• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: May 8, 2016
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Universal acclaim- based on 1525 Ratings

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  1. May 9, 2016
    Incredible, haunting, devastating, sublime. Everything I hoped for and goes straight to my top 3 radiohead albums. As a songwriter I find this collection of songs both incredibly inspiring and also intimidating. Well done Radiohead, you have done it again.
  2. May 9, 2016
    Too soon to tell if it's their best. Yet, I already know that it was worth the wait.
    A Moon Shaped Pool is lightyears ahead of The King Of Limbs, and Radiohead find again there the level they had achieved at their peak (1997-2007).
    Burn The Witch, Daydreaming, Decks Dark and The Present Tense are the album's most beautiful song, while True Love Waits might simply become the band's
    Too soon to tell if it's their best. Yet, I already know that it was worth the wait.
    A Moon Shaped Pool is lightyears ahead of The King Of Limbs, and Radiohead find again there the level they had achieved at their peak (1997-2007).

    Burn The Witch, Daydreaming, Decks Dark and The Present Tense are the album's most beautiful song, while True Love Waits might simply become the band's greatest track. Radiohead have managed to surprise everyone again, in a good way, which I started doubting they could do after their last effort in 2011.

    Thanks Radiohead for still being there and at your best !
  3. May 9, 2016
    O album está incrível! Mudou um pouco do "habitual", porém continua fantástico. Para fãs (assim como eu) a primeira escuta você já se encanta logo de cara, pois as primeiras músicas são incrivelmente "gostosas" de serem ouvidas. Já para quem ainda não conhece o trabalho deles, procurem entender que a banda tem trabalhos e fases diferentes, não é sempre a mesma coisa, por tanto, se foremO album está incrível! Mudou um pouco do "habitual", porém continua fantástico. Para fãs (assim como eu) a primeira escuta você já se encanta logo de cara, pois as primeiras músicas são incrivelmente "gostosas" de serem ouvidas. Já para quem ainda não conhece o trabalho deles, procurem entender que a banda tem trabalhos e fases diferentes, não é sempre a mesma coisa, por tanto, se forem ouvir esse album e depois ouvirem outros mais antigos, não se assustem. THOM YORKE para presidente NOW! Expand
  4. May 10, 2016
    Is a very great album, very contemporenean, and orchestrator, amazing arrengements!! But is not a perfect album in global, for me two songs (Identikit & Ful Stop) can be out of the album, this two songs are the most guitar songs, and is better getting and more acustic, clasical, minimal orchestrator album, this two songs remember more to Amnesiac/Hail to the Thief, and is not necessary forIs a very great album, very contemporenean, and orchestrator, amazing arrengements!! But is not a perfect album in global, for me two songs (Identikit & Ful Stop) can be out of the album, this two songs are the most guitar songs, and is better getting and more acustic, clasical, minimal orchestrator album, this two songs remember more to Amnesiac/Hail to the Thief, and is not necessary for make a more innovaion album....And adding Spectre, and making any changes in the tracklist, then we get an amazing contemporanean album!! This is not an band album, you don't will see any simil to From the Basement of this album.

    Here you have, lisent this order an opin!!

