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  1. Jun 21, 2018
    Beyoncé's underrated album! Love every song on this album! Vocals are amazing as always!
  2. Jun 24, 2019
    One of her most underrated albums. In this album Beyoncé takes elements of 70s, 80s, and 90s R&B, funk, disco, dancehall and rock and blends them in together perfectly to make a cohesive sound. In my opinion, this is equally as good as "Lemonade" and "Beyoncé". The album has vulnerable slow tracks such as "I Miss You", "Start Over", "i Care", upbeat bangers "Run The World (Girls)",One of her most underrated albums. In this album Beyoncé takes elements of 70s, 80s, and 90s R&B, funk, disco, dancehall and rock and blends them in together perfectly to make a cohesive sound. In my opinion, this is equally as good as "Lemonade" and "Beyoncé". The album has vulnerable slow tracks such as "I Miss You", "Start Over", "i Care", upbeat bangers "Run The World (Girls)", "Party", "Love On Top" and haunting ballads "I Was Here", "Dreaming". Also, I think 4 is her best album vocal wise. Overall 4 is a very strong record with no fillers and for sure will go down as one of her best albums. A shame it hasn't sold as well as her other 5 albums. Expand
  3. Jul 20, 2019
    Beyoncé é definitivamente a maior artista de todos os tempos. Trabalhos bem minimalistas, coesos e com impacto cultural.
  4. Jul 26, 2020
    R&B perfection que envelheceu como vinho. Músicas como run the world e love on top não precisaria serem #1 para se tornar hits.
  5. Nov 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. VOCALS, that is the best word to define it.
    It's like if you're hearing her singing in your ear
  6. Jul 20, 2019
    Vocals, vocals everywhere. Bops, bops everywhere. The looks, the videos... all that involvex this album was fire
  7. Aug 30, 2019
    Мен қолымнан алдым, мен мәнімді алдым
    мен жазда ұйықтамауға тырыстым.
    Міне, қандай бұрыштар өсті - шықтан Радуга алтын... Дұрыс голубка ау-ау және өзім білмеймін. Бұл аспан асты? шеңбер қандай? Сіз бір кездері табасыз, сүйкімді дос. Алма, жүрек түні бойы шаршады ма, құпия салқын, жанып - шам. Жақындап, тұмсықты ашты және кездейсоқ "сүйемін". ...Мәңгілік-тамыз қысқа сәт,
    Мен қолымнан алдым, мен мәнімді алдым
    мен жазда ұйықтамауға тырыстым.
    Міне, қандай бұрыштар өсті -
    шықтан Радуга алтын...

    Дұрыс голубка ау-ау
    және өзім білмеймін.
    Бұл аспан асты? шеңбер қандай?
    Сіз бір кездері табасыз, сүйкімді дос.

    Алма, жүрек түні бойы шаршады ма,
    құпия салқын, жанып - шам.
    Жақындап, тұмсықты ашты
    және кездейсоқ "сүйемін".

    ...Мәңгілік-тамыз қысқа сәт,
    көбелектер, құймақ өзендері.
    Мұнарадағы құс үшін не?
    Сенімен айналасады, ал маған ауырады.
  8. Aug 30, 2019
    Ataria eskaintzen egileek aukera libreki argitaratzeko bere literatur obra Internet bidez oinarri bat erabiltzaile-hitzarmena. Guztien eskubideak obrak sartzen egile eta legeak babesten ditu. Inprima lanak posible da bakarrik baimena bere egilea, nori ahal izango duzu erreferentzia bere egilearen orria. Egileek bear erantzukizuna testuak lanak independentean oinarri arauakAtaria eskaintzen egileek aukera libreki argitaratzeko bere literatur obra Internet bidez oinarri bat erabiltzaile-hitzarmena. Guztien eskubideak obrak sartzen egile eta legeak babesten ditu. Inprima lanak posible da bakarrik baimena bere egilea, nori ahal izango duzu erreferentzia bere egilearen orria. Egileek bear erantzukizuna testuak lanak independentean oinarri arauak argitaratu eta legeria errusiako Federazioa. Ere ikus ditzakezu buruzko informazio gehiago ataria eta harremanetarako jabetza.sadasdasd Expand
  9. Apr 5, 2020
    Best album vocally, and is an absolute gem in her discography. She really showcases her vocal and her vocal technician skills here.
  10. Aug 29, 2020
    Very intimate album. It's clearly heard that album is Beyonce. Not someone else. I feel like she decided this album will be just her. Really good songs. For me it's Beyonce classic album that you have to go with in journey.
