• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Dec 4, 2020
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1027 Ratings

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  1. Mar 20, 2021
    I love Shawn but this album was so forgetable. It aged so fast!! There's no standout songs unlike his previous album
  2. Dec 4, 2020
    The album is a good entertainment, but no track is unique nor memorable, except atleast for the Latin influences in Teach Me How To Love or the range of his vocals that is evident enough in Song For No One. It is sonically different from his previous albums, but is rooted in the pop genre.
  3. May 17, 2021
    The album is an OK album. It was lacking of energetic and groovy songs and was a very slow listen. I think there weren't many interesting elements to it. Most songs weren't too strong production wise, just a simple piano with very few other elements. I think the best tracks are Wonder, Higher, Teach Me How To Love and Piece Of You. I don't think it's better than Illuminate or Shawn MendesThe album is an OK album. It was lacking of energetic and groovy songs and was a very slow listen. I think there weren't many interesting elements to it. Most songs weren't too strong production wise, just a simple piano with very few other elements. I think the best tracks are Wonder, Higher, Teach Me How To Love and Piece Of You. I don't think it's better than Illuminate or Shawn Mendes self titled in any way. He's becoming another pop boy who's shifting to R&B which we are starting to see too much of. Expand
  4. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Vamos lá. As 14 faixas do são bem medianas e não trazem nada de novo,um álbum bem básico eu diria,mas também não chega a ser ruim. Expand
  5. Dec 7, 2020
    I love Shawn Mendes, and I really wanted to like this album, but many of the lyrics lack complexity. Sorry Sean! and all those others that like/love the album. I thought his previous album was really great with a variety of sounds and experiences. I think his romance with Camellia Cabello is fantastic, but the album being mostly about her makes the album a bit monotonous. I enjoy theI love Shawn Mendes, and I really wanted to like this album, but many of the lyrics lack complexity. Sorry Sean! and all those others that like/love the album. I thought his previous album was really great with a variety of sounds and experiences. I think his romance with Camellia Cabello is fantastic, but the album being mostly about her makes the album a bit monotonous. I enjoy the songs, Wonder and Monster. The intro is also really good. I think there's a few other good songs, but I prefer to listen to his Shawn Mendes album (album #3). Expand
  6. Dec 4, 2020
    In 'Wonder', Shawn Mendes shows how deep he really is in a relationship, he may even become obsessive about the other person, to the point of forgetting himself. The album follows linear, without many surprises or melodies that stand out. The structures of some songs sound strange and poorly constructed. Something that is repeated on the entire album is the explosion of the chorus, whichIn 'Wonder', Shawn Mendes shows how deep he really is in a relationship, he may even become obsessive about the other person, to the point of forgetting himself. The album follows linear, without many surprises or melodies that stand out. The structures of some songs sound strange and poorly constructed. Something that is repeated on the entire album is the explosion of the chorus, which at first may seem as a surprise, but soon becomes a cliché throughout the project. It is possible to notice some influences of his idol, Justin Bieber who is present in 'Monster', however, does not add much. As in some tracks it even sounds like Justin Timberlake. The title track 'Wonder' is really the album's only caveat. Overall, Mendes should try to break free more, but there is still a long way to go. Expand
  7. Jan 14, 2022
    Shawn Mendes traz um álbum pop, porém sem grande novidades, se pautando ao todo num estilo mais alternativo e acústico, algo que estamos acostumados em sua sonoridade, traz também um feat com o Justin Bieber que caminha em um pop mais denso.
    Acho que o álbum traz algumas faixas interessantes que mais embaixo irei dizer quais minhas favoritas, mesmo sendo um álbum mediano, acho que é
    Shawn Mendes traz um álbum pop, porém sem grande novidades, se pautando ao todo num estilo mais alternativo e acústico, algo que estamos acostumados em sua sonoridade, traz também um feat com o Justin Bieber que caminha em um pop mais denso.