    1. Burn the Witch
    2. Present Tense
    3. Glass Eyes
    4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief
    5. Spectre
    6. Daydreaming
    7. Decks Dark
    8. Desert Island Disk
    9. The Numbers
    10. true Love Waits
  5. dro
    May 10, 2016
    As a longtime Radiohead fan, AMSP is exactly what I was hoping for, but was afraid the band could never accomplish at this point in their career. However, they exceeded expectations again. This album is their best work since Kid A and includes some of their best songs to date, including Ful Stop, Present Tense, Glass Eyes, and The Numbers.
  6. May 10, 2016
    Give this album the necessary plays and it's beauty will eventually sucker punch you in the gut. This is up there with their best. How this band continues to evolve their sound and produce such amazing albums is beyond me.
  7. May 10, 2016
    Everything it promised and more. I was moved to tears by the singles and the full album, as usual, will take weeks or months to digest fully. This makes it even harder to rate their work by installation. Breathtaking, beautiful, orchestral. Sets the benchmark for a new era of Radiohead and music at large.
  8. May 10, 2016
    The more you hear the album, the better the music is. Profound layers of a perfect sound, no rush, slow and clear tones. This is a future of music even if it means the end of rock'n'roll.
  9. May 11, 2016
    I am completely surprised by this album. I knew they were going to come out with something that I have never heard before, but this just blew me away. I am a huge fan of the band, and have been for upwards of a 2 decades. I had high hopes, and they were exceeded. Definitely one of their most complete sounding albums.
  10. May 11, 2016
    radiohead's most successful experiment of musical genre assimilation that it's been attempting since 2003's hail to the thief, with an added orchestral-folk direction . more thrilling, varied, and musically and emotionally complex than in rainbows. big win.
  11. May 12, 2016
    Beautiful, subtle, dark and haunting are all apt adjectives to describe this album. I am left speechless by how powerful the overall production is. The songs are heavily layered with guitars, pianos, and various orchestral elements. Nigel Godrich, informally known as the "sixth member", deserves major props for his work here. The pace/tempo of the whole album may seem a little slow atBeautiful, subtle, dark and haunting are all apt adjectives to describe this album. I am left speechless by how powerful the overall production is. The songs are heavily layered with guitars, pianos, and various orchestral elements. Nigel Godrich, informally known as the "sixth member", deserves major props for his work here. The pace/tempo of the whole album may seem a little slow at first, but it will surely grow on you with repeated listens. It takes a while to fully digest but it is well worth the reward. "Decks Dark", "identikit", "The Numbers", and "Present Tense" are my personal highlights. It is best listened to on quality headphones relaxing in a quiet space (I am using Sennheiser HD 595's) Expand
  12. May 12, 2016
    A masterpiece, the instrumentations and the orquestation is pretty amazing, it complements with the voice of thom in a incredible way. Daydreaming, Idiotik, The numbers are incredible tracks.
  13. May 13, 2016
    C'è la solita, magnificente produzione di Nigel Godrich, stratificata e profonda, che riesce a rendere il passaggio più semplice un pozzo di luce. C'è il talento avantgarde in continua espansione di Jonny Greenwood, che qui crea alcuni degli arazzi orchestrali più belli che si siano mai ascoltati in un disco pop/rock. C'è il lato cantautorale di Yorke, che con poche pennellate dipingeC'è la solita, magnificente produzione di Nigel Godrich, stratificata e profonda, che riesce a rendere il passaggio più semplice un pozzo di luce. C'è il talento avantgarde in continua espansione di Jonny Greenwood, che qui crea alcuni degli arazzi orchestrali più belli che si siano mai ascoltati in un disco pop/rock. C'è il lato cantautorale di Yorke, che con poche pennellate dipinge canzoni cristalline e intense, mai complesse e mai banali, con testi sempre aperti alle più disparate intrepretazioni; il comparto ritmico, sullo sfondo rispetto al passato, non è mai comunque banale o trascurato. Quindi: è un disco dei Radiohead. Quello che a questo giro è diverso, è la tipologia di emozioni espresse. Sembra che, costantemente come sono alla ricerca di qualcosa di grande, i Radiohead si siano finalmente lasciati alle spalle l'angoscia esistenziale che finora ha caratterizzato, in modalità espressive di volta in volta rinnovate, tutta la loro produzione. Per la prima volta, ciò che rimane è una nuda, struggente malinconia, un senso di calma accettazione, un'attenzione più per le sfumature, le piccole cose che la catarsi dirompente di canzoni come Karma Police, How to Disappear Completely, All I Need, Separator. Ma non assomiglia affatto a un punto di arrivo. Per Thom Yorke e compagnia, il cammino prosegue. E il bello sta proprio nel non avere la più pallida idea di quali lande toccheranno la prossima volta. Expand
  14. May 13, 2016
    A Moon Shaped pool is the sum of what Radiohead have been building up towards with their past few Albums,
    In the form of what sounds like a relaxed, Well recorded jam session inside a Tornado, It blends edgy and romantic very well and creates a cohesive atmosphere to this beautifully written and sung songs.
  15. May 14, 2016
    After being a bit disappointed with TKOL, I thought maybe Radiohead were starting to lose their spark. Boy, was I wrong. This album hit me like a ton of bricks. I loved the single at first listen. Burn the Witch is captivating as is its music video. Daydreaming is even better! And the music video for that one is directed by none other than Paul Thomas Anderson. The entire album is aAfter being a bit disappointed with TKOL, I thought maybe Radiohead were starting to lose their spark. Boy, was I wrong. This album hit me like a ton of bricks. I loved the single at first listen. Burn the Witch is captivating as is its music video. Daydreaming is even better! And the music video for that one is directed by none other than Paul Thomas Anderson. The entire album is a highlight and it's a cohesive and beautifully constructed. I would be devastated to learn if this was indeed their last album as a group, but if it is then they ended on a high note. Expand
  16. May 12, 2016
    I'll be honest - I wasn't too impressed the first time I heard the album. But like so many other radiohead albums, once the tracks start to 'click' - you get completely absorbed by the atmosphere. Thom sounds as great as usual, but Ed's brilliance really shines through in this album.
  17. May 8, 2016
    Far far more superior than The King of Limbs, this feels like In Rainbows and Kid A had a kid and the result is a beautiful and moody album that has just the right amount of everything that Radiohead is known for, this album exceeds expectations and you won't be disappointed
  18. May 9, 2016
    First time being a fan of Radiohead before an album release and A Moon Shaped Pool definitely lived up to the hype. One of the most beautiful albums I have heard and I still need to give it more time to completely sink in.
  19. May 8, 2016
    A creative tour de force that far exceeds expectation! It is amazing – and dare I say it – a masterpiece. Radiohead have reached another pinnacle of highest achievement.
  20. May 15, 2016
    This album is Radiohead exploring some different branches and styles of their oeuvre. But still there's a distinct Radiohead feel to this album and it's as good and impressive as we can possibly get from a 30-years old band with already flawless history.
  21. May 9, 2016
    Radiohead always seems to do it right. Their new effort - A Moon Shaped Pool, doesn't break grounds like their previous albums (e.g Kid A), instead it takes a more accessible and orchestral direction - and it’s wonderful.
  22. May 10, 2016
    This is actually, objectively better than Lemonade, by the way. On "A Moon Shaped Pool" Radiohead delivers a set of dreamy, lush chamber pop/art rock/electronic songs acting as a natural stepping stone from their past two full length works, "In Rainbows", and "The King of Limbs".

