
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
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  1. Dec 2, 2013
    By stripping away the static and placing himself front and center, Grainger’s got nowhere to hide. While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, and, on the whole, this bold, unexpected approach suits him well, there are moments that simply don’t sustain interest
  2. Nov 25, 2013
    Yours to Discover never feels like a dishonest record, just one where it’s incredibly hard to grasp the intentions or ambitions of its creator.
  3. 50
    It’s spunkier than 2008’s ‘Sebastian Grainger & The Mountains’, but still meek in comparison to DFA 1979.
  4. Nov 14, 2013
    As a whole, Yours To Discover lives up to its name; it's an opportunity for fans to hear a different side of Sebastien Grainger, one more relaxed than frantic, more interested in forging a new path than rehashing old memories.
  5. Nov 14, 2013
    There are a few clunker lyrics--Grainger’s at his strongest when he’s singing about making love, not having sex--but overall it’s a worthy record from an artist who refuses to make the same one twice.
  6. 70
    Liberated, no doubt, from the pressures that accompany the devising of a worthy and relevant successor to You’re A Woman, I’m A Machine, Grainger has been able to conjure what is a fairly rich noise pop record.
  7. Nov 14, 2013
    Anyone looking for some no-frills, straight from the heart indie rock that has no time for preciousness or TV commercial-ready softness, could do much worse than Sebastien Grainger and this jaw-droppingly good album.
  8. Nov 14, 2013
    Pretty, simple songs which nevertheless were absolutely littered with hooks.

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