• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 18, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Oct 25, 2019
    Like most of his recent records, it’s another collection of mostly very good Gucci Mane songs, marred by occasional awkward bits.
  2. 80
    Woptober II is much more intimate. ... A lot has changed since it was last open season on Gucci Mane. The optimism and positivity on this album is infectious, even when he’s reminded of the darker times.
  3. Oct 25, 2019
    The album is one of Gucci's best post-prison efforts, matching Everybody Looking and Mr. Davis in style, catchy production, and big trap fun. Unlike its predecessors Evil Genius and Delusions of Grandeur, Woptober 2 is energized, addictive, and packed with quotable lines that find Gucci hungry, defiant as ever, and revitalized by his younger, up-and-coming guests.
  4. Oct 25, 2019
    There is little here that challenges the listener — let alone Gucci himself. Your take away from it rests on how willing you are to listen to the ATL pillar cruise-control over particularly predictable soundscapes with lazy bars that make themselves malleable to mainstream playlists and simultaneously unworthy of multiple replays.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Mar 8, 2020
    gucci is one of the biggest clowns rappin today ignorant kids who wanna pretend they hard listen to this dross what a bunch of crap dude hasgucci is one of the biggest clowns rappin today ignorant kids who wanna pretend they hard listen to this dross what a bunch of crap dude has ZERO lyrical ability n he dis people that could mop the floor with him lyrically trash lile all his stuff Full Review »
  2. Dec 29, 2019
    Good album. This is my first time listening to a full Gucci mane project, and based off of this I am interested in his other work.
  3. Nov 5, 2019
    When you listen to Gucci Mane you get exactly what you came for. Another album with a couple of excellent tracks. A few that are decent andWhen you listen to Gucci Mane you get exactly what you came for. Another album with a couple of excellent tracks. A few that are decent and some you will never listen to again. As much as I hope for one good album with many replayable tracks, I can't be mad at his recent offerings. Full Review »