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Generally favorable reviews- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Jul 31, 2017
    As someone that does like a fair amount of Wavves, I will say that this album is kind of a teeter totter. It shifts from being a bit derivative of their past material to going for a bit of weirder experimentation. And neither one are all that enjoyable with lacking a lot of the punch and hooks of songs from King of the Beach and Afraid of Heights. There are some great songs on here likeAs someone that does like a fair amount of Wavves, I will say that this album is kind of a teeter totter. It shifts from being a bit derivative of their past material to going for a bit of weirder experimentation. And neither one are all that enjoyable with lacking a lot of the punch and hooks of songs from King of the Beach and Afraid of Heights. There are some great songs on here like Daisy and Animal, but at best it tries to be different and ends up failing on it (I.E. Come to the Valley) and at worst is just a trite Wavves song. Expand
  2. May 20, 2017
    Wavves/Nathan come through another great pop-punk album. Although pop-punk is generally looked down upon by many critics, Nathan carves out a very distinct sound/style via his interesting production and witty lyrics and proves to be a very worthwhile artist. My favourite tracks include Daisy, Animal, Dreams of Grandeur, Million Enemies, Come to The Valley, Stupid in Love, Hollowed Out andWavves/Nathan come through another great pop-punk album. Although pop-punk is generally looked down upon by many critics, Nathan carves out a very distinct sound/style via his interesting production and witty lyrics and proves to be a very worthwhile artist. My favourite tracks include Daisy, Animal, Dreams of Grandeur, Million Enemies, Come to The Valley, Stupid in Love, Hollowed Out and Under. Least favourite track: I Love You Collapse
  3. May 19, 2017
    A sequel to King of the Beach. "You're Welcome" comes after V, Wavves' most lackluster, though not bad, album to date (in my opinion). You're Welcome brings some new and old ideas to the table making it have a very diverse sound. Experimentation with sampling and other electronic effects are present throughout the album. The standout tracks on the album include: "You're Welcome", "NoA sequel to King of the Beach. "You're Welcome" comes after V, Wavves' most lackluster, though not bad, album to date (in my opinion). You're Welcome brings some new and old ideas to the table making it have a very diverse sound. Experimentation with sampling and other electronic effects are present throughout the album. The standout tracks on the album include: "You're Welcome", "No Shade", "Million Enemies", "Hollowed Out", "Stupid In Love", and "Dreams of Grandeur". Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Jul 6, 2017
    While the album has the signature Wavves sound, the songwriting and production is taking on a sophistication that only comes with a progressing level of musical maturity.
  2. Kerrang!
    Jun 19, 2017
    You're Welcome stumbles through grating doldrums on garage-rock autopilot, with junkyard fuzz that's more crap-nasty than good-nasty. [3 Jun 2017, p.52]
  3. 60
    Right now they still seem to be in the reactionary phase, rebelling against the slick pop punk produced for Warner Bros. Ideally they’ll find a happy medium but for now we have You’re Welcome.