  11. Nov 5, 2020
    this album is a perfect comeback to the late r&b sound, loooooooooove it, bey once again showed her power
  12. Jul 25, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Uno de los mejores álbumes de Beyoncé. Lastima que se filtró días antes y por eso no tuvo el éxito esperado. Pero sin duda un excelente disco. Expand
  13. Aug 10, 2020
    O interessante da Beyonce é q ela é uma artista muito plural, ou seja, ela é pop,R&B, hip-hop e até raper e ela se sai muito bem em todas essas facetas. E o R&B desse album é incrivel, um dos melhores trabalhos de R&B da musica e o genero q mais gosto d ver a Bey fazendo. Eu amo esse album pois marcou muito minha adolescencia. Pra mim, foi a melhor era dela. AMO UMA RAINHA
  14. Mar 22, 2021
    good and different from whatever was being produced then in 2011 different sound
  15. Jul 16, 2022
    UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...Her 3rd best album. AOTY 2011. The rnb vibes are fayaahhhhh
  16. Aug 22, 2022
    Primer álbum de Beyoncé desde el alejamiento profesional de su padre que ha dirigido su carrera desde sus inicios en las Destinys Child, Beyoncé estaba segura que quería lanzar un álbum que destacará sus vocales y así lo hizo.
  17. Aug 23, 2022
    Beyonce is a living legend of our time, undervalued for the great artist who is none like her
    The greats masterpiece
  18. Nov 12, 2022
    É carismático, é forte, é carinhoso, é triste, é amoroso, é perfeito!!! Essa álbum é um mix de emoções. Simplesmente magnífico!
  19. Jun 28, 2011
    - This album is a whole lot different than I Am... Sasha Fierce and with this album Beyonce takes B'Day one step forward. The album reflects B's real personality and is not afraid of revealing even her most vulnerable sides. "End of Time", "Love on Top", and "I Care" are amazing! She is amazingly talented and there's no comparison to her art!
  20. Oct 27, 2011
    Beyonce has really matured and this album shows it. This is her best album and of course, it reach number one. Nice production, sound, lyrics, and songs. Keep up the good work, B.
  21. Jul 1, 2011
    Mesmerizing! Even though Lady Gaga is my favorite singer, "4" is better than "Born This Way". "1+1," "Best Thing I Never Had," and "Countdown" are all fantastic. This album deserves to go platinum.
  22. Jun 28, 2011
    Where to begin ? 3 years after I Am... Sasha Fierce, Beyoncé releases her fourth album, 4, which has completely blown me away. I am so in love with it. From the deep and emotional ballads to the fun up tempo songs, everything is on point and showcases Beyoncé's vocal ability and sense of rhythm. Beyoncé's voice makes you feel like she's vulnerable butWhere to begin ? 3 years after I Am... Sasha Fierce, Beyoncé releases her fourth album, 4, which has completely blown me away. I am so in love with it. From the deep and emotional ballads to the fun up tempo songs, everything is on point and showcases Beyoncé's vocal ability and sense of rhythm. Beyoncé's voice makes you feel like she's vulnerable but yet strong and confident, and the whole album is a journey through a relationship which lead to the woman Beyoncé now is. I highly recommend this album to every music lover as I think it's so far the best album of 2011. Expand
  23. Jul 2, 2011
    Fans of B'Day and Sasha Fierce maybe a little crestfallen with this ballad heavy album (if so, look for Run the World (Girls), Countdown, End of Time, and Schoolin' Life) but it shines above most other mainstream albums from this year, and I feel it seems like a perfect sequel to I Am... The mid-tempos show a small glimpse of her hip-hop and dance sound that she boasted in her secondFans of B'Day and Sasha Fierce maybe a little crestfallen with this ballad heavy album (if so, look for Run the World (Girls), Countdown, End of Time, and Schoolin' Life) but it shines above most other mainstream albums from this year, and I feel it seems like a perfect sequel to I Am... The mid-tempos show a small glimpse of her hip-hop and dance sound that she boasted in her second studio album and the signature R&B/Soul ballads are all on par, if not beyond, songs such as "Halo" and "If I Were A Boy". Whether it is a grooving, uplifting dance track or a beautiful soul masterpiece, this album, whether partially or in its entirety, is sure to appeal to most all of old and new Beyoncé fans. Expand
  24. Jul 5, 2011
    I feel that this album is one of the most risky of the year and definitely of Beyoncé's career. She has totally moved away from mainstream trends to bring something that is fresher, more pure, and more exciting than most pop music out now. The album is her most coherent and finds the singer struggling with problems that go deeper than those of the dance floor. The part ofI feel that this album is one of the most risky of the year and definitely of Beyoncé's career. She has totally moved away from mainstream trends to bring something that is fresher, more pure, and more exciting than most pop music out now. The album is her most coherent and finds the singer struggling with problems that go deeper than those of the dance floor. The part of the CD is her singing by far, the showcasing of her remarkable talent that sets her apart from most "singers." Still I wish there were more up-tempos on the album, but I am more than happy with the emotion I am given in the production, songwriting, and her beautiful voice. Expand
  25. Jul 7, 2011
    Beyonce has been in the game for almost 15 years now and this album shows how maturer she has become and how much she has grown as an artist. She doesn't want to be just a superstar anymore - she wants to be a legend and she feels like she already is a legend. And legends are allowed to take risks - furthermore, they're supposed to take risks. This album is full of beautiful risks.
