• Record Label: Pax Am
  • Release Date: Sep 21, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 122 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 122
  2. Negative: 30 out of 122
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  1. Sep 26, 2015
    I am really quite shocked by the high marks this album is getting. Most fans of Taylor Swift, such as my daughters and wife, and absolutely no interest in hearing a reinterpretation of their favorite songs done in a Springsteen-esque fashion by a guy they've never heard of. From comments I have read elsewhere, it almost seems that middle aged guys into the Ryan Adams and his style ofI am really quite shocked by the high marks this album is getting. Most fans of Taylor Swift, such as my daughters and wife, and absolutely no interest in hearing a reinterpretation of their favorite songs done in a Springsteen-esque fashion by a guy they've never heard of. From comments I have read elsewhere, it almost seems that middle aged guys into the Ryan Adams and his style of music are so happy their guy can take contemporary chart toppers and take the melody and lyrics and play it with a guitar-driven and. (Full disclosure: I am a certainly a fan of most of Ryan Adams' work, and similar artists). Songs such as Badblood sound like it's done by bar band you might hear covering Taylor Swift, where you would quickly exit and find another bar.

    I can't imagine this being anything other than a novelty and those giving this 9's and 10's won't be listening to this in near future. Seriously, it's kind of embarrassing guys that you're singing rock versions of your 10 year old daughter's tunes.
  2. Sep 22, 2015
    Some of the songs (Shake it Off, Out of the Woods to name two) are quite beautifully interpreted and manage to work well outside of just being novelty items, but the most of the tunes on here are extremely boring, and being based on Taylor Swift lyrics, there isn't much in the way of creative lyricism to support the wannabe indie-country schlock that underpins most of Ryan Adams' oftenSome of the songs (Shake it Off, Out of the Woods to name two) are quite beautifully interpreted and manage to work well outside of just being novelty items, but the most of the tunes on here are extremely boring, and being based on Taylor Swift lyrics, there isn't much in the way of creative lyricism to support the wannabe indie-country schlock that underpins most of Ryan Adams' often unintelligible vocals. As a homage to Taylor Swift, this album does a fairly good job, but her carefree and creatively barren source material doesn't work in the context of Ryan Adams' oftentimes pretentious musical styles. Expand
  3. Sep 25, 2015
    This album intrigues me because it's such an unlikely cover, but unfortunately, the idea of Ryan Adams covering Taylor Swift's entire 1989 album sounds way more interesting than it actually is. Ryan's arrangements are thoughtful and well executed and offer a completely different take on the songs, and at first I was actually enjoying it quite a bit, but as the album dragged on, I wasThis album intrigues me because it's such an unlikely cover, but unfortunately, the idea of Ryan Adams covering Taylor Swift's entire 1989 album sounds way more interesting than it actually is. Ryan's arrangements are thoughtful and well executed and offer a completely different take on the songs, and at first I was actually enjoying it quite a bit, but as the album dragged on, I was quickly reminded why I'm NOT a Taylor Swift fan. I think he does a good job with the material he's working with, and it's hard to say which version is better since they're so different from each other, but at the end of the day 1989 was a mediocre album, and it's difficult and rather pointless to try and make mediocre songs sound any better. Expand
  4. Sep 26, 2015
    Although some songs are better played this way, but Ryan Adams is not the suitable person to play this kind of emotion. So I'd rather say this is another way to listen to '1989', yet not Ryan Adams' own extension.
  5. Feb 15, 2016
    Мне редко нравятся перепевки... Вероятно, это как раз тот случай. Правда, я не слушал Тейлор Свифт. Оценки могли оказаться ещё ниже. А если абстрагироваться... Голос довольно приятный, особенно если не бормочет скороговорки.Иногда есть скомканность, иногда подвывания... Однако общий уровень исполнения хороший. [ 5564775776556 = 5.7 ]Мне редко нравятся перепевки... Вероятно, это как раз тот случай. Правда, я не слушал Тейлор Свифт. Оценки могли оказаться ещё ниже. А если абстрагироваться... Голос довольно приятный, особенно если не бормочет скороговорки.Иногда есть скомканность, иногда подвывания... Однако общий уровень исполнения хороший. [ 5564775776556 = 5.7 ]

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Nov 5, 2015
    There is comparatively little room for Adams and his mournful guitar. He may begin the likes of Bad Blood and Blank Space by unearthing appealing melodies from Swift’s harsh, mega-pop productions, but once the choruses kick in, Adams is at the mercy of their unyielding, playground-style chants.
  2. Nov 4, 2015
    This 1989 may work wonderfully on its own terms (if Adams had written this himself it would be his best album) but its real strength is in highlighting Swift’s immaculate writing for those of us whose relationship to the original is intellectual rather than instinctive.
  3. Uncut
    Oct 27, 2015
    There are worth while curiosities here: his "Bad Blood" is utterly tuneless, but "Blank Space" is appealingly tremulous. [Dec 2015, p.67]