Zoom In [EP] Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

Summary: The five-track EP from the ex-Beatles drummer was recorded at his home studio during the COVID-19 pandemic and features contributions from such artists as Sheryl Crow, Nathan East, FINNEAS, Dave Grohl,Ben Harper, Lenny Kravitz, Jenny Lewis, Steve Lukather, Paul McCartney, Corinne Bailey Rae, Chris Stapleton, Benmont Tench, Joe Walsh, and Yola.
Record Label: Universal
Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Contemporary Pop/Rock
Name: Ringo Starr
Credit: Primary Artist
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Track Listings

01 Here's to the Nights 04 Waiting for the Tide to Turn
02 Zoom In Zoom Out 05 Not Enough Love in the World
03 Teach Me to Tango