    Beyonce has been in the game for almost 15 years now and this album shows how maturer she has become and how much she has grown as an artist. She doesn't want to be just a superstar anymore - she wants to be a legend and she feels like she already is a legend. And legends are allowed to take risks - furthermore, they're supposed to take risks. This album is full of beautiful risks.
    Every song on the album is such a beautiful piece of art - starting with 1+1, an ode of love with strong vocals, I Care and I Miss You - you get the most emotional side of the love ballads. Best Thing I Never had is one of the highlights of the album with its catchy sound and unforgettable funny lyrics. Party is another funny song. Even though it's not what its title supposes it to be, the song is really nice with some 90s sound. After that we have some more ballads with mid-tempo sound - Rather Die Young and Start Over. Whereas the first impresses with it's melodic beautiful sound, Start Over is one of the strongest songs in vocal terms on the album. After Start Over, we get nothing but potential smashes and solid songs. Love On Top is one of the best here. After it Countdown and End of Time are the ones with the biggest potential to be smash hits and sit on the top of the charts for a while. Both are really melodic and have catchy sound. I Was Here is another vocally strong ballad, which is very appreciated by the fans because of its message. Run The World (Girls) closes the set with style.
    Even though the tracks are really risky because they are so different from everything on the radio, at the end of the day the quality is the thing that matters and an artist like Beyonce deserve all the support and the success, because to have the courage to not follow the trends, but inventing the new trends is what must be appreciated the best.
  26. Sep 1, 2011
    with this album, beyonce proved her vocal abilities.. she sacrificed making #1 records for making quality music with great lyrics, and in the end we get a product that seems more mature and raw.. the emotion you hear in beyonce's voice is stunning. there are plenty of tracks that deserve recognition including Start Over, I Miss You, 1+1, and I Was Here; but these are DEFINITELY not thewith this album, beyonce proved her vocal abilities.. she sacrificed making #1 records for making quality music with great lyrics, and in the end we get a product that seems more mature and raw.. the emotion you hear in beyonce's voice is stunning. there are plenty of tracks that deserve recognition including Start Over, I Miss You, 1+1, and I Was Here; but these are DEFINITELY not the only hits on the album. i think every single song on the album is amazing in it's own right, and the more you listen to them the more they grow on you. Expand
  27. Nov 19, 2012
    Beyonce's masterpiece. There's not much else to say... She really brought the vocals especially to this album. Some of the ballads are really amazing to listen to
  28. Dec 3, 2011
    '4' is Beyonce's best album to date. '4' outdoes 'Dangerously In Love', 'B'Day' and 'I Am... Sasha Fierce' by LEAPS AND BOUNDS. The best R&B album of 2011. It is a crying shame how it was snubbed at the Grammy Nominations. Reminiscent of 70's, 80's and 90's R&B and soul, '4' is a throwback to the days when live instrumentation, brilliant lyricism and exceptional vocal ability ruled'4' is Beyonce's best album to date. '4' outdoes 'Dangerously In Love', 'B'Day' and 'I Am... Sasha Fierce' by LEAPS AND BOUNDS. The best R&B album of 2011. It is a crying shame how it was snubbed at the Grammy Nominations. Reminiscent of 70's, 80's and 90's R&B and soul, '4' is a throwback to the days when live instrumentation, brilliant lyricism and exceptional vocal ability ruled American airwaves instead of auto-tuned, electro-pop, dance crap. Every song is beautifully written, produced and sang. '4' is mostly about monogamy; after listening to this, you will know for a fact that she loves her husband with all her heart. The album is diverse; '4' consists of powerful ballads like '1+1' and 'I Miss You', smooth old-school R&B jams like 'Party' and 'Rather Die Young', rousing girl power anthems like 'Best Thing I Never Had' and 'Run the World (Girls)' (the latter, I am embarrassed to like because I'm a guy) and club bangers like 'Countdown' and 'End of Time'. Beyonce flaunts her astonishing vocal talent on tracks like 'Start Over', 'Love On Top' and 'I Was Here'. The very best songs on '4', however, are the bonus tracks included on the Target Deluxe Edition. 'Lay Up Under Me', a funk-filled song pulled straight out of the disco, 'Schoolin' Life' a fun rock-tinged song reminiscent of Prince and the slow and sexy 'Dance for You' enhance the overall album greatly. Get out of your computer chair, go to the nearest music store and buy '4' now. It is worth every dollar you spend and then some. Expand
  29. Dec 28, 2011
    Much more mature than her new albums. With the exception of "Run The World," the album contains fewer cliche dance numbers as noticed from her previous effort. The album is very well developed and contains the best Beyonce has to offer. Her ballads are the best they have ever been and keep the listener interested with her powerful voice. The overall quality displayed in this album isMuch more mature than her new albums. With the exception of "Run The World," the album contains fewer cliche dance numbers as noticed from her previous effort. The album is very well developed and contains the best Beyonce has to offer. Her ballads are the best they have ever been and keep the listener interested with her powerful voice. The overall quality displayed in this album is visible as Beyonce goes from song to song effortlessly. With songs like "Best Thing I Never Had," "Love On Top," "Party," and "End of Time," the listener notices a much more mature side to Beyonce. She's no longer trying to appeal to the radio with pop songs like that from her previous albums, but more for the listener to enjoy. Overall, it is a timeless album that one can listen to again and again and still feel freshed. Although some songs seem like fillers --Rather Die Young-- the rest of the album shines. Definitely one of the best albums of 2011. Expand
  30. May 31, 2012
    Beyonce Show's Us She Can Make A Really Good Album! Her Last Albums Have Been Seen As "Shallow And Bland" This Album Gives You Wanting More From The Queen Of R&B
    I Enjoyed 90% Of The Album
  31. Mar 9, 2013
    Beyoncé it's not getting worse, she's going up, and this songs are an example of that evolution, the album presents very different songs, with more mature and emotional features, perfects to dance, relax, whatever you want to do! Great work.