    Progressive, slowly unraveling song structures give way to subtle, detailed production, a seamless
    This is actually, objectively better than Lemonade, by the way. On "A Moon Shaped Pool" Radiohead delivers a set of dreamy, lush chamber pop/art rock/electronic songs acting as a natural stepping stone from their past two full length works, "In Rainbows", and "The King of Limbs".

    Progressive, slowly unraveling song structures give way to subtle, detailed production, a seamless juxtaposition of organic, lavish strings and orchestration and calmly glitching electronic manipulations makes for one of the most genuine, heartfelt Radiohead albums to date, and certainly one of the most fulfilling listening experiences of the year so far.
  23. May 8, 2016
    Just finished listening to the whole thing, and it is elegant and beautiful. Not a lot of guitars. I think the direction of the album is totally a product of Jonny Greenwood's new career as the main composer for Paul Thomas Anderson's films, which is a good thing if you love evocative and lush music, as I do, but also a bit disappointing if you're missing some of that Radiohead guitarJust finished listening to the whole thing, and it is elegant and beautiful. Not a lot of guitars. I think the direction of the album is totally a product of Jonny Greenwood's new career as the main composer for Paul Thomas Anderson's films, which is a good thing if you love evocative and lush music, as I do, but also a bit disappointing if you're missing some of that Radiohead guitar sound from 12-15 years ago, as I also am. B+, but possible A after a few more listens. Although I will still be reaching first for my Sigur Ros bottle when I am in the mood for this kind of drink. Expand
  24. May 9, 2016
    Not only is this the best Radiohead album, I can say without hyperbole that this may be the greatest album of all time. The boys have outdone themselves.
  25. May 9, 2016
    A good album. Very atmospheric and melodic. This is my first Radiohead album listen so I love that it sounds exactly like what I'd imagined Radiohead sounded like, but at the same time sounds different from snippets and single songs I've heard previously from Radiohead, whilst still sounding modern and fresh. Big ups Radiohead, and good job! This is why you guys are legends even in thisA good album. Very atmospheric and melodic. This is my first Radiohead album listen so I love that it sounds exactly like what I'd imagined Radiohead sounded like, but at the same time sounds different from snippets and single songs I've heard previously from Radiohead, whilst still sounding modern and fresh. Big ups Radiohead, and good job! This is why you guys are legends even in this day and age.

