• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Mar 23, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 56
  2. Negative: 8 out of 56

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  1. GraceP.
    Apr 10, 2006
    Kick ass album..A departure from the agressive previous album..more mellowed and ithe album has me hooked on to The Vines since
  2. RB
    Mar 15, 2004
    This is the best album so far this year. The Music Press is pretty sad if they can't realize that. Most of the people who write about music simply don't know what they are talking about. The Vines are fantastic both live and on record. They are the real thing. The first single "Ride" is definately the worst song on the album. The chorus is especially bad. But the rest of the This is the best album so far this year. The Music Press is pretty sad if they can't realize that. Most of the people who write about music simply don't know what they are talking about. The Vines are fantastic both live and on record. They are the real thing. The first single "Ride" is definately the worst song on the album. The chorus is especially bad. But the rest of the album is really pretty special. Especially "Sun Child" and "TV Pro". Expand
  3. TrishaL
    Apr 2, 2004
    Winning Days is a great cd. Every track is great. I could listen to it forever. I has so many emotions throughout every song. The Vines are an AWESOME rock band! I think their taste is what are music society has been missing for a while and now that they've come we have music you can actually enjoy. Yay for the Vines!
  4. clareb
    Apr 7, 2004
    When i first got this album, i knew it was special. The opening song, "Ride" is a rocking song and really sets the mood for the entire album. There is a selection of loud and brash songs, with F.T.W and Evil Town, which demonstrate the "we dont give a s**t" attitude which the band seem to possess. This is not to say however that like many rock bands they are simply writing crude words and When i first got this album, i knew it was special. The opening song, "Ride" is a rocking song and really sets the mood for the entire album. There is a selection of loud and brash songs, with F.T.W and Evil Town, which demonstrate the "we dont give a s**t" attitude which the band seem to possess. This is not to say however that like many rock bands they are simply writing crude words and shouting for a reaction; Craig shows real passion for his music, so much so that without it you could imagine that he would be lost. The songs Autumn Shade II and Winning Days are the true masters of this album for me. They demonstrate the harmony and solidarity of the band, and the raw emotions of the music are expressed so delicately by the simplicity of rhythm and riffs. 10 out of 10 Expand
  5. chriss
    Feb 6, 2007
    This is maybe the best album i´ve ever heard! I can´t understand why some magazines mean that the songwriting would be to boring while they declare Vision Valley as "their best album ever"! This album contets pure emotion into diffrent extremes and i haven´t heard of another band which can describe them that perfectly as they did! Awesome!
  6. stephn
    Mar 13, 2004
    (because the vines rock)
  7. [Anonymous]
    Mar 23, 2004
    This album is an amazing psychedelic mind trip and I love it.
  8. ttkk
    Mar 29, 2004
    A maserpiece!
  9. RidetheSnake
    Jun 22, 2004
    If there's any cd you should get it's this one. Forget all the reviews you've heard, forget all that hype and buy the cd and listen to what it is. God forbid anyone does that. I strongly believe that every cd shows a point in a band's development. "Winning Days" shows that The Vines are trying new things. If you actually LISTEN to the cd, you will notice the more If there's any cd you should get it's this one. Forget all the reviews you've heard, forget all that hype and buy the cd and listen to what it is. God forbid anyone does that. I strongly believe that every cd shows a point in a band's development. "Winning Days" shows that The Vines are trying new things. If you actually LISTEN to the cd, you will notice the more experimental tracks like "TV PRO" but yet simple tracks like "Autumn Shade II" and the amazing layering on "Amnesia" - all different things, all songs of which could be a world on their own and yet, the album still retains the style that is The Vines. There's a song for everyone on here from the more poppy to the slow and psychadellic, which makes this a cd for every serious rock fan. So just do yourself a favor and forget the crap in the papers and magazines and buy this cd and really, listen to it. Expand
