• Record Label: WEA
  • Release Date: Aug 27, 2021
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 30
  2. Negative: 2 out of 30
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  1. Aug 30, 2021
    This is the kind of Pop music that reminds you that, hey, maybe Pop is not dead yet. Maisie's energetic and emotional debut album grows on you like a nostalgic memory. It's a timeless collection of melodies and lyrical masterwork sung with complete sincerity by Maisie. Beautiful album.
  2. Oct 29, 2021
    An album that gives out you in all the feels and puts you straight into a love scene in a movie
  3. Sep 17, 2021
    Gets a little cliche at times but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it, this album is very well produced and has some awesome lyrical moments. Quoting my favourite song off the album, this will be one tough act to follow.
  4. Sep 5, 2021
    Despite having a presence in the music industry, Maisie Peters boldly names her debut You Signed Up For This. Like some pop stars before her, they had confidence and a defined identity, further being the extra boost to keep them within our stratosphere. Maisie has released two EPs and a full soundtrack for the AppleTV+ show, Trying, but unless you’re conscious within the depth of the popDespite having a presence in the music industry, Maisie Peters boldly names her debut You Signed Up For This. Like some pop stars before her, they had confidence and a defined identity, further being the extra boost to keep them within our stratosphere. Maisie has released two EPs and a full soundtrack for the AppleTV+ show, Trying, but unless you’re conscious within the depth of the pop world, she isn’t an artist who you’d immediately recognize. However, You Signed Up For This confidently creates a soundscape that blends pop-rock with acoustic and folk undertones. And with Maisie Peters’, sometimes, masterful songwriting, her debut makes us glad we somewhat signed up for this.

    Maisie Peters is one of many pop stars today that focus on honing their craft as a storyteller; she just happens to be one of the few to make improvements year after year. Though she still has some ways to go, as Maisie Peters is someone who can crumble a song under the weight of her creativity. You Signed Up For This contains as much originality as any Charlie Kaufman film, but Maisie sometimes gets derivative with trying to recreate something to a different tune.

    “Psycho” and “Villain” fit into the mold of two songs that carry similar themes and scenes, with the latter being better. “Psycho” is a glamorous pop ensemble that viscerally combines a myriad of instruments into one of the best-produced pop songs this year; unfortunately, the songwriting isn’t as strong. It teeters on slight mediocrity, despite Maisie Peters delivering some captivating melodies and harmonies. On the contrary, “Villain” isn’t a vibrant pop banger. Instead, it takes a nuanced and meta approach to be on the outside looking in. Maisie takes this approach to her songwriting and allowing her to have a greater reach relative to her experiences.

    Maisie Peters’ songwriting focuses on a path toward self-reflection/realization, delivering perspectives through dream-like narratives. Maisie breaks down her emotions and details into beautiful components, which make up the whole, like on “Boy,” “Talking to Strangers,” or “John Hughes Movie.” So whenever Maisie isn’t focusing on personal viewpoints, she lets the pen run loose with thoughts and illusions for a life some people wished they could live. Like “Villain,” “John Hughes Movie” is an extension of the few songs about heartbreak throughout the years. They speak to the idea that Maisie is sometimes writing from the outside looking in. By creating these universally understanding songs, she allows herself to flex her storytelling past the overtly personal.

    One example of great storytelling comes from “John Hughes Movie,” which sees Maisie Peters wishing to have a love plotline like the song’s namesake. A John Hughes’ teen film starts with scanty realism until the final moments, where love becomes eternal through a lock of eyes or lips. Like Maisie, I’ve had similar dreams and delusions, and she captures the essence that contrasts the films from everyday life.

    Maisie finds a way to infuse the themes into a relative narrative and vibrant production, with the former being her main strength. But this strength only shines when she isn’t trying to deliver a radio hit.

    There is a clear division of sound between the slight esoteric folk-pop hybrids and clear pop bangers she aims to create with a song like “Psycho.” There are aspects of “Psycho” that excel, particularly in the production, and her lyrics are not desirably catchy. She changes the script with a song like “Elvis Song,” where the poppy percussion gives Maisie a chance to sing without any vocal modifiers.