  32. Jul 9, 2021
    Beyoncé’s 4, is a triumphant return for the queen and she is in top form. With a rich voice, she can easily carry a tune. The production is fantastic, with synths and horns creating harmonious melodies. Although none of the songs are quite as good as her iconic Irreplaceable, Crazy In Love, or Sweet Dreams, they are all solid entries to her catalogue.
  33. Jan 6, 2013
    My favourite of Beyoncé's four albums and its thanks to having a wide selection of songs rather than sticking to the one genre being R&B. It starts off slow but has everything once it kicks in with hits like Love On Top and Countdown. Easily her best work!
  34. Sep 11, 2013
    Looks like Beyoncé has came back stronger than ever with amazing ballads and amazing party anthems all in her masterpiece "4". I really wanted to see more collaborators but she made me believe that she need no other to make her albums sound good. A true masterpiece.
  35. May 29, 2020
    Beyoncé's fourth solo album becomes my new favorite with its fresh taste of what Beyoncé is truly capable of. Although it feels like an matured version of what she has given us with her past three projects, I feel like this is what we need before she decides to go with a new sound which is what I need after this beautiful record. The vocals, production, and lyrical content are gorgeous.Beyoncé's fourth solo album becomes my new favorite with its fresh taste of what Beyoncé is truly capable of. Although it feels like an matured version of what she has given us with her past three projects, I feel like this is what we need before she decides to go with a new sound which is what I need after this beautiful record. The vocals, production, and lyrical content are gorgeous. There are still some minor sonic issues, but the album is still my favorite from the superstar.

    Album Track Ranking:
    1. Start Over
    2. End of Time
    3. Best Thing I Never Had
    4. Run the World (Girls)
    5. Love on Top
    6. Rather Die Young
    7. 1+1
    8. Countdown
    9. I Care
    10. I Miss You
    11. Dance For You
    12. I Was Here
    13. Schoolin' Life
    14. Party (feat. André 3000)
  36. Mar 27, 2020
    A spectacular body of work. Awesome and timeless. Beyoncé never disappoints with her albums.
  37. Jun 29, 2011
    "4" is one of the best mainstream releases of 2011. The album is definitely worth buying. Standout tracks: "Best Thing I Never Had", "Party", "Rather Die Young", "I Was Here".
  38. Jun 28, 2011
    At first, I was scared that Bee will release her 4th studio effort much too soon after a triumphant "I Am... Sasha Fierce". But "4" comes just in time. With too much AutoTune on the charts these days (months?), Beyonce's album delivers live instruments on a majority of tracks. Various speculations that she'll be trying to compete with Lady Gaga and Britney Spears were wrong. "4" is filledAt first, I was scared that Bee will release her 4th studio effort much too soon after a triumphant "I Am... Sasha Fierce". But "4" comes just in time. With too much AutoTune on the charts these days (months?), Beyonce's album delivers live instruments on a majority of tracks. Various speculations that she'll be trying to compete with Lady Gaga and Britney Spears were wrong. "4" is filled with emotional ballads and mid-tempo songs. Even the much talked about "Party" is surprisingly slow. Whoever thought that the rest of the album is going to sound like the shockingly under-performing "Run the world (Girls)" (with its accompanying video, which is her career-best) made a mistake. Album could easily become a commercial flop, with no song on the album that screams "single!", but in the following years it will most certainly define itself as the singer's most personal and emotional set. Expand
  39. Jun 28, 2011
    Mesmerising vocals and powerful deliveries; Seductive melodies and breath-taking tones; Enchanting refrains and fist-throwing anthems all on one album? It could only mean one thing: Beyonce is back!

