• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: May 8, 2016
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Universal acclaim- based on 1525 Ratings

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  1. Jun 23, 2016
    Somehow, since the release of my iron lung, everything Radiohead released has been brilliant. This surpasses most of that as well, perhaps only tying with kid a. This is one of those records where you have to close your eyes and let the music take you somewhere. Every track is a masterpiece down to each tiny detail. As well as being a true fan service due to tracks like identikit, fulSomehow, since the release of my iron lung, everything Radiohead released has been brilliant. This surpasses most of that as well, perhaps only tying with kid a. This is one of those records where you have to close your eyes and let the music take you somewhere. Every track is a masterpiece down to each tiny detail. As well as being a true fan service due to tracks like identikit, ful stop (don't get me started on ful stop) and true love waits, the production is perfect, being Nigel Godrich's best work since kid a and OK Computer. The whole team is at the top of their game here, especially thoms fragile vocals, colins bass work which actually grooves really hard, Jonny's perfect string arrangements, Phil providing something superbly subtle for a drummer, Stanley's brilliant artwork and whatever Ed does here(as per). Seriously, Radiohead are back Expand
  2. Jul 30, 2016
    Loved the first 5 tracks, but after those tracks the album fell apart for me. It seems like Radiohead wants its listeners to fall into a deep, incurable depression after listening to their albums back to back. The highlight of this album is without a doubt the tracks "Burn The Witch" and "Decks Dark". I know people love this band passionately and would defend incomprehensible lyrics byLoved the first 5 tracks, but after those tracks the album fell apart for me. It seems like Radiohead wants its listeners to fall into a deep, incurable depression after listening to their albums back to back. The highlight of this album is without a doubt the tracks "Burn The Witch" and "Decks Dark". I know people love this band passionately and would defend incomprehensible lyrics by claiming they need to be "deciphered", but as a causal fan Yorke's voice and lyrics make my ear bleed sometimes. Overall, everything is in its right place Expand
  3. Jul 18, 2016
    Better than King of Limbs. Not as groundbreaking as Amnesiac and Kid A. If you like the more song oriented albums like Hail to the Thief or In Rainbows, you'll be disappointed.
  4. Jul 24, 2016
    Completely different album in the new age of rock music. The great thing in this album that impressed me is the perfect art of mixing & amazing working with digital effects specifically in track 2 `Daydreaming` that shows the great job of Johnny Greenwood who has been well known for his great composition and editing music during his career in Radiohead. also, an amazing concept behind theCompletely different album in the new age of rock music. The great thing in this album that impressed me is the perfect art of mixing & amazing working with digital effects specifically in track 2 `Daydreaming` that shows the great job of Johnny Greenwood who has been well known for his great composition and editing music during his career in Radiohead. also, an amazing concept behind the album and wonderful lyrics are still the sign of Thom Yorke. After all this album amazingly full scored in the daily telegraph magazine and that was number 1 in the chart of UK albums, US alternative rock albums and US rock albums. A moon shaped pool is an amazing intelligent work of music. Expand
  5. Aug 22, 2016
    After the disappointing King of Limbs, it looked like Radiohead was in a creative bump and their music was losing the gleam of genius that made them so celebrated. Fortunately we were wrong and they proved again why they're the best band currently active.

    They take the best of their previous efforts (especially Kid A and In Rainbows) and deliver a superbly balanced work that doesn't
    After the disappointing King of Limbs, it looked like Radiohead was in a creative bump and their music was losing the gleam of genius that made them so celebrated. Fortunately we were wrong and they proved again why they're the best band currently active.

    They take the best of their previous efforts (especially Kid A and In Rainbows) and deliver a superbly balanced work that doesn't overuse the experimental electronic sound (just like they did on TKOL) and it's a strong complement to Thom's stunning lyrics instead. But they also venture to try other sounds like in Present Tense with great results.

