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Generally favorable reviews- based on 82 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 54 out of 82
  2. Negative: 18 out of 82
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  1. Apr 21, 2018
    this album is **** insane and this is why i love nails and it's just as good as their other albums
  2. Jun 23, 2017
    You will never be one of us is aggressive, dark, hopeless, violent and sure to get your blood pumping. Brief, but extremely hard hitting lyrics about present day terrors and corruption paired with some face meltingly brutal instrumentals. It's a short, but relentless and visceral experience.
  3. Jul 7, 2016
    Esse álbum é tão maravilhoso e explora tantas coisas boas, incrível, honesto, e simplesmente espetacular. Não tenho palavras para descrever essa grandiosidade musical.
  4. Jun 24, 2016
    This grind core is sooo good. The most suitable vocal for this genre I ever listen. That fat sound... Oh. Nails done a great job in the studio.
    People who doesn't like metal music please don't vote. No wonder that music is called extreme. This music requires some training. It's like snowboarding. People who know how to ride say how it's cool. But you try to take the snowboard and ride
    This grind core is sooo good. The most suitable vocal for this genre I ever listen. That fat sound... Oh. Nails done a great job in the studio.
    People who doesn't like metal music please don't vote. No wonder that music is called extreme. This music requires some training. It's like snowboarding. People who know how to ride say how it's cool. But you try to take the snowboard and ride you immediately hate this board
  5. Jun 23, 2016
    Before the actual review, for those who easily got amused by the high score (now it's 93/100) and are criticizing this album:

    1st - This is a brutal heavy black metal album, NAILS always put together short albums (about 15 ~ 20 mins long) for a brutal experience. 2nd - Criticizing a black metal record because of it's aggression and brutality is like criticizing a rock record because
    Before the actual review, for those who easily got amused by the high score (now it's 93/100) and are criticizing this album:

    1st - This is a brutal heavy black metal album, NAILS always put together short albums (about 15 ~ 20 mins long) for a brutal experience.

    2nd - Criticizing a black metal record because of it's aggression and brutality is like criticizing a rock record because of the guitar solos and the love in the lyricism, those are simply the characteristics of the genre and not the cons of a record, review it by what it tries to deliver and if it delivers or not, don't review it because you simply dislike the genre.

    Now for the review itself: You Will Never Be One of Us again, delivers all the brutality that you should expect from a NAILS album, but I do see them going forward with this record right here, they've kept those dark themes as there was no experimentation on the lyrics (as you should expect), but they've delivered a longer album with an awesome finish, an eight minutes long cut that goes to different patterns, with peaks and breaks, but keeping the vocals static.

    Is it worth 93/100? Nop. They're experimenting, they're trying to evolve and that's a very positive aspect of this thing right here, but I don't see them going further than one cut of 8 minutes, maybe if the whole record were more dynamic, longer and with more experimentation on their sound, then yes it should be a 93/100, but I'm sticking with a 80/100 with this one.

    And again, guys, open your mind, there isn't only heavy metal bands like Metallica out there, there's a whole gamma of great metal bands to explore like Deafheaven and Behemoth, just be more open minded pls.
  6. Jun 20, 2016
    You will hear fast beats, one minute tracks, and a lot of the raw energy you crave. The live shows can only be imagined as wild and insane. Bad: The familiar riffs heard over and over again in metal are here as well as the played out vocal monotone roar. Melody isn't an enemy in metal and the energy would be even higher with it. The albums originality score could definitely use some moreYou will hear fast beats, one minute tracks, and a lot of the raw energy you crave. The live shows can only be imagined as wild and insane. Bad: The familiar riffs heard over and over again in metal are here as well as the played out vocal monotone roar. Melody isn't an enemy in metal and the energy would be even higher with it. The albums originality score could definitely use some more melody and harmony. Good: There is something special here and any metal/hardcore fan will be pleased. It has the speed and insanity a hardcore fan appreciates. Speed and guitar riffs change in second intervals, reminiscent of the Locust. It does have melody despite what I mentioned earlier and can sometimes be a great highlight to the album. Good listen, different enough to note, and will leave you with the feeling that you can do anything. Expand
  7. Jun 20, 2016
    This album is not for everyone. It isn't for people who despise extreme metal or other forms of heavy music. Also not for people who see a high score on Metacritic and automatically assume an album is great. *Ahem* Sort of in the title... this isn't for most people. That said, this is a pretty devastating piece of hardcore music. Great mix of Slayer-style thrash with powerviolence andThis album is not for everyone. It isn't for people who despise extreme metal or other forms of heavy music. Also not for people who see a high score on Metacritic and automatically assume an album is great. *Ahem* Sort of in the title... this isn't for most people. That said, this is a pretty devastating piece of hardcore music. Great mix of Slayer-style thrash with powerviolence and hardcore elements. Not for the faint of heart, but a worthy way to spend under half-an-hour for fans of the genre. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Aug 18, 2016
    Loathing permeates the band's third album like xenophobia at a Trump rally. Emulating Black Flag gone grindcore, You Will Never Be One of Us beats brief thrashers "Parasite," "Made to Make You Fail," "Violence Is Forever" senseless with merciless precision.
  2. Jul 7, 2016
    The band's devotion to unadulterated sonic malevolence remains unchanged. They know that the darkest corners of the human psyche have deep closets, and they would like to show you what's in them.
  3. Jul 6, 2016
    All in all, this is another first-rate effort from one of the most deviant voices in hardcore.