    Despite the lead single, girl-power chant "Run The World (Girls)" not quite setting the charts alight, what to expect from Beyonce's fourth solo effort? Lyrically rich, the set contains some
    Mesmerising vocals and powerful deliveries; Seductive melodies and breath-taking tones; Enchanting refrains and fist-throwing anthems all on one album? It could only mean one thing: Beyonce is back!

    Despite the lead single, girl-power chant "Run The World (Girls)" not quite setting the charts alight, what to expect from Beyonce's fourth solo effort? Lyrically rich, the set contains some of her best work, as evident on the slower songs: "1+1" - a heartfelt (Tina Turner-style) love-song which oozes class; "I Miss You" - a neo-soul sci-fi torch song with hypnotizing vocals; and "Start Over" - a beautiful yet desperate 'maybe it's over' plea with incredibly endearing elements.

    "I Care" is the most impressive of these, with it's futuristic almost Trip-Hop feel; on which she portrays her strong point - conveying real human emotions as she sings: 'Ever since you knew your power, you make me cry / And now everytime my love goes sour, you won't sympathise'.

    However a couple of the up-tempos leave more to be desired for. "Countdown" (too loud and bouncy); and "Love On Top" (a decent happy love song that seems to go on a bit too long) - don't seem to match up to the hit-maker's past credentials as a front-runner in the field.

    Current single "Best Thing I Never Had" is too reminiscent of previous radio hits ala "Irreplaceable" - making it an un-exciting follow-up. "Rather Die Young" is an interesting experiment on which she tackles the subject of death.

    All is not lost however, as "End Of Time" - packed with a frantic bass line, tribal beats and an undeniably addictive melody, has easily the biggest hit potential on the album. Along with "Party" - a splendid groovy retro jam with guest vocals from Kanye West and Andre 3000, adds colour to the affair.

    The eerie cogitative ballad "I Was Here" is another delight. There is something magical about Beyonce's voice, and on this record it really sets her apart from all other divas: both past and present.

    In a world where Pop trends seem to change every few months, Bey takes another step in the right direction, by being herself. And although one just wishes the album was slightly more cohesive (with over 70 songs recorded for the project it's no wonder the focus was slightly blurred) - Beyonce has crafted her most accomplished work to date. And although not quite a masterpiece, 4 is still the best Pop-R&B album you will hear this year.
  40. Jul 2, 2011
    Who can improve I am... Sasha Fierce? Only Beyonce cans, And she did it? Maybe yes, maybe not. But who cares? This is a completely new album, different and personal. She has experimented onto herself, "it´s not pop, not r& just everything she loves" PRINCE, WITHNEY HOUSTON, MAJOR LAZER and africans sounds, also 70`s and 80`s sounds... Maybe the songs aren´tWho can improve I am... Sasha Fierce? Only Beyonce cans, And she did it? Maybe yes, maybe not. But who cares? This is a completely new album, different and personal. She has experimented onto herself, "it´s not pop, not r& just everything she loves" PRINCE, WITHNEY HOUSTON, MAJOR LAZER and africans sounds, also 70`s and 80`s sounds... Maybe the songs aren´t hits or full sold succeses...but is "good music" music from the soul, only Beyonce cans do it and sing it. 4 brings us the perfect sounds of a wonderful woman voice, is like watching a Beyonce´s Live Concert, strenght, sensibility, dreams,hope,love... Is just nice, and i can´t stop to watch it, "End Of Time","I Care","Countdown" or "Love on top" are my favourites. I hope one of these songs will be succesful, because Bey has to do it again, she has to conquer all of us, now or never. Expand
  41. Sep 20, 2011
    Personally I don't mind if Beyonce sales are getting lower each album released, that's the trend nowadays. All I know is "4" is her best album to date. Dangerously in love was 70% fillers; B'Day was ok but there were just a few moments of real vocal amazingness; Sasha was overproduced and there were awful contrasts behind the concept of that alter-ego duel. 4 sounds more confident andPersonally I don't mind if Beyonce sales are getting lower each album released, that's the trend nowadays. All I know is "4" is her best album to date. Dangerously in love was 70% fillers; B'Day was ok but there were just a few moments of real vocal amazingness; Sasha was overproduced and there were awful contrasts behind the concept of that alter-ego duel. 4 sounds more confident and honest, there's a bit of everything Beyonce really knows how to do, there seems to be a heart in every song. The trouble with Run the World as a 1st single had happened several times in the history of pop music, it was a risky decision and probably too avant-gard (might sound a cliche, i know) - i guess we weren't ready for such sound in an era of auto-tune and gaga/kesha-esque productions. Expand
  42. Jan 8, 2012
    Intimate, strong. Flirting with different types of styles, from R&B to brazilian beat, Beyonce's fourth album, named "4" is her very best until now. Her power ballads are sublime, her outrageous voice suits just with the experimental rhythms in some of the songs. The highlight is "Love On Top", a motown based song, remembering the best of Marvin Gaye or James Brown. It is a step ahead inIntimate, strong. Flirting with different types of styles, from R&B to brazilian beat, Beyonce's fourth album, named "4" is her very best until now. Her power ballads are sublime, her outrageous voice suits just with the experimental rhythms in some of the songs. The highlight is "Love On Top", a motown based song, remembering the best of Marvin Gaye or James Brown. It is a step ahead in Knowles's career, and it brought the R&B to a higher level. Expand
  43. Nov 24, 2011
    After a pack full of random styles that was I Am... Sasha Fierce, Beyoncé comes with her most touching, brave and bold record. 4, an album made by their midtempos, is her strongest yet.
