• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Jul 23, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 115 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 115
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  1. Jul 25, 2021
    Incredibly introspective, vulnerable and heartbreaking, not to mention layered with metaphors and schemes throughout. I was ready for him to fall victim to the sophomore slump - I wasn’t ready for him to climb to even higher heights.
  2. Aug 19, 2021
    Authentic, vulnerable, and real. Dave's new album is a colossal masterpiece. Like it or not, he's the voice of this generation.
  3. Jul 23, 2021
    Dave once again proves that he is the voice of this generation. He uses this album as a perfect opportunity to let us see what is happening in his mind, as well as speaking for many others who do not have the platform. Unreal lyricism and storytelling, improved beats and atmosphere compared to his debut album, along with improved delivery and cadence. Dave is only 23, but the wisdom heDave once again proves that he is the voice of this generation. He uses this album as a perfect opportunity to let us see what is happening in his mind, as well as speaking for many others who do not have the platform. Unreal lyricism and storytelling, improved beats and atmosphere compared to his debut album, along with improved delivery and cadence. Dave is only 23, but the wisdom he constantly puts out makes that hard to believe and leaves us wondering, what is next? I believe that this man is capable of improving even more and I can not be more excited to see how his career continues to develop. 10/10. Expand
  4. Jul 24, 2021
    Genuine seminal album from dave, every single track hits and there’s not a single skip, heart attack might be the best song i’ve heard and it’s was a genuine privilege to hear this
  5. Jul 24, 2021
    Phenomenal album from Dave, had very high expectations for this due to his last album being a masterpiece. This project did not disappoint at all.
  6. Jul 25, 2021
    This album is bound to be in the discussion for album of the decade. It's up there with to pimp a butterfly. Thought provoking excellence thank you Santan
  7. Jul 25, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Instant classic. All you need to say, this will be taught in schools in a few years Expand
  8. Jul 25, 2021
    Fantastic album, a great follow up to Psychodrama although covering slightly different topic matters. Certainly more introspective than last album, although the last album did also look at where Dave’s upbringing and environment. Someone once told me to never compare different albums of the same artist as they are at different points in their life, but I do still feel like this is Dave’sFantastic album, a great follow up to Psychodrama although covering slightly different topic matters. Certainly more introspective than last album, although the last album did also look at where Dave’s upbringing and environment. Someone once told me to never compare different albums of the same artist as they are at different points in their life, but I do still feel like this is Dave’s best work so far. It’s not exactly a party album, but has a lot of substance delivered with his usual prestige lyricism. Expand
  9. Aug 1, 2021
    Best album of the year, period. Tells a story about UK politics in a way never done before.
  10. Jul 27, 2021
    One of the most gorgeous albums I've heard. I've never listened to Dave prior to this album, but I listened to this and then went to his back catalogue and I'm permanently a fan. We're All Alone, Both Sides Of A Smile, and Law Of Attraction are some of my favorites off this album. Masterpiece.
  11. Jul 27, 2021
    Dave is such an articulate and insightful young artist. Such a great voice for the youth of Britain. More complete than Phychodrama in all aspects.
  12. Jul 31, 2021
    Dave wrote this album with his heart on his sleeve from the opening track you can feel the pain. The message, lyricism, and storytelling are phenomenal speaking what others are feeling taking the challenge head-on and he delivers Dave is simply Elite.
  13. Aug 3, 2021
    This very good and it probably goat satics love daveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  14. Aug 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album not surprised, Santan Dave who can top him? No **** body Expand
  15. Aug 11, 2021
    Classic! Best I've heard in a while. Has to be commended for taking the hip hop game to new highs even in Europe.
  16. Sep 3, 2021
    Crazy good album, and I feel it is very underrated. Dave killed it on this one!
  17. Oct 13, 2021
    W imo slatt im king vamp slatt im king vamp glory to the peoples democratic republic of china
  18. Dec 4, 2021
    Jesus, I went into this album never even hearing about this so called "Dave" before, and may I say, GOD DAMN! This album, absolutely AMAZING! BEAUTIFUL! This album is a work of art, a Masterpiece if I do say so myself. This album not only introduced me to the artist, but it quickly made him one of my all time favorite artists. Going back and listening to his other albums/ep has only madeJesus, I went into this album never even hearing about this so called "Dave" before, and may I say, GOD DAMN! This album, absolutely AMAZING! BEAUTIFUL! This album is a work of art, a Masterpiece if I do say so myself. This album not only introduced me to the artist, but it quickly made him one of my all time favorite artists. Going back and listening to his other albums/ep has only made me love his music more. This album is not a disappointment and I highly recommend you listen to it, you won't regret it Expand
  19. Dec 17, 2021
    This is an amazing, touching album by dave! I was deeply touched by the lyrics, the instrumentals, and everything else, absolute masterpiece.
  20. Mar 16, 2022
    Amazing storytelling just like Psychodrama, with even better vocal and production. Top tier album.
  21. Mar 31, 2022
    I never listened to Dave coming into to this album. But now listening to this album since it dropped, it is one of th best I've heard and he is just getting started. Dave deserves to be in the conversation of the best lyricist.(Kendrick, J.Cole, etc.) It is already one of the best albums in this decade.
  22. Jun 30, 2023
    I'm leaving a late review, I cannot help but recognize the pure artistry and talent on display in this album.
    The lyric breakdown cause leave even Eminem's haters in awe. His wordplay and his respect to his art is amazing.
    It is captivating and shocking how easily he can flow and switch a flow. The collaborators on this album also boost my rating to an easy 10. The likes of Stormzy,
    I'm leaving a late review, I cannot help but recognize the pure artistry and talent on display in this album.
    The lyric breakdown cause leave even Eminem's haters in awe. His wordplay and his respect to his art is amazing.
    It is captivating and shocking how easily he can flow and switch a flow.