  10. MichaelZ
    Aug 16, 2005
    The Vines are my favorite band and this is they're best album yet!
  11. MatthewL
    Mar 12, 2004
    Amazing, the vines are awsome!!
  12. jonob
    Mar 16, 2004
    Ignore critics who on the whole are self righteous bastards. This album is the second album from a band who are just starting on their way to rocknroll glory. Judge it as a starting point! An excellent starting point!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. RachelW
    May 21, 2004
    It's so awesome. Craigs voice penetrates into your mind and the melodies take you to anotherplace.
  14. MelissaE
    Aug 19, 2004
    This record shows that the band is growing and the are doing it well. I love this band and every song of this cd. My favourite is Winning Days, it is melodically awesome. In fact do not care about critics and magazines that only knows about Justins, Britneys, and all that crap hip hop and R & B music that will never compare with the rock and roll albums. As a Peruvian (Southamerica) fan This record shows that the band is growing and the are doing it well. I love this band and every song of this cd. My favourite is Winning Days, it is melodically awesome. In fact do not care about critics and magazines that only knows about Justins, Britneys, and all that crap hip hop and R & B music that will never compare with the rock and roll albums. As a Peruvian (Southamerica) fan they really deserve more credits because of their talent :) Expand
  15. RyanP
    Sep 12, 2004
    Absolutely brilliant, from track 1 to 11. Superb
  16. MartinV
    Feb 2, 2005
    It may not be as good as highly evolved but it certainly is not an awful album. The songs are great like 60s melodic songs which if you like the beatles its like those songs. It won't put you to sleep if you like good music.
  17. kennyzoom
    Dec 11, 2004
    first you have to listen to the cd. get past the overplayed singles. then understand how great the album really is. it's a concept album too, and you'll get that if you listen to it more. it's infectious. i love it.
  18. ameliam
    Mar 13, 2004
    Don't listen to the critics, this album is a lot better than Highly Evolved. The songs show a lot more depth both musically and thematically. The Vines have been panned by the critics for releasing an album full of old songs, and it's true that they have -- this is the 2nd cd of the double album they originally wanted to release HE as. WINNING DAYS IS BRILLIANT!!
  19. OwenO
    Mar 23, 2004
    I give this album a 9. I absolutely love it, you can hear the Vines become their own band. They are not, and will never be, Nirvana part 2. Who cares. They're gonna be the Vines, and with albums as good as this and Highly Evolved, what more could you want? I'm already looking forward to the next album.
  20. Smitty800Jang34
    Aug 7, 2004
    It takes a few listens to get into, but dont believe those critics....ITS GREAT!
  21. YanG.
    Apr 29, 2008
    Winning Days is The Vines best album- it has both slow, quiet and lyrical songs like Winning Days or Amnesia and fast rythemed rock songs like Ride or Animal Machine, both of them are familiar to every ear. All in all, this album presents us with 40 minutes of good music for all moods. Highly recommended.
  22. John
    Jan 23, 2007
    This is very badly underrated album. One of the professional reviewers said that the album could maybe be forgiven until F.T.W. comes on. Now, I can understand about F.T.W. (although I like it), but most of the other songs are excellent (both rockers and "ballads"). I find I listen to this album more than The Vines' other two. Most critics would probably criticise me for listening to This is very badly underrated album. One of the professional reviewers said that the album could maybe be forgiven until F.T.W. comes on. Now, I can understand about F.T.W. (although I like it), but most of the other songs are excellent (both rockers and "ballads"). I find I listen to this album more than The Vines' other two. Most critics would probably criticise me for listening to The Vines in the first place, but there is a certain je ne sais quoi about their music. And, who cares anyway, in the words of Sloan, "If it feels good do it"... My faves on this album: Animal Machine, Evil Town, Autumn Shade II, Amnesia, Sunchild... I like 'em, so shoot me! Expand
  23. insignificantsnowflake
    Dec 9, 2004
    these critics suck @$$!
  24. Jun 7, 2011
    One of the most underrated rock albums of the generation, Winning Days should have been the record that installed The Vines as one the definitive rock bands of the 2000's.

