• Record Label: Rimas
  • Release Date: Feb 29, 2020
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 254 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 88 out of 254
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  1. Apr 2, 2021
    Un álbum irreverente sonidos indiferentes con letras muy pobres no todo es malo pero realmente muy decepcionante
  2. Sep 14, 2020
    It's very hard to listen songs of bad bunny, so many times this songs talk about attack womens and be the best rapist in the world. Bad Bunny was funny with Shakira in the last super bowl but his music is not good enough. I'm not a fan of his style.
  3. Jan 23, 2022
    Antes de escuchar este album toma en cuenta lo siguiente:
    - Tenemos una fusion trap con rock super aburrida.
    - Tracks que una vez que empiezan ya quieres que termine - Exceso de colaboraciones espantosas. - Beats repetidos hasta el cansancio. - Un track controversial disquefeminista - Liricas miserables - Concepto ridículo sin pretenciones de innovar o marcar un antes y un despues
    Antes de escuchar este album toma en cuenta lo siguiente:
    - Tenemos una fusion trap con rock super aburrida.
    - Tracks que una vez que empiezan ya quieres que termine
    - Exceso de colaboraciones espantosas.
    - Beats repetidos hasta el cansancio.
    - Un track controversial disquefeminista
    - Liricas miserables
    - Concepto ridículo sin pretenciones de innovar o marcar un antes y un despues en el mainstream latino.
  4. Nov 27, 2020
    This Bad Bunny is VERY formulaic. Although it has a few standout tracks ( Safaera, Si Veo a tu Mama and Yo Perreo Sola ), the rest of the albums is a series of repetitive beats and flows that he has used on previous records. Lyrically its very weak and lacks innovation. Every song is produced by the same people that have produced his entire catalog. In general its a very repetitive albumThis Bad Bunny is VERY formulaic. Although it has a few standout tracks ( Safaera, Si Veo a tu Mama and Yo Perreo Sola ), the rest of the albums is a series of repetitive beats and flows that he has used on previous records. Lyrically its very weak and lacks innovation. Every song is produced by the same people that have produced his entire catalog. In general its a very repetitive album and lacks any artistic growth. Expand
  5. Jul 27, 2020
    No hay palabras para describir esta basura, es de muy mal gusto ver esto entre los discos mejor calificados, a esto que ni musica se puede llamar.
  6. May 28, 2020
    Otra basura, este álbum apesta igual que el anterior, de hecho, toda la carrera musical de este espécimen es una autentica porqueria.
  7. Oct 20, 2020
    ¿Por qué? Porque sobrevaloran a alguien que solo sabe usar autotune, es ilógico. Muy injusto, se que es la moda pero, porque lo alaban? Es música comercial y nada mAs
  8. May 22, 2020
    I’m part of the culture that he is from and it disappoints that this type of music is what it’s mainstream now. It sadness me that I have to live in the same era that this type of music is now popular. I feel that it is injustice to the culture. Bad music. I have heard of his music and I mean what in the world is that. I would prefer any other artist that is not Reggaeton based. The beatsI’m part of the culture that he is from and it disappoints that this type of music is what it’s mainstream now. It sadness me that I have to live in the same era that this type of music is now popular. I feel that it is injustice to the culture. Bad music. I have heard of his music and I mean what in the world is that. I would prefer any other artist that is not Reggaeton based. The beats are catchy but the lyrics are bad. Worst music of 2020. I hate that it got popular tbh. Expand
  9. Nov 28, 2020
    ASCOOOOOO DE ALBUM ¿Como es que esta PORQUERIA esta calificada como lo mejor del año? Definitivamente el Regeaton es de lo PEOR de TODA la musica, y con representantes como Bad Bunny lo dejan incluso peor de lo que ya es por si mismo este "genero".
  10. Mar 28, 2020
    I'd rather cut off my fingers, grill them and eat them one by one than listen to this cr4p again
  11. Sep 29, 2020
    Una completa porquería, en serio nominaron esto como el album del año
  12. Jul 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Bottom of the barrel tr*sh. don’t listen it will hurt your ears trust. wish it didn’t see the light of day Expand
  13. Jul 24, 2020
    it is not an album that you enjoy I think it is the copy of the copy of previous works
  14. Mar 26, 2020
    Hoy en día, en especial en la música latina, cualquier cosa es producida, este álbum tiene las peores letras, ritmos y samples usados para generar controversia y generar una "nostalgia"; cumple su cometido, como el de mover a las masas y hacerles creer que lo que escuchan es bueno cuando en realidad no lo es. Pésimo album, por mucho el peor en años
    Bad bunny, deja de colgarte de las
    Hoy en día, en especial en la música latina, cualquier cosa es producida, este álbum tiene las peores letras, ritmos y samples usados para generar controversia y generar una "nostalgia"; cumple su cometido, como el de mover a las masas y hacerles creer que lo que escuchan es bueno cuando en realidad no lo es. Pésimo album, por mucho el peor en años
    Bad bunny, deja de colgarte de las mujeres, el feminismo y la comunidad LGBTQ+ Urge censura a este tipo en todo el mundo.