    The collaborators on this album also boost my rating to an easy 10.
    The likes of Stormzy, Wizkid, Boj, Snoh Aalegra, and James Blake with the main producer Kyle Evans, and Dave himself also chipping in, the album has personality and colour, even when touching on dark subjects. It has a recognizable character and captures me no matter what track is playing.

    Easiest 10 possible.
  23. Nov 18, 2021
    Psychodrama might be closer to my heart, but this is amazing too. My favourite rapper.
  24. Sep 7, 2021
    The greater focus on British sociopolitical issues may prove alienating for some listeners, but the searing intimacy and urgent intensity with which Dave tackled tough themes of loneliness and mental health on his stunning debut "Psychodrama" largely effortlessly carries over with a new additional focus on lingering societal roadblocks for young black people to make for an equallyThe greater focus on British sociopolitical issues may prove alienating for some listeners, but the searing intimacy and urgent intensity with which Dave tackled tough themes of loneliness and mental health on his stunning debut "Psychodrama" largely effortlessly carries over with a new additional focus on lingering societal roadblocks for young black people to make for an equally impressive sophomore effort. Expand
  25. Jul 25, 2021
    Dave really came back with a bang man. Better production, more versatile flows and more confident delivery. Dave is really at his best, doing what he does so well. Delivering next level lyricism whilst discussing complex and nuanced subjectts that even his elders struggle to talk about in the way he does. The best working in the uk and the best album of the year so far.
  26. Jul 29, 2021
    You can tell dave really put time and heart into this Sophomore album creating a great mix of club bangers 'clash' and 'system' and heavy-hitting social commentary tracks like 'three rivers' and 'we're all alone. The features are killer, the vibe is heavy, and dave cementing himself an AOTY contender
  27. Aug 20, 2021
    We’re All Alone In This Together is a meticulously constructed, well-balanced rap album.
  28. Sep 22, 2021
    Just sit back and let this album take you on a journey through Dave's life, and the struggles of the UK streets
  29. Sep 21, 2021
    easily Album Of The Year contender. everything is near-perfect on this one. the rap elements, production, diversity & the features well utilised. the album is exceptionally constructed & well balanced.
  30. Dec 9, 2021
    Definitely the best album this year, very good features, very good instrumentals. very good album overall

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Aug 6, 2021
    At its core, We’re All Alone In This Together is a meticulously constructed, well-balanced rap album. It’s an important landmark, placing Dave high in the best rappers under 25 conversation.
  2. 100
    We’re All Alone In This Together truly lives up to the quality expected of Dave’s sophomore album and cements him in time as a fallible but even more forthright voice of UK culture.
  3. 80
    Dave’s Mercury prize- and Brit award-winning debut, Psychodrama, became a classic overnight; now it has a rival for introspection, operatic quality and wordplay. Tender piano arrangements, unadulterated storytelling and sermon-like verses flood this topical album that is part confessional poetry, part social commentary.