
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Nov 10, 2017
    Wizard Bloody Wizard doesn't break any new ground for this band, but innovation has never been what these folks are about. Instead, their albums are offerings to the gods of the blacklight poster and the bong, and on that level, Electric Wizard appear to have made their masters very happy indeed.
  2. Nov 15, 2017
    Wizard Bloody Wizard proves that the music Black Sabbath birthed can still hit hard without much in the way of embellishment nearly fifty years later.
  3. Kerrang!
    Nov 30, 2017
    An album that once again sees Wizard creating a new landscape with only the slightest adjustment. Yeah, it's more rock'n'roll, but it's still ultra-stoned, it's still ultra-heavy, and Electric Wizard still hate[s] you. [25 Nov 2017, p.51]
  4. Magnet
    Dec 22, 2017
    While another updating of Bloodrock/Blue Cheer/proto-metal is exactly what the world doesn't need, it's a different story when Electric Wizard puts such source material in the crosshairs to show the saturated margins how it's done. [No. 149, p.55]
  5. Mojo
    Nov 10, 2017
    Their eighth long-player feels leaner, nastier, equally impressive [as 2014's Time to Die]. [Dec 2017, p.91]
  6. Nov 13, 2017
    Conceived in antithesis to the tediously technically proficient metal that’s abundant these days, EW’s ninth album takes joy-doom to another level. Their riffs match the fuzziness of their weed-fogged minds.
  7. Nov 10, 2017
    They're not breaking new ground, or trying to: True to their sorcerous name, the band simply performs the right incantations and brings forth old demons from the abyss. Some things don't need reinventing, and fortunately for Electric Wizard, heavy metal is one of them.
  8. Nov 10, 2017
    Wizard Bloody Wizard still rocks hard enough to justify the occasional rebellious upward glance from the existential trudge down the long spiral into nothingness that they evoke so bleakly, and so well.
  9. The Wire
    Dec 19, 2017
    The quartet sound vital here, powered by a passion that is infectious and thrilling. [Dec 2017, p.52]

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