• Record Label: ATO
  • Release Date: Jun 3, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Jun 14, 2022
    Although I liked the previous three albums a bit more that told them truth about the orange puffery buffoon and his lies, hate and bigotry, this one is solid. Yes it is more mellow in its overall structure throughout but that is intentional. It’s reminiscing on their beginnings as a band as well as honest about the fragility of life the older they get. A lot of fans appreciate the fact itAlthough I liked the previous three albums a bit more that told them truth about the orange puffery buffoon and his lies, hate and bigotry, this one is solid. Yes it is more mellow in its overall structure throughout but that is intentional. It’s reminiscing on their beginnings as a band as well as honest about the fragility of life the older they get. A lot of fans appreciate the fact it was so different then their last three and maybe a change was needed. There is only so much truth that can be told about that cuh Fat Donnie and his moronic 4 years that no one after the fact will admit was a presidency. On this album the songs that shine are “We will never wake you up in the morning” which was a tribute to the late genius that was Justin Townes Earle. Another great one is “Billy Ringo In The Dark” that is about when life finally catches up to you. The standout track by most is Mike Cooley’s “Every Single Storied Flameout” which is an open letter to his son about the truth about the rock n roll lifestyle after his son went through a hard patch in his own life. Expand
  2. Jun 8, 2022
    Tried to listen, whilst reviewing a technical document, and I wasn't able to sustain enough interest in either music or document to feel like I hadn't wasted my time. It's chill to the point of being pointless
  3. Jun 5, 2022
    One of their best. Perfect for 2022 after two years of seclusion from Covid. The last of the great southern rock bands
  4. Jun 3, 2022
    An okay country rock album by a slightly above average band. Not something to go on and laude but admirable nonetheless.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Jun 7, 2022
    Overall, the album occurs as less incendiary than previous work (with the exception of the opening track), DBT at least temporarily setting aside their polemical blowtorches, instead mindfully venturing into vivid inventories of their own lives, choices, and karmic trajectories.
  2. 70
    While Welcome 2 Club XIII has been described by the band itself as autobiographical in nature, it still manages to retain the populist appeal that drove those earlier efforts.
  3. Jun 3, 2022
    Once again, the Drive-By Truckers have made a strong album well worth your time and attention, but Welcome 2 Club XIII suggests they're having a problem embracing uncomplicated joy in 2022 -- but then again, so do most people.