  44. Dec 3, 2011
    This is one of Beyonce's most cohesive works yet. The album is full of R and B Nostalgia. Beyonce has never been more confident vocally and more poignant with emotion. The albums opener 1 + 1 is a true artistic choice that is very admirable. Listening to four sounds like the best elements of R and B from the last 40 years but with a modern twist. Only Beyonce could do this. TheThis is one of Beyonce's most cohesive works yet. The album is full of R and B Nostalgia. Beyonce has never been more confident vocally and more poignant with emotion. The albums opener 1 + 1 is a true artistic choice that is very admirable. Listening to four sounds like the best elements of R and B from the last 40 years but with a modern twist. Only Beyonce could do this. The problem with this album is how it fits into the current market. But an album like this is not for the times, its for the history books. Expand
  45. Dec 12, 2011
    Beyonce finally gives us a full album that keeps us moving all the way through! She proves on this record that she has a handle on r&b of the past ("Love on Top"), present ("Countdown"), and Future ("End of Time"). Hopefully we didn't write this album off as a result of the poor choice for lead single in "(Girls) Run the World", because nearly every track beats it in listenability.Beyonce finally gives us a full album that keeps us moving all the way through! She proves on this record that she has a handle on r&b of the past ("Love on Top"), present ("Countdown"), and Future ("End of Time"). Hopefully we didn't write this album off as a result of the poor choice for lead single in "(Girls) Run the World", because nearly every track beats it in listenability. Whether you want to party or stay home with someone special, this album has got something perfect for your evening. Expand
  46. Apr 23, 2012
    If you are not her stan or at least her fan it is impossible to be fond on it from the beginning. After awhile you realize is Beyoncé's best album. I think she could have done a very commercial album which includes very danceable and generic tracks and have # 1's with them but she preferred to not betraying herself as an artist. I think this album make her becoma an icon, sheIf you are not her stan or at least her fan it is impossible to be fond on it from the beginning. After awhile you realize is Beyoncé's best album. I think she could have done a very commercial album which includes very danceable and generic tracks and have # 1's with them but she preferred to not betraying herself as an artist. I think this album make her becoma an icon, she doesn't need of the high positions on charts to get that title. Expand
  47. Jul 12, 2012
    The best thing about "4" is the production. As a huge Beyonce fan, I've listened to each one of her albums hundreds of times. Looking back, some of her songs aren't as full as they could be, but this is not the case on "4". Every song is produced masterfully. Besides the production, I admire Beyonce for making an album that experiments with different sounds, and nods to so many differentThe best thing about "4" is the production. As a huge Beyonce fan, I've listened to each one of her albums hundreds of times. Looking back, some of her songs aren't as full as they could be, but this is not the case on "4". Every song is produced masterfully. Besides the production, I admire Beyonce for making an album that experiments with different sounds, and nods to so many different musical genres. The best song on the album is "Countdown". It's like the daughter of "Get Me Bodied". It's a jam for sure. It's one of those songs that you instantly enjoy, and never stop enjoying. "End Of Time" finds Beyonce moving beyond the boundaries of her own genre, and is a sonic masterpiece. The horns and drum line hit you right away, and make you wanna get up out of your seat and start marching. When the chorus kicks in, Beyonce's voice soars above the beat. Beyonce has always been great at half - rapping over hardcore beats, and this song further cements her as the queen of Hip Hop/R&B. The album's first half is full of ballads, the two best being "I Care" and the Frank Ocean penned "I Miss You". Beyonce sounds vulnerable, majestic, and commanding. You could throw away "Start Over" and "Rather Die Young", although I am a fan of the latter. "Love On Top" sounds like a mix of Whitney Houston and early Micheal Jackson, and the melody is very catchy, good luck not running around singing this song. The bonus material on the deluxe version is awesome. My favorite track is "Lay Up Under Me". "Schoolin' Life" is the most realistic song about Beyonce's life there could be, and reminds me of Prince. Overall, the album is great, minus one or two throw away tracks, it's definitely worth repeated listens. Highlights: "I Miss You" "I Care" "End of Time" "Countdown" "1+1" "Love On Top". Expand
  48. Nov 17, 2013
    This is definitely a departure in her sound compared to I Am... Sasha Fierce. What I love from this album is B's efforts to get back to traditional R&B sound without losing her modern contemporary sound at all. "Start Over" stands out the most for me, but "Dance for You" is the strongest track in the album. Overall, the album is solid and you can actually have a climax from the first toThis is definitely a departure in her sound compared to I Am... Sasha Fierce. What I love from this album is B's efforts to get back to traditional R&B sound without losing her modern contemporary sound at all. "Start Over" stands out the most for me, but "Dance for You" is the strongest track in the album. Overall, the album is solid and you can actually have a climax from the first to last track. Though there are four tracks that kind of ruin the album's harmony for me: "Rather Die Young", "End of Time", "Lay Up Under Me", and "Schoolin' Life". Other than these four, the album is gorgeous! Expand
  49. Dec 16, 2014
    Undoubtedly the best of her album, all tracks can be good and fun, dancing has its moments, its romantic moments, all that is needed in an album, I hope the next it has something inspired by this.
