stuff
  63. AndresA
    Jun 24, 2006
    perfect album, i just love it so epic and uplifting.
  64. NikkiP
    Jun 22, 2006
    They sound so much like blink 182. and yes i agree most of the songs do sound alike but all of the songs are good!!!!
  65. ChrisW
    Jun 18, 2006
    I really don't like Blink 182, but I love this CD! The first time I heard it I didn't even know that this was the guy from Blink 182. The flow of the songs is perfect and although it sounds like an early U2 at times, they stay far away enough from that to be considered riping it. I hope that we get to hear more from Angels & Airwaves and less from Blink 182.
  66. Tracey
    Jun 16, 2006
    Tom DeLonge is a god. This is the first album in over 2 years that I have bought in which I haved loved every single song. It's perfect.
  67. MikeyC
    Jun 10, 2006
    It's pretty good all around, possibly because I like the bands where each member came from, but overall it has a pretty good sound too it. Critics are all wrapped up with emo BS right now so just for kinda sounding that way they'll lose point right off the bat. Oh yeah and if you look at some of the posts where they say they hate it, they are aying the exact same thing the It's pretty good all around, possibly because I like the bands where each member came from, but overall it has a pretty good sound too it. Critics are all wrapped up with emo BS right now so just for kinda sounding that way they'll lose point right off the bat. Oh yeah and if you look at some of the posts where they say they hate it, they are aying the exact same thing the critics say, c'mon at least put some effort and make up your own review. Expand
  68. ValkyrieMissile
    Jun 9, 2006
    I can understand if people dont like the music, thats fine. But keep you're shitty opinions to yourself. It's not entirely easy to do what Tom does, it's a great effort by him, and it sounds amazing. You need an open mind, a good set of headphones and you're set. To keep it simple, AVA is the shit.
  69. RobertP
    Jun 8, 2006
    great record.
  70. ShaneF
    Jun 6, 2006
    Okay it's not a rock n roll revolution but it's still a really good album. It really refreshing to hear music with a positive message rather than bands bitching about their tough lives which is what most music today is about. The album is a little over produced in parts but musically and lyrically it's top notch stuff. Anyone with an open mind should check it out, but Okay it's not a rock n roll revolution but it's still a really good album. It really refreshing to hear music with a positive message rather than bands bitching about their tough lives which is what most music today is about. The album is a little over produced in parts but musically and lyrically it's top notch stuff. Anyone with an open mind should check it out, but don't expect it to sound like Blink or Boxcar. Expand
  71. JonS
    Jun 5, 2006
    1 word 'Brilliant!'
  72. MichealS
    Jun 5, 2006
    Very good album definately grabs your heart the first time you here it and anyone who thinks otherwise has no variety in music.
  73. Toby
    Jun 5, 2006
    Great, consistant album, Toms voice is amazing
  74. ChrisA
    Jun 4, 2006
    When i first listened to this CD it wasnt as good as I thought it would be. But once i listened to the CD more and more it kinda grew on me. Realising it's very different to any of his previous work and songs like The Adventure and Valkyrie Missile proves that he can still produce good music At times it does take a while for the song to get going and wish Tom or any of the other When i first listened to this CD it wasnt as good as I thought it would be. But once i listened to the CD more and more it kinda grew on me. Realising it's very different to any of his previous work and songs like The Adventure and Valkyrie Missile proves that he can still produce good music At times it does take a while for the song to get going and wish Tom or any of the other guitarists would experiment more on the guitar i.e. solos, but overall a very good album. Expand
  75. TomC
    Jun 2, 2006
    It's an alright listen. If you liked the slower material on Blinks last album, then it's worth checking out. All in all though, it gets boring quickly.
  76. AnnM
    Jun 2, 2006
    Delonge's vocals is best. It is very space & beautiful music. I can dream in this music space. This is my
  77. TuomasK
    Jun 1, 2006
    Easily best music that has come within few years. Its too bad they never tour in Finland, so ill never have chance to see AVA ever in my life :( Their music is very good and reminds all that there can be a better tomorrow ahead.
