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Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13

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  1. BrianD
    May 31, 2006
    Fans of topical, safe and radio-friendly modern rock will probably not stick with this album long enough to relize it's true depth. Not to say that there isn't considerable commercial appeal in this young duo's second successful collection of songs in two tries, but the deeply ingrained roughness of the musical delivery, the gritty vocals and the equally dark subject matter Fans of topical, safe and radio-friendly modern rock will probably not stick with this album long enough to relize it's true depth. Not to say that there isn't considerable commercial appeal in this young duo's second successful collection of songs in two tries, but the deeply ingrained roughness of the musical delivery, the gritty vocals and the equally dark subject matter in no way adds up to bubblgun pop indie rock. The bottom line is that these guys can really write, and they deliver their indea with passion unmatched by their indie peers. This is not only an amazing album, it is an important developmental step from a band that will only get bigger as they continue to win over fans. I would consider this album an indie jem that will only grow more amazing as it ages. ....and "Waves of Grain" might be the most moving piece of music I have heard in years. Expand
  2. davel
    May 13, 2006
    Great music with an edge and a story to tell.
  3. GervaisR.
    Mar 27, 2006
    Pitchfork is a snark factory of holier-than-thou scenesters who wouldnt get shivers down their spines if Tyson Vogel played Las Cruces Jail on them. Two Gallants rock hard. Unlike the White Stripes or the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, this power duo writes about historically relevant matters and takes tricky politics head on. This direct, confrontational style irks fans and critics who prefer their Pitchfork is a snark factory of holier-than-thou scenesters who wouldnt get shivers down their spines if Tyson Vogel played Las Cruces Jail on them. Two Gallants rock hard. Unlike the White Stripes or the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, this power duo writes about historically relevant matters and takes tricky politics head on. This direct, confrontational style irks fans and critics who prefer their music more 'ornamental,' but it's the ony kind of music for me. If you don't agree, see them live and then judge 'em. Collapse
  4. RichardT
    Mar 21, 2006
    Where to begin? Deep lyrics that defy their age and a racket that defies their sum, add to this the fact they are named after a James Joyce story AND that they offer true tales from San Fransisco and it becomes apparent there is little excuse not to get involved.
  5. HubertusZ
    Mar 15, 2006
    Great songs. Great drive. The dynamics of mainly guitars and drums works very well.
  6. KonstantinL
    Mar 7, 2006
    Their previous album 'The Throes' was a classic, but this one disappointed me slightly. There are some great tracks on this record but often they are cancelled out by songs much weaker than anything on the debut. Patchy but worthwhile for fans.
  7. ericaw
    Feb 27, 2006
    After The Throes, my expectations were high for the second album, and I was pleased with the result. If you like the style of Two Gallants, you'll love this album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Their sophomore album is surprisingly world-weary, but brims with an almost brutal rawness and betrays the pair’s striking talent for storytelling.
  2. Filter
    Appealingly poetic. [#19, p.99]
  3. If the album has flaws, it has great and unique strengths. Difficult, maybe, but captivating.