• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 5, 2023
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 47 out of 79
  2. Negative: 24 out of 79
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  1. May 7, 2023
    As a massive fan since the first album, I am so happy to report Subtract is Ed’s most cohesive and overall strongest record to date. While - does not include the instant radio hits that all his prior work is known primarily for, it is instead a true work of art wherein each track is not just fantastic on its own, but ties sonically, lyrically and thematically to the remainder of the album.As a massive fan since the first album, I am so happy to report Subtract is Ed’s most cohesive and overall strongest record to date. While - does not include the instant radio hits that all his prior work is known primarily for, it is instead a true work of art wherein each track is not just fantastic on its own, but ties sonically, lyrically and thematically to the remainder of the album. There are truly no “throw-away” or filler tracks. It’s clear - is intended to be listened to in the chronological order of the album, as a natural evolution of the stages of grief; the stunning music videos accompanying this evolution further bolsters the strength of the narrative and makes the music even more powerful.

    For fans who prefer Ed’s usual sound and are not quite ready for the stripped-down departure, “Curtains” is a great track and arguably the most consistent with his prior hits, in addition to the first two singles released. However, tracks like “End of Youth,” “Life Goes On,” “Salt Water,” and “Hills of Aberfeldy” are truly stunning, and “Dusty” is a very new sound for Ed, albeit one that works incredibly well. And, in typical Ed fashion, “Sycamore” is the track which will likely make any listener cry. Having known the extent of his vocal, instrumental and lyrical ability for so many years, I am thrilled Subtract finally shows the range and depth of Ed’s talent.
  2. May 5, 2023
    This is probably Ed’s most vulnerable and honest album he has ever released and it pays off big time. This is a really great change of pace in a way because he goes back to his roots of singer songwriting. Also, working with Aaron Dessner of the National was a phenomenal move and overall this album is just so amazing!!!
  3. May 7, 2023
    An emotionally charged album, beautiful lyrically & vocally, Ed's best album to date !
  4. May 6, 2023
    This album is a no skip journey through one’s life. Ed Sheeran has a way of connecting to his listeners that is truly incredible , I usually have a favorite after the first listen but this album is filled with one beautiful song after another. As he sings in Dusty, “drop a needle” on Subtract, you won’t regret it.
  5. May 5, 2023
    Ed has finally found himself through pain and depression, making all these things into beutiful and well written lyrics and an amazing production. So far his best album with strong lyrics and a complete production with the help of the producer Aaron Dessner. Seems that every project Aaron is featured becomes a masterpiece, well done Ed
  6. May 10, 2023
    This album is wonderful, I think it's the most mature album of Ed's entire career, without a doubt he's one of the best songwriters, I'm very proud of him
  7. May 5, 2023
    I love, love, love this album but it’s making me too emotional. I would love it more if it had raps too but Curtains is as close as it got to classic Ed Sheeran. I still very much love this album. Better than =.
  8. May 5, 2023
    emotional! His best album to date in terms if lyrics, vocals and productions.
  9. May 5, 2023
    Let me get this straight, is this the best album ever? No, is it his best work ever? mostly yes. Is it bad by any means? every album will eventually have some weaknesses and this is no exception but this does not make it a bad album by any means. The album is mostly rich in lyrics, instrumentals, theme, and production. This isn't the stuff everyone might enjoy but everyone will have someLet me get this straight, is this the best album ever? No, is it his best work ever? mostly yes. Is it bad by any means? every album will eventually have some weaknesses and this is no exception but this does not make it a bad album by any means. The album is mostly rich in lyrics, instrumentals, theme, and production. This isn't the stuff everyone might enjoy but everyone will have some track to like. Its Ed Sheeran's least commercial oriented album and you can feel it with the rawness in the tracks. This is the type of album you would wanna listen from a guy like Ed, and it genuinely excites me for his upcoming projects with Dessner after Equals left me totally disappointed, this has sparked a new hope. It is amazing! Expand
  10. May 8, 2023
    i was very surprised at how much i enjoyed this album. ed brought me to tears, and i thought that was something that he could only do for 40 year old single women. anyone dealing with terminal illness or health issues is certainly bawling at a few of his songs.
  11. May 5, 2023
    It's amazing how he does to fill your soul, make you cry with sadness and joy at the same time. They are songs that make you feel what he felt at that moment and although he tells his story, many of us see ourselves reflected in it too.
  12. May 6, 2023
    Amazing. An incredibly raw album from one of the greatest songwriters in pop music today.
  13. May 6, 2023
    Loved it!
    My favorites are: "Curtains" , "The End of Youth", "Salt water" and "The Hills of Aberfeldy"

