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Generally favorable reviews- based on 47 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 47
  2. Negative: 6 out of 47

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  1. MatthewP.
    Sep 4, 2007
    Possibly the greatest power pop album ever made, sheer genius. Daniel Johns had managed to create an album that gets better and better after every song until at the end you feel as if you have been blown away. The album of the years so far!!
  2. [Anonymous]
    Oct 18, 2007
    At first listen, I didn't really like this album, second listen, I still thought Diorama would be their best work yet, upon heavier sessions of listening, I realized this is their best work yet. I know this album may be hard to swallow for some, especially fans of Silverchair still stuck in flannel and gloomy attitudes, but as much as I loved grunge, give it a rest. Silverchair has At first listen, I didn't really like this album, second listen, I still thought Diorama would be their best work yet, upon heavier sessions of listening, I realized this is their best work yet. I know this album may be hard to swallow for some, especially fans of Silverchair still stuck in flannel and gloomy attitudes, but as much as I loved grunge, give it a rest. Silverchair has never been better. PS. download the 5 B Sides from this album, I like all of them, but 3 of them definitely should have been placed on the album. - English Garden - Sleep All Day - We're Not Lonely.. BUT We Miss You - Barbarella - Hide Under Your Tongue Expand
  3. SamF.
    Oct 19, 2007
    This is the album of 2007. Yes it is weird at first but its a slow burner and an absolute cracker.
  4. MotherF
    Aug 22, 2007
    So essentially you've got a huge group of folks who think "Frogstomp" is Silverchair's crowning achievement, and who, unfortunately, still think grunge is the ultimate genre of music. Then you've got the group of folks who just want Diorama pt. 2. If you filter out all that nonsense, you've got another great album from this oft-overlooked band. Great stuff.
  5. ElizabethA.
    Aug 22, 2007
    I picked up Diorama a few years ago on a recommendation of a record store clerk. My reaction at that time was similar to a lot of people's reactions with Young Modern. "Silverchair?! Really?" Yes, really. This is a fantastic album, one whose high points do not fade with repeat listenings. Speaking of high points, this album as a whole is a high point. Particular tracks I'm quite I picked up Diorama a few years ago on a recommendation of a record store clerk. My reaction at that time was similar to a lot of people's reactions with Young Modern. "Silverchair?! Really?" Yes, really. This is a fantastic album, one whose high points do not fade with repeat listenings. Speaking of high points, this album as a whole is a high point. Particular tracks I'm quite fond of: Straight Lines, Those Thieving Birds, If You Keep Losing Sleep, and Reflections of a Sound. If you are a fan of beautiful orchestration you can immerse yourself in completely, you should absolutely pick up this album. You will not regret it! Expand
  6. MatP.
    Sep 4, 2007
  7. SusanS.
    Mar 24, 2008
    This CD is an orgasm in a box!
  8. shopvack
    Oct 23, 2007
    Very impressive. I previously only owned their debut, but this album prompted me to pick up their last two efforts as well. I highly suggest fans of this album do the same--its interesting to witness the evolution of a young band.
  9. JoeS.
    Aug 23, 2007
  10. ChrisK.
    Aug 25, 2007
    If you are looking for the Frogstomp band of yesteryear, look elsewhere. Rarely do bands progress so beautifully as this one. This album is everything I expected it to be after Diorama and Daniel John's Dissociatives project. Both of those albums are pure genius in completely different ways, and Young Modern manages to take elements of both and mix it to perfection here. What If you are looking for the Frogstomp band of yesteryear, look elsewhere. Rarely do bands progress so beautifully as this one. This album is everything I expected it to be after Diorama and Daniel John's Dissociatives project. Both of those albums are pure genius in completely different ways, and Young Modern manages to take elements of both and mix it to perfection here. What I've always loved about Silverchair is their ability to vividly portray the emotions and state of mind of those writing this music, specifically Daniel. Young Modern is wild, carefree, over the top, and at times very humorous. It's detailed, yet straight forward. It's the best they have to offer, right behind Diorama. Best of 07 in my opinion, and one of the best of the decade. Expand
  11. ChrisT.
    Aug 27, 2007
    frickin' awesome!
  12. Mr.Surprised
    Sep 23, 2007
    Holy Cow! What a great surprise! I've always had a soft spot for these guys, all the "grunge-stuff" was always really catchy, dispute being very derivative... "freak" was the best Helmet song they never recorded. and yes, i also payed attention when they went insane in the late 90's, and loved the two records they made. "Diorama", in particular, was quite enjoyable, but, Holy Cow! What a great surprise! I've always had a soft spot for these guys, all the "grunge-stuff" was always really catchy, dispute being very derivative... "freak" was the best Helmet song they never recorded. and yes, i also payed attention when they went insane in the late 90's, and loved the two records they made. "Diorama", in particular, was quite enjoyable, but, nothing, NOTHING, can prepare your ears for this...I have to pinch myself repeatedly t remind myself that this ism indeed, Silverchair. This record rules. Way to go, guys. Expand
  13. BrianP.
    Sep 4, 2007
    First real listen to SIlverchair...I loved it! It sounds kinda like teeny bopper music at first listen, but really grew on me. Awesome sound with an orchestra in the background. Reminds me of old ELO or Moody Blues. Wicked vocals! Get it!