    You Signed Up For This carries hyperextended guitar chords on more than 75% of the album, but 70% of the time, it intricately blends with the rest of the production. For Maisie Peters, it’s a strength that gives her the comfortability to be different. The chords have a simple frame, allowing the external instruments to form a direction and create depth. Maisie has a refined sound and identity that her creative juices refill themselves after each conception. The contrasting sounds of previously mentioned songs, “Talking to Strangers” and “Boy,” are a few examples of her sonic identity.
  5. Aug 27, 2021
    Four years in the making, Maisie Peters’ debut album proves itself to be worth the wait; her lyricism is consistently sharp and witty, her melodies memorable, and her instrumentals stunning. Taking inspiration from numerous music industry icons, namely Taylor Swift and Birdy, Peters delivers heartfelt catchy tune after heartfelt catchy tune. Having previously claimed to enjoy theFour years in the making, Maisie Peters’ debut album proves itself to be worth the wait; her lyricism is consistently sharp and witty, her melodies memorable, and her instrumentals stunning. Taking inspiration from numerous music industry icons, namely Taylor Swift and Birdy, Peters delivers heartfelt catchy tune after heartfelt catchy tune. Having previously claimed to enjoy the conversational aspect of rap, the singer-songwriter successfully integrates the element into a beautifully cathartic pop record. Maisie is a future pop phenomena in the making, I guarantee it. Expand
  6. Aug 29, 2021
    Maizie’s debut album shows so much growth from her previous releases (those are wonderful too!) I love the melodies and lyrics. Bridges are usually my favorite part of a song, and the bridges on this album are so good!
  7. Feb 4, 2022
    One of the best pop albums I have ever met, if you're onto good lyrics and production, this is your album.
  8. Sep 1, 2021
    As a debut album, You Signed Up For This is a leap in a very promising direction for Maisie. Held up side by side with her EP’s, You Signed Up For This discards her old acoustic folk style for a pop vibe. Lyrically Maisie tends to take advantage of well known phrases to describe her raw 20-something feelings of longing & loss. At times, this can shy into feeling a bit too cliche andAs a debut album, You Signed Up For This is a leap in a very promising direction for Maisie. Held up side by side with her EP’s, You Signed Up For This discards her old acoustic folk style for a pop vibe. Lyrically Maisie tends to take advantage of well known phrases to describe her raw 20-something feelings of longing & loss. At times, this can shy into feeling a bit too cliche and detached. Leaving listeners longing for a bit more direct and vulnerable emotional approach. However, for a debut album You Signed Up For This leaves you with raw pop ballads and songs to dance around your room too. Leaving the artist with the perfect amount of room to grow with future albums. Expand
  9. Aug 31, 2021
    maisie peters makes music for hot people.
    this entire album is absolute perfection. her work ethic and determination to work hard is unmatched and this album is perhaps one of the best albums released this year. CANNOT stop listening to it on repeat and frankly? i dont want to
  10. Aug 28, 2021
    i love her narrative lyrics so much! great songwriting and she developed her own music style! my favorite is probably brooklyn and im trying :)
  11. Sep 6, 2021
    This is now my favorite/comfort album because it is soooooooooooo good and I can just play/listen to it all day
  12. Sep 8, 2021
    An album that gives out you in all the feels and puts you straight into a love scene in a movie
  13. Jun 25, 2023
    This album is so good, one of the best debut albums of all time.

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Sep 1, 2021
    Every track on this album has its moment in time, its place in life and its meaning in itself.
  2. Aug 30, 2021
    What makes the album compelling beyond its author’s self-examined talent is Peters’ confidence in sharing moments of young adulthood where she maybe felt anything but.
  3. 80
    You Signed Up For This is an effortless pop debut. As an already established singer, Peters had little to prove, but after a shimmering first album, she has laid any residual doubt to rest.