
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. With You're the One, Paul Simon is back on track, writing and recording timeless music that keeps him on par with Neil Young and David Bowie, but in his comforting familiar way.
  2. But its modesty is its weakness. For the last 15 years, Simon has been rejuvenating himself with challenges, with awkward collaborations and unusual idioms, testing and experimenting with his talent. With this collection of gentle, wry ballads and witty, shuffly songs he is, nearly, just coasting on it. Not that this makes 'You're The One' a bad album. It just makes it an ominous one.
  3. No one weds the conversational and cosmological -- or acoustic pop and ethnological studies -- quite so gracefully.
  4. Q Magazine
    Rhythms skip and play seemingly without touching earth... These are manifestly the labours of a man still with something to say. [Nov 2000, p.109]
  5. "Somewhere in a burst of glory/Sound becomes a song/I'm bound to tell a story/That's where I belong," Simon sings on the new album's opening track, and the comfort and command he displays throughout You're the One demonstrate that he's right.
  6. I readily admit I was confused by its unusual instrumental combinations, by the turn-on-a-dime melodies and rhythms, and the "still searching after all these years" lyrics -- by its relentless eclecticism. Still, I kept listening, and at the end of the day found myself having trouble escaping these meandering, insinuating songs.
  7. The stripped-down arrangements and meditative flavor of the songs bring to mind such uncluttered efforts as 1983's Hearts and Bones or even Simon's 1972 solo debut.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 2 out of 13
  1. MartinR
    Dec 1, 2006
    How can you get belly laughs out of wicked social criticism? "Pig, Sheep and Wolves" will show you. Looking for love? Try "Darling Lorraine" How can you get belly laughs out of wicked social criticism? "Pig, Sheep and Wolves" will show you. Looking for love? Try "Darling Lorraine" and "You're the One" for loves lost from two sides of the coin. This is brilliant stuff. Full Review »
  2. JohnL
    Jul 24, 2006
    I'm giving it an "8", but it could be an "9"...It is a step up from "The Capeman", which was his least rewarding solo work on every I'm giving it an "8", but it could be an "9"...It is a step up from "The Capeman", which was his least rewarding solo work on every level. I could almost consider a 9 because he is probably as great a lyricist as this is, or ever has been, and it still shows here, despite amore subdued feel overall. Excluding The Capeman's self limiting concept, Paul Simon's works have grown to be more and more Spiritual since the mid-80's (not that he wasn't so before, just moreso after then), and it really works to his advantage here, as the songsmithing and depth of subject help to invigorate what is a more laid back work sonically speaking. Musically is feels a bit like "One Trick Pony"; which itself feels like a little bit lesser of a version of "Still Crazy After All These Years". Feeling wise it falls in with those two works. Hurricane Eye and Old are my favorites, and it has some beautiful moments, but it certainly isn't as jaw dropping as his most impressive "Suprise" for example...which is a "10" for me. Full Review »
  3. nancys
    Jul 10, 2005
    The more I have listened to this album the more I have learned to like it. It has steadily grown on me until it is one of my favorite albums.