• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jul 21, 2017
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 146 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 146
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  1. May 29, 2020
    Incrível ver alguém tão novo e com tanta maturidade musical, as composições são o ponto alto e a produção a cereja do bolo.
  2. Jul 25, 2017
    This is a such good album. I'm completely addicted to every track. From the incredible 'Humongous' to the amazing 'Listen to Your Friends', all lyrics and beats complement each other. It's really good, best indie album in a long time.
  3. Jul 21, 2017
    What an incredible album, of the best indie releases of the year, a fantastic piece of work from a young talent. The lyrics are amazing and the production is pretty good.
  4. Jul 21, 2017
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
  5. Jul 12, 2018
    such a great album, declan it's an amazing writer and a talented singer, he's such a musical genius.
  6. Jul 29, 2017
  7. Jul 22, 2017
    This album is almost perfect, declan really knows how to put feelings into a song. I have to say that i was not ready for this masterpiece and i'm still shocked with the quality.
  8. Jul 25, 2017
    One of the best albums of the decade. Wonderful songs, with splendid lyrics, and flawless sound. Songs like Why Do You Feel So Down, Make Me Your Queen, and Mind should have more recognition.
  9. Jul 29, 2017
    This album is so fantastic and different. This guy is so smart, but he need more experience. Favorite song Homogun, Paracetamol and the kids don't wanna come home.
  10. Oct 13, 2017
    This lifts me to heaven, he could own the entire world. i can't describe how i felt the first time i listened to Humongous, i just knew that i was going to love WDYTATC.
  11. Oct 7, 2018
    Este álbum levou-me aos céus... Que álbum incrível! Um dos melhores álbuns indie de 2017. Este jovem talentoso tem um futuro incrível pela frente. As letras e a produção de "What Do You Think About The Car?", em suma, são excelentes.
  12. Jun 9, 2019
    Head-banger after head-banger, McKenna has earned himself a title as one of my favourite musicians. His indie-rock genre sounds terrible and typically at first, but when you listen he just has a magic touch. Every tune I have listened to too many times to count, with McKenna’s astounding music and skills on guitar icing on the fabulous cake. Lyrics are extremely deep. An example is BrazilHead-banger after head-banger, McKenna has earned himself a title as one of my favourite musicians. His indie-rock genre sounds terrible and typically at first, but when you listen he just has a magic touch. Every tune I have listened to too many times to count, with McKenna’s astounding music and skills on guitar icing on the fabulous cake. Lyrics are extremely deep. An example is Brazil (one of the best songs of all time), 15-year-old McKenna speaking of the mistake in hosting the Rio Olympics in, well, Rio. Deep and makes you feel something. On the other end of the spectrum, Make Me Your Queen is a head-banger about a relationship, with extremely astonishing melodies. Humongous is one of the best songs in existence, supplying an 80’s inspired rock melody-strong bop with THE BEST GUITARS, and then an almost J-Pop ending which sounds tacky but honestly is 10/10. Wow, what an album!!! I have never gotten tired of listening to all of these songs on repeat and have been listening to them every day in a row (yes!) since, like, January when I found out about the true wonder of Declan’s McKenna. I’ve annoyed the heck out of my family with his sounds. 10/10. Wonderful. Would recommend. Expand
  13. Sep 1, 2019
    absolutely stunning debut so much potential lyrical genius and all round amazing musician
  14. Sep 1, 2020
    Uma verdadeira masterpiece. Esse garoto sabe como deixar meus ouvidos felizes.
  15. Mar 26, 2021
    Ótimo para crises existenciais, tive uma fase da minha adolescência baseada nesse álbum. No início gostava de 3 músicas apenas, mas foi amadurecendo dentro de mim e hoje é um dos meus favoritos
  16. Aug 21, 2022
    Considering declans age when writing most of these songs, this album deserves nothing less than a 10/10. It mixes beautiful indie sounds with his political views and heartfelt emotions in this short but substantial album
  17. Aug 18, 2017
    Humongous - 9
    Brazil - 8
    The Kids Don't Wanna Come Home - 10
    Mind - 8
    Make Me Your Queen - 10
    Isombard - 10
    I Am Everyone Else - 10
    Bethlehem - 8
    Why Do You Feel So Down - 9
    Paracetamol - 9
    Listen to Your Friends - 9

    score: 9,0
  18. Jul 22, 2017
    It such a incredible album, his voice sound so fresh and amazing. Bring me so much feelings with the lyrics and the beats, so talented. Hope this guy gets more recognized :)
  19. Jul 24, 2017
    Fresh and never boring, I've been listening to many of these tracks since they came out as singles and they still sound as good as when I first heard them. An impressive work at such a young age, he wanna pass a message in every song, and I'm curious to see how this thing will develop in future projects. Personal favorites are Humongous and Brazil.
