• Record Label: Geffen
  • Release Date: May 23, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 271 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 53 out of 271

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  1. Aug 11, 2012
    Intelligent, chilling and beautiful. That's exactly what the first album of Angels & Airwaves is. I wouldn't believe that this is the project of blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge, if I wouldn't recognize his voice. Completely different but also amazing. His voice sounds extremely beautiful here and the songs are really good made. Brilliant musicians made one fantastic album here, which is sadlyIntelligent, chilling and beautiful. That's exactly what the first album of Angels & Airwaves is. I wouldn't believe that this is the project of blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge, if I wouldn't recognize his voice. Completely different but also amazing. His voice sounds extremely beautiful here and the songs are really good made. Brilliant musicians made one fantastic album here, which is sadly very underrated. Expand
  2. Jan 25, 2012
    Tom Delonge has seemed to have developed a massive ego stating this was going to be a massive rock revolution which it really is not. It was alright but its not blink-182
  3. Oct 19, 2011
    i enjoyed this album, the prog feel the everything but this record does have weak points but other than that excellent. delonges vocals are inspiring and on point
  4. DannyR
    Jan 15, 2009
    This album was simply inspring during one of the lowest points of my life. A lot of people will underappreciate this album, but it truly is something ambient and incredible for those who desire a message in their music. It's well worth your time.
  5. shaeC
    Dec 5, 2008
    Simply the best album, ever. Yes one mite say its different, but so what? This is a great album that redefines Delonge. You have to listen to it as music not ex-blink guy declaring independence. people who would say that it build the song up to much are obviously fools and know nothing. The build up on each song is perfect. it makes the song more meaningful. SO, fuck you america this Simply the best album, ever. Yes one mite say its different, but so what? This is a great album that redefines Delonge. You have to listen to it as music not ex-blink guy declaring independence. people who would say that it build the song up to much are obviously fools and know nothing. The build up on each song is perfect. it makes the song more meaningful. SO, fuck you america this album rocks. keep it real delonge. Expand
  6. NickZ.
    Nov 9, 2008
    This album is amazing in it's entirety. Everyone should give this album a chance!
  7. HrafnkellL
    May 1, 2008
    I never liked Blink 182 NEVER they were a bunch of sellouts. But Angels And Airwaves is a different story this band i like it seems that Tom has grown up from all that blink 182 punk pop rock something BLA BLA But his friends Travis and Hoppus are in a band called plus 44 (aka blink 182 with 4 members not 3) But ye back to the album its Mind Blowing like someone stated before i just cant I never liked Blink 182 NEVER they were a bunch of sellouts. But Angels And Airwaves is a different story this band i like it seems that Tom has grown up from all that blink 182 punk pop rock something BLA BLA But his friends Travis and Hoppus are in a band called plus 44 (aka blink 182 with 4 members not 3) But ye back to the album its Mind Blowing like someone stated before i just cant stop listing to it it´s almost perfection but still it´s a little short but i like there style much of effects Keyboard ( Synths) and they create this almost perfect and the guitar lines are just good it´s just i cant describe it the album is a great begining of a great band so 9 out of 10. Expand
  8. MárioT
    Apr 23, 2008
    Tom Delonge was really reborn through this new music, which is more connected to his essence and stimulates us to discover all the power from our emotions, but he doesn't do it in an obvious way.
  9. PatrickM.
    Apr 16, 2008
    This album came out just after my mother died, so I was more open to it than those reeling over the breakup of blink-182. I am a huge blink fan, and I am stunned that so many other blink fans completely dismiss this album. This album is very powerful and I don't find any of these tracks to be 'whiny' or 'emo' as some reviewers have indicated. This is not an emo This album came out just after my mother died, so I was more open to it than those reeling over the breakup of blink-182. I am a huge blink fan, and I am stunned that so many other blink fans completely dismiss this album. This album is very powerful and I don't find any of these tracks to be 'whiny' or 'emo' as some reviewers have indicated. This is not an emo album, it's uplifting amidst a real description of the world today. And anybody who is open to it can enjoy it. Expand
  10. JerryTerry
    Mar 20, 2008
    First album of my life that I can listen through over and over to every song. Simply awesome. Concert was even better!
