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Universal acclaim- based on 189 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 189

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  1. MarylinY
    May 28, 2009
    A great album from the french rock band, reminds me the strokes, they are genius!!
  2. GabrielC
    May 28, 2009
    They are the new strokes, what a wonderful album, Lisztomania, Fences are 1901 and Countdown are the standout tracks.
  3. Ollie!
    Jul 2, 2009
    This is one of those rare albums that I like every song on, and will probably never get bored of. I can and do listen to it on repeat for most of the work day. My wife also feels the same way, so it's not just me. :) Album of the year!
  4. AliC
    Jul 24, 2009
    Can't stop listening to this album...highly addictive, but you'll still be listening to it obsessively 8 weeks later.
  5. GeorgieP.
    Dec 11, 2009
    Inspiring ! Creative ! In a category of its own ! Phoenix has created a unique sound that's just so pleasing to the ear that words just don't do it justice. You need to listen to the quality of this band to truly understand. Wolfgang Amadeus is what I've been waiting for since i got sucked into "United". Don't miss out on this band, they've got some talent.
  6. NicholasS
    May 27, 2009
    Perfect records do not come around often. Especially in this day in age. But when one does, I think we need to go out of our way to note that. This album is the best album of its genre in years. The production is perfect, not overdone. The songs are catchy, but not over-play catchy. Can't get sick of them-catchy is more like it. Will be listening to this one for years to go. The Perfect records do not come around often. Especially in this day in age. But when one does, I think we need to go out of our way to note that. This album is the best album of its genre in years. The production is perfect, not overdone. The songs are catchy, but not over-play catchy. Can't get sick of them-catchy is more like it. Will be listening to this one for years to go. The instrumental "Love Like A Sunset" (Pt 1 & 2) Breaks the album up perfectly to two parts with two climaxes. Expand
  7. IanM
    Jul 23, 2009
    I had never even heard of Phoenix until I found this album, but once I listened to WAP once, I could not stop listening to it! This album is like a breath of satisfyingly fresh air. I have almost all of their albums now, but this is the best one by far! Awesome...that is about all else I can say.
  8. ZacariasY
    May 28, 2009
    One of the bests albums of the year.
  9. SimonS
    Jun 28, 2009
    So catchy and so uplifting. I think I've literally listened to the entire album, from start to finish, 20 times. Favorite song= Big Sun.
  10. Mar 20, 2011
    I fell in love with this album the very first time I heard it. I usually have to listen to albums a few times before I actually appreciate it but with this one, I instantly found a connection. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is a brilliant album. Each track sounds like a single. It's produced very well and the whole album is catchy. Thomas Mars is a brilliant lyricists and a beautiful singer. HisI fell in love with this album the very first time I heard it. I usually have to listen to albums a few times before I actually appreciate it but with this one, I instantly found a connection. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is a brilliant album. Each track sounds like a single. It's produced very well and the whole album is catchy. Thomas Mars is a brilliant lyricists and a beautiful singer. His lyrics are poetry and very subtle on the ears. It's just a wonderful listen. All In All, Phoenix has created a masterpiece. A Expand
  11. Jun 27, 2011
    Beautifully constructed, addictive, and just good, wholesome fun! This album is a blast from start to finish. Despite only having 9 songs, this album delivers! With many catchy songs that I guarantee will stay in your head, this is a must-hear. The simplicity of this album is one key factor to why it is such an enjoyable album. The must-hear songs on this album if you don't intend to buyBeautifully constructed, addictive, and just good, wholesome fun! This album is a blast from start to finish. Despite only having 9 songs, this album delivers! With many catchy songs that I guarantee will stay in your head, this is a must-hear. The simplicity of this album is one key factor to why it is such an enjoyable album. The must-hear songs on this album if you don't intend to buy it (which you should!) are "Lisztomania", "1901", "Love Like A Sunset", "Countdown (Sick For The Big Sun)", and "Armistice". Expand
  12. Aug 5, 2014
    Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is Phoenix's best album and my personal favourite.
    It's sweet and soft, with catchy hooks and great melodies. The sound is incredibly accurate, precise, crafted lovingly. There's no bad tracks here, every song deserves its place on the tracklist.
    It's an insightful, emotional and unique record.
  13. Mar 11, 2018
    Almost ten years later, this album still feels as fresh as it did when we first heart 1901 for the first time. This is Phoenix at their most consistent, lyrically sharp and sonically beautiful. The production is bright, the lyrics are descriptive and as a whole, it is essential to any decade.
  14. Oct 9, 2022
    This may be an obvious statement but Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is Phoenix's best album. This incredible alt-rock album has so many great songs, like Lisztomania, 1901, and Armistice.
