• Record Label: 679
  • Release Date: Jun 26, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 43
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 43
  3. Negative: 7 out of 43

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  1. theheat
    Aug 15, 2006
    What a amazin debut album from ben drew, lyrically stunning every track is pure fresh uk talent can't stop lisenen to his unique take on urban life - all you haters are just jealous of this boys skillz, this cat is nothing like eminem - what because hes white and raps? eminem is kosha but when did he last cut a track strummin a guitar and soulful singing? if your a tru fan of What a amazin debut album from ben drew, lyrically stunning every track is pure fresh uk talent can't stop lisenen to his unique take on urban life - all you haters are just jealous of this boys skillz, this cat is nothing like eminem - what because hes white and raps? eminem is kosha but when did he last cut a track strummin a guitar and soulful singing? if your a tru fan of quailty, uk hip/hop go buy this album NOW believe Expand
  2. Oct 5, 2013
    A very dark and powerful album which will give you goosebumps. His dark lyrics and flow are amazing and his guitar playing just adds to it. My favourite British artist right now.
  3. kennyb
    Jul 6, 2006
    Solid album. I think Flaccid B put it correctly that people miss the point that he is not speaking from his own personal experience but about the doings of people he perhaps knows or has gorwn up with. It's a very strong album and I guess this would put some listeners off but I liked it. He does not sound like Eminem, people who say this are too narrow minded and should really have Solid album. I think Flaccid B put it correctly that people miss the point that he is not speaking from his own personal experience but about the doings of people he perhaps knows or has gorwn up with. It's a very strong album and I guess this would put some listeners off but I liked it. He does not sound like Eminem, people who say this are too narrow minded and should really have another listen. Expand
  4. Baby_Titch
    Jul 9, 2006
    I think this album is really deep, it might not be all Plan b's personal experience but it's real Sh!t that people can relate too. So what if he's white it don't matter, it's just good to have someone that chats about real life. People that says he's tryin to be like Emimem are chatting crap, Emimem is all about the money now not the ART, he's gone down I think this album is really deep, it might not be all Plan b's personal experience but it's real Sh!t that people can relate too. So what if he's white it don't matter, it's just good to have someone that chats about real life. People that says he's tryin to be like Emimem are chatting crap, Emimem is all about the money now not the ART, he's gone down hill. Just hoping Plan B can keep it real Expand
  5. simong
    Oct 13, 2006
    This is the best thing i've heard in a long time. It's utterly amazing. I just hope it keeps on coming!
  6. mattw
    Jul 23, 2006
    all u fools that compare Plan B 2 eminem are narrow minded dickheads, coz he's white eminem instantly pops into ur mind! this is real music, u lot are pumpin ur vains full of yank shit if u cant relate 2 this music, i wldnt piss on u if u were on fire. peace 2 the breaders that respect this music!
  7. PatrikE
    Jul 24, 2006
    A powerful and emotive piece of work. It packs a punch and having seen him live it's safe to say he's the real deal. You've got to at least give it a listen.
  8. nathang
    Jul 6, 2006
    wicked album cant fault it
  9. Jonny
    Jul 7, 2006
    Wicked album, lyrical genius from the UK.
  10. jackies
    Nov 30, 2006
    dis album is well good, i think plan b will be da nxt eminem, even though emunem wont be forgotten i dont think plan b will be neither, ive heard every song hes made and there all so good, good luck plan b, i hope you get far in life. XXX
  11. BillyWilly
    Jul 1, 2006
    This guy can tell a story. Thats a lot more than most of the "rappers" out there today can say. If you're like me, you're getting sick of hearing people on the radio "rap" about how drunk they get in the club. I'm using quotes because for lack of a better word, people like Lil John and Mike Jones are considered "rappers" these days. I miss the substance in hip hop, and This guy can tell a story. Thats a lot more than most of the "rappers" out there today can say. If you're like me, you're getting sick of hearing people on the radio "rap" about how drunk they get in the club. I'm using quotes because for lack of a better word, people like Lil John and Mike Jones are considered "rappers" these days. I miss the substance in hip hop, and thats why this album blew me away. The lyrics in "Sick 2 Def" and "No More Eatin" are simply some of the best rhymes you'll hear on any hip hop album from the last few years on any continent. That said, there are a few songs on the album that are piss poor, namely "Good to Me". However, if you appreciate good hip hop, and are looking for someone who is original, who *GASP* uses original music and beats in his songs. Then give this album a listen. Expand
  12. ZakP
    Jul 4, 2006
    Most of you don't know what you're talking about, this guy's not just another rapper, he's a great lyricist who captures urban terror with excellent results, and manages to get a few chuckles in too...he is definitely one to watch.