  11. BobJ.
    Nov 6, 2007
    If Tom was never in Blink-182, everyone would agree that this is an amazing album, but everyone's still stuck on the whole Blink thing. This is more of an alt/prog album, and people should forget the whole pop-punk thing that happened in the past.
  12. MichaelS
    Nov 5, 2007
    This is not and never will be blink-182. This is also nothing around. Stick with it and many will love it.
  13. ErlingS
    Nov 2, 2007
    probably the best album ever released. At first, the album seems boring, but after you have listened to it a couple of times, you understand how fantastic this shit is! God, tom is a genious
  14. ToddD.
    Sep 22, 2007
    This album is a daring and amazing new style of music, incorporating atmospheric rhythms, catchy vocals and lyrics, great bass and drums, and echoey, spacy, and perfect sounding guitar lines.
  15. PunkD.
    Sep 19, 2007
    This album is mind-blowing. I can easily see why reviews are mixed as they were reviewing the album on first listen. The album is themed, and it would be hard to distinguish between some of the songs on first listen. However, this album is a serious grower, and once you get to know the songs, sit back and play this album from start to finish, the soundscapes, the lyrics, the story, This album is mind-blowing. I can easily see why reviews are mixed as they were reviewing the album on first listen. The album is themed, and it would be hard to distinguish between some of the songs on first listen. However, this album is a serious grower, and once you get to know the songs, sit back and play this album from start to finish, the soundscapes, the lyrics, the story, everything will blow you away. Expand
  16. AlbertS.
    Aug 17, 2007
    DeLonge's soaring vocals and Willard's drumming, with Sinn's bass and Kennedy's keyboarding combine to make a 50 minute long masterpiece that makes one's heart soar and mind engage at full throttle. Listen to this album in a dark room with a candle, and see where your mind takes you. Start to finish, gapless playback, the whole shot. You will be surprised, no, DeLonge's soaring vocals and Willard's drumming, with Sinn's bass and Kennedy's keyboarding combine to make a 50 minute long masterpiece that makes one's heart soar and mind engage at full throttle. Listen to this album in a dark room with a candle, and see where your mind takes you. Start to finish, gapless playback, the whole shot. You will be surprised, no, astounded, by the depths this album goes to. It's amazingly well put together, and I'm sure I'm not alone in waiting anxiously for I-Empire. Expand
  17. TaylorS.
    Aug 3, 2007
    This abulm not only focuses on party and stuff but it expresses what is actually happening in todays world This band may just revolutionize music i am looking foward to I-empire
  18. NathanR
    Jul 24, 2007
    this album tends to have a certain feel to it. I cant say what it is, as I can not think of what it is, but the guitars are really good, clear and well played, the druming is well observed and done, particuarly in the adventure. The bass is rather well played and tends to be played very well and relaxingly, as if the player is really feeling his way through the music. Tom Delonge's this album tends to have a certain feel to it. I cant say what it is, as I can not think of what it is, but the guitars are really good, clear and well played, the druming is well observed and done, particuarly in the adventure. The bass is rather well played and tends to be played very well and relaxingly, as if the player is really feeling his way through the music. Tom Delonge's singing is very good and his lyrical features are well written and sung. He doesnt put as much swearing and things to do with sex into his lyrics and has grown up a tremendous amount. I love this band and think it should be voted top marks. Expand
  19. JasonPH
    Jun 11, 2007
    I really like this album. Guitar work by both DeLonge and Kennedy is very nice. Only downfall of this album is the intros into some of the songs like Valkyrie Missile, its too long and it may entice new listeners to stop listening to the CD. But once you get past the intros you have some very nice music. Exceptional work on The Adventure, Do It For Me Now, and It Hurts. These songs really I really like this album. Guitar work by both DeLonge and Kennedy is very nice. Only downfall of this album is the intros into some of the songs like Valkyrie Missile, its too long and it may entice new listeners to stop listening to the CD. But once you get past the intros you have some very nice music. Exceptional work on The Adventure, Do It For Me Now, and It Hurts. These songs really sold the album. Expand
  20. LeongL
    Apr 8, 2007
    You know, it's on of those things that does JUST enough to keep your attention. It's not the best album, but a good first attempt. Overall, I more or less enjoyed it, but let's hope for a better album next time.