    Fave track is of course: Burn The Witch. Love the video as well.
  26. May 8, 2016
    This album can easily get a 10, it will be remembered as one of the best albums of this decade, and, why not, of the XXI century. Some songs take me to an unknown atmosphere.
  27. BKM
    May 26, 2016
    The most disappointing quality of Radiohead's latest album is how boring the whole thing is. This band has had many superlatives applied to them over their career, but dull has never been one. The opening track, Burn the Witch, sets the bar high for what is to follow. But after that song ends, the rest of the material is slow and lifeless. Radiohead have reached the point where theyThe most disappointing quality of Radiohead's latest album is how boring the whole thing is. This band has had many superlatives applied to them over their career, but dull has never been one. The opening track, Burn the Witch, sets the bar high for what is to follow. But after that song ends, the rest of the material is slow and lifeless. Radiohead have reached the point where they can no longer get by on their name alone. They need a jolt of creative infusion. Expand
  28. May 11, 2016
    The best album since Kid A and Ok Computer , Radiohead adds layers of sound but with a different take.

    Where OK computer was rock oriented, Kid A electronica oriented , Heart Shaped Pool focuses on classical and chill music with plenty od musical layers to make any Radiohead fan proud. This album is a masterpiece ,plain and simple. As an aside , I saw Radiohead with my wife in a
    The best album since Kid A and Ok Computer , Radiohead adds layers of sound but with a different take.

    Where OK computer was rock oriented, Kid A electronica oriented , Heart Shaped Pool focuses on classical and chill music with plenty od musical layers to make any Radiohead fan proud.

    This album is a masterpiece ,plain and simple.

    As an aside , I saw Radiohead with my wife in a raging rainstorm on Mothers Day , the same day this album was released. The In Rainbows tour. One of the best concerts I ever saw , though I was very cold and wet.
  29. May 9, 2016
    Así es, una crítica en español (Raro en metacritic)
    Como seguidor de esta banda hace tanto tiempo, realmente no me sorprende que hagan cada vez algo totalmente diferente al álbum pasado, es algo que sin lugar a dudas uno debe acostumbrarse si le gusta esta peculiar banda, A Moon Shaped Pool es sin duda una muestra de lo mencionado, no tiene todos los loops de The King Of Limbs ni la
    Así es, una crítica en español (Raro en metacritic)
    Como seguidor de esta banda hace tanto tiempo, realmente no me sorprende que hagan cada vez algo totalmente diferente al álbum pasado, es algo que sin lugar a dudas uno debe acostumbrarse si le gusta esta peculiar banda, A Moon Shaped Pool es sin duda una muestra de lo mencionado, no tiene todos los loops de The King Of Limbs ni la elegancia y armonía de In Rainbows, suena y se siente como algo diferente pero de alguna forma uno sabe que este material esta hecho por Radiohead, aun se siente ahí.
    El equilibrio casi perfecto entre instrumentos, efectos, percusiones y la voz de Yorke hacen a este álbum quizás... solo quizás uno de los mejores del año (Lo mismo se me esta yendo de las manos y me emocione por que soy seguidor, las cosas como son) convirtiendolo de igual forma en uno de los mejores de la banda, ya veo a los fans gritando "Esto no suena a Radiohead" Lo que ellos no entienden es que... Radiohead jamás sonará igual de un EP a otro, es algo a lo que deben aferrarse si es que les gusta tanto esta banda. El cambio no es bueno ni malo, solo no es lo mismo. En general este álbum no llega al "Obra maestra" pero sin duda es un muy buen compilado, muy completo y bastante placentero de escuchar, y como es de esperarse de Radiohead, un material de calidad y una extraña forma de distribución.
  30. May 10, 2016
    Fine album.Stand out tracks are "Ful Stop" "Present Tense" "Day Dreaming" "True Love Waits" and "Identikit".
    Like most of the Radiohead albums it will grow on u after each listen.The best part of the album is the intro of "Ful stop" which completely changes the flow of the album.

Universal acclaim - based on 43 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 43
  2. Negative: 0 out of 43
  1. Aug 11, 2016
    Gone are any remnants of yesteryear's "rock music" ideology, thrusting Radiohead into a mature state of potentially their best work still to come.
  2. Magnet
    Aug 9, 2016
    This is Radiohead's deepest, darkest pool of devotion and doubt in a career marked by almost nothing but. [No. 133, p.51]
  3. Uncut
    Jun 21, 2016
    There's a lighter, more hopeful bent to the musical settings, which perfectly balance the more dissonant leanings of The King Of Limbs with a sumptuousness and gentleness they've rarely sought since OK Computer. [Aug 2016, p.81]