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Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Dec 5, 2022
    This album oozes charm. Westside Gunn's talent for constructing punchy, genre-defining modern NY boombap is on display once again, this time supported by a cast of gritty, genuine performances from Slick Rick, Armani Caesar, Busta Rhymes and more. I can feel WSG's energy in every ad-lib as his sprays gun sounds across this piece, painting a hip-hop Jackson Pollock piece which admittedlyThis album oozes charm. Westside Gunn's talent for constructing punchy, genre-defining modern NY boombap is on display once again, this time supported by a cast of gritty, genuine performances from Slick Rick, Armani Caesar, Busta Rhymes and more. I can feel WSG's energy in every ad-lib as his sprays gun sounds across this piece, painting a hip-hop Jackson Pollock piece which admittedly struggles to break new ground for the rapper. Not many rappers could pull of a project like this, but Westside Gunn can. Expand
  2. Dec 8, 2021
    ignore the score for this album, my 10 goes to tom macdonald. words are simply unable to describe my love for mr macdonald (i'd tap) (no homo). he is my inspiration, my idol, and my father. please notice me mr macdonald. i'll make it worth your while (head).
  3. Oct 2, 2021
    I found the album to be bland, that relies on features for acclaim and money. Some songs are quite decent, many not so much. The album highlights include "Ishkabibble's", it has a simplistic yet great beat with pounding drums that are heavy on the bass, and Black Thought's verse is well-made. "Lessie" has clever word play, "The MAC-13, squeeze it like lemon-lime" and "The Butcher and TheI found the album to be bland, that relies on features for acclaim and money. Some songs are quite decent, many not so much. The album highlights include "Ishkabibble's", it has a simplistic yet great beat with pounding drums that are heavy on the bass, and Black Thought's verse is well-made. "Lessie" has clever word play, "The MAC-13, squeeze it like lemon-lime" and "The Butcher and The Blade" has great features. The worst songs on the album are "Ocean Prime", it has average verses, but it has the worst verse of Busta Rhymes' career, his lyrics are boring and his voice sounds like he has asthma on steroids in the verse and "All Praises" has horrendous singing that made my ears bleed. Westside Gunn also is overshadowed by every feature except Busta Rhymes, Armani Ceaser, and Keisha Plum. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Oct 14, 2020
    Who Made the Sunshine is a solid offering, even if not Gunn’s most wholly compelling body of work. It doesn’t break any ground or expand his dynamics in the way that A King To A GOD did for Conway, but it is Gunn doing what he does best — at a very high level.
  2. Oct 7, 2020
    ‘Who Made The Sunshine?’ feels like a fresh slate for the Buffalo artist. Drawing on the weight of his experience to carve out fresh opportunity, it’s a record that – only at moments, mind you – contains some of his best work.
  3. Oct 7, 2020
    It’s both grand introduction and complacent victory lap; both urgent and laid back, all at once, constantly.