• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 27, 2002
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Universal acclaim- based on 590 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 21 out of 590

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  1. RodG.
    Apr 22, 2003
    Not as good as playin' live concerts, but they just turned my favourite band.
  2. DomS.
    Aug 10, 2003
    When it's good, it's pretty mediocre. When it's bad, it's still pretty mediocre. P.S. Ignore the lyrics. They will induce seizures. it makes you wonder how Gwyneth Paltrow can handle Chris Martin's "sweet little nothings" in her out-of-his-league ear.
  3. celestem
    Aug 1, 2003
    It is a wonderful piece of artsmanship from Coldplay.
  4. JonardV
    Feb 10, 2004
    If I could, I would give this album a 20. Those who rated this album under 5 need to stop sniffing the nose candy. I'm sick and tired of hearing comparisons with Radiohead, especially since Thom Yorke looks like Clay Aiken. Music is not meant to be "complicated", rather it is meant to ease the drive home...
  5. [Anonymous]
    Jun 19, 2004
    Awesome. Usually, I like harder music, but this is an exception.
  6. SavannahT
    Jul 15, 2004
    When Coldplay's first album, Parachutes, came out I was stunned. They are a terrific band. A lot of bands will put out their first record and be awesome but their music tends to get boring with the up and coming albums. Coldplay really knows how to overcome that. A Rush of Blood to the Head is a terrific CD and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a great band.
  7. eidoro
    Jul 17, 2004
    I was waiting for some new band that has the potential to become a second Pink Floyd to appear. Radiohead being a good experience, but still rather not having the "je ne sais quoi" of what's needed to someday become the Floyd of this century, still lacks energy. Instead here come Coldplay. True potential, refined sound, more then decent lyrics. It deserves a 9, as the only album that I was waiting for some new band that has the potential to become a second Pink Floyd to appear. Radiohead being a good experience, but still rather not having the "je ne sais quoi" of what's needed to someday become the Floyd of this century, still lacks energy. Instead here come Coldplay. True potential, refined sound, more then decent lyrics. It deserves a 9, as the only album that deservers a 10 is, in my humble opinion, "Amused To Death", by Roger Waters. Expand
  8. TylerD
    Jun 7, 2005
    The first time I heard "Clocks", I fell in love with it. The CD is no different. Am I a hardcore Coldplay fan? No, definately not. But it's no doubt they have talent. Lots of talent.
  9. DavidP
    Jul 29, 2005
    The best Coldplay album. Very different from Parachutes, their first album and also a great one. The sound is darker, it is a more complex work, and it takes several listens to appreciate it. If you have not listened any of their albums, I recommend you to listen Parachutes first.
  10. BT
    Sep 27, 2005
    This is one of the best Albums ever made. Coldplay have a great sound, and great lyrics. I read that somebody put "did people forget about Oasis". Im guessing this person didnt realize that Oasis said Coldplay is the best new band out, and Oasis is great too. This album has no end to great songs, and is good from start to end.
  11. ColdplayFan
    Jan 23, 2006
    AROBBTH starts off with a great 5 songs, and continues to produce after that. Politik has great driving guitar, In my place is a great supporter, GPASUYF is incredible, etc. etc. All the way to Amsterdam. That has to be the best song ever recorded.
  12. KyleighH
    Feb 11, 2006
    I love this album. I used to have it, but now I don't anymore. I love the songs "Clocks" and "The Scientist." Coldplay's "A Rush Of Blood To the Head" album is good as their "Parachutes" album. I even heard the song "Clocks" on ER during the 2002-03 season. This is a good album.
  13. JennaP
    Jun 11, 2006
    It saddens me to see such acerbic reviews-particulary from Pitchfork and New York Magazine-for what is certainly one of the best records of the (middle-aged) decade. This is Coldplay at the top of their game--Parachutes was a bit too sleepy and X+Y a bit too hollow. Chris Martin's piano is an integral part to breathing life into cascading songs like Politik and Clocks while Jonny It saddens me to see such acerbic reviews-particulary from Pitchfork and New York Magazine-for what is certainly one of the best records of the (middle-aged) decade. This is Coldplay at the top of their game--Parachutes was a bit too sleepy and X+Y a bit too hollow. Chris Martin's piano is an integral part to breathing life into cascading songs like Politik and Clocks while Jonny Buckland's guitar melodies elevates In My Place and God Put A Smile Upon Your Face into bona fide anthems. Even the 'filler' songs (Daylight, A Whisper) have something inherently unique and special about them. And must I even mention the ballad The Scientist which Coldplay manages to get more than right---hard to come by these days. Wow I love this record. You need it in your life. Collapse