  15. rozzys
    Jul 3, 2009
    I can't wait to here this live and dance to it with a mass of loved-up fans. This album is one that can easily assume the role of being the soundtrack to your life because it's so addictive and energetic and foot-tapplingly damn good. Lyrics were always going to be a little cheesey- Ils sont francais! I am a fan of montreal aswell but I didn't draw many likeness's I can't wait to here this live and dance to it with a mass of loved-up fans. This album is one that can easily assume the role of being the soundtrack to your life because it's so addictive and energetic and foot-tapplingly damn good. Lyrics were always going to be a little cheesey- Ils sont francais! I am a fan of montreal aswell but I didn't draw many likeness's beween themselves and Of Montreal. Album art must get a mention here. Reflects the album itself, a colourful ensemble of musical A-bombs! Expand
  16. Reclaimer
    Jul 2, 2009
    Energetic, fun and one that does not wear thin quickly. This is one you can enjoy for quite a while.
  17. AaronH
    May 28, 2009
    Excellent, Great Production Value has a great vibe that keeps you grooving and beats out all the Pop crap out there.
  18. MycroftW.
    May 28, 2009
    Like all your favourite pop-albums rolled into one and the result is frankly better than the sum of the parts. Bloody good!
  19. GriffT
    Aug 19, 2009
    Good mix of their old style, and the direction they're headed. Very well done.
  20. BeeMan
    May 27, 2009
    I've listened to this album at least a dozen times since it leaked a while back. It's very catchy throughout, although the first half of the album is much stronger than the second. Still one of my favorites from this year so far.
  21. Mycles
    May 28, 2009
    not just great music -- an incredible hopeful feeling permeates this record. it's an album that wooses by with its own unique sound while still making you recall the best of a thousand bands along the way. true, if you tune in to certain parts of the lyrics, they can sound pretty silly, but then sometimes sincere too.
  22. PaulM
    Sep 24, 2009
    The CD is great, however I fell in love with them after seeing them live. Love Like a Sunset (instrumental song) was amazing and Rome was up there with all time live songs I've heard. Seeing them live will put this CD into a new light.
  23. Aug 19, 2010
    Phoenix has masterfully created an artistic and insightful album.
  24. Jul 14, 2011
    Fantastic album; lives up to all the hype it received. There is not a bad track on it, and it such a dramatic evolution of Phoenix's previous work that it is hard to believe the same band made this and crappy Euro-pop albums like United.
  25. May 3, 2018
    If you could describe this album in one word, that word would be "catchy", one of the most chilled back indie pop-rock albums ever made, a mile stone for the french group Phoenix. Believe me, you'll catch listzomania from this album.
  26. KateH.
    Oct 12, 2009
    Love it! Great style and great charm.
  27. matthewa
    May 29, 2009
    This is good but not as good as their best album to date, It's Never Been Like That. That being said, these guys have mastered the art of hook-writing and all of these are enjoyable listening. I just don' t think this merits an 83 compared to the 72 their last album got. I am assuming that when Phoenix-hating Tiny Mix Tapes and Dusted put out their reviews for this album, the This is good but not as good as their best album to date, It's Never Been Like That. That being said, these guys have mastered the art of hook-writing and all of these are enjoyable listening. I just don' t think this merits an 83 compared to the 72 their last album got. I am assuming that when Phoenix-hating Tiny Mix Tapes and Dusted put out their reviews for this album, the score won't be in the 80s anymore (unfortunately). Expand
  28. BobS.
    Oct 21, 2009
    Excellent, is all you can say about the songs Lisztomania and 1901. But some songs just revert to dullness, like Girlfriend. Bleugh. That song is awful. But why are they singing in English if they're french?
  29. TomP
    May 31, 2009
    Very, very, similar in sound to Of Montreal, only slightly more accessible, but that's a good thing, especially considering Of Montreal's last CD was a mess. Consider this to be your amazing substitute.
    Jun 23, 2009
    To be honest I had never heard of Phoenix before my friend told me to check this album out. I put it on not knowing what to expect. At first I didn't want to like it after a little while (and a couple listens) I couldn't stop humming the songs and dancing. With this album Phoenix takes jangley pop, dance beats and sonic tones and combines them in such a way that it is almost To be honest I had never heard of Phoenix before my friend told me to check this album out. I put it on not knowing what to expect. At first I didn't want to like it after a little while (and a couple listens) I couldn't stop humming the songs and dancing. With this album Phoenix takes jangley pop, dance beats and sonic tones and combines them in such a way that it is almost insulting to mention them in the same sentence as The Strokes, who I think are very one demensional. As I said, I haven't listened to any other albums of theres so I don't know much about where they're coming from, but I do know I like where they are now and I'm interested in where they're going. This is a fun album that I really enjoy! Expand