    May 31, 2006
    Every Album has flaws, and so does this but who gives a fuck. OK COMPUTER had flaws. But this is a beautiful album. It's songs shimmer with hope and love. I would be overjoyed to write something as powerful as this.
  79. ShawnB
    May 29, 2006
    Wow. I really enjoyed so much that I went and saw the concert in Chicago @ the Vic. Both I can tell you are nothing less than SPECTACULAR!!
  80. DavidN
    May 29, 2006
    i dont see anything wrong with the album.. ok i admit it its not an actual music revolution but it does sound good so dont bag it out. Its like the best music ive ever heard in ages.
  81. DanM
    May 28, 2006
    Truly a great album. Gets better tho more you listen to it.
  82. SeanT
    May 28, 2006
    this cd is amazing and passionate and i wish that mark was there to back tom's vocals. Adam Willard did a good job but i still would have rather had travis
  83. JD
    May 27, 2006
    If you like Blink 182's last album, you should like this. This may not be the best record in the last two decades, but it does deserve at least a listen. I liked most of the songs, although there isn't a lot of variation. If you like the U2-Edge guitar sound, you'll love how this sounds.
  84. gg
    May 27, 2006
  85. KevinD
    May 27, 2006
  86. MikeF
    May 26, 2006
    Tom Delonge's vocal talents aren't anything to throw a stick at, but after many many years of Blink 182 devotion it just kinda grows on you...I love Angels and Airwaves because when I listen to this disc it chills me out and gives me the most relaxing 50 minutes ever....to each their own I suppose. Tom Delonge haters do your worst, he's still richer than all of you. :P
  87. MonicaS
    May 26, 2006
    I think the important things here is that Tom did what he wanted. He's proud of his work - is that too much to ask?
  88. StephanieH
    May 26, 2006
    I agree that this is the best new CD I've bought in a long time. It does aim a bit high and since theres not a lot of variety you will either love it or hate it. If you don't like the single, "Adventure", or Blink's final album, stay away. The lyrics are well written and complex- I couldn't decide if they were about nuclear fallout of a breakup (turns out both and I agree that this is the best new CD I've bought in a long time. It does aim a bit high and since theres not a lot of variety you will either love it or hate it. If you don't like the single, "Adventure", or Blink's final album, stay away. The lyrics are well written and complex- I couldn't decide if they were about nuclear fallout of a breakup (turns out both and more)! Overall AAA's debut was refreshing- before the album was over I already wanted to hear it again Expand
  89. PaddyM
    May 26, 2006
    This may not be the most artistic album to have come out in the past several years. Music snobs will likely have a problem with this album, but for those to whom the emotional appeal of an album trumps the nuances of the album, this is a must-have. I have not stopped listening to it since a co-worker of mine brought it into the office on the release date.
  90. DavidL
    May 26, 2006
    Much like Coheed and Cambria, the vocals will take some getting used to. But eventually you'll discover that this is a very worthwhile album and should find a place in anybody's collection.
  91. jonm
    May 26, 2006
    best thing delonge as done in his career
  92. bobroberts
    May 26, 2006
    this cd rocks my socks off lierally
  93. SandroD
    May 25, 2006
    Holy shit AvA,Blink,and BCR kick ass!!!!!BYE BITCHES
  94. jt
    May 25, 2006
  95. seana
    May 25, 2006
    one of the best albums i have ever heard in my life!
  96. BennettP
    May 25, 2006
    None of these people understand Tom Delonge...
  97. NathanP
    May 25, 2006
    Excellent album. Truly uplifting and awesome experience!
  98. SteveN
    May 25, 2006
    Great CD
  99. [Anonymous]
    May 25, 2006
    best album ever
  100. junaida
    May 25, 2006
    Amazing album.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Blender
    The resulting batch of songs... just pad out the duller bits of blink, then add walls of mid-'80s-era U2 guitar chimes. [Jun 2006, p.136]
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    If only DeLonge's nasal vocals were more suited to the Robert Smith romanticism of tracks like "It Hurts." [26 May 2006, p.107]
  3. Many of Angel's midtempo tracks, while well-intentioned, fail to reach the lofty heights to which they aspire.