  14. TyeN.
    Jun 16, 2006
    This is my favorite album of all-time. I cannot give it enough praise. Coldplay made good on their early potential from "Parachutes" and delivered a masterpiece. "X&Y" may be better sonically, but this album has everything. Although I suggest listening to every single track, the big stand-outs are "Politik", "In My Place", "God Put A Smile Upon Your Face", "The Scientist", "Clocks" (my This is my favorite album of all-time. I cannot give it enough praise. Coldplay made good on their early potential from "Parachutes" and delivered a masterpiece. "X&Y" may be better sonically, but this album has everything. Although I suggest listening to every single track, the big stand-outs are "Politik", "In My Place", "God Put A Smile Upon Your Face", "The Scientist", "Clocks" (my favorite song ever, by the way), and the gorgeous "Amsterdam." This album desrves to be recognized for what it truly is: a once in a lifetime masterpiece of epic proportions. I can't wait to hear album number four. Expand
  15. SkyNight
    Jul 25, 2006
    this c.d. is great from start to finish. the powerful music and soothing voice give this albuman edge. i still enjoy this album to this day and it makes me feel every emotion in my body!
  16. JustinA.
    Aug 21, 2002
    Almost as good as the classic "Parachutes". In my Place, The Scientist, Green Eyes, and Warning Sign are all classics. And the other songs are great, too. Coldplay is a lot better than Travis and has now officially replaced Oasis as the best Brit band right now.
  17. DaveS.
    Aug 23, 2002
    Stunning album,the best of the year by far and for me a defining point in British guitar music.
  18. AlanW.
    Aug 23, 2002
    Stunningly beautfiful and powerful.
  19. AndyH.
    Sep 12, 2002
    Simply amazing.
  20. RyanP
    Sep 16, 2002
    Can't stop listening to this thing.
  21. L.Bangs
    Sep 18, 2002
    The boys are trying. This one's certainly more interesting than Parachutes, but the band still rips way too much off of U2 and (especially) Radiohead to stand fully on their own. Not too shabby, but too many echoes of greater works here, and sadly, perhaps about 5 years too late. This is a fairly good 1997 rock album for 2002.
  22. JasonB.
    Sep 27, 2002
    Fantastic! This album is great. Its about 13 times better than parachutes.
  23. RamF
    Nov 13, 2003
    In a word brilliant. This is one of those albums that takes multiple listens. I wasn't terribly fons of it on first listen, but the more I listen to it he more I like it. I have had the opposite reaction with some Albums. I have really liked them a lot almost instantly, only to grow bored pretty quickly. I'll take the one with lasting appeal everytime.
  24. IsaiahW
    Nov 17, 2003
    Coldplay is a very talented band. This cd has very good music. Alot soft bands are hated but this band has skill and knows how to make soft music good even though it is soft. Both CD'S by Coldplay kick.
  25. AlexP
    Dec 6, 2003
    coldplay kicks ass. screw all of you who think otherwise. especially all you britney spears fans...
  26. Brian
    Feb 16, 2003
    By far the best album I've heard in quite a long time. The first time I listened to the CD, I was dumbfounded. It's amazing. Chris Martin is a phenomenal pianist and vocalist, and that alone compensates for the ocassional repition. Then the video for "The Scientist" officially did it. I fell in love with the band. They're awesome!
  27. ShawnT
    Feb 27, 2003
    worst band and album ever. The songs are sooooo boring!!!!!!!!!
  28. BitBurn
    Apr 28, 2003
    At last! Here's the rock album I wanted to hear for years!!! Simple, no fanfare, no sparkles, no bulls**t but plain rock. But what makes the record even more captivating is the beautiful voice of Chris Martin. Powerful yet sensible. Buy this record!
