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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1222 Ratings

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  1. Jun 1, 2018
    I guess rhyming the same word with itself and saying a bunch of crazy stuff that doesn't really make any sense is amazing to some people, but not to me.

    Production and delivery wasn't bad so I gave it a few points for that, but it is a zero in terms of the actual rapping and lyrics.
  2. Jun 1, 2018
    Given the desperate attempt to hype the album release, I can't say I'm surprised to find Ye severely underwhelming. With 7 tracks clocking in at 23 minutes, it sounds as if Kanye made the album in a matter of weeks and not months or years as was the case with his previous albums, all of which were known for his flawless production and lyricism. As Kanye has descended further down theGiven the desperate attempt to hype the album release, I can't say I'm surprised to find Ye severely underwhelming. With 7 tracks clocking in at 23 minutes, it sounds as if Kanye made the album in a matter of weeks and not months or years as was the case with his previous albums, all of which were known for his flawless production and lyricism. As Kanye has descended further down the rabbit hole of Kardashian drug addled madness, his artistry let alone his humanity is nowhere to be found. RIP. Expand
  3. Jan 29, 2023
    Definitely it's worst Kanye album out, raw mix and master, weird beats, I feel like this album is missing something, not a fan of this album but I can understand people that love it and consider it as top 3 Kanye. Perfect word to describe this is RAW.
  4. Jun 1, 2018
    I loved Late Registration and College Dropout and I stuck around through the New Ye but this isn't good. The production is understated which could have been good but ultimately just feels like it wasn't finished. And lyrics have never been Kanye's strong point but this album lacked any strong bars at all.

    However I do want to give positives on the fact that this is definitely one of the
    I loved Late Registration and College Dropout and I stuck around through the New Ye but this isn't good. The production is understated which could have been good but ultimately just feels like it wasn't finished. And lyrics have never been Kanye's strong point but this album lacked any strong bars at all.

    However I do want to give positives on the fact that this is definitely one of the most emotionally vulnerable Kanye albums we've ever seen. He's more honest, less grandstanding, and more in touch with himself. Hopefully this is just going to build up into a wave for a great future project.
  5. Jun 1, 2018
    I was underwhelmed. Lyrically he was all over the place. Just did not enjoy this album very much and I had been anticipating it.
  6. Mar 27, 2020
    ye by Kanye West: 0.11

    I Thought About Killing You: 0 Yikes: 0 All Mine: 0 Wouldn’t Leave: 0.25 No Mistakes: 0.5 Ghost Town: 0 Violent Crimes: 0 0.75/7 ~ .107 -> 0.11 Wow… why did I listen to this? To start this off, I listened to Kanye West’s “ye” because of two reasons: I thought I’d give rap music a try, and I was interested in listening to West’s latest, which has
    ye by Kanye West: 0.11

    I Thought About Killing You: 0
    Yikes: 0
    All Mine: 0
    Wouldn’t Leave: 0.25
    No Mistakes: 0.5
    Ghost Town: 0
    Violent Crimes: 0

