• Record Label: PTKF
  • Release Date: Jun 26, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Jul 14, 2020
    It underlines that Pottery have made a record meant for a party that never stops. Bobby’s Motel is surely a place with more to it than meets the eye.
  2. Jul 7, 2020
    With their eclectic debut, Porridge has firmly placed themselves on the map as they confidently look for the artistic stardom of their post-punk idols.
  3. Jun 29, 2020
    Welcome to Bobby’s Motel is without a doubt an album that at times is a heck of a lot of fun, but it ultimately leaves you with a vague feeling of wondering who Pottery actually are.
  4. Jun 26, 2020
    Even when they slow down, there's a lot of excitement in Pottery's music. Though they frequently threaten to steamroll over anyone within earshot of Welcome to Bobby's Motel, the band have so much fun that their listeners probably won't mind.
  5. 80
    ‘Welcome To Bobby’s Motel’ sees them flexing their muscles and trying to find their own space within it, all while having a hell of a lot of fun along the way. By the end, you’re desperate to find out just who Bobby is and how on earth you can beg, steal or borrow to spend a night in that mysterious motel.
  6. Jun 25, 2020
    Even when entering darker territories Pottery keep things jovial, ensuring the album rattles by with spirits high. Their characters are often down-and-out losers, badly clothed with peeling skin and no money, but when they come to ‘Bobby’s Motel’ none of that matters. Here, the scuzz is celebrated, the outside world is non-existent, and there’s always space for another body.
  7. Q Magazine
    Jun 24, 2020
    The album's joy lies in being whisked seat-of-pants through moods, styles and tempos by a band always with pop glory in their sights. [Summer 2020, p.105]
  8. Jun 24, 2020
    More than anything on this album, the quintet prove they are willing to travel far and wide when it comes to exploring new sounds, while still being able to deliver a cohesive final product.
  9. Jun 24, 2020
    ‘Welcome to Bobby’s Motel’ is a superb, lovingly crafted set from a band who have clearly done their homework.
  10. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 24, 2020
    Clever without being too clever, but only just. [May 2020, p.83]
  11. Jun 24, 2020
    This band is at its best operating at the edge of kitsch and excess, as with the “Monster Mash” voice inexplicably mumbling over “Bobby’s Forecast.”
  12. 85
    Bobby’s Motel is a big, bold slap in the face right from the start. Manic Bobby greets you at the door, takes you by the hand, and leads you straight to the dancefloor.
User Score

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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Jan 1, 2021
    ( 83/100 )

    Esta nueva banda de Montreal, Canada, se presenta para salvar el nuevo Indie, o al menos eso es lo que propone en su álbum debut
    ( 83/100 )

    Esta nueva banda de Montreal, Canada, se presenta para salvar el nuevo Indie, o al menos eso es lo que propone en su álbum debut "Welcome To Bobby's Motel". Definitivamente hay creatividad, ingenio, energía, autenticidad y mucha diversión en este proyecto. Aún cuando este Punk parece estar rayando la lineal de lo experimental o de lo inestable, Pottery demuestra, más que nada, jugar y dominar esa lineal de "sanidad". Eso es lo entretenido de este álbum: que se presentan con sensibilidad e intensidad respetando la solidez de su discurso musical, pero eso no les impide jugar y perturbar esa armonía. Y les sale muy bien. Hay tanto que disfrutar aquí que este podría convertirse en un clásico para la banda. Pottery se ha ganado mis expectativas y considero que se merecen una lupa muy grande en este y sus futuros proyectos.
    This new band from Montreal, Canada, comes to save the new Indie Rock, or at least that is what is promised in their debut album "Welcome To Bobby's Motel". There is definitively creativity, cleverness, energy, authenticity, and a lot of fun in this project. Even when this Punk seems to be scratching the line of the experimental or unstable, Pottery proves, more than anything, to be playing and dominating that line of "sanity". That is the fun part of this album: they present themselves with sensibility and intensity, respecting the solidity of their musical speech, but that doesn't stop them from playing and disturbing that harmony. And it goes very well. There is a lot to enjoy in here that this could become a classic for the band. Pottery has won my expectations, and I consider that they deserve a big magnifying glass in this and their upcoming projects.
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