• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Apr 23, 2002
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 249 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 249

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  1. Jan 19, 2023
    Incredible album, well thought out and well written, made up of so many layers of conflicting instrumentals that turn out making incredible melodies.
  2. Jun 8, 2022
    Amazing work! This sawdust classic is a bad at their most incentive peak. There is not a single bad song on this album. It's balance of sullen and ecstatic are expressed throughout a perfectly curated pallet of sounds that move from being rock to quite folk.
  3. Apr 15, 2021
    I'll always remember watching the 'I Am Trying to Break Your Heart' documentary, then listening to the album again. And when it finally clicked with me, it instantly became one of the most powerful listening experiences I've ever had.
  4. Feb 24, 2020
    A great album that put Wilco on the map and an ode to Chicago. Combining Folk music that sounds like Sufjan Stevens with the noise rock of other more experimental contemporaries Wilco creates a stunning tribute to the hardships of miscommunication.
  5. Apr 19, 2019
    Absolutely beautiful. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is one of the greatest albums of all time. The album is also sonically unique.
  6. Oct 8, 2016
    Curious about Wilco? Start here. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is their most compelling and memorable work. Singer Jeff Tweedy's vocals at times almost sound like he is drunk - even a bit unsettling at first. The cacophonous guitars in spots add to that feel. But, the arrangements, melodies, and lyrics demand a second listening, and the payoff for replays is huge.
  7. Sep 4, 2016
    Often considered one of the finest releases of the 2000's, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot finds Wilco in a much more soothing and contained light than their previous releases. The instrumentation is luscious and ambitious, and are backed up by Tweedy's beautiful lyrics and vocal delivery. The album may fail to engage me all the way through, but there's no denying that an album that has songs like "IOften considered one of the finest releases of the 2000's, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot finds Wilco in a much more soothing and contained light than their previous releases. The instrumentation is luscious and ambitious, and are backed up by Tweedy's beautiful lyrics and vocal delivery. The album may fail to engage me all the way through, but there's no denying that an album that has songs like "I am trying to break your heart", Jesus, etc" and "Ashes of American Flags" in it deserves a big place in history. Expand
  8. Jan 23, 2015
    It's good but I just don't think its as good as some people say. YHF is definitely the bands most ambitious album and arguably their broadest in terms of scope but for me it's a little short of their best work. YHF is an album that starts off in a curious manner and certainly sparks your interest but as often is the case with Wilco, too often the band miss the right time to move a songIt's good but I just don't think its as good as some people say. YHF is definitely the bands most ambitious album and arguably their broadest in terms of scope but for me it's a little short of their best work. YHF is an album that starts off in a curious manner and certainly sparks your interest but as often is the case with Wilco, too often the band miss the right time to move a song forward or develop an idea which sometimes leaves the record with a self-indulgent feel. Plenty of good songs and interesting ideas but not enough material that you could class as truly great. You could do worse with your time than check this out but there are better records out there. Expand
  9. Apr 15, 2014
    Perfect albums are not too easy to come by at all, and it's debatable that such flawlessness even exists, yet Wilco have simply crafted a masterpiece of American indie rock. Jesus Etc. might even be one of the greatest songs ever written.
  10. j30
    Sep 22, 2011
    An important, thought-provoking album by a the genre changing band. This is their greatest achievement. Watching the documentary 'I Am Trying to Break Your Heart' gives you an idea of what kind of problems they had trying to put this album out. YHF hit me like a ton of bricks, just like an OK Computer or Sea Change.
  11. Jul 10, 2011
    A flawless album, everything in it is balanced perfectly. At the end it feels like a record that you can dig as deep as you'd like, yet at the same time one with which it is perfectly comfortable to stay on the surface.
  12. Jun 30, 2011
    Rolling Stone said it best when they called it "an American masterpiece." Upon it's release, it quite frankly, changed everything. They created a sound that has been done and redone ever since 2002. And I believe history will eventually place this up there with Sgt. Peppers & Blonde On Blonde. "Ashes of American Flags" is a highlight on an album of highlights. To further dive into theRolling Stone said it best when they called it "an American masterpiece." Upon it's release, it quite frankly, changed everything. They created a sound that has been done and redone ever since 2002. And I believe history will eventually place this up there with Sgt. Peppers & Blonde On Blonde. "Ashes of American Flags" is a highlight on an album of highlights. To further dive into the making of this record, check out the documentary I Am Trying To Break Your Heart. Another classic in it's own realm. Expand
  13. Jan 8, 2011
    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is a great album. It has soft melodies that just stick in your mind. It's simply amazing. "Jesus, Etc" is one of the best songs I've ever heard. All In All, Wilco has made a fantastic album that gets better with multiple listens. A-
  14. Jan 3, 2011
    I agree completely with Pitchfork, this album is amazing.