  15. Mar 29, 2020
    Falto de creatividad, genérico, más allá de eso, un enorme método de marketing para obtener ingreso de movimientos sociales, un fiasco, el artista en cuestión no será aliado de ningún movimiento, sólo los ve como una oportunidad a promocionarse el y su contenido.
    Si de por sí este artista solía ser burdo en su contenido, ahora pasa a ser sensacionalista
  16. Apr 3, 2020
    Overrated, vulgar and obscene. This is what industry tries to push in twenties. What a bad start.
  17. May 9, 2020
    No encontró letras más mediocres? además es muy lamentable que se cuelgue del feminismo para vender más su basura.
  18. Jun 12, 2020
    Is trash, the rhythm is literally like other reggaetón songs And the lyrics is completely ridiculous, is only sex about
  19. Aug 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es constante la misoginia a lo largo del álbum, aunque trate de disfrazarse de feminismo (yo perreo sola), parece más una distracción, frente a letras memorables como: si tu novio no te mama el culo, mejor que no mame... Expand
  20. Aug 27, 2020
    Pretty repetitive in rhythm and lyrics, really boring I don't know how people today think this is "talent" Talk about sex, alcohol and drugs and that ridiculous phrase from "si tú novio no te mama el culo", Completely overrated album that offers nothing and that nobody will remember in the future and will pass as a simple silly fad
  21. Oct 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Falto de creatividad, genérico, más allá de eso, un enorme método de marketing para obtener ingreso de movimientos sociales, un fiasco, el artista en cuestión no será aliado de ningún movimiento, sólo los ve como una oportunidad a promocionarse el y su contenido.
    Si de por sí este artista solía ser burdo en su contenido, ahora pasa a ser sensacionalista
  22. Oct 24, 2020
    La gente especializada en la música tiende a sobrevalorar la música más comercial en Latinoamérica etiquetandolo con un título ambiguo y reciclado, ellos creen que en Latinoamérica solo abunda el famoso movimiento llamado reggaeton cuando hay mucha cola por ver detrás, y este álbum es el caso, este es un álbum tan básico y monótono que solo puede ser disfrutado por gente que le gustaLa gente especializada en la música tiende a sobrevalorar la música más comercial en Latinoamérica etiquetandolo con un título ambiguo y reciclado, ellos creen que en Latinoamérica solo abunda el famoso movimiento llamado reggaeton cuando hay mucha cola por ver detrás, y este álbum es el caso, este es un álbum tan básico y monótono que solo puede ser disfrutado por gente que le gusta bailar en antros pues es este tipo de música que que ambienta al público jóven Expand
  23. Oct 22, 2020
    Un asco total definitivamente lo peor que e escuchado con letras machistas,misóginas y denigrantes a la mujer.
  24. Oct 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is just bad, I can't believe how he was named writer of the year with those horrible lyrics and misogynes, there are simply better singers, he just uses his same deep voice and does nothing different, is it necessary that you only think about having sex with A girl ?, This guy has problems instead of making music he makes music pornography, I consider his voice disgusting, the plagiarized rhythms and his very concept is boring Expand
  25. Nov 28, 2020
    A very overrated album, Bad Bunny with this album I try to break stereotypes but at the same time the songs have misogynistic lyrics
  26. Dec 9, 2020
    I can't understand how this album has more scores than other artists, it has empty and stupid lyrics, more than usual, but that score is understandable. his album attracts people like flies to ****
  27. Jun 14, 2021
  28. Jun 14, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Disgusting, utter **** pure crap, full of mierde, smells like feces, sounds like a child with Progeria Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Mar 26, 2020
    Yo Hago Lo Que Me Da La Gana (or I Do Whatever I Want) convenes a family reunion of his favorite rappers and reggaetoneros to produce a genre-promiscuous work of reggaeton a la marquesina: a more street-savvy form of reggaeton once deemed so risqué that it was criminalized and relegated to garage parties across Puerto Rico throughout the Nineties.
  2. Mar 26, 2020
    The strikingly good “YHLQMDLG” (which stands for “Yo Hago Lo Que Me Da La Gana,” translation “I Do Whatever I Want”) moves in a different direction, looking deep inside the genre’s long history and proposing that there is enough information in the past on which to build a whole worldview.
  3. Mar 26, 2020
    Bad Bunny does whatever he wants, even if that means quitting when you're far ahead. If he does, we'll still have YHLQMDLG, a transformative fever dream of an album that accents freedom by breaking all the rules without writing new ones.