• Record Label: Legacy
  • Release Date: Jul 30, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
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  1. Jul 31, 2021
    As an avid fan of Prince for over 30 years, and through all eras snd styles of his music, I was apprehensive of what to expect from this album. I am glad to say, I needn’t have worried, as it is a cracking record with a mix of really meaningful and memorable songs. Every one on the album get more addictive with each listen.
    Still miss his amazing concerts but ‘new’ music from the genius,
    As an avid fan of Prince for over 30 years, and through all eras snd styles of his music, I was apprehensive of what to expect from this album. I am glad to say, I needn’t have worried, as it is a cracking record with a mix of really meaningful and memorable songs. Every one on the album get more addictive with each listen.
    Still miss his amazing concerts but ‘new’ music from the genius, is some consolation 10/10!
  2. Aug 1, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Prince always surprises us, this time with a full album, one of his best works of the last decade, political, sensual, fun, it is a rainbow of emotions and melodies with prevalence of soul, funk and at times with a melodious pop Expand
  3. Jul 30, 2021
    It seems like Prince just finished this album within the year as some of the material seems so current to today although he passed in 2016. It is chock full of Prince in all his glory I expect many singles from this one solid production with backing vocals i.e Hot Summer and the the title track but Prince fans young and old will love it!
  4. Jul 30, 2021
    Who else can bury a completed album in a literal vault, under a pile of other completed albums, and do so knowing that even more music was available to pull from his talents at a moments notice. Prince. That’s the only answer. “Welcome 2 America” is staggering in how prophetic (or astute) he was in 2010 to the things that we all would be dealing with in 2021. The messages are there. ButWho else can bury a completed album in a literal vault, under a pile of other completed albums, and do so knowing that even more music was available to pull from his talents at a moments notice. Prince. That’s the only answer. “Welcome 2 America” is staggering in how prophetic (or astute) he was in 2010 to the things that we all would be dealing with in 2021. The messages are there. But the music… oh my, the music. Come for the learnings, stay for the pure joy of instrumentation and vocals unmatched. Real music by real musicians,”indeed. Welcome 2 brilliance. Expand
  5. Jul 30, 2021
    I'm going to repeat some things I've heard others say, that I agree with. Cohesive. Solid. Thoughtful lyricism. I was not initially as excited for this album. The first 2 tracks I'd heard did not excite me...the title cut and Born 2 Die. However, they worked much better within the context of the album. Very interesting lyrics....some try to make it sound like he was prophetic withI'm going to repeat some things I've heard others say, that I agree with. Cohesive. Solid. Thoughtful lyricism. I was not initially as excited for this album. The first 2 tracks I'd heard did not excite me...the title cut and Born 2 Die. However, they worked much better within the context of the album. Very interesting lyrics....some try to make it sound like he was prophetic with all the media attention George Floyd received and so much of the album's songs being about race and America's misdeeds. I laugh b/c it's the media that caught on in 2020, the misdeeds and Floyd incidents have been happening throughout all of American history...Prince knew this. He was a black man. ...something that's often overlooked due to his appearance. Overall, I think this is a surprisingly super album. The usual fantastic playing on songs like Check the Record, muted guitars on some tracks, the usual excellent vocals.... The album also includes the original versions of 1000 Light Years Away and When She Comes. The former was included in part on the back half of Black Muse on his last album, Hit and Run Phase 2. A diff version of When She Comes came out on that Phase 2 to album too. Amazing he could change the same song to be so different and more amazing for us, that he took the time to do so many revisions. Of everything, what I found most amazing are the lyrics. It is obvious he was a thoughtful artist and as he got older, delved deep into his own history. His observations on race, historical figures and black Americans repeatedly getting the short end...are not news to me but to hear a master musician make it sound this good....only Prince. Sadly, it feels that we lost him much too early. He seemed to be returning to to centre from his conservative leanings of the early 2000s.This guy had a lot more to say. I really hope people get the set...the Blu ray live show actually is the real gem in the set. Expand
  6. Jul 30, 2021
    Four great tracks on this album, 1000 Lights Years, When She Comes, One Day We Will All B Free, and 1010 Rin Tin Tin. Yes, and Stand Up and B Strong are growers. Check The Record and Same Page, Different Book are decent. The rest I can take or leave, but a better album than I expected.
  7. Aug 2, 2021
    This is a good not great Prince album. I think he knew it or he would have released it. Although his work in the 2000s and 2010s was uneven, there were a lot of gems, even if he wasn't the best at self-promotion during that time. Albums such as Musicology, 3121, Lotusflow3r and Hit'n'Run 2 are all better albums, although this one does tower above TwentyTen and Hit 'n'Run 1 and is betterThis is a good not great Prince album. I think he knew it or he would have released it. Although his work in the 2000s and 2010s was uneven, there were a lot of gems, even if he wasn't the best at self-promotion during that time. Albums such as Musicology, 3121, Lotusflow3r and Hit'n'Run 2 are all better albums, although this one does tower above TwentyTen and Hit 'n'Run 1 and is better and more funkier than Art Official Age. The best thing about it is is really does sound like it was recorded today - it is incredibly timely. The title song is a knockout, as is 1000 Light Years from Here. Despite inconsistency, every album he's ever done contains classic tunes. Expand
  8. Aug 10, 2021
    You can't review this album like a normal Prince release. He chose to shelve it - why? we'll never truly know? maybe its not finished but whatever the reason is - he didn't want it out there. I prefer it to 20ten from the same year so am surprised it sat in the shelf in many ways. I see this release as bonus prince we all desperately want and choose to feel happy about it in every senseYou can't review this album like a normal Prince release. He chose to shelve it - why? we'll never truly know? maybe its not finished but whatever the reason is - he didn't want it out there. I prefer it to 20ten from the same year so am surprised it sat in the shelf in many ways. I see this release as bonus prince we all desperately want and choose to feel happy about it in every sense because we might have never heard it and am just grateful. objectively Prince has got a concoction of some great songs namely - W2A, Born 2 Die, same page different book, rin tin tin and a couple of others that are good but not amazing like check the record (this sounds like more of a hit and run song though) .. a solid album in that sense, the theme and lyrics give this extra points so just be happy we get to have this in our lives .. I am - and be happy prince tried to do something different and Curtis esc.
    ok - this album has some **** on it like hot summer which is also out of place . but that's ok we love prince for all his facets - remember don't judge the bad songs because prince didn't want you to hear them, none of the skips are that offensive and would have probably sounded great live.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. The Wire
    Sep 1, 2021
    Though it’s no concept album, eight of the 12 tracks address either social issues or spiritual solutions. There’s the odd Prince bit of obscure esoterica but mostly it’s direct and effective. ... Welcome 2 America is vital enough to render such matters moot. it’s the sound of Prince truly not giving a damn and that should be edge enough for anybody. [Sep 2021, p.70]
  2. Aug 5, 2021
    Although none of the tracks on Welcome 2 America stand up to Prince at his mid-late ’80s best, there are some songs which come close.
  3. Aug 4, 2021
    It was and is a spotty album from a time when Prince was making a lot of those.