• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Sep 9, 2016
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Universal acclaim- based on 115 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 9 out of 115
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  1. Sep 11, 2016
    Simplesmente perfeito! Fiquei meio desanimado com o single de estreia fraquinho, mas o hino Fake It me fez recuperar as esperanças, depois da excelente Send Them Off, sabia que o álbum seria ótimo, mas excedeu as minhas expectativas! Estou completamente obcecado por essa obra-prima maravilhosa. HINÁRIO DA PORRA
  2. Sep 12, 2016
    I've been listening to Bastille's music since the beginning of their career so I had confidence they'd be able to make another hit like "Pompeii", but this new album... Wild World just f—ing blew my mind to bits! All the 19 songs here are nothing but beautiful and tantalizingly poetic. Production was handled to perfection and the songwriting was GODLY! it's like they have produced an albumI've been listening to Bastille's music since the beginning of their career so I had confidence they'd be able to make another hit like "Pompeii", but this new album... Wild World just f—ing blew my mind to bits! All the 19 songs here are nothing but beautiful and tantalizingly poetic. Production was handled to perfection and the songwriting was GODLY! it's like they have produced an album full of "Pompeiis". I couldn't be any less grateful for that... Indeed, it was a money well-spent. Expand
  3. Sep 10, 2016
    As a previous Bastille fan, I was thrilled to hear about their second album release. Waiting months for the release of their single "Good Grief", set my expectations high and I'm proud to say that they've met them! This album does not only display a connection between the thoughts of citizens and the greater scope seen through the news or through authority , such as the personal need toAs a previous Bastille fan, I was thrilled to hear about their second album release. Waiting months for the release of their single "Good Grief", set my expectations high and I'm proud to say that they've met them! This album does not only display a connection between the thoughts of citizens and the greater scope seen through the news or through authority , such as the personal need to be kind with others or even the great power politicians have upon their countries, but it puts a great rhythm and lyrics into an genre that, to me, is way different to the pop songs heard on the radio. Expand
  4. Sep 12, 2016
    This is the best album 2016 ! I Iove the songs. Es gibt in diesem Album so viele Ohrwürmer. Es ist einfach toll geworden. I can only recommend to buy it.
  5. Sep 17, 2016
    um hinario achei bem melhor que o primeiro deles é muito bom de ouvir e a ideia de falas no começo das musicas amei THEY LIED TOGETHER OH OIL ON WAAATER
  6. Oct 6, 2016
    I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting Bastille's album to be NEARLY this good. When I pressed play for the very first time, however, I was immediately taken aback by the vocals, lyrics, and beats all intertwining to make 19 incredible songs. I'll be seeing them in concert next May, and I can't wait to see their creations being performed in front of me. I've always loved Bastille, but thisI'll be honest, I wasn't expecting Bastille's album to be NEARLY this good. When I pressed play for the very first time, however, I was immediately taken aback by the vocals, lyrics, and beats all intertwining to make 19 incredible songs. I'll be seeing them in concert next May, and I can't wait to see their creations being performed in front of me. I've always loved Bastille, but this album rekindled my love and made it even stronger. If you haven't listened to it or feel skeptical about it--- LISTEN TO IT!!! It's a music experience you wont regret :)) Expand
  7. Oct 24, 2016
    Bastille does not disappoint with their sophomore album; each track contains its own contribution to a cohesive underlying story line. Whilst experiencing with newer sounds (heavier rock guitars, hip-hop productions, embedded movie quotes), Bastille still reassures their old time fans that they're still the band with the biggest digital hit of 2013 in the UK.