    0.75/7 ~ .107 -> 0.11

    Wow… why did I listen to this? To start this off, I listened to Kanye West’s “ye” because of two reasons: I thought I’d give rap music a try, and I was interested in listening to West’s latest, which has gotten mixed reviews from critics and I thought one of the songs was pretty funny upon listening to it’s very end with some people I know. ye on the other hand, was absolutely horrible. I don’t know what I was expecting, but certainly not drum tracks and synths with lots of explicit language, especially the use of the N-word. It just made me so uncomfortable and it was offensive. On the other hand, the only two slightly bright(er) spots in this album were Wouldn’t Leave and No Mistakes, since the music was actually decent, even if that’s not the music I would choose to listen to on a regular basis. I’m sure Kanye West has a lot of supporters, but after listening to ye, I’m definitely not a part of that list. This is the first downright negative review I have given to any album. Hopefully his next album is better. Highlights: none :(
  7. Jun 1, 2018
    The positive reviews here are laughable. This album is complete trash and comes nowhere close to replicating Ye's best work. It's 23 minutes long and Kanye is talking, not rapping over at least 6 minutes of that, including basically the entire first song. Uninspired guest spots take up another huge bulk of the record leaving the listener with only a few verses of Kanye rapping in totality.The positive reviews here are laughable. This album is complete trash and comes nowhere close to replicating Ye's best work. It's 23 minutes long and Kanye is talking, not rapping over at least 6 minutes of that, including basically the entire first song. Uninspired guest spots take up another huge bulk of the record leaving the listener with only a few verses of Kanye rapping in totality. When he does rap, its bad. Like really bad. Cliche and way too on the nose. It basically feels like a boring, self adulating, lecture from a washed up professor. I listened to it all the way through twice to give it a fair chance and I promise I will never listen to any of it ever again. None of these songs are hits or even appropriate to play at parties or in the car. None have staying power. The once great Kanye has become an embarrassment (well he's been that for awhile now). Yikes Expand
  8. Nov 19, 2020
    Generic music, nothing special, typical Kanye egomania top to bottom, not worth the time.
  9. Jun 3, 2018
    A Trump supporter and someone who disparages mental health on his album cover. I couldn't make the rating go any lower, so a zero it is. I used to love Kanye despite his insanity and inability to connect with normal humans. No more.
  10. Jun 5, 2018
    What a piece of garbage. Everything on this album (if you can really call it that) is nothing but distilled EGO. There is absolutely nothing of worth here and it a massive waste of your time and money. Spend both elsewhere, Kanye is washed up.
  11. Jun 5, 2018
    some of his worst lyrics yet on album that feels like an attempt at "ye being ye" fan service but ends up being half thought out ideas from someone who needs actual help. sad to see him fall like this.
  12. Jun 17, 2018
    man i was hoping for a great project but after having digested it you realize that this is mediocre Ye at best. It is really a shame but that doesn't take away from the fact that All Mine and Ghost Town are cool tracks, the only ones i will ever revisit
  13. Jun 3, 2018
    when will people understand that he is nowhere near that being called iconic or memorable? hes lyrics are so simple if you want to listen real **** go listen jay-z or j cole or childish gambino but not the egomaniac person.
  14. Jun 1, 2018
    reputation outsold, outimpacted, outcharted, outviewed & outeverything'ed
    kanye west is OVER
  15. Jun 1, 2018
    Sonically ambivalent about its message and too brief to distill anything substantial to its listeners.
  16. Jun 8, 2018
    This is completely unfinished. Kanye clearly put the minimum effort possible into this and as a result none of these songs are coherent.
  17. Jun 4, 2018
    Trash, mediocre, deserves to flop, Kanye should retire, why is wife famous again?
  18. Jun 1, 2018
    No growth from his previous albums... I expected better. This album is instead mundane, repetitive, and unoriginal.
  19. Jun 3, 2018
    Short, messy, totally lacks anything that could be labelled a 'hit', disposable, awful guest vocals, sore thumb production choices, entirely throwaway. I think that's the statement? I think that's the point? All the same, pass...
  20. Jun 4, 2018
    Mediocre, Bland, Misogynist tones and nothing extraordinary. Kanye West the self proclaimed "genius" has officially lost it.
  21. Jun 4, 2018
    This fool should stick to producing beats for other artists. He's been releasing irrelevant garbage for the last several years. He's not a smart man. He's not a good rapper. This album isn't worthy of any of the attention it's getting, good or bad. Kanye, just go away.
  22. Jul 9, 2018
  23. Aug 13, 2018
    Apenas uma música é boa nesse EP, Kanye é bom em algumas coisas que faz mas nessa ele me decepcionou um pouco
  24. Oct 20, 2018
    Never trust a music artist that fully embraces Donald Trump. Overrated and boring.
  25. Aug 10, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Boring I didn't like it I don't know why but too much rapping and it didn't have the usual passion as his past work Expand
  26. Oct 7, 2020
    It is, in my mind a more focused and too the the point "The Life Of Pablo" and its great.
  27. Dec 22, 2019
    Horrible lyrics, just like every other album. Don’t know what I expected, really.
  28. Jan 22, 2020
    SOOO Bad. Hiw do people listen to this. Seriously horrendous. Like embarrassingly bad
  29. Aug 30, 2021
    It's such a boring album! That's all, just boring, nothing special. Sorry...
  30. Jul 28, 2020
    It is clear that Kanye has nothing else to give musically and all inspiration has left him as there is nothing but controversy to get people talking about him. Such an overrated figure.
  31. Sep 13, 2020
    If you track Kanye's career you can clearly see the gradual decrease in the quality of his music: it has nothing worth listening to left to say.
  32. Oct 2, 2020
    Unoriginal work, it feels like Kanye was trying to hard but the results did not pay out.
  33. Oct 23, 2020
    The album brings nothing special, just another attempt to say something original without the power to follow through with it.
  34. Sep 26, 2021
    i dont understand how many people find this album to be one of kanyes worst, every single song on the album is enjoyable to me and i think 5 outta the 7 are TOP TIER kanye
  35. Oct 31, 2021
    Corny raps, amateurish production. Messy mixing. Album art you can tell took 1 second to make and was a bad idea too. Not a fan of this one

Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 34
  2. Negative: 2 out of 34
  1. Oct 8, 2018
    ye is an average album with some good songs, some bad songs, and some songs that will clearly be spun millions of times. The problem is that "average" has never been good enough for Kanye West nor should it be.
  2. The Wire
    Jul 26, 2018
    For all his power as a motivating force it’s perhaps inevitable that Ye proves weakest of the first four. Left to his own devices West sounds bewildered, somewhere between awe and exhaustion. [Aug 2018, p.63]
  3. Jun 15, 2018
    Ye can feel uneven, sometimes boring, and more indulgent than usual, but it's a fascinating peek into West's psyche.