  29. calvini
    May 19, 2003
    i once previously rated this cd with a ten stating "even if the last 5 songs are crap i'll still give this a ten", well, they're not crap, just not brilliant. the album is clearly divided into two halves, one experimental, one decent brit pop and that reall kiss this album's score as a whole. but it's still more consistant and better than parachutes, just not as connected.
  30. MikeC
    Sep 19, 2003
    I cant believe how people have come out and given this album and the band absolute shit. This album would have to be one of the greatest of my time and if people cant recognise that then they should go back to listening to Britney Spears, Eminem and all that other crap because that is about the limit of their musical intelligence.
  31. LizB
    Mar 29, 2004
    The entire album is great. The song 'The Scientist' has a special meaning to me and it is amazing. Warning Sign is great too!
  32. Chris
    Jun 17, 2004
    This is a great album, full stop.
  33. John
    Aug 17, 2004
    Beautiful, Sublime, Intellectual, Literate, and Perfect: all words that come to mind when I think of this cd
  34. nickco
    Nov 29, 2002
    The best album i've ever listened to. Chris Martin is a lyrical genious and the sound is awesome.
  35. JonR
    Nov 19, 2005
    Less consistant than Parachutes, but the highlights (In My Place, God Put A Smile On Your Face, The Scientist and Clocks) are far more stunning than those of the 1st album. From there on I find it hard to listen to the rest since it's all pretty much acoustic guitar or piano with some gental leads and uninteresting lyrics. The Scientist may be one of the best songs ever though and Less consistant than Parachutes, but the highlights (In My Place, God Put A Smile On Your Face, The Scientist and Clocks) are far more stunning than those of the 1st album. From there on I find it hard to listen to the rest since it's all pretty much acoustic guitar or piano with some gental leads and uninteresting lyrics. The Scientist may be one of the best songs ever though and easily remains Coldplays best and most richly emotional, atmospheric and honest song. Clocks immerses you in a wave of bulding energy before crashing away to the valley of sound making up the remainder of the ablum. A perfect EP's worth of material here that's unfortuently dragged down by the other not so worthy tracks. Expand
  36. Jun 15, 2018
    A thoughtful, provoking album about urgency. Coldplay managed to create a timeless album.
  37. Jul 8, 2016
    This is, in my opinion, Coldplay's second best album. After I listened to A Head Full Of Dreams, I decided to go back and listen to Coldplay's other albums. On my first listen through, the only album that struck me was A Rush Of Blood to the Head. The album is a fantastic culmination of everything that makes Coldplay amazing.
    it is an example of Coldplay at their best, and is well worth
    This is, in my opinion, Coldplay's second best album. After I listened to A Head Full Of Dreams, I decided to go back and listen to Coldplay's other albums. On my first listen through, the only album that struck me was A Rush Of Blood to the Head. The album is a fantastic culmination of everything that makes Coldplay amazing.
    it is an example of Coldplay at their best, and is well worth the listen.
  38. EshopjV.
    Jul 17, 2007
    In retrospect, looking back from '07 gives enough hindsight that Coldplay's second effort with "A Rush Of Blood to the Head", is nothing more than just lush-laden melodies akin to eating flavoring, in that while they are by all means delicious, they lack much nutritional value to actually be considered "good". Now by all means that dosen't mean this album is just another In retrospect, looking back from '07 gives enough hindsight that Coldplay's second effort with "A Rush Of Blood to the Head", is nothing more than just lush-laden melodies akin to eating flavoring, in that while they are by all means delicious, they lack much nutritional value to actually be considered "good". Now by all means that dosen't mean this album is just another piece of garbage to be cast aside. With the opening track "Politik", we are cast into a dense world of alternating loud and quiet. "Clocks" cyclic nature and hypnotic tune, does a comendable job of yanking in the listener. "The Scientist", as aft-mentioned, is probably one of the most well-constructed pop songs of our time so far thanks to its simplistic yet yearning tune. However, when one is confronted to actually "look deeper" into the album, it is akin to diving off a twelve foot. platform to a two foot pool. Most of the lyrics are about love, which is however trite in its usage, still a comendable subject. If only it weren't the same story for almost every single track on the whole damn album. Even "Politik"'s meaning is almost misguided and hazy unless you bothered to read the CD booklet, at which point it becomes rather banal in its execution. Previous comments comparing this to "Floyd" are probably the most jarring comparrisons I have ever heard. (With the exception of the penultimate title