• Record Label: Kranky
  • Release Date: Feb 14, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Apr 6, 2012
    We Will Always Be is the rare record that feels both comforting-it is, front to back, a Windy & Carl record-and wholly fresh.
  2. Mar 26, 2012
    It often feels vast, tracking the curvature of the Earth, but it never forgets that music is made by people, and that there is real intimacy in the consort of two individuals relating to each other through simple gestures like singing, or brushing against six guitar strings.
  3. Feb 28, 2012
    With this album, Windy & Carl are more controlled, focused, and confident than ever before, offering up their best work to date in an evolution that may just prove to be without limits.
  4. Mojo
    Feb 27, 2012
    A series of grand rippling hallucinations, unfolding ever outwards on the central melancholy theme. [Mar 2012, p.97]
  5. Feb 27, 2012
    We Will Always Be rewards your attention, but only so far.
  6. Feb 16, 2012
    The "point," if there is such a thing with this kind of music, is that even during its most trepidatious or lonely nadirs, there is a beauty to experiencing love that overwhelms the heart. Windy & Carl seem to aim to replicate that overwhelming sensation through their music.
  7. Feb 14, 2012
    Windy & Carl deliver yet another significant and sublime release that's perfect for late night listening.
  8. Feb 14, 2012
    This is as useful and high quality a starting point as just about anything they've recorded.
  9. Feb 14, 2012
    Despite feeling like the work of a couple laying themselves bare, it's also music to get lost in, to block out the real world.
  10. Feb 14, 2012
    True to its title, it finds the pair plowing away dutifully and deftly at the furrow that's been their focus from the beginning.

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