
Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. Los Angeles Times
    For most of the album, she sounds like any other self-absorbed teen, yearning to be Alanis, Gwen and even Stevie Nicks. [6 Dec 2005]
  2. The red flags run rampant in this album, which has all the personality of HAL 9000.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 94 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 94
  2. Negative: 18 out of 94
  1. BenB
    Jan 18, 2007
    This album her best one yet the songs are all catchy and has some good lyrics throughout the album. Her voice has really developed since This album her best one yet the songs are all catchy and has some good lyrics throughout the album. Her voice has really developed since speak which seemed to be quite teen popish. Hope the Next one No Little Angel will be as good as this one. Full Review »
  2. ChrisE
    Nov 8, 2006
    I might not be a dedicated fan of Lindsay Lohan, but I sure as hell know good music when I hear it. Her first album (04's Speak) had I might not be a dedicated fan of Lindsay Lohan, but I sure as hell know good music when I hear it. Her first album (04's Speak) had some bland filler but most of it featured examples of great Top 40 ear candy, from her debut smash single "Rumors" to the relationship-questioning "Over," the syrup-y "Symptoms of You" and beautiful ballad "Very Last Moment in Time." Her sophomore effort took some getting used to--upon a first listen long ago I knew the first single "Confessions" proved to be a great track and showcased Lindsay's ever-maturing singing abilities. But I couldn't find much about the remainder that had the likable qualities of Speak. Upon further listens, though, I started to realize that Lindsay's current studio release is the type that requires additional listens to get the most out of it--for example, "Black Hole" is one of the catchiest tracks on record, "I Live For The Day" is likable enough (during its blaring chorus), "A Little More Personal," despite an oft-confusing and slighlty odd opening line, soars during its chorus and "If It's Alright" is stellar. The closing track "Beautiful" is like its name suggests and is also a nice final touch to an overall surprisingly mature and likable disc. As a whole, it might not sound as radio-influenced as Speak, but track-for-track Lindsay delivered a pretty good album. Full Review »
  3. Jonathan
    Jun 1, 2006
    Wow, this album really impressed me...the fact that she wrote a lot of the songs was incredible...i am a musician and it is awesome to hear Wow, this album really impressed me...the fact that she wrote a lot of the songs was incredible...i am a musician and it is awesome to hear real music...yes her vocals aren't friggin incredible but they are actually enjoyable...Good Listen Full Review »