    Highlights: Countdown and Run The World
    Lows: Lay Up Under Me and Rather Die Young
  50. May 29, 2016
    A very captivating album for sure. with melodramatic tones and crazy to freaky afro inspired beats, Beyoncé talks about the Love cliche beyond herself's and her competitors music scene standards at the time.
  51. Sep 11, 2016
    this is the most mature beyoncé album , and that have her best vocal songs like love on top, this albumsshow the talent of vocalist and dancer that bey have and in this album shows to the world the Feminine empowerment in run the world, this albums have so many good songs that can be ears for years and years
  52. Apr 8, 2018
    realmente este album compite para ser su mejor album, junto con el homonimo y el mas reciente lemonade
  53. Oct 13, 2017
    No logro entender a Beyoncé en este álbum, en los anteriores resulto ser algo fácil pero ya no mas, o eres feminista o no lo eres, ella quiso hacer algo pero no lo hizo como todos lo esperamos.
    Love on top: 10/10
    Party: 6/10 Schoolin' life: 8/10 Countdown: 10/10 I miss you: 8/10 Dance for you: 10/10 I care: 8/10 Rather die young: 10/10 1+1: 10/10 End of time: 8/10 Run the world:
    No logro entender a Beyoncé en este álbum, en los anteriores resulto ser algo fácil pero ya no mas, o eres feminista o no lo eres, ella quiso hacer algo pero no lo hizo como todos lo esperamos.
    Love on top: 10/10
    Party: 6/10
    Schoolin' life: 8/10
    Countdown: 10/10
    I miss you: 8/10
    Dance for you: 10/10
    I care: 8/10
    Rather die young: 10/10
    1+1: 10/10
    End of time: 8/10
    Run the world: 8/10
    Best thing I never had: 8/10
    Start over: 8/10
    I was here: 10/10
  54. Jun 15, 2019
    If it wasnt for 2013's Beyoncé self-entitled album I would firmly say that this is her best rendition. I don't even care if shes unlettered. This is one of those works that it doesn't matter if the enterpreteneur can write or not. It's pure beautiful sonically masterpiece.
  55. May 9, 2021
    Amazing vocals as always. It's sad that the album flopped, it deserved so much better.
  56. Jan 9, 2022
    Sultry, marvelous, sometimes too dense, but mostly enchanting, 4 feels like we are part of a marching band, carrying on the R&B avenue following each command by Queen B herself. On her fourth album, she proves her genius to anyone still daring to doubt Mrs. Carter-Knowles.
  57. Nov 10, 2022
    A great and impactful album for every listener, catchy dancey melodies and AMAZING songs. ONLY not a 10 for honestly some uncomfortably man-hailing lyrics and a single skip for me, which would be Party. Harsh stuff but honestly the ones I do like render this album just AMAZING
  58. Jul 3, 2011
    I'm a guy and i liked this album. I'm straight also. Countdown is my favorite song on the album. that song is great. there are other songs i liked but that one song stood out the most. i liked the album it was weird. 7 out of 10 it wasn't horrible.
  59. Jun 30, 2011
    Beyonce has taken a great artistic leap forward with "4," but it's only partially paid off. Every line is infused with so much emotion that it becomes draining to listen to in one sitting. If you're hesitant about buying this album, don't judge it off of the singles. I feel that they are the worst tracks on the album. Do yourself a favor and download "1+1" and "Love On Top" if you don'tBeyonce has taken a great artistic leap forward with "4," but it's only partially paid off. Every line is infused with so much emotion that it becomes draining to listen to in one sitting. If you're hesitant about buying this album, don't judge it off of the singles. I feel that they are the worst tracks on the album. Do yourself a favor and download "1+1" and "Love On Top" if you don't plan on buying the entire thing. Expand
  60. Jul 28, 2011
    The album isn't the best I've heard from Beyonce. Yet, I cannot say I am bitterly disappointment. The ballads are just heart-nudging! It moves you, it lights a fire within your soul! Songs such as: Dreaming and Best Thing I Never Had are prefect for any season of the year. They resonate, they relate. But, we cannot also forget the dance-a-thons such as: End of Time or Countdown. They areThe album isn't the best I've heard from Beyonce. Yet, I cannot say I am bitterly disappointment. The ballads are just heart-nudging! It moves you, it lights a fire within your soul! Songs such as: Dreaming and Best Thing I Never Had are prefect for any season of the year. They resonate, they relate. But, we cannot also forget the dance-a-thons such as: End of Time or Countdown. They are simply electrifying. The beats are fast and rhythmic and they get your waist in that gyrating sensation! Just give me some more!