    I've seen, already FOUND good reviews accompanied by a zero!!!!!! Be careful
  14. May 20, 2023
    One of the best acoustic album . Every song in this album has valuable meaning.
  15. Jul 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. His best album. Truly, the most touching ever. The feelings he shows are really emotional as well as the music is highly appreciated. Expand
  16. May 6, 2023
    Almost perfect. In my Top 3. Nothing is ever gonna top X and + but this album came really close.
    First it's refreshing not having the super hit in the album, though Eyes Closed is the commercial song it doesn't feel over the top like Shape Of You, Bad Habits or anything from No. 6 Collaboration Project.
    While it's a different approach to his well known style there's a song that, for me,
    Almost perfect. In my Top 3. Nothing is ever gonna top X and + but this album came really close.
    First it's refreshing not having the super hit in the album, though Eyes Closed is the commercial song it doesn't feel over the top like Shape Of You, Bad Habits or anything from No. 6 Collaboration Project.
    While it's a different approach to his well known style there's a song that, for me, represent each past album. Curtains is very + and X like, The Hills of Aberfeldy and Toughest could've easily been in Divide, while Eyes Close would fit right in with =.

    On one hand I love that the album wasn't carefully crafted as others have but at the same time there's songs there that kill the momentum sometimes, nonetheless is a very good album.
    The instrumentals are great and the lyrics even more, it's a very honest album, very personal but at the same time it's very relatable to anyone that has ever gone through a rough patch. It's best enjoyed on a cozy rainy day, I'm gonna cherish this album for a long time and I bet it sounds glorious live with the 12 piece band, hopefully he will release a live version of the album.

    My favorites, in runtime order are End Of Youth, Vega, Sycamore and Stoned.
  17. May 12, 2023
    Just a lovely album. Simple, stripped back arrangements, beautiful heartfelt lyrics, filled with genuine emotion, all delivered by a master of his trade.
  18. May 5, 2023
    Ed has redeemed himself as an excellent artist and songwriter after launching two previous albums, which are very controversial by any means.
    This album is delicate and genuine, with acoustics mixed with soft-pop type of music that sounds stripped-down or raw but yet feels so settled. it was painfully and beautifully crafted from depression, anxiety, and grief he has been through and
    Ed has redeemed himself as an excellent artist and songwriter after launching two previous albums, which are very controversial by any means.
    This album is delicate and genuine, with acoustics mixed with soft-pop type of music that sounds stripped-down or raw but yet feels so settled. it was painfully and beautifully crafted from depression, anxiety, and grief he has been through and shows how he REALLY felt in intriguing aspects along with ingenious songwritings, lyrics and metaphors which require interpretation but definitely got you hooked when you understand them comprehensively. for those who don't like his music, you should give this a try.
    SOLID 9. Ed and Aaron did a really amazing job for this one.
  19. May 12, 2023
    I really liked this Album from the beginning til the end despite the fact that it doesn’t have a significant number of upbeat songs. Most of the lyrics seem genuine and heartfelt.
  20. May 15, 2023
    With this album, I have felt that some of the charms that I got from hearing his old songs are back. Many songs that have been released recently are too uniform (as in the theme of the songs, upbeat rhythms, overproduced, same general genre), so It is kinda nice to hear songs that tackle dark topics with simple production and instrumentals yet effective. What makes this album feels uniqueWith this album, I have felt that some of the charms that I got from hearing his old songs are back. Many songs that have been released recently are too uniform (as in the theme of the songs, upbeat rhythms, overproduced, same general genre), so It is kinda nice to hear songs that tackle dark topics with simple production and instrumentals yet effective. What makes this album feels unique is that it feels like he is venting or telling a story about his misfortune while maintaining a balance of relatability toward the listener. For people who can't relate to the topics these songs tell, maybe it falls flat to them. Sure some lines may be 'corny', 'boring', or 'cheesy' to some people, yet these lines feel more genuine than songs that are produced to catch everyone's attention. Take boat for example; the line "They say that all scars will heal, but I know. Maybe I won't", for me, it meant or feels like the writer is trying to say that loss can be recovered by time and the writer also knows that, yet for people who can't really move on, this 'scar(s)' is still painful and can't really be healed.

    The only critique that I have is that some songs do fall flat on some parts for me. However, the high of this album overshadowed these pitfalls. As a young adult, I would recommend the song Boat, End of Youth, and Borderline.
  21. May 5, 2023
    I am shocked by how much I have enjoyed this album. Aaron Dessner has worked his magic again, and with Ed Sheeran this is a dream combination. I haven't liked an Ed album since 2014's X but this album feels like the perfect blend of the works of his first two albums that made me become a fan of him. I was a big fan of Eyes Closed when it first came out, but some of the album tracks areI am shocked by how much I have enjoyed this album. Aaron Dessner has worked his magic again, and with Ed Sheeran this is a dream combination. I haven't liked an Ed album since 2014's X but this album feels like the perfect blend of the works of his first two albums that made me become a fan of him. I was a big fan of Eyes Closed when it first came out, but some of the album tracks are showstoppers. I really enjoyed Salt Water, Dusty, Colourblind and Curtains.