  13. ciarano
    Jul 4, 2006
    this album is amazin i dont undrstand how any1 can critisize it. i tink charmaine is qwality and so is kidz. i bin listenin to him for a wile now but his album is top notch man
  14. mikec
    Sep 25, 2006
    an excelent new tallent, like the british eminem but less psycotic split personality and more voilent
  15. JackPumpkinKing
    Sep 25, 2006
    Anyone who shrugs this album off as being an Eminem clone has obviously heard some of the content clocked the fact that he's white and made a snap judgement. If you took two minutes to listen to the lyrics you would hear him scold youths for taking drugs and finding guns cool, both things Eminem has been accused of promoting. If you don't like the songs don't listen to Anyone who shrugs this album off as being an Eminem clone has obviously heard some of the content clocked the fact that he's white and made a snap judgement. If you took two minutes to listen to the lyrics you would hear him scold youths for taking drugs and finding guns cool, both things Eminem has been accused of promoting. If you don't like the songs don't listen to them. But don't go around half cocked talking about copying someone else you cunts. Expand
  16. elleelectric.
    Jul 6, 2007
    This is probably the best album i've heard all year, Ben drew's lyrics are incredibly thought provoking, and fit so well with the catchy riffs. I love the way he's incorporated uk hip hop with indie, so he appeals to many musical scenes, that takes talent, and from this album, it is apparent Plan B has a lot of it. "SICK 2 DEF" left me speechless.
  17. daniellew
    Oct 12, 2006
    pure talent best track was charmaine
  18. AlB
    Jun 29, 2006
    The most powerful, controversial, and definitely most original uk album for a long time. Ben Drew's lyrics especially in "sick 2 def" have a better narrative than most films. The only problem Plan B has is that many people simply wont be able to see past his sickly devised lyrics and class him as an offensive yob... how wrong these people are is untrue
  19. EuanS
    Jul 12, 2006
    This Guy Is Awesome ! He Sounds Nothing Like Eminem !
  20. Rudiger
    Jul 3, 2006
    no matter what a lot of people will hate plan b because he is a white rapper like eminem so he is obviously "copying" eminem... umm yeaah or because his lyrics are so "controvertial" but if people are open minded enough to listen to what he is saying and listen to the music they will see that this is a superb album, and plan b deserves nothing but praise from it
  21. FlaccidB
    Jul 3, 2006
    Too many people are taking this album literally. Plan B never claims that this is his experience, just that these are indeed experiences that are being had everyday by young people all over London - and to other effect all over the world. His flow and style are similar to Eminem's but given the influence he has had on the world of rap is it a surprise? Is it a bad thing.? Too many Too many people are taking this album literally. Plan B never claims that this is his experience, just that these are indeed experiences that are being had everyday by young people all over London - and to other effect all over the world. His flow and style are similar to Eminem's but given the influence he has had on the world of rap is it a surprise? Is it a bad thing.? Too many haters with no clue as to what makes a decent Hip Hop track and what doesn't. And people cream themselves over 50Cent but hate on this... Expand
  22. SimonP
    Jul 4, 2006
    This is one of the best hip hop albums I've heard in years, and anyone who finds his lyrics offensive are clearly missing the point. Also, comparisons to people like Eminem and Mike Skinner couldn't be any lazier.
  23. JasonS
    Jul 7, 2006
    New Fresh Keepin it real. This is how it should be done.
  24. adamj
    Jul 7, 2006
    This album is amazin he has made a bridge between indie and rap and its come off with amazing results the greatest british rap album ever
  25. RichyN
    Aug 17, 2006
    Good to see meaningful act come out of the UK hip hop scene. Talent for lyrics and music is not something we see often from the British rappers. Spot on.
  26. ChrisT
    Aug 25, 2006
    Unbelieveable debut album from Ben Drew, every track is brilliant, his South English slang fits in perfectly and makes it a hard hitting album. I can't wait for his next album. I want MORE!
  27. Layas
    Aug 7, 2006
    very good alnum, only 2 tracks tht werent quite up to standard, flat out tho, listen to constantly
  28. asas
    Sep 14, 2006
    This is an amazing album!!!!!!! You could never mistake Plan B's talent for Eminem, some of you need to chill out and listen to his lyrics and how he is talking about real issues, they do happen don't be so closed minded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  29. Hopexxx
    Sep 18, 2006
    absolutely...awesome. No other words describe this- I cnt believe hw well written, produced and sung this is. xxx

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. This is one of the most exciting debut albums for sometime.
  2. His world may be grittier, but Plan B's up there with Alex Turner as a lyricist, crafting simple and darkly witty songs about the reality of life in Britain.
  3. There's more fear and loathing on Ben Drew's first album than in a year's worth of Daily Mail headlines.