    Yet, with the highs, there are lows. Some other songs are simply average, or worst, bad. Still, a fine effort by Queen B---nothing to scoff at, at all!
  61. Aug 23, 2011
    "4" Was certainly an album no one expected Beyonce to deliver. Its very different than her normal radio friendly filled albums. She basically released every song on her last album. Shes changed and went for a more genuine and raw sound. Very R&B and Soul influenced. Her voice has never shined better than it does here. Unfortunately the album as a whole just doesn't grip me in the way past"4" Was certainly an album no one expected Beyonce to deliver. Its very different than her normal radio friendly filled albums. She basically released every song on her last album. Shes changed and went for a more genuine and raw sound. Very R&B and Soul influenced. Her voice has never shined better than it does here. Unfortunately the album as a whole just doesn't grip me in the way past efforts have but I can feel her emotions oozing from these songs. You wont find a more raw album this year than "4." It's a very retro CD and very risky.
    Standouts: I Care, Love On Top and Countdown
  62. Aug 29, 2011
    Beyonce is quite possibly one of the best musicians of the modern day world. She has the talent and the looks. With '4' Bey shows her true side, expressing every emotion she has. There is a lot to this album. It's more 'Irreplaceable' than 'Single Ladies'. Most of the songs are soulful and express Beyonce's true side.
  63. Aug 29, 2011
    Please excuse my English, I'm a French guy.
    I think this is the first Beyoncé's album I like. The old jam influenced songs give this album some personality. The first time I looked at the cover and the tracklist, I would think this album would be very 'conceptual'. And it is not-so cliché. I love the featuring from Andre 3000, which brings some freshness to
    Please excuse my English, I'm a French guy.
    I think this is the first Beyoncé's album I like. The old jam influenced songs give this album some personality. The first time I looked at the cover and the tracklist, I would think this album would be very 'conceptual'. And it is not-so cliché. I love the featuring from Andre 3000, which brings some freshness to 'Party'. In terms of ballads, I love 'I Was Here', which is very surprising from Beyoncé.

    I also liked the fact that Beyoncé improved herself to choose some producers or writing some excerpts of the songs. Diplo made a good job on 'End of Time'.
  64. DMB
    Dec 14, 2011
    Beyonces best work. Her prior albums consisted of a few strong singles and alot of album filler. I found myself listening to less than half the album for IASF, BDAY, and DIL. 4 is a solid effort. I dont think its packed full of hits, but aside from Party and Rather Die You, the songs are quality songs. Fav songs: I Care, I Miss You, Start Over, End of Time
  65. Mar 25, 2012
    She changed a lot form "I Am.... Sasha Fierce" with this album! Good R&B songs, love her voice, her great voice!!! My favourite track is "Love On Top" And also "End Of Time" is good. ( sorry for my English )
  66. Nov 17, 2012
    This is a very impressive album by all standards, but compare it with B'Day or ...Sasha Fierce and you'll probably be a bit disappointed. All the songs are good, however the only notable standout and potential hit is Best Thing I Never Had. It's a good album which unfortunately lacks potential hit singles.
  67. Nov 4, 2013
    I appreciate the fact that Beyonce experiments and doesn't make generic music. This is one of her most mature work and this album includes some great midtempos. I only missed some uptempos and run the world was a disappointment for me. Overall it's a strong body of work and love on top the best thing i ever had are standout tracks.
  68. Apr 25, 2016
    Beyoncé's forth album is a game-changer for club hangers. In an era full of electronic and dancing songs, she decide to go back to the 80's and 90's and gave us a magnificent example of what music truly essence is.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 36
  2. Negative: 1 out of 36
  1. Uncut
    Aug 18, 2011
    The lyrics are occasionally hackneyed, but overall 4 is a very strong record indeed. [Sep 2011, p.79]
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 16, 2011
    At Glastonbury she dazzled; here she plays it safe. [Sept. 2011, p. 105]
  3. Aug 2, 2011
    While I suspect 4 was made in large part to sound more natural and real, it doesn't succeed entirely. The album is a refreshingly understated change from the constantly banging and bumping sound of modern R&B, but it doesn't really bring us closer to the Queen B.