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Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
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  1. Sep 5, 2016
    Anything fits Steven Tyler and a big f..k you goes to all the haters.... however this is still Aerosmith ... luckily ... well actually Steven = Aerosmith so no big surprises here ... :)
  2. Jul 21, 2016
    The album nobody but Steven Tyler wanted is here and it is neither good, nor bad - it's just disappointing. I'm pretty sure now that Steven Tyler destroyed Aerosmith - he wanted to do too much whining, probably inspired by the extreme successes of the ballads from Get a Grip and I Don't Want to Miss a Thing and while he is great at doing an occasional power ballad, perhaps the greatest,The album nobody but Steven Tyler wanted is here and it is neither good, nor bad - it's just disappointing. I'm pretty sure now that Steven Tyler destroyed Aerosmith - he wanted to do too much whining, probably inspired by the extreme successes of the ballads from Get a Grip and I Don't Want to Miss a Thing and while he is great at doing an occasional power ballad, perhaps the greatest, the quality needs to be there and it is generally not the case on this album.

    From the somewhat promising "My Own Worst Enemy" which does contain some ok lyrics and a fine performance we get to the title track, one of the few "rockers" on the album and it is - well overly simplistic and a lesson in nothingness, at least "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and Me" is somewhat better.

    I kinda like "I Make My Own Sunshine", but of course then I realised this is a cover, reminding me that there is not much left in Steven Tyler's box of tricks. Another thing that made me realize that was the cover of Aerosmiths "Janie's Got a Gun" - it's clearly the inferior version, not that it is necessarily a bad version, but why? Of course we also have the two singles "Love is Your Name", a whiny, but enjoyable hippie-esque song, complete with big bucks promo video with Steven looking cool/weird and hanging out with much younger people and the completely forgettable and cheesy "Red, White and You".

    I also need to mention "Only Heaven" which sounds as it could have been a song that Steven would have forced on an Aerosmith album, much to the dismay of Joe and probably Brad - It's is well done and his voice shines, but it is not the best of the power ballads, but again that doesn't necessarily makes it a disaster because the bar is set extremely high, I just don't dig it that much.

    I do listen to this album a lot at the moment, mostly because I've enjoyed Aerosmith's music for several decades now and I want to love it, but I really can't - I can occasionally like it, but I keep feeling disappointed and wanting something else.

    One thing I can say is that this album is relatively consistent in it's theme, unlike the ridiculous "Music From Another Dimension" from Aerosmith which lacked any focus whatsoever and in spite of some good songs here and there, overall was a piece you know what.

    I don't like the talk of Aerosmith going on a farewell tour - sure they don't do much great new music, but I would rather see them try one last time to make a better swan song than "Music From Another Dimension" and to see their shows, than watch Steven Tyler proceed down this road.

    Anyway - listen to the album and make up your own mind. Don't expect Aerosmith, don't expect country. Expect an unambitious album, with ok tracks here and there, with a little too much banjo, but nothing to write home about.
  3. Jul 19, 2016
    The southern rock/country vibe fits Steven well and, while there's not a whole lot of instant classics and #1 singles here, the body of work in its entirety is fun and easy to listen to.
  4. Jul 16, 2016
    I haven't found myself listening to any album front to back (without skipping tracks) in a very long time, and guess what? That's exactly what happened with this one. This cd (unlike "Music from Another Dimension" for example) really feels like integral cd, with its sound, motives and structure in place (unlike majority of music cd's nowadays which are all over the place).
    That being
    I haven't found myself listening to any album front to back (without skipping tracks) in a very long time, and guess what? That's exactly what happened with this one. This cd (unlike "Music from Another Dimension" for example) really feels like integral cd, with its sound, motives and structure in place (unlike majority of music cd's nowadays which are all over the place).
    That being said, I am a huge Steven Tyler, Aerosmith and country fan. And I do like this new country (bro country) a lot. This cd falls somewhere halfway between old and new country, with Tyler's aura shining all over the place and leaving its stamp.
    I'd definitely rate it above any of the Joe Perry's 21st century albums, but then again, unlike Perry - who went into studio and hammered out an album worth of material, ST sat down with people for a period of time and structured this one. It's done very professionally and I wouldn't mind, in case something happens unfortunate, that this be last ST cd instead of MFAD (which I liked to a point, but it didn't age well with me).
    It's unlike any Aerosmith album, but that's why artist in groups do solo stuff - so they can explore music outside of the sound they created and nurtured.
    I'd give it a two thumbs up, slap on a back and a round of drinks for everybody listening :D
    Great stuff!
  5. Jul 16, 2016
    I'm a huge fan of Aerosmith and Steven Tyler. But this ain't no country album. It may have references to Georgia, cornbread, harmonica and some pedal steel guitar, but country music it ain't. It can't even be described as alt-country, Americana or Outlaw. It is more along the lines of a much mellowed Aerosmith record. As if Aerosmith was let to soak in a Kentucky Bourbon barrelI'm a huge fan of Aerosmith and Steven Tyler. But this ain't no country album. It may have references to Georgia, cornbread, harmonica and some pedal steel guitar, but country music it ain't. It can't even be described as alt-country, Americana or Outlaw. It is more along the lines of a much mellowed Aerosmith record. As if Aerosmith was let to soak in a Kentucky Bourbon barrel and (the music) was removed too early, the flavor of the barrel never quite seeped into the music.

    Several songs are good and there is one straight forward rocker on the album, but the rest are pretty bland. The lyrics sound pushed, as if the writer was trying too hard to make it sound country. In other words, it didn't come naturally.

    For an album that was being hyped for well over a year, I truly was expecting much more. If you want to hear how a rocker makes a country album, just pick up Don Henley's latest CD, "Cass County". Steven should have listened to it for a few months, it definitely would have helped.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Uncut
    Aug 5, 2016
    We're All Somebody delivers high-sheen Billboard country fare, more Keith Urban than back-porch picking. [Sep 2016, p.81]
  2. Kerrang!
    Aug 3, 2016
    Away from the band which he made his name, the fingerprints of one of America's finest rock bands are present and correct. But away from the stripped down monster-balladry of It Ain't Easy, under his own wing Steven is capable of a few surprises. [6 Aug 2016, p.52]
  3. Aug 2, 2016
    Too often Tyler keeps his swagger in check when he could be kicking up some down-home dust.