    It's great to say Radiohead is back and sounds better than ever.
  6. Sep 9, 2016
    A Moon Shaped pool is the sum of what the band have been building up towards with their past few Albums,
    In the form of what sounds like a relaxed, Well recorded jam session inside a Tornado, It blends edgy and romantic very well and creates a cohesive atmosphere to this beautifully written and sung songs.
  7. Sep 19, 2016
    Creo que se convirtió en mi segundo álbum favorito de Radiohead. Escuchar, entender y deleitarse con los instrumentales de este álbum se siente como una experiencia introspectiva que vale la pena. Como si de traernos la oscuridad que nos persigue frente a nosotros se tratase, y no para inquietarnos sino para comprenderlas mejor y a nosotros mismos.
  8. Oct 18, 2016
    There are true masterpieces on this album and not a single weak track. My instant favorite was Decks Dark, which is now matched by absolutely splendid The Numbers! Im also in the camp with those who consider the "new" TLW as the perfect one.
  9. Dec 1, 2016
    Some say Radiohead's last albums sound similar and repetitive, but if you listen carefully you will discover a band which is able to create beautiful harmonies and mysterious sound effects. In A Moon Shaped Pool, the band brings us a wonderful collage of sounds, mixing electronic music (Burn the witch), avant-rock (Fulstop), ambient (Daydreaming) and folk (Desert island disk). It's greatSome say Radiohead's last albums sound similar and repetitive, but if you listen carefully you will discover a band which is able to create beautiful harmonies and mysterious sound effects. In A Moon Shaped Pool, the band brings us a wonderful collage of sounds, mixing electronic music (Burn the witch), avant-rock (Fulstop), ambient (Daydreaming) and folk (Desert island disk). It's great to have the band back! Expand
  10. Aug 29, 2019
    A chilling, beautiful and unforgettable album by Radiohead. The sombre mood of the album is executed just perfectly, and while I don't think this is the album I'd listen to on repeat for hours, I do really like it. The string sections are absolutely stunning, and I really wouldn't mind if every song had them. I do think that aside from some heavy stand-outs, the album can feel a bitA chilling, beautiful and unforgettable album by Radiohead. The sombre mood of the album is executed just perfectly, and while I don't think this is the album I'd listen to on repeat for hours, I do really like it. The string sections are absolutely stunning, and I really wouldn't mind if every song had them. I do think that aside from some heavy stand-outs, the album can feel a bit uninteresting at times, even though there are no bad tracks whatsoever (like most Radiohead albums). And those string sections are extraordinary.
    Favourites: Burn the Witch, Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief, Daydreaming
    Least Favourites: Glass Eyes (A really tough decision).
  11. Dec 27, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Radiohead isn't back at their most experimental and avant-garde. But they're back at their most thoughtful and emotional. Anyone who keeps up to date with Radiohead would know that Thom split from his long time wife in 2015. This is not to say that this is a breakup album like a Taylor Swift record might end up being. However, this takes a much more thoughtful look at "where am I now". These intimate lyrics from Thom are accompanied by sweet strings from Jonny and tight accompaniment from the rest of the gang. Phil even gets replaced on some tracks again by a Roland CR-78 drum machine so they haven't abandoned their electronic drive. In fact, the album has bits of Max MSP programming and the track Ful Stop has a bit of Kid A/ Amnesiac influence with influence with it's somewhat IDM style. Still, even on that track, we still get some beautiful ambient music. We're even graced with long-time fan favorite, True Love Waits and even though the wait for it to get a studio recording was arduous, it seems as though it was made for this album. Fans who were expecting Radiohead to go back for another TKOL or In Rainbows needs to brush up on their Radiohead and notice how they change drastically from album to album. Don't expect Radiohead to be predictable. Expand
  12. Jan 21, 2017
    A moon shaped pool is a thing of sublime beauty; it represents maturity and progression and with a huge shift in sound, pulls you into a far closer, more personal narrative. Whilst delving into the minds of the band, you experience an album that flows perfectly through themes of depression, isolation, helplessness and the damage of past experiences. Its the most subtle, accessible and inA moon shaped pool is a thing of sublime beauty; it represents maturity and progression and with a huge shift in sound, pulls you into a far closer, more personal narrative. Whilst delving into the minds of the band, you experience an album that flows perfectly through themes of depression, isolation, helplessness and the damage of past experiences. Its the most subtle, accessible and in actual fact orchestral album of Radioheads career and with such a change this may turn some away, this however in no way retracts from the sheer beauty that develops from a group of people who are masters of their craft. There's no "Idioteque" or crazy jazz sequence as these are traded away for beauty through subtlety "indentkit" uses fairly simple arrangements but in a way that feels menacing and as powerful as anything else they've written. "Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Sailor, Rich man, Poor man, Begger, Theif" however brings this menacing tone before exploding into one of the most incredible pieces of music I've heard in a mainstream song, the way this song climaxes is just tremendous. This album doesn't break any rules but uses them in ways that are utterly beautiful. *9.2* Expand
  13. Feb 1, 2017
    Seen as a return to form by many after the controversial experiment of the "King of Limbs" in 2011, Radiohead is as dark, moody, and breathtaking as ever in their latest effort. True Love Waits is particularly meaningful to longtime fans of the band. Still not the album I would show to those not familiar with Radiohead, but another fine addition to their legacy.
  14. Feb 19, 2017
    We all have no suitable words to describe this brilliant art of magic sound. As for me, the best ever album I have ever heard till this moment. If you searching for something restful, enjoyable in the world of music you have found this now, while your are reading our reviews for one of the greatest piece of art, to be honest.
  15. Jun 21, 2017
    There's an album who have an immaculately produced. It's a beautiful travel around the 11 tracks, begin with "Burn the Witch" which the message is clear, through "Daydreaming" with the feelings about Thom Yorke's relationship. Totally different sounds."True Love Waits" close the album with a different meaning from the "old" version. Absolutely amazing record, One of their many masterpieces
  16. Jun 26, 2017
    Radiohead can do no wrong.

