• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Sep 28, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 107 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 72 out of 107
  2. Negative: 8 out of 107
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  1. Oct 26, 2022
    Un disco más Old-School para Logic, vuelve más a sus orígenes y no decepciona para nada, tiene temazos como "The Glorious Five" o "YSIV".
  2. Aug 25, 2022
    final installment of the Maryland rapper's Young Sinatra series is underwhelming. very disappointed with this album a lot of the production is bland and the subjects are tired while the're are a few decent track they don't save this boring album
  3. Nov 24, 2020
    My favorite album of all time. I can't stop listening to this after years! Logic gets too much hate.
  4. Jan 9, 2019
    This album is very good. Nice 90's style beats and good flow from Logic. Personal favourites are The Return, The Glorious Five, Ysiv and Iconic. His version of a Last Call is really good as well and I love the way he flips between narrating and rapping.
  5. Jan 23, 2020
    While it is a bit repetitive at times, and has some tracks I don't care for, I think this is a solid and enjoyable album which cuts down on the flaws on the two projects proceeding this and offers a lot of personal content. This is probably his best and most lyrically solid album post-Everybody.
  6. Sep 26, 2019
    I see how Logic tried to bring the Young Sinatra vibe, but it wasn't the same.
    Lot of blend production, long tracks and a lot of unnecessary features.
    It was okay, but it wasn't anything good.
  7. Jul 28, 2019
    This was an absolute slog with no tracks worth listening to much over time. I'll say it isn't as insufferable as COADM or Supermarket, but it's still a forgettable, dumbed down and useless project in the grand scheme of things.
  8. May 19, 2019
    Logic's Young Sinatra series began eight years ago in 2011. Young Sinatra IV, the first project in the series to be released as a full-length album, has the comfortability of returning somewhere familiar. From the opening bars on “Thank You,” it’s clear that Logic wasn’t here to stumble. There’s a refreshing quality to his confidence. He’s successful but not complacent. This is a man whoLogic's Young Sinatra series began eight years ago in 2011. Young Sinatra IV, the first project in the series to be released as a full-length album, has the comfortability of returning somewhere familiar. From the opening bars on “Thank You,” it’s clear that Logic wasn’t here to stumble. There’s a refreshing quality to his confidence. He’s successful but not complacent. This is a man who wants to translate his passion for rapping to the listener.

    Young Sinatra IV is pleasant from beginning to end. Where Everybody felt like an album taking itself too seriously, Logic’s effort is an offering of love to hip-hop. From the bars to the samples, Logic made a rap album that speaks to the rappers and rap records that inspired him to take it this far.

    This is definitely a great chapter and a perfect ending to close a step in Logic's career that made him the sharp MC he is today.
  9. Dec 6, 2018
    Logic is one of my favorites. Listened to every album and mixtape. His vibe is so nice to me. YSIV is one you don't wanna miss. Go listen to it.
  10. Dec 5, 2018
    This album brought a lot to the table. With that said, the singles released before the album did a phenomenal job at previewing what we were gonna hear in the actual album. Logic's philosophy has been to make all kinds of music so that no one can ever say that he changed, and both the singles and the album really portrayed that. The tracks One Day and Ordinary Day had a pop flavor whileThis album brought a lot to the table. With that said, the singles released before the album did a phenomenal job at previewing what we were gonna hear in the actual album. Logic's philosophy has been to make all kinds of music so that no one can ever say that he changed, and both the singles and the album really portrayed that. The tracks One Day and Ordinary Day had a pop flavor while the rest of them had the Young Sinatra vibe that the title promises. Now for the features, Logic went above and beyond including the whole Wu Tang Clan, Jaden Smith and Big Lenbo among others. This is quite a feat for an artist like Logic, but in the end it really worked out, bringing up the album's value by a lot. The only thing that was slightly disappointing was that Jaden Smith's part was very short and he didn't actually go any further than just saying one sentence. Furthermore, Logic didn't take the perfect chance to use Jaden in a better way and the whole Iconic track ended up seeming like a ripoff of Jaden's Icon track. However, aside from all that, the album should be considered a success, because it was in fact, that. Expand
  11. Dec 3, 2018
    Very disappointing album that dropped at a very unfortunate time. It was overshadowed by other albums that were dropped at the same time, and rightfully so. It is the fourth and final project in the Young Sinatra series. Don't be fooled, it is not another fit into the previous 3. The album tries to fit in but it just cannot, having a recycled sound to it and being thouroughly boring.
  12. Nov 13, 2018
    One of the best album for this year, for me its reinvent a lot of styles and ways. Some singles remind me Linkin Park / Bleed it out, other also looks familiar and fresh in same time.
  13. Oct 24, 2018
    Logic has had himself a couple of changes. After the commercial success of The Incredible True Story, he officially split from the underground and came out with a far more commercialized project in Everybody, something that ended up as merely decent when compared to his overwhelming discography. His exposure has lead to universal recognition and admiration, and even though the lead singleLogic has had himself a couple of changes. After the commercial success of The Incredible True Story, he officially split from the underground and came out with a far more commercialized project in Everybody, something that ended up as merely decent when compared to his overwhelming discography. His exposure has lead to universal recognition and admiration, and even though the lead single was an awkward public service announcement on suicide...