    I mean it was great on thre first couple of listens but as I've spent more time with it I notice the subtleties and warm to those songs that I didn't like too much at first.
  15. Oct 1, 2010
    Awesome, music from the rock and roll angels! Great songs jammed out to their max, along with slow and thoughtful sing-alongs. Instantly and unilaterally establishes the Tweedy legend.
  16. Sep 8, 2010
    A.M. was basically an extension of Uncle Tupelo; with Being There, Wilco moved from country to a kind of alternative country and have slowly swayed from their roots with each album. However, they manage to change styles without losing their appeal. Not a real catchy group of songs but a solid one nonetheless.
  17. Sep 5, 2010
    I still cover 2 of these songs professionally: Jesus etc. and Pot Kettle Black
    (for those that feel there are no pop hooks)
    On my worst review I give it a 6; on my best a 9-something.... there are songs I still skip over (heavy metal drummer, kamera, radio cure) songs I still play (jesus etc., pot kettle black) song I'm indifferent (reservations, war on war, I'm the Man....) and song I
    I still cover 2 of these songs professionally: Jesus etc. and Pot Kettle Black
    (for those that feel there are no pop hooks)
    On my worst review I give it a 6; on my best a 9-something....
    there are songs I still skip over (heavy metal drummer, kamera, radio cure)
    songs I still play (jesus etc., pot kettle black)
    song I'm indifferent (reservations, war on war, I'm the Man....)
    and song I still am intrigued by (poor places, I am trying..., ashes--esp the outlying guitar part)
    did they hype it? probably but why not hype what you've put a lot of work into?
    and I never actually bought any of it so I give them a 9 overall
  18. Hein
    Dec 30, 2007
    The Wire is deaf. Beautiful voice, brilliant songwriting and subtle experimenting. Perfect & timeless!
  19. ScottH.
    Dec 24, 2007
    Superb. Certainly one of the best albums of this decade (so far).
  20. WittN
    Jul 25, 2007
    An excellent album that balances obscrue insturments and melodies with equally interesting lyrics and song progression; a must listen.
  21. CharlieP
    Mar 23, 2007
    Easily Wilco's most defining album. From the relaxing Violins is Jesus, ect, to the tearing guitar solo in I'm The Man Who Loves You, this album does it all. A Masterpiece.
  22. TobyI
    Dec 26, 2006
    phenomenal album. it is one of those albums that i could listen to over and over again, even though i already know the whole thing by heart. although some tracks are not as great as others, they lyrics are consistantly unbelievable, and it has gotten me hooked to the band and jeff tweedy. clearly, im a huge fan, and i could not have asked for a better album
  23. GrayD
    Jul 22, 2006
    This album is among my favourites and it has nothing to do with the 'giving a big fuck you to those coporate assholes' or anything like that. It's because the songs are masterful, delicate, played well and carries a atmosphere of hopeful melocholy with it.
  24. Mr.Hankey
    Jul 9, 2006
    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot could be considered a triumph for Wilco because it showed that they didn't need Corporate America to make the album that they wanted to make. Even through all the chaos and struggle the band came out with one of the best albums of the millenium. The album is melodic and soft because of the guitar and voice of Jeff Tweedy but also the noise that propels into the Yankee Hotel Foxtrot could be considered a triumph for Wilco because it showed that they didn't need Corporate America to make the album that they wanted to make. Even through all the chaos and struggle the band came out with one of the best albums of the millenium. The album is melodic and soft because of the guitar and voice of Jeff Tweedy but also the noise that propels into the song brings out what the album was meant for. Now I am a fan of Wilco because they make smart music that is at times a riot of a mess and at times an orchestral triumph. You will find that this album is one of their bests and will remain that way because it is one of the high rated albums that deserves it and in 2006 is still listenable and better than anything that has come out this year. Expand
  25. RobertS
    Jun 13, 2006
    The final exclamation point of alternative rock. Demanding of the listener but well worth the dozen plays required to "get there." The best recording to date of this young century. And all of this from someone who has been listening to "rock' in all its variations and aberrations for over 40 years.
  26. RyanL
    Mar 5, 2006
    It's a classic from the first clicks and buzzes of the opening track.
