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Universal acclaim- based on 136 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 11 out of 136
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  1. Jul 5, 2016
    Try not to compare the sound to that of SILY- the theme of the album is completely different than before, however is just as expertly crafted full of depth and nostalgic samples that are assembled so wonderfully. The album truly is a masterpiece and flows from start to finish with an underlying lively pulse, however the songs themselves are more individual than the seamless SILY. At 22Try not to compare the sound to that of SILY- the theme of the album is completely different than before, however is just as expertly crafted full of depth and nostalgic samples that are assembled so wonderfully. The album truly is a masterpiece and flows from start to finish with an underlying lively pulse, however the songs themselves are more individual than the seamless SILY. At 22 songs long, the more I played this album the more I loved it and the more I heard in it. Those who do not find joy in this expertly crafted work of art is not listening deep enough.

    Highlights - Because I'm Me, Harmony, Zap!, If I Was A Folkstar, Wozard of Iz, Saturday Night Out. But everything is amazing!
  2. Jul 5, 2016
    I signed up for Metacritic just to write this review. I find this album to be so special that I want to be a part of the art-objectifying-via-ranking community to help secure its place in the collective consciousness for years to come. This album is a joyful swirl of nostalgic funkiness. It's beautiful. Wistful. I have long considered SILY to be a desert island album to keep my joy aliveI signed up for Metacritic just to write this review. I find this album to be so special that I want to be a part of the art-objectifying-via-ranking community to help secure its place in the collective consciousness for years to come. This album is a joyful swirl of nostalgic funkiness. It's beautiful. Wistful. I have long considered SILY to be a desert island album to keep my joy alive if I was all alone on this planet, so I had the highest of hopes for their follow-up, and, amazingly, not only did it not disappoint me it revealed new depths of joy, gratitude and dance moves in my emotional and physical lexicon. I will be returning to this album, I expect, for the rest of my life. It makes me happy and sad at the same time, while propelling me in time through dance.

  3. Jul 5, 2016
    I've waited 15 years for this album. These guys have kept the magic that made their 1st album so special to us. You can't say that for a lot of artists! This album will make you smile, even if there's not as much variety / experimentation as their 1st album.
  4. Jul 12, 2016
    The Avalanches have been more assertive in this album compared to SILY, and the results may or may not be what listeners were expecting. However, if it is a more direct expression of The Avalanches then we should be happy to know more about the intentions of the musicians, as well as their skill. The samples and themes in Wildflower are brought together in a way that seems almost likeThe Avalanches have been more assertive in this album compared to SILY, and the results may or may not be what listeners were expecting. However, if it is a more direct expression of The Avalanches then we should be happy to know more about the intentions of the musicians, as well as their skill. The samples and themes in Wildflower are brought together in a way that seems almost like Jazz, which is a testament to the technical skills of the musicians (Harmony was in part constructed from samples of letter phonemes in Sesame Street's Madrigal Alphabet), and a testament to their confidence in their audience. The rapid movements between themes and samples seems to lay out a narrative of emotions and thoughts, rather than clear, clean stories. Like Jazz, this constant shifting makes it hard to predict what is coming next, and at times places demands on the listener that many artists would be simply too afraid to make. As a contrast, while SILY was content to allow for the repetition of samples and melodies to allow for more predictable (and catchy) melodies, Wildflower has greater ambitions, for itself and for its listeners. Appreciating this album doesn't require knowledge of the enormous musical tapestry from which it was constructed, but it is likely that those who appreciate this album will find the feeling of nostalgia in the samples, and seek out the originals to experience in their own right. I can't help but think that Wildflower is in part an attempt to share this old music with us, to piece together new creations while honouring the memory of those pieces. Expand
  5. Jul 20, 2016
    Listening to this album is like walking through the meadow on warm sunny spring day... this is little twin brother to 'since I left you' 10/10 (I signed up to this web just to vote for this gem album)
  6. Jul 26, 2020
    Best album of all time. A wholistic album that is amazing from start to finish.
  7. Jul 6, 2016
    A seriously good album from front to back. It rewards repeat listens heavily. Put all your assumptions and expectations about what this – or any album, for that matter – should sound like, and you'll be immersed into a unique, technicoloured world or weird, wonderful and surprising songs. This album will certainly be misunderstood by, and get lost on, many people – but the way it isA seriously good album from front to back. It rewards repeat listens heavily. Put all your assumptions and expectations about what this – or any album, for that matter – should sound like, and you'll be immersed into a unique, technicoloured world or weird, wonderful and surprising songs. This album will certainly be misunderstood by, and get lost on, many people – but the way it is stitched together, the way it feels, and the spectrum of emotions it evokes (with masterful subtlety), is nothing short of incredible. A sublimely crafted hour of music. Expand
  8. Feb 1, 2017
    The Avalanches' long awaited return (and it was very, very long) does not disappoint many and this writer is included. I always felt that "Since I Left You" was more popular for its uniqueness and less for the musical depth, and this album picks up the slack from that effort. I do think that SInce I Left You succeeded in the overall album approach and was quite enjoyable for its grandThe Avalanches' long awaited return (and it was very, very long) does not disappoint many and this writer is included. I always felt that "Since I Left You" was more popular for its uniqueness and less for the musical depth, and this album picks up the slack from that effort. I do think that SInce I Left You succeeded in the overall album approach and was quite enjoyable for its grand vision, and Wildflowers does not forget this. Overall Wildflowers is a relatively similar album and is an enjoyable trip for prior fans and new fans alike. Expand
  9. Jul 13, 2019
    A great “feel good” album, with tons of creative, funny, and obscure samples and has top-tier production.
  10. Jul 5, 2016
    I've waited a long time for this album and I'll be honest if I say that I'm slightly disappointed. The rap parts are a great bonus, yet the tracks do feel a bit repetitive and tiring at times.
  11. Sep 4, 2016
    After all the false starts surrounding the release of this album - many of them no doubt coordinated by the band in order to remind folk that they were still alive - 'Wildflower' needed to be good in order to sustain the hype surrounding its release. And it is. It's a lovely thing, summery, breezy and written by people in a happy place or taking the right drugs to put them in a happy place.
  12. Jul 11, 2019
    I don't think Wildflower is a bad album at all, and maybe it is because I haven't listened to it enough, but I do not think this album is as outstanding as "Since I Left You", the previous album by the Avalanches. It still is a fine listen.
  13. Jul 19, 2016
    As much as it is rewarding to listen to, it often feels as if it crumbles under its own weight as a dense and scenic album. While it may be a tribute to the barren beauties of Australia, "Wildflower" somewhat fails to encapsulate them.
  14. Jan 19, 2017
    Overproduced, self indulgent, masturbatory rubbish. 2 white Aussies appropriating black american culture. Basically just a compilation of sounds, american dialogue, mixed with some rap here and there.
  15. Feb 1, 2017
    It could be just me or is Frankie Sinatra the only good song on this album. A lot if it is just noise. Apparently the song about the subway was written and sung by a kid, which would explain why its rubbish. I wouldn't buy an album for one song.

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Magnet
    Aug 11, 2016
    The Avalanches bag production, they roller-coaster; got to be jokers, they just do what they please. [No. 134, p.51]
  2. Aug 10, 2016
    Wildflower is simply a joy, an euphonious hour-long journey that exists in some wonderfully naive and blissful alternate universe. It’s an aural paradise you’ll never want to leave.
  3. Uncut
    Aug 5, 2016
    Wildflower does a robust job of reiterating core skills rather than offering radical reinvention. [Sep 2016, p.66]