track, which is one of the best off the album.) If anything they are more akin to later Supertramp, with a little bit of both the world of electic and conventional. (With a more obvious lean to pop.) In closing, while this album is far from the supposed "holy grail" of music that is proponents claim it to be, it is no where near the almost slanderous comments of its detractors. (With the exception that it sounds/tastes like "Radiohead" lite.) With the state that the current trend pop music is in, albums like these while far from what can be considered "great", are still in rather short supply to conventional audiences. With a fourth album due out in '08 headed by Brian Eno, (After the meh-ish nature of "X & Y", a good thing.) we can hope for maybe a slightly brighter future judging from its past. Expand
  39. PaulM
    Jan 1, 2008
    A Rush of Blood to the Head is, without doubt, a fantastic achievement. But for me, that's not the point. People can rave about the album's sales, or maybe complain about the band drawing heavy influences and therefore coming of as unoriginal. But its how the music makes you feel, how it reaches you, that matters. That, to me, is more important than anything. A Rush of Blood is, A Rush of Blood to the Head is, without doubt, a fantastic achievement. But for me, that's not the point. People can rave about the album's sales, or maybe complain about the band drawing heavy influences and therefore coming of as unoriginal. But its how the music makes you feel, how it reaches you, that matters. That, to me, is more important than anything. A Rush of Blood is, a beautifully compelling album, with a variety of songs that evoke different emotions from me every time I listen to them. What more can I say? Its an incredible album, and no matter what, nothing anyone says will dissuade me from that notion. The quality of the music is refined and stupendous, with songs like Clocks and In My Place transporting you to another place, affecting you in a way that I can't describe. The Scientist, which makes me close my eyes for just a moment, and listen to the beauty of music, and of lyrics that surpass most songwriters who have been writing for years. Politik, which brings about a certain inner rage, and reaches you in a different way that the rest of Coldplay's songs, is definitely worth listening too. God Put a Smile Upon Your Face is a song that makes you question everything you know, but brings an inner sense of peace. The only negative of this album is that the songs I've mentioned overshadow the album's other tracks; while good in quality, I often find myself skipping them to listen to those that are stunning in quality. But beside that, i think this album is a great collaboration of songs that range from phenomenal to good; not one song can be rated as bad. Expand
  40. OsaA
    Dec 9, 2006
    I bought this album because it won a Grammy for album of the year so I thought it most be good and decided to by it at Best Buy. The album sounded good at first, but then I realised that is album was not that great and cannot believe it won a Grammy because it was so safe with not too many great songs. The only song that was most appealing and radio friendly was Clocks, which was about I bought this album because it won a Grammy for album of the year so I thought it most be good and decided to by it at Best Buy. The album sounded good at first, but then I realised that is album was not that great and cannot believe it won a Grammy because it was so safe with not too many great songs. The only song that was most appealing and radio friendly was Clocks, which was about it. I was so disappointed that I sold it on Amazon. If you a person who likes poems and deep storyline music that makes you think this album is for you, but not for me unfortunately. Expand
  41. daven
    Sep 22, 2006
    When Coldplay burst out onto mainstream radio with "Parachutes" it was clear that this was a band ready-made for stardom. Parachutes had the perfect indie appeal while showcasing their ability to perfect pop songs. This great CD was in no way a preperation for the brilliant "A Rush of Blood to the Head". From beginning to end, every song is a gem. Politik sucks you in with its intense When Coldplay burst out onto mainstream radio with "Parachutes" it was clear that this was a band ready-made for stardom. Parachutes had the perfect indie appeal while showcasing their ability to perfect pop songs. This great CD was in no way a preperation for the brilliant "A Rush of Blood to the Head". From beginning to end, every song is a gem. Politik sucks you in with its intense string section and leaves you there the entire time. Coldplay has already reached their masterpiece 2 CDs in and there is no way to go now except down. Expand
  42. Myles#13
    Sep 6, 2006
    Quite simply... fantastic album. This is the album that put Coldplay on the top of the rock and roll (albeit lite) world. Those who don't like Coldplay... give them a bloody chance, they are a GREAT band! Personal fav's are 'God Put A Smile Upon Your Face', 'Scientist', 'Green Eyes' and the title track.
