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Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

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  1. Oct 1, 2020
    i know tierra’s goal with whack world was to release 15 songs each with 1 minute. this does NOT work as an album for two main reasons.

    1 - the album’s messy and absolutely not cohesive cause the songs are so short they can’t even afford to transition, they just start out of nowhere and sound randomly cut off, this really cuts off the enjoyment of listening to the album 2 - some of
    i know tierra’s goal with whack world was to release 15 songs each with 1 minute. this does NOT work as an album for two main reasons.

    1 - the album’s messy and absolutely not cohesive cause the songs are so short they can’t even afford to transition, they just start out of nowhere and sound randomly cut off, this really cuts off the enjoyment of listening to the album

    2 - some of these songs are actually bops, the problem is they’re so short that when u start to get into them and start vibing and liking them they just abruptly end, leaving absolutely no space for u to really connect with them.

    it just sounds like a big mess of good interludes.... her 3/4 minute singles are actually really good!!!!

    favs: hungry hippo, sore loser
  2. Apr 21, 2019
    WHACK WORLD is a super fun debut album. The tracks flow very well and I like the different voices whacks experiments with. decent 8
  3. Feb 11, 2022
    An immediate streamlined exercise in storytelling. Both the colorful visual compliment and full 1min pieces succeed in crafting an immaculate world . An idiosyncratic display of restraint and indulgence somehow simultaneously. Very impressive.
  4. Mar 13, 2019
    One of the best voices I've heard in a while. Lot of short, catchy, and very re-playable songs. Really liked this album
  5. Mar 16, 2019
    For what it is, this album is perfect. However, it's easy to wish that most of these songs were longer. It seems like that's the point though, and it encourages re-listening. Great album, can't wait to see what Tierra Whack does next.
    Favorites: Black Nails, Bugs Life, Cable Guy, 4 Wings, Hookers, Hungry Hippo, Pet Cemetery, **** Off, Silly Sam, Fruit Salad, Pretty Ugly, Sore Loser
  6. May 3, 2020
    Una verdadera obra del rap, Cagardi wishes haciendo trap con su álbum todo lleno de cuelgues
  7. Jun 21, 2020
    1 minute per one song is a kinda genius idea which Tierra used in her newest album.
    If you don't have a lot of time and you want to spend 15 minutes really good this album is for you!
    I gave the album the strong 6. It's just my opinion
  8. Dec 4, 2020
    A masterpiece. It's the album i turn to more than any other. Replay value is insane and Tierra's artistry is unmatched. My personal favorite songs are **** Off, Silly Sam, Pretty Ugly, Hungry Hippo, and Cable Guy, but not one track is anything less than sublime.
  9. Jul 18, 2022
    9.5/10 - Whack World is an impressively creative project with the way Tierra Whack made each song one minute. I felt like I was listening to a bunch of samples strung together. There were no weak songs, and every album has at least one weak song. This creates such a strong dominance for Whack World, putting it on a pedestal that hasn’t been reached by any rap projects to date. Every single9.5/10 - Whack World is an impressively creative project with the way Tierra Whack made each song one minute. I felt like I was listening to a bunch of samples strung together. There were no weak songs, and every album has at least one weak song. This creates such a strong dominance for Whack World, putting it on a pedestal that hasn’t been reached by any rap projects to date. Every single song is so catchy, even though they all achieve a different sound. My favorite part of the album is how each song is unique. My least favorite song is the first song, which is the only thing I would change - an album needs a strong opener and closer. Waze is a great conclusion to the audio-visual project, but Black Nails lacks the power to introduce such a powerful album. Safe to say Whack World is far from wack. Expand

No score yet - based on 2 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Dec 6, 2018
    Whack World morphs into a clever exercise in economy and using only what you need. It’s a visual album prepackaged for optimum social media consumption; every tiny piece stands on its own without losing sight of the larger picture. At its core, though, Whack’s sense of humor--her captivating depiction of a black woman’s imagination--is an opportunity to celebrate an aspect of art that often goes uncelebrated, an opportunity for Whack to celebrate herself.
  2. Dec 6, 2018
    A snappy, hilarious, disturbing, damnably catchy, but most importantly, complete showcase for one of the most exciting young musicians to emerge--in any genre--for some time.