    Favourite Tracks: Present Tense, Burn The Witch, Identikit, Decks Dark, Glass Eyes, Ful Stop, Day-dreaming, True Love Waits
  17. Oct 30, 2017
    After their divisive last album, I guess a moon shaped pool is just what the fanbase ordered. While not, for my money anyway, a whole lot better than their previous effort, it is a whole lot more Radiohead. That isn't to say that it isn't trying anything new, and it's where the album pushes things that it really succeeds.
  18. Sep 19, 2017
    Every Radiohead album is good, but this is one of this is between the quality of Hail to the Thief and In Rainbows. Every song is good on the album, that's why I'm giving it a 10, though I know Radiohead still could do better.
  19. Nov 9, 2017
    Непонятно как,но Radiohead с годами не теряют планку качества,даже не смотря на то,что альбомы часто получаются эксперементальными,но это не мешает группе выпускать отличные релизы с неплохой частотой.
  20. Apr 16, 2018
    This is good, but not so good, but really good tho. I love the orchestration, even tho I think there would have been places for better songs to fit the album. I mean, Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief is a solid 0/10
  21. Dec 6, 2021
    most melodically accessible collection, almost meditative in its ethereal mid-tempo loveliness, yet shot through with the kind of edgy details that never quite let a listener relax. It is chill-out music to put your nerves on edge.
  22. Jul 13, 2019
    Another incredible album by an incredible band. Hard to criticise this piece of art.
    Favourite songs: Daydreaming, Decks Dark, Glass Eyes, Identikit, Present Tense, True Love Waits
    To be honest I love them all but those are the top 6 in my opinion.
  23. Jun 7, 2019
    A Moon Shaped Pool, despite being the band's most understated and acoustic releases of their career, is easily one of their most emotionally poignant as well. While peppered with acoustics, AMSP still contains plenty of the band's signature experimentation with unconventional rock instrumentations on songs like "Ful Stop" with it's pulsing base and the cacophonous orchestra on the openerA Moon Shaped Pool, despite being the band's most understated and acoustic releases of their career, is easily one of their most emotionally poignant as well. While peppered with acoustics, AMSP still contains plenty of the band's signature experimentation with unconventional rock instrumentations on songs like "Ful Stop" with it's pulsing base and the cacophonous orchestra on the opener "Burn the Witch". The album achieves a rare accomplishment by ending on it's highest note with the emotionally draining, yet decidedly understated rendition of "True Love Waits".
    While far from the band's greatest releases, AMSP demonstrates that Radiohead, despite being 30+ years into their career, are from washed up.
  24. May 10, 2020
    New classic of Radiohead. So sad, but extremely depth and beautiful.
    What a great album. This could be one of my favorites.
  25. Nov 24, 2019
    Radiohead's quietest, most subtle, album to date is also their most rich and beautiful. Trading in trappy beats and and breakneck riffs, AMSP is pristine and glistening. Thom Yorke's personal songwriting helps the band pull off their most affecting collection of songs whilst Jonny Greenwood's symphonic arrangements angelically ebb and flow throughout.
  26. Oct 22, 2020
    Beautiful. They have proven themselves many times before and it is amazing how they continue to release albums of this quality
  27. Apr 2, 2021
    They put out lots of great stuff through the years but I personally like this project more than any other album of them.
  28. Apr 26, 2021
    This is the perfect mix of In Rainbows and The Bends. Easily their best album since 2007.
    Best Songs: True Love Waits, Decks Dark, Burn the Witch
  29. May 26, 2021
    The King Of Limbs wasn't their best, but this one came out on a whole new level. This record reflects a solidly mature Radiohead. They bring all their experience and create this gorgeous list of tracks, taking on a more depressive and heartening road, but making each one of them worth to listen to.
  30. Jul 26, 2021
    A moon shaped pool is the equivalent to perfectly spreading diamond encrusted melted gold bar butter on your eardrums.

    Favorites: ALL
    Least Favorites: NONE

Universal acclaim - based on 43 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 43
  2. Negative: 0 out of 43
  1. Aug 11, 2016
    Gone are any remnants of yesteryear's "rock music" ideology, thrusting Radiohead into a mature state of potentially their best work still to come.
  2. Magnet
    Aug 9, 2016
    This is Radiohead's deepest, darkest pool of devotion and doubt in a career marked by almost nothing but. [No. 133, p.51]
  3. Uncut
    Jun 21, 2016
    There's a lighter, more hopeful bent to the musical settings, which perfectly balance the more dissonant leanings of The King Of Limbs with a sumptuousness and gentleness they've rarely sought since OK Computer. [Aug 2016, p.81]