  27. SeamusS
    Jan 6, 2006
    Though Not the most immediatly accesable album from the band, it remains one of their greatest, truley turning a corner in alternative country and giving a big fuck you to the rest of the shity music world. If you're smart and not so full of yourself as to have to dislike it because alot of people do, you'll love it. remember kids there's a reason to why some albums are popular
  28. Gnarles
    Oct 25, 2005
    Takes some getting used to and a few repeat listens, but once it finally connects... wow. Like a rush of chills in your ears.
  29. CodaT
    Jul 14, 2005
    Keep listening! The more I hear this album the more I want to hear it again. This is the kind of album that becomes first priority and comsumes your musical thoughts. A truely great album from start to finish. YHF has set a standard that I doubt can be attained by many bands. Perfect in so many way!
  30. RyanC
    Jun 16, 2005
    One of the best albums I have ever heard. I really love this album, and think you will too!
  31. [Anonymous]
    Jun 1, 2005
    many say that it is a kid a ripoff , but the truth is, that is infinitely better
  32. randym
    Apr 10, 2005
    The more you listen, the more you will like!
  33. JimBB
    Mar 27, 2005
    Definitely one of the 5 best albums so far this decade. This timely masterpiece blew me away with its sonic creativity and poetic honesty,and sheer melodic brilliance.
  34. NickS
    Feb 24, 2005
    While other bands put out albums that are less melodic and tuneful, Wilco refuses to be mediocre and takes the high road on an avenue of great country-influenced melodies, true lyric genius, and pointed social commentary. The best example of the last of these three has to be "War on War," which is my favorite song on the album because it reminds me of how hard this war business really is.
  35. weltact
    Feb 24, 2005
    the best marriage of folk acoustics and modern studio trickery
  36. JoseH
    Feb 22, 2005
    My first listen to this album was a little dissapointing as I soaked in what seemed a monotone acoustic guitar and lyrics about a camera (my brother had me skip the noise ridden elegaic "I am trying..". I dismiissed it and yet kept listening to it, until I found myself playing it from start to finish over and over and over and over again. The album is a masterpiece, a mood changer and a My first listen to this album was a little dissapointing as I soaked in what seemed a monotone acoustic guitar and lyrics about a camera (my brother had me skip the noise ridden elegaic "I am trying..". I dismiissed it and yet kept listening to it, until I found myself playing it from start to finish over and over and over and over again. The album is a masterpiece, a mood changer and a revelation in listening to music. Expand
  37. PiereS
    Jan 14, 2005
    One of the greatest musical achievements ever. There is more in the album than any of us could ever dream of.
  38. leet
    Dec 30, 2004
    YHF is an album I find myself returning to over and over.
  39. BeejP
    Oct 25, 2004
    Great album, I think this album is at the top of my list by Wilco. It really shows that "less catchy" music is worth listening to. Whoever said it doesn't live up to the quality of Justin Timberlake, I hope you were joking.
  40. MartinF
    Oct 1, 2004
    One of modern indie's most important records. Lyrics and music go along perfectly and create a truly fantastic atmosphere throughout the whole album.
  41. John
    Aug 18, 2004
    *gasps* it's.....BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  42. eliasi
    Jun 24, 2004
    its not even worth argueing over, this alum is so obviously the best of the last decade.