  14. JB
    Aug 29, 2007
    These reviews are all way low, this is the best CD I've heard in some time. I remember Silverchair from the old days, hard to believe it's the same band. Good for them for maturing into artists.
  15. Sandro
    Aug 31, 2007
    No need to apologize DecepticonPom. A zero? Get off the crack. This album is diverse and progressive just like the band itself. Best album of '07 with arcade fire nipping at their heels.
  16. MarkR.
    Aug 31, 2007
    The best release of the year, buy now!
  17. ChrisH.
    Jan 22, 2008
    This is, in my opinion, the hands-down best album of the year.
  18. AndrewM.
    Oct 2, 2007
    Complexity & Maturity is not a weakness. This is great music from a band i have previously dismissed as juvenile grunge rock wannabes. Now this melodic introspective big sound is more like it. More personal, more real, more diversive than before. Yes, some will not like its quirky sporadic sound, but i did.
  19. DerekW.
    Nov 26, 2007
    With as much melody as a good Paul McCartney album, this is tops my list for 2007. This album will go down in pop history as a classic.
  20. RandyH.
    Aug 31, 2007
    A surprisingly good record that gets better with each listen. It's sort of surreal to have grown up with this band and evolved right along with them. Far from the Frogstomp and Freak Show days, Young Modern is a whimsical, dreamy soundscape overflowing with excitement and creativity. Best cuts in my opinion are "Straight Lines," "If You've Been Losing Sleep" and "Mind Reader."
  21. JA.
    Sep 5, 2007
    Quit fighting it. This album is great. Get over the indie-snob in yourself and just enjoy it.
  22. PaulR.
    Jan 29, 2008
    This is a long way from the simple power chords and attempts at "heavy" rock that marked Silverchair's first few albums. The lush orchestration of Diorama carries over here, with a substantial dose of glam added in. The tracks are strong all through the album.
  23. Mar 20, 2012
    Hauntingly beautiful album. Very indie, unique, individualistic, touching album. Lyrics of the songs are brilliant & written beautifully. Daniel Johns is an amazing artist by simply being expressive through music. This is the album to get high with. You don't get to listen to these kind of songs anymore.
  24. DSven
    Aug 30, 2007
    Great album. One of the rare bands that started off lame (though to be fair, they were 15 years old), and keep getting better with each album. I'm really enjoying this disc. Leave your preconceptions at the door of what Silverchair "is" and you may take a liking to it. ...Though, if you loved "Tomorrow" or "Freak" you probably will hate this. It sounds like two entirely different bands.
  25. JakeM
    Oct 15, 2007
    Fantastic album! I love the new, quirky rock that Silverchair is dishing out. Well done!
  26. JoshS.
    Jan 28, 2009
    Their best album since Neon Ballroom, it encapsulates all that Silverchair have and can further acheive, Straight Lines was to start with a brilliant song, but I, living in their town of conception and origin, Newcastle NSW, the local stations flogged it to death, but all that aside it is a very valiant effort after such a long break but its a shame its missing ol school Silverchair Their best album since Neon Ballroom, it encapsulates all that Silverchair have and can further acheive, Straight Lines was to start with a brilliant song, but I, living in their town of conception and origin, Newcastle NSW, the local stations flogged it to death, but all that aside it is a very valiant effort after such a long break but its a shame its missing ol school Silverchair grunge, but progression does that to a band. Expand
  27. Dec 28, 2010
    I can see where the dislikers of this album are coming from. When you have listened to Silverchair from the begining it is quite a shock to the system! At first I thought ' What the heck is this!' , as I was expecting a Silverchair album and to be frankly this sounds nothing like Silverchair. I have subsequently listened to this album again without any preconceptions and quite like it.I can see where the dislikers of this album are coming from. When you have listened to Silverchair from the begining it is quite a shock to the system! At first I thought ' What the heck is this!' , as I was expecting a Silverchair album and to be frankly this sounds nothing like Silverchair. I have subsequently listened to this album again without any preconceptions and quite like it. However I think it is a real shame that there is not one tune which sounds remotely like any old Silverchair material. Expand
  28. Chad
    Oct 2, 2007
    Don't understand why everyone's wetting themselves over this album. It may not sound like old Silverchair and it may be different than anything alse I've heard lately but that doesn't mean it's good. I'm gonna go back to my non-Silverchair loving self, thank-you.
  29. PeterA.
    Sep 26, 2007
    Worst album I've bought so far this year. Have been a fan of these guys since day one but this piece of work is off to the pawnshop I'm afraid. I see nothing original or captivating in this album at all. I would give it a zero but the vocals are pretty good.
  30. luke
    Sep 25, 2007
    The pretense of complexity makes for a zero. Silverchair are washed-up. If the band Bush made an album with songs that have more than four notes, would it be worth praising? No room for post-grunge redemption. Van Dyke's sweeping strings can't help. America has better music to absorb than this.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Young Modern is a highly ambitious work that happily jumps from glam rock to sweeping orchestral pastiches and almost everywhere in between.
  2. The entire album is seamless and offers new facets with each listen.
  3. Young Modern is a polished glam-rock suite, boasting more ecstatic melodies and colorful riffs than their four previous efforts combined.