  31. TobyH.
    Jul 15, 2009
    Brilliant first half! Listzomania and Love Like A Sunset (pts. I and II) are definite highlights, the latter surely the best track of the year (after AC's' My Girls'). The first five tracks' sheer exuberance and quality are enough to make this a good album, and whilst tracks like 'Countdown' and 'Armistace' do feel a little anonymous, the beautiful Brilliant first half! Listzomania and Love Like A Sunset (pts. I and II) are definite highlights, the latter surely the best track of the year (after AC's' My Girls'). The first five tracks' sheer exuberance and quality are enough to make this a good album, and whilst tracks like 'Countdown' and 'Armistace' do feel a little anonymous, the beautiful 'Girlfriend' and Strokes-ish 'Rome' make up for them. Wow! Expand
  32. CharlesDuckworth
    May 28, 2009
    A fine, fun filled pop album. No great departure from their previous work, expect more of same high energy pop-rock we have come to expect from Poenix.
  33. MS
    Aug 13, 2009
    A good pop album for the summer from a solid band. Continues the Justice/ Daft punk French 'thang' but mixes it with Coldplay-style pop songs. Probably be forgotten by the time the leaves start to drop in Autumn.
  34. Andy
    May 27, 2009
    Incredibly infectious pop-rock. You're not having any fun if you can't enjoy this album.
  35. MehMeh
    Jun 30, 2009
    A fun album, but the audio equivalent of a beach novel. Basically sounds like _Is This It_ with a bit more polish and pop. Not worthy of the hype, but worth the $7 I got it for at Target.
  36. OliverF.
    Dec 31, 2009
    Sort of a summer record. You can put it on without bumming your friends out, or yourself. However, if you listen to it on your own, there is dreadful sense of every vocal line sounding the same. Let's face it, it is pretty samey.
  37. WeezyBreezy
    Jun 4, 2009
    If this band comes through my hometown, or even a neighboring city, I'll go the distance to see them, because I bet it will be a killer show and a few dollars well spent for a good night of uptempo rockin' out. But this record is an extremely well-executed re-tread of old indie pop rock territory at best, combining Strokes-inspired American Rock vocals with the uptempo 4/4 If this band comes through my hometown, or even a neighboring city, I'll go the distance to see them, because I bet it will be a killer show and a few dollars well spent for a good night of uptempo rockin' out. But this record is an extremely well-executed re-tread of old indie pop rock territory at best, combining Strokes-inspired American Rock vocals with the uptempo 4/4 lifeless sheen of British indie rock. The British influence is quite clear, and in fact you'll note that reviewers from across the pond are the ones giving this record the chilliest reception, because they've learned the hard way to distrust indie-pop polish as a sign of greatness (or one hopes they have). A few good singles for the dance floor do not earn a 10 (or even an 8). The most redeeming quality of this record is the lyrics, which carry much more pleasing (actually, wonderfully intelligent) nuance than this music usually attempts, good enough, in fact, to push it into the 8s if it weren't for the fact that they're all delivered over basically the same musical vehicle, which incapacitates great lines like "Do you remember when 21 was young" by drawing attention to the fact that this band is aging and still hasn't figured out a way to put their greatest strength at the forefront. Just a little quietness or a little more swagger, a shift or disruption of the pounding 4 on the floor, a little break from the Strokes-esque removal with which all the lyrics are delivered would push this to greatness. This fairly serious misstep earns Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a 6 in my book instead of the 7 I want to give out for those lyrics. This record will be fun for a good long while (read: 3-4 months), and then the next thing will come along. However, until that happens, I intend to happily soak this record up in all its arpeggio'd glory and get my dance on. Expand
  38. Apr 25, 2012
    Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is a peppy albums with upbeat tracks like "1901" and "Armistice". However, I find that the songs lack the complexity to really remain interesting over dozens of hearings. They're great the first couple of times through, but they lose their charm later.
  39. Oct 13, 2014
    Guys, calm down. WAP is not the masterpiece everyone says it is. The first two tracks, being Lisztomania and 1901 are awesome, but the rest are just standard, relatively uninteresting, and poorly executed pop songs. This is just average.
  40. JakeW
    Feb 2, 2010
    Am I the only person who doesn't get this album? I really want to like it, everyone else seems to, but I just find it... dull?

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. It’s an approximation of what perfection might mean, which is: precise, lean, deliberate. There’s not a wasted moment here, and not one moment overstays it’s welcome, which from a bunch of aristocrats (I get) is pretty frickin’ rich.
  2. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is a slender, fat-free affair, all Gallic swerve and subtle swagger. This may well be the album to broaden their fan-base wider then the fashionable glitterati.
  3. The real star of the show isn’t the often-bloodless figure of Thomas Mars, it’s the brilliantly detailed production, centred around the dovetailing drum and guitar chops, best heard via headphones for the full stroboscopic effect.