  43. KyleP
    Mar 13, 2004
    This CD is, simply put, a band and a songwriter at the top of their games. Wilco leaps headlong into musical experimentation and create a masterpiece. There is not a single weak track contained in these 11 songs. However, this is not easy-access listening. The music is dense, covering the inherent beauty of Jeff Tweedy's melodies. Upon repeated listenings, however, the beauty of this This CD is, simply put, a band and a songwriter at the top of their games. Wilco leaps headlong into musical experimentation and create a masterpiece. There is not a single weak track contained in these 11 songs. However, this is not easy-access listening. The music is dense, covering the inherent beauty of Jeff Tweedy's melodies. Upon repeated listenings, however, the beauty of this poignant country-rock album is revealed in all its stunning glory. "I am trying to break your heart" will be your least favorite song upon first listen and your most favorite after your tenth. This record only gets better. Expand
  44. JoeyM
    Jan 6, 2004
    I have purchases a ton of CDs since I picked up "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot." Somehow, YHF is the one that keeps finding its way back into my CD player. It inspired me to purchase the rest of the Wilco catalog, all of the Uncle Tupelo albums, the Billy Bragg collaborations, and albums by related bands, like Son Volt. As of yet, nothing has compared to YHF - perhaps, for me, nothing will. That I have purchases a ton of CDs since I picked up "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot." Somehow, YHF is the one that keeps finding its way back into my CD player. It inspired me to purchase the rest of the Wilco catalog, all of the Uncle Tupelo albums, the Billy Bragg collaborations, and albums by related bands, like Son Volt. As of yet, nothing has compared to YHF - perhaps, for me, nothing will. That all being said, I sort of hated it the first time I heard it. It took two or three listens before I realized that it was actually pretty amazing. Now, I find new things every time I listen to it. While I'm not convinced that this album I for all tastes, I do believe that more people would like it if they had an opportunity to hear it. That said, I highly recomend it. Expand
  45. JeremyG
    Jan 4, 2004
    Having listened to this album through several times, I find myself constantly re-evaluating it. It grew on me slowly, reaching a peak but after a time slowly falling out of favor as I acquired new albums. Having just listened to it through once again, I remember all of the reasons why I liked it. This is definitely an album that requires patience, but one that will ultimately reward your Having listened to this album through several times, I find myself constantly re-evaluating it. It grew on me slowly, reaching a peak but after a time slowly falling out of favor as I acquired new albums. Having just listened to it through once again, I remember all of the reasons why I liked it. This is definitely an album that requires patience, but one that will ultimately reward your faithfulness to it. Expand
  46. T.David
    May 5, 2003
    A disc that demands your patience. From annoying cacophony on the first listen... to strange curiousity after awhile... it eventually leads you to the conclusion that YHF is a brilliant americana symphony. Best of 2002
  47. JacobG.
    Sep 19, 2002
    Definitely my favorite cd right now... and has been for the past few months. Never before has a cd captured me so squarely. Please tell me how someone can NOT like this cd?
  48. BenW
    Sep 3, 2002
    Listen and Listen, it gets better.
  49. Dan
    Aug 31, 2002
    this is, hands down, the best wilco album yet, featuring some of tweedy's best all-around offerings including the bouncy i am trying to break your heart, and the beautiful poor places. it is not, however, the GREAT album that it has been made out to be. perhaps the best album thus far this year, though ugly casanova could give it a run for its money.
  50. JohnC.
    Aug 13, 2002
    10/10...and its not even my favorite wilco album...
  51. KevinW.
    Aug 6, 2002
    Apparently Wilco spent a lot of time listening to Stephen Malkmus's debut before recording Yankee Foxtrot. Wiclo is a group that used to rag on Pavement and now offers us a mild imitiation.
  52. MarkR.
    Jul 31, 2002
    This was the album of the year...until "The Rising" came out...
  53. AZviaNYC
    Jun 14, 2002
    What makes YHF astonishing is how much it resonates after Sept. 11. And all the songs were written and recorded months before. For the remainder of my life, whenever I listen to this disc, it will be a haunting reminder of what occured that day. An Amazing Disc.
  54. goog.
    May 29, 2002
  55. JohnF.
    May 8, 2002
    Wilco has (had I guess) it all down. I'm glad this album didn't disappear.
  56. TomJ.
    May 6, 2002
    This disc changed my life. I can't stop listening to it.
  57. JoaoS.
    Apr 30, 2002
    this is the best album from 2001 and probably from 2002 too! God bless Wilco.
  58. Smogfan
    Apr 29, 2002
    The bells and whistles are different, but the core is classic Wilco.
  59. DanC.
    Apr 25, 2002
    This record is an instant classic. There hasn't been a better record released since the last Wilco record in 1999. GET THIS RECORD!
  60. MardyR.
    Apr 23, 2002
    The most experimental album from one of music most inovative bands. Wilco is a force to be reckoned with this year!
  61. MaxS.
    Apr 22, 2002
    Flawless, haunting, stalking, lingering masterpiece. Wilco have arrived and cemented in place an album that is unique and familiar, an album that is destined to be remembered. Brilliant.
  62. SeanB.
    Apr 16, 2002
    Excellent album! Worth it's weight (wait?) in gold.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
  1. I'm not sure if it's the work by O'Rourke or the progression of the group (or a little of both), but this disc is so multi-layered that it's easy to hear new things many many times after the first listen.
  2. Mojo
    A masterpiece, exactly the sort of record that your average sentient pop genius should make in 2002. [May 2002, p.99]
  3. While their songs still maintain the loose intimacy that was apparent on their debut AM, the music has matured to reveal a complexity that is rare in pop music, yet showcased perfectly on Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.