  8. Jun 18, 2017
    a beautiful work of art that defines what it means to be human in this 'wild, wild world', bastille's wild world is one of the best albums released in 2016. lead singer dan smith's stunning vocals paired with the production and instruments, especially the addition of guitars (which were not present in the previous album), makes this album uniquely bastille while still differentiatinga beautiful work of art that defines what it means to be human in this 'wild, wild world', bastille's wild world is one of the best albums released in 2016. lead singer dan smith's stunning vocals paired with the production and instruments, especially the addition of guitars (which were not present in the previous album), makes this album uniquely bastille while still differentiating itself from their first album 'bad blood'. a modern masterpiece. Expand
  9. Jan 1, 2019
    Great album. Even better than Bad Blood
    Best Songs: Good Grief, Send Them Off!, Blame, An Act Of Kindness, Four Walls, Power, The Anchor

    Okay all of them are great
  10. Sep 23, 2019
    My favourite album of all time, such an underrated band and album. I would highly recommend it!
  11. Nov 16, 2019
    A dreamy album. Full of emotional melodies and very good lyrics. Maybe too many tracks but there are georgeous as single ones.
    Adam Smith vocals are magical.
  12. Mar 26, 2020
    El mejor álbum de la banda hasta ahora, Wild World es una mezcla perfecta para abrir los ojos ante este mundo salvaje, combinando sonidos góticos y religiosos. De lo mejor
  13. Nov 22, 2021
    Dan Smith's voice continues to be near perfection and their lyrics get sharper
  14. Nov 24, 2021
    Daniel Smith's voice is still jaw-dropping, I love the concept behind this album, all songs are great with nice lyrics
  15. Nov 25, 2021
    I love the concept behind this album and how the tracks have movies quotes and stuff like that, its bloody genius
  16. Nov 25, 2021
    Bastille's sophomore album is as great as their debut, Danie Smith's voice is still something to behold, and their lyrics are amazing too
  17. Sep 9, 2016
    I'm not a habitual listener of Bastille. Before this album I loved maybe 1-3 songs by them, but this album is absolutely fantastic! I was blown away at how amazing this album is. I starred 8 of the 19 songs on Spotify, and enjoyed the 11 others. There isn't a bad song on the album. Give it a listen, and if you're a Bastille fan...well you're in for a real f*$%in treat!
  18. Sep 9, 2016
    I absolutely love this album. The music resonates with me. Though at times it feels like the song is a bit strangely timed and worded. Other than that it's lovely. I can't tell which album is my favorite anymore.
  19. Dec 20, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love almost all songs inside this album. You really have to check this out because its really good. I could give you 10 star just if you sell your album in Indonesia. Expand
  20. Feb 26, 2017
    You grow to love it the more and more you listen to it, it can be very daunting to listen to at first. Overall it all sticks with you because the style is just so different. Dan Smith did cram a bit much into the album, but every once and awhile it's nice to be stuffed by rhythms of a cruddy world.
  21. Oct 1, 2016
    I can't say I was ever a fan of Bastille before, but WOW is this album good. It's fun, upbeat, feel-good pop music from start to finish. The hooks and melodies are catchy and clever, and there are a lot of really good songs on this album, especially Good Grief, An Act of Kindness, Power, and Send Them Off! There a moments when Wild World feels a bit too mainstream, so it's not quite aI can't say I was ever a fan of Bastille before, but WOW is this album good. It's fun, upbeat, feel-good pop music from start to finish. The hooks and melodies are catchy and clever, and there are a lot of really good songs on this album, especially Good Grief, An Act of Kindness, Power, and Send Them Off! There a moments when Wild World feels a bit too mainstream, so it's not quite a perfect album, but it's definitely way better than what I was expecting from Bastille and one of the best pop albums of 2016! Expand
  22. Sep 13, 2016