    Acho que o álbum traz algumas faixas interessantes que mais embaixo irei dizer quais minhas favoritas, mesmo sendo um álbum mediano, acho que é preciso artistas principalmente masculinos precisam urgentemente se reinventar, não se há uma diferença tamanha de um álbum para o outro, e para um artista isso deve ser de extrema importância.

    Faixas favoritas: Teach Me How To Love, Call My Friends, Dream e 305.
  8. Jun 2, 2021
    pick his first song and the last released, you see the difference? no? me too! any of the tracks are remarkable. sad
  9. Dec 6, 2020
    Album bem mediano
    Melhor faixa: Wonder
    O pior álbum dele, genérico
    Perto de outros albums que foram lançados este ano, ela passa dispercebido!
  10. Dec 6, 2020
    Admito que a instrumentação é interessante, mas e só isso, os vocais e as composições seguem uma linha reta de emoções e criatividade muito rasas.
  11. Dec 11, 2020
    Shawn tries to experiment with different sounds, but it is unsuccessful. There is no concept in this album, all songs are like taken from different albums and put into this one. Lyrics are poor and connected with one topic, which is relationships with Camila. But there are still some quite well-done songs like "Teach Me How To Love", "Monster", "Dream"
  12. Dec 9, 2020
    Está rayando en lo aburrido, sus trabajos anteriores poseían todo, ritmo, letras y éste no tiene una fuerte presencia con esos elementos.
  13. Dec 10, 2020
    Let's talk about what happens with Shawn Mendes with wonder, I hoped more to be honest it's not a bad album but I think that with this album we take a step back with respect to his album Shawn Mendes, but let's highlight the good things as a good coherence in the album and the song wonder and that's it
  14. Dec 4, 2020
    Um álbum bastante esperado, mas que continua na linha tênue e corriqueira do canadense shawn mendes. Poucas faixas que de fato empolgam, letras batidas e um aspecto de sonolência e comodismo que exala ao longo da primeira a décima quarta faixa.
  15. Dec 6, 2020
    shawn tenia un concepto que se veia prometedor, pero musicalemente es una mezcla de sus trabajos anteriores, la colaboracion con justin bieber le dara el impulso de ser exitosa.
  16. Dec 9, 2020
    Péssimo. Como sempre ele entregando coisas básicas e sem inovações. Será que a Zélia Ducan masculina vai conseguir sobreviver a essa era?
  17. Dec 9, 2020
    Seeing people score 10 for this album is a total waste and attempts to fix the flaws it brings. The album carries considerable vocals, but to the point of being bored, in addition to being based on repetitions in relation to the sound. A real lullaby album. Upon analyzing it, it felt like I was listening to "Handwritten 2.0" anyway. Always trying to fit the same things ... guitar orSeeing people score 10 for this album is a total waste and attempts to fix the flaws it brings. The album carries considerable vocals, but to the point of being bored, in addition to being based on repetitions in relation to the sound. A real lullaby album. Upon analyzing it, it felt like I was listening to "Handwritten 2.0" anyway. Always trying to fit the same things ... guitar or something, this album is from people who make sloppy flour. Expand
  18. Dec 12, 2020
    I have been a fan of Shawn for a few years and loved his previous albums, however there was little to no growth on this album at all. The lyrics were bland, boring and repetitive. The experimentation with new styles is there, but executed poorly. Feels lazy and rushed. We need more than whatever this is.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Dec 16, 2020
    While the slower songs are fine, sometimes sincere, the growth on Wonder is all evident on the livelier tunes, all of which point toward a more adventurous twenties for Shawn Mendes.
  2. Dec 11, 2020
    While “Wonder” is at times overambitious and overwrought, it does feel like the last stop on a particular journey. Mendes can’t sound much bigger than this without going full Adele, so what might come next is wide open.
  3. Dec 9, 2020
    Mendes spends nearly every minute bowled over by the power of love. It’s nice to see his cup overflow so bountifully, but the near-constant awe quickly grows tiresome, especially when conveyed through clichés like, “Your body’s like an ocean, I’m devoted to explore you” and, “You’re my sunlight on a rainy day.”