  21. RanC
    Apr 4, 2007
    i dont understand the people that is stuck in the same pattern like u2, or another alike band. i mean you should get outside the box and give an oportunity to this band that change my own music style. After listening very careful to AVA i really realised whats my style,my way of life. AVA is the best that could happend in the worlds music. jus pay attention and wait...you will see. dont i dont understand the people that is stuck in the same pattern like u2, or another alike band. i mean you should get outside the box and give an oportunity to this band that change my own music style. After listening very careful to AVA i really realised whats my style,my way of life. AVA is the best that could happend in the worlds music. jus pay attention and wait...you will see. dont stay in the box.....give the band and your self a chance...ENJOY...its better!!! Expand
  22. MugstaDeuce
    Apr 4, 2007
    i feel like i can fly......try to really listen to it!
  23. Nant14
    Mar 15, 2007
    Improvement for Tom.Improvement for the whole music.Really heart-stopping album.I wish AVA to continue their music experiments.I don't understand critics that gave this album mediocre scores.
  24. andyc
    Feb 23, 2007
    This is an album which we all have to listen to carefully. Forget that its the "New Tom D." Forget that "They're Overrated." just sit down. and listen.
  25. ColinT
    Feb 14, 2007
    While entertaining, there's really nothing at all new about the sound. I liked the album but I can't say much good about it because it was pretty average. I like AVA better than Blink, though.
  26. phillipg
    Feb 2, 2007
    Tom is a true modern day poet ! More people should realize this
  27. justafanblink
    Jan 14, 2007
    Delonge is on his way of changing music for the better."We Don't Need to Whisper," is a start to something great.Although Mark and Travis are left doing their own thing.I wish best of luck to Delonge,knowing he was born for greatness.Blink will forever be missed.
  28. Liz!G
    Jan 3, 2007
    I was never a huge fan of Blink, or Tom for that matter, but Angels and Airwaves is definitely one of the best bands to come around in the past 2 years. We Don't Need to Whisper is sheer classic. It's unique and it has it's own style. The drums and guitar riffs are utterly AMAZING. They're one of my favorite bands of all time, and I think they deserve a chance because I was never a huge fan of Blink, or Tom for that matter, but Angels and Airwaves is definitely one of the best bands to come around in the past 2 years. We Don't Need to Whisper is sheer classic. It's unique and it has it's own style. The drums and guitar riffs are utterly AMAZING. They're one of my favorite bands of all time, and I think they deserve a chance because they're trying something new. Harsh criticism for this band really isn't fair because it's their very first cd. This cd has helped me through some really tough times this year and I listen to it all the time. It never gets old. I'm also having the Adventure be played while I walk down the aisle at my wedding next year so BOOYA BITCHES!! Expand
  29. Anon82
    Dec 31, 2006
    Best rock vocal.mr tom delonge
  30. AlyssaJ
    Dec 31, 2006
    Toms music is awsome!!!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Blender
    The resulting batch of songs... just pad out the duller bits of blink, then add walls of mid-'80s-era U2 guitar chimes. [Jun 2006, p.136]
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    If only DeLonge's nasal vocals were more suited to the Robert Smith romanticism of tracks like "It Hurts." [26 May 2006, p.107]
  3. Many of Angel's midtempo tracks, while well-intentioned, fail to reach the lofty heights to which they aspire.