    Bastille has really made a good album. The first half of the record is amazing, especially with songs like Good Grief, The Currents, An Act of Kindness, Warmth, and Four Walls, these tracks really define this album and give it what it needs to intrigue listeners. The second half of the album becomes jumbled and messy, songs like Snakes and Campus can be annoying at times with theBastille has really made a good album. The first half of the record is amazing, especially with songs like Good Grief, The Currents, An Act of Kindness, Warmth, and Four Walls, these tracks really define this album and give it what it needs to intrigue listeners. The second half of the album becomes jumbled and messy, songs like Snakes and Campus can be annoying at times with the repetitive lyrics and messy production. Bastille's main problem seems to be the lead singers voice, and this is obviously subjective, but the singers voice simply doesn't sit right with the tune of some songs, case in point Oil on the Water and Winter of Our Youth. I feel as though these songs could simply be masterpieces if only a different vocal direction had been taken. But overall, this album is a joy to listen to, and very diverse, ranging from slow and electronic driven songs like Four Walls to rock styled songs like Blame, this album provides a diverse sound that spans many genres. Its by no means boring, although as you go through the 19 tracks the lead singers voice may wear you. The one thing that this album repeats and overdoes is its excerpts from movies, which is provided in most tracks. Its not that big of a deal, though, since the album provides such a good listen. Expand
  23. Jan 12, 2018
    First off, I have listened to this album many times. Second, it is almost impossible to talk about it without comparing it to All This Bad Blood, which is one of my all-time favorite albums. When compared to ATBB, Wild World sounds like trash. It has repetitive music and nearly as powerful lyrics as the ones on ATBB. Still, WW has some good stuff. Some of it's songs have pretty greatFirst off, I have listened to this album many times. Second, it is almost impossible to talk about it without comparing it to All This Bad Blood, which is one of my all-time favorite albums. When compared to ATBB, Wild World sounds like trash. It has repetitive music and nearly as powerful lyrics as the ones on ATBB. Still, WW has some good stuff. Some of it's songs have pretty great lyrics. "Warmth" is one of them. "For Walls" has darker lyrics that are effective and interesting, which are amplified by the great vocals. "Snakes" is one of the best from WW, with good lyrics and production. Overall, WW is pretty good lyrically. Unfortunately, the music overwhelms and overshadows the lyrics again and again on this album. The best music can be found on "Send Them Off!", "Lethargy", and "Snakes." Wild World lacks the magic that was present on every song on ATBB, and is clearly inferior. Even so, WW has some good stuff, especially on the deluxe version. Expand
  24. Sep 10, 2016
    I liked Bad Blood and I was really excited when I heard that Bastille was coming out with a new album. When I heard Good Grief I wasn't impressed. I felt that it was, quite frankly, pretty generic but I was still excited to hear what else they had. Unfortunately Wild World was a big let down. The biggest criticism I have of Bad Blood is that it didn't have enough variety but it has 10I liked Bad Blood and I was really excited when I heard that Bastille was coming out with a new album. When I heard Good Grief I wasn't impressed. I felt that it was, quite frankly, pretty generic but I was still excited to hear what else they had. Unfortunately Wild World was a big let down. The biggest criticism I have of Bad Blood is that it didn't have enough variety but it has 10 times the variety of Wild World! The songs on this album are so similar to each other it's hard to tell them apart. Everything seems to be in the same key, the refrains of almost every song use the same cords and the clips of people speaking at the beginning of every track get tiresome. This is probably the most disappointed I've ever been by a band's sophomore album. Expand
  25. Oct 3, 2016
    The worst album i have heard in 2016. Was looking forward to discovering Bastille via Wild World. It sounds beyond mainstream, soulless, bland, deja vu...It lacks colour, emotion, texture...Sad really
  26. Apr 24, 2017
    Really big fan of their last album but this is just ..... no no no no.................................................................................

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Sep 14, 2016
    Bastille is only two full-length LPs into its career, and in that time its world has gotten bigger. It’s a shame that it hasn’t gotten any wilder.
  2. Sep 12, 2016
    Wild World proves that Bastille can build on their success with style. They're the kind of band that sounds better as they get bigger, and their thoughtful lyrics, jaunty melodies, and huge choruses could fill a Coldplay-shaped hole in listeners' hearts.
  3. Sep 12, 2016
    Wild World is too wholesome to generate real thrills.