    Sadly the victim of unfounded press backlash, The Vines suffered at the very hands of those who had fostered the hype surrounding their debut effort "Highly Evolved". Admittedly, Winning Days never reaches the level of
    One of the most underrated rock albums of the generation, Winning Days should have been the record that installed The Vines as one the definitive rock bands of the 2000's.

    Sadly the victim of unfounded press backlash, The Vines suffered at the very hands of those who had fostered the hype surrounding their debut effort "Highly Evolved".

    Admittedly, Winning Days never reaches the level of brilliance seen in Highly Evolved (tracks like "Evil Town" are bordering on abysmal) but it is still an outstanding album in its own right - featuring sweet melodic perfection in softer tracks like "Rainfall", "Amnesia" and "Sun Child". The title track "Winning Days" finishes with an uplifting flourish unmatched by any of their previous recordings, and songs like "Animal Machine" and the crowd (and advertising) favourite "Ride" retain the high energy rock edge that gave The Vines their initial reputation, lending themselves brilliantly to live performance.

    The problem I saw with this album's initial reception, is that most media critics were looking for an album stacked with 12 versions of Get Free, Outtathaway and Ride - often describing Winning Days as "bland". In this ignorant and oblivious process, they missed out on the genius within this album of melodic accomplishment.

    A great album overall.
  25. Apr 3, 2019
    Would have to be ones of the most underrated albums of the 2000's. Some songs could have been improved but still a great record nonetheless. Favourite tracks are Autumn Shade II, Evil Town and TV Pro.
  26. TylerC
    Mar 24, 2004
    What the hell are reviewers thinking??? Sure, This cd isn't exactly an untimely masterpiece....but it's a good listen nonetheless! 47??? That is quite low....this album is much better then a 47...high 60 or low 70 seems more apporiate.
  27. NorthFreedomFighter
    Apr 6, 2005
    This is a grower. I didn't take to it much at first, but as you listen on, you'll realize that this is the product of a man who just cannot seem to find himself and in frustration vents in the music. Touching if you think about it and worth giving another shot.
  28. MaxW
    Mar 22, 2004
    If it wasn't for the MASSIVE press hype the Vines got a few years ago I am sure that this album would have rated above 80%. Why is that critics go all gushy for bands that are rarely heard of? It seems that critics love to hate the Vines because of all the press they were getting, even though it's not their fault they were getting all this press.
  29. JeremyG
    Mar 29, 2004
    I agree the Vines have been hyped up too much initially when they first arrived by short-sighted critics. However, the black-lash this band is now getting is not deserved (especially in Australia where I'm from). The Vines are erratic both live and in their recordings, but that is a quality which makes them so good, amongst the MOR songs are some real gems on Winning Days, especially I agree the Vines have been hyped up too much initially when they first arrived by short-sighted critics. However, the black-lash this band is now getting is not deserved (especially in Australia where I'm from). The Vines are erratic both live and in their recordings, but that is a quality which makes them so good, amongst the MOR songs are some real gems on Winning Days, especially the title track ... one of the sweetest songs I've heard in a long time. This album is full great songs that showcase the bands penchant for losing oneself in music ... go along for the ride, and most of you will be suprised just how engrgossed you'll become for 40 miutes this album runs for. Expand
  30. Mike
    Apr 21, 2004
    There is no depth to this album, and I can't tell at all what Craig is saying. But I love the guitar on this album, and there's great energy in this. I find this alot easier to listen to than the Strokes or the White Stripes.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 23
  2. Negative: 2 out of 23
  1. Blender
    There's something about the precision of the gear changes and the crisp efficiency of Rob Schnapf's production that hits the spot, however derivatively. [Apr 2004, p.134]
  2. The A.V. Club
    The album's midsection--in other words, just about everything between the first song and the last song--sags under the weight of midtempo, middle-of-the-road throwaways. [31 Mar 2004]
  3. Winning Days is a noisy triumph -- as good as their 2002 debut, Highly Evolved, and in some ways a leap forward in style and frenzy.