    But these are some of Ed's strongest lyrics in his catalogue mostly because of how honest and raw they are. Sycamore and Vega for example are the type of songs I missed from Ed.
  22. May 5, 2023
    [ ek-suh-luhnt ]

    possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.
  23. Jun 3, 2023
    I ran as fast as I could from Ed Sheeran, but he has finally caught up to me, and it was just as I expected. I won't get into details, this is just the very same old cliché energy then ever and a reason to believe why less can also very well be less. (Not as bad as I would've expected, tho.)
  24. Sep 8, 2023
    Ed Sheeran just keeps on making the same album concept, and hoping some songs will catch...
    This time he chose a different path in terms of production, which was refreshing, but I feel like it wasn't enough to overcome the dullness of the lyrics... it just feels like he was writing songs with the same old pen, and then added that different kind of sound to them...
    Let's talk about
    Ed Sheeran just keeps on making the same album concept, and hoping some songs will catch...
    This time he chose a different path in terms of production, which was refreshing, but I feel like it wasn't enough to overcome the dullness of the lyrics... it just feels like he was writing songs with the same old pen, and then added that different kind of sound to them...

    Let's talk about 'Toughest' - one of the more interesting songs on this album, some lyrics are deep-cutting, raw, and honest, but others are just plain, cheesy, generic, and just boring lyrics... Too bad.. a little more work on that song, and he would've deserved a lot of praise, just for that song.

    On 'Moving' , the album outro, I found Ed's vocals very disturbing.. made me actually feel uncomfortable. Again, those changes he's trying to make just seem forced.. he should try to go back to basics and create a new path he can grow on naturally.

    A lot of songs are lacking layering and background vocals.. it was just very predictable after a few songs.
    Couldn't finish the album on my first listen, it's very long (I don't mind listening to long albums, as long as they're worth it... not the case here sadly), and I got bored rather quickly.

    Favorite Tracks: 'Boat', 'Dusty', 'End Of Youth'
  25. May 28, 2023
    I don't consider this album bad, but it's not what I expected either. We want evolution in sounds and letters. I think Ed got stuck in his comfort zone.
  26. May 8, 2023
    'Subtract' is a drastic change in sound for Ed Sheeran and is his hugely anticipated return to his acoustic pop roots with his debut album 'Plus'. However, only the first three songs on this album were memorable and were as close to favourites as the rest of the record. All the songs started blending into each other and showing no evolution, growth, or a build-up towards the closing couple'Subtract' is a drastic change in sound for Ed Sheeran and is his hugely anticipated return to his acoustic pop roots with his debut album 'Plus'. However, only the first three songs on this album were memorable and were as close to favourites as the rest of the record. All the songs started blending into each other and showing no evolution, growth, or a build-up towards the closing couple of tracks. I guess changing your sound doesn't mean he's changed as an artist, as most songs were cliche broadening on generic. Expand
  27. May 29, 2023
    I haven't listened to this record yet, but i will judge the book by its cover: it's Ed Sheeran, so it can't be higher than a 3.
  28. May 5, 2023
    It's boring and long. one time listen, the instrumental is also boring and Ed's voice is sometime annoying
  29. May 7, 2023
    In general, I like Ed and would listen to him fairly regularly, but each song on this album slowly bled into the next, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on... Nothing of interest stood out to me on my first listen, so hopefully it grows on me.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 14
  2. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. May 10, 2023
    No matter how much aesthetic cosplay Sheeran is willing to engage in, though, he’s still pumping out the same cheese-filled anthems that have plagued his previous albums.
  2. May 10, 2023
    Sheeran is naturally a laid-back performer, the pair fit almost a little bit too neatly: where certain hooks and melodic refrains would've been pushed into the spotlight on previous Sheeran albums, they're lying in the background here. That tender touch when combined with a preponderance of ballads turns - (subtract) into a curiously recessive album: its emotions are raw, yet its execution is reserved.
  3. May 10, 2023
    -, pronounced “subtract,” which responds to them much like its predecessor, 2021’s =, did to its themes of turning 30 and becoming a parent: with the usual beige palette, generic hooks, and vapid lyrics. The songs on - are almost uniformly dour, often slow, occasionally drumless.