  20. Jul 26, 2020
    I like this so much! An amazing debut for a very young artist. He's got future, he's going through the right path. I hope he gets more recognition. This august 21st he's going to release his second album "Zeros". He released three songs of it already: "beautiful faces","the key to life on earth" and "daniel, you're still a child". They sound even better than this album!! Please stream it.
  21. Jul 29, 2017
    I really like Declan's style and lyrics. He definitely deserves more recognition! For some reason he remembers me of Jake Bugg, lol. Fav song: The kids don't wanna come home.
  22. Aug 8, 2017
    Declan McKenna's debut won't so much blow your expectations out of the window as much as it will quietly slip past them without you even noticing. Though here and there it falls a little to heavily onto a crash mat of very typical Indie guitar rock, when the album does find it's feet it truly enters a world of its own; one of effortless memorability blended gracefully with subtle politicalDeclan McKenna's debut won't so much blow your expectations out of the window as much as it will quietly slip past them without you even noticing. Though here and there it falls a little to heavily onto a crash mat of very typical Indie guitar rock, when the album does find it's feet it truly enters a world of its own; one of effortless memorability blended gracefully with subtle political barbs and laid-back yet unexpectedly intricate experimentation. Expand
  23. Jul 26, 2017
    The presentation of the album in concrete is well done, the production, along with the peculiar voice of Declan is the perfect combination, certainly recommend this record.
  24. Jul 28, 2018
    Para ser un debut el álbum es muy maduro y fresco para alguien que tiene la edad de Declan,el álbum en general es bueno tiene anti bajos muy contados o casi nulos pero en general es un buen álbum no es perfecto pero se define.
  25. Dec 9, 2017
    Declan nos muestra un excelente trabajo en "What do you think about the car?", Quiero destacar canciones como "Humongous" de las cuales complementan el viaje cósmico por el cual nos guía Mckenna a lo largo de este álbum. Definitivamente ninguna canción recae en lo aburrido y en verdad vale la pena escuchar el mensaje que nos trae en cada canción, sin duda posee una capacidad buena enDeclan nos muestra un excelente trabajo en "What do you think about the car?", Quiero destacar canciones como "Humongous" de las cuales complementan el viaje cósmico por el cual nos guía Mckenna a lo largo de este álbum. Definitivamente ninguna canción recae en lo aburrido y en verdad vale la pena escuchar el mensaje que nos trae en cada canción, sin duda posee una capacidad buena en composición este trabajo de principio a fin con melodías que se acompañan de letras crudas y potentes, lo que hace escucharlo una y otra vez. Con el tiempo aseguro que nos seguirá dando sorpresas en álbumes futuros. Expand
  26. Jul 1, 2018
    É um ótimo álbum. Boas composições, instrumentais e melodias fantásticas. Só não tem nenhuma balada romântica e o instrumental de vídeo-game irrita as vezes, mas de resto é muito bom. Eu com certeza irei ouvir muito! (Saga das Músicas Blog)
  27. Jul 27, 2017
    My friend recommended McKenna to me however I was not impressed. Maybe McKenna is still trying to find his place in the music world but his music and voice is bland, boring and generic in the alternative music scene.
  28. Apr 5, 2020
    This album is downright pathetic. Let me tell you why. The drums. how bland could you possibly make a drumbeat in a song is a question i often ask myself. Declan Mckenna answered. This album uses the same **** drumbeat across literally every song. It is truly painful to listen to. His annoying, scrawny voice literally made me cringe throughout my entire listen of the album. One thing I canThis album is downright pathetic. Let me tell you why. The drums. how bland could you possibly make a drumbeat in a song is a question i often ask myself. Declan Mckenna answered. This album uses the same **** drumbeat across literally every song. It is truly painful to listen to. His annoying, scrawny voice literally made me cringe throughout my entire listen of the album. One thing I can respect about this man is he definitely knows his audience. i actually cannot picture anybody above the age of 14 truly enjoying this music. it is full of **** politically driven lyrics that just truly ruin every other aspect of the song. Overall i sure as hell will not be listening to Declan ever again. Just wanted to let everybody know how bad i think this album is. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Aug 1, 2017
    His message loses strength, in part, because he doesn’t fully commit to it.
  2. Jul 25, 2017
    For such a young talent, his lyrics are strong, but give him a few more years of life experience and they could be in a different league.
  3. Jul 24, 2017
    In many ways, What Do You Think… is a perfectly teenage album; it’s smart and it’s naive, it’s funny and it’s bleak, and, most importantly, it understands the appeal of pop while being frustrated at the apolitical landscape in which it exists.