    (Who can relate? Whoo!!!)

    ...he still had plenty of gain. Now comes YSIV, the final installment of a nostalgic Young Sinatra series and the continuation of a new period. First of all, the production in this album in general is outstanding. It started as a tribute to boom-bap, and it ended up implementing an enjoyable hybrid of superb 90's beats with relevant messages. Thank You is the victory lap for Logic, and Everybody Dies is the fast-paced homage to his older works, where he raps about his comeuppance in an onimous and shadow-lurking sound. Wu-Tang Forever was a very enjoyable track involving the reunion of the Wu-Tang Clan, but it was a little awkward hearing each member try to enter a modern Logic beat. Legacy is in my opinion a perfectly crafted rap song courtesy of Logic, where he ponders a frightening and a pessimistic future over a set of guitar strums and the distant female vocals that beautifully mix together to create an emotional roller-coaster ride of a track. It closes out strong with the title track integrating many samples including Nas' Life's a B****, closing out with a shoutout to the late Mac Miller.

    It delivered on plenty on aspects, so much so that it is impossible to call him out on how "corny" he is. Aside from plenty of filler verses and some awkward moments in the album, it well exceeded my standards. Give the entire album a try, because it doesn't hurt to take something away from Logic's brilliance.
  14. Oct 21, 2018
    For every good song on this album there is a song that makes me scratch my head.
  15. Oct 8, 2018
    A more focus and aggressive , bringing back the boom bap logic makes what could be arguably the best project of his career.

    From the great samples to his rhyme schemes, amazing quick flow and lyrics he looks sharper than ever. Not being a fan of his recent album 'Everybody' he lets go of his common themes to attack this current generation of so called Mumble Rappers. Royce, Eminem and
    A more focus and aggressive , bringing back the boom bap logic makes what could be arguably the best project of his career.

    From the great samples to his rhyme schemes, amazing quick flow and lyrics he looks sharper than ever. Not being a fan of his recent album 'Everybody' he lets go of his common themes to attack this current generation of so called Mumble Rappers. Royce, Eminem and Even Denzel Curry have took their time to do the same this year.

    This album might not 'wow' a lot of people, but i say it is a necessary album, for the generation we're in

    Favorite Tracks:The Return, Wu Tang Forever, 100 miles and running, ICONIC
    Least Favorite Tracks: , Ordinary Day, Street Dreams II, Adventures of Stoney Bob
  16. Oct 4, 2018
    PITCHFORK HAS BEEN TRIPPIN LATELY! (Iridescence, Die Lit, YSIV, KSG, etc.)They either don't know his story, don't care, or did't listen to the album because this is a solid project. It's like they're giving albums scores just to try and appease the public and it's getting pathetic. It's not his best or his worst but it's nice. I haven't heard him spit like this in a minute so I appreciatePITCHFORK HAS BEEN TRIPPIN LATELY! (Iridescence, Die Lit, YSIV, KSG, etc.)They either don't know his story, don't care, or did't listen to the album because this is a solid project. It's like they're giving albums scores just to try and appease the public and it's getting pathetic. It's not his best or his worst but it's nice. I haven't heard him spit like this in a minute so I appreciate the delivery. The album is truly in the 7.5 range but I rounded up. From the first song to the end, Logis is telling the story of Logic through story telling and showing the emotions he felt in those stories. Last Call is one of the better outros of the year even though it's a copy of Kanye's. The production is undeniably solid throughout and 6ix has again showed that he meshes so well with Logic. This is the Logic that many of his older fans, including myself, have missed. It's a good continuation of the YS series. Sweet and surprisingly nostalgic. Expand
  17. Oct 4, 2018
    ehh very disappointed with this album a lot of the production is bland and the subjects are tired while the're are a few decent track they don't save this boring album
  18. Oct 4, 2018
    Pretty enjoyable & nostalgic for all the OG Logic fans. There are some great knocking and emotional tracks here and there; Overall, a solid album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Oct 8, 2018
    In a way, with all its emphasis on over-achievement and a continuous supply of re-recounted autobiographical content, YSIV can be as mind-numbing as the mumble rap Logic rails against, but the proficiency and fervor are indisputable.
  2. Oct 4, 2018
    Logic’s lyrical prowess continues to get in his way on songs like “The Return,” which sounds like a motivational song made for a late night Nike ad.
  3. Oct 4, 2018
    Logic rhymes in exciting ways, but the meanings can be a little strained.