  43. garym
    Feb 15, 2007
    I'm a hard rock/hip-hop fan, so I don't listen to "make out" music all that much. But even I can say this album is awesome. When its all said and done, this will go down as the album of the decade because of its universal likability.
  44. ScottW.
    Aug 15, 2007
    Truly a beautifully cold album.The sound of coldplay is perfect in this second album. A classic and one of the the best albums ever made.
  45. JoshJ
    Oct 22, 2008
    This album was the best Coldplay album ever. It is exciting and intelligent from start to finish. Impressive accomplishment.
  46. HC
    Feb 20, 2008
    Luckily, since the good songs are all in the first half, you can delete the second. They're a singles band, but the singles are good.
  47. DR
    Feb 15, 2009
    I remember buying this album when it came out after thoroughly enjoying parachutes and being underwhelmed. Very bland radio friendly stuff. No wonder the backlash against these guys; it started with this album.
  48. AdrianN
    Jul 26, 2009
    The album was probably the greatest I ever heard of. It also show you that alternative rock doesn't have to be loud with some of their songs that a mellow and slow. It was obviously best when it was recorded after 9/11 that gave them asome good ideas that they can record. One of my favourites was "God Put A Smile Upon your face" which is like a revenge song but with lots of warnings. The album was probably the greatest I ever heard of. It also show you that alternative rock doesn't have to be loud with some of their songs that a mellow and slow. It was obviously best when it was recorded after 9/11 that gave them asome good ideas that they can record. One of my favourites was "God Put A Smile Upon your face" which is like a revenge song but with lots of warnings. It then. Expand
  49. AaronM
    Nov 15, 2008
    The band's best work. An essential album. My only complaint is that many of the songs are about the same subject. Other than that, it's great.
  50. Feb 4, 2014
    Born in 1996, Coldplay didn’t mess around. They got right down to business making music and building a fan base that would continue to flourish more than a decade after first sitting down in Parlophone Studios to record their journey through powerful piano ballads and haunting hi-hats.
    From their signature paint-splattered piano to lead singer Chris Martin’s British charm, Coldplay
    Born in 1996, Coldplay didn’t mess around. They got right down to business making music and building a fan base that would continue to flourish more than a decade after first sitting down in Parlophone Studios to record their journey through powerful piano ballads and haunting hi-hats.
    From their signature paint-splattered piano to lead singer Chris Martin’s British charm, Coldplay stepped into the spotlight in 2000 with the release of their single “Yellow.” If you weren’t able to see past the pantsuits and razor scooters of the early 2000s, you may have missed the early days of Coldplay. Not only did they cultivate their talents early, but they incubated ideas for years to come.
    Let’s take a look at their second album ever released, A Rush Of Blood To The Head. Opening with the track “Politik,” we can assume from the raging pulse of the drums and guitar that this album has a statement to make. The song begs its listener to “open up your eyes.” Sounding almost mechanical, this intense song is a change in sound from Coldplay’s previous album.
    As the album progresses, we move from eager rhythms to a more relaxed sound, a characteristic of Coldplay’s mellow yellow soul. Things slow down with the quixotic tune, “Clocks,” where Chris flexes his vocal chords to hit the higher notes. Again, there is a very distinct, driving rhythm that keeps you grounded in the song.
    By the time we get to “Green Eyes,” we’re more than half way through this eleven-track album. Coldplay couldn’t help but go back to their heart-warming roots. “Green Eyes” is a sincere acoustic ballad with subtle yet effective harmonies. It’s a nice break from the first few in-your-face tracks, but it’s also the turning point of the album.
    A Rush Of Blood To The Head is almost an emotional journey, laced with love, confusion and introspection. Once we’ve passed the emerald gem that is “Green Eyes,” things slow down even more with the echoing riffs of “Warning Sign,” which has a nostalgic sound we haven’t yet encountered in the album. “Warning Sign” pairs gentle riffs with a roaring truth, “I miss you.”
    The tracks from here on out are much more intimate and heart wrenching. The title track, “A Rush Of Blood To The Head,” rings with longing and desire. The song and album title itself are a good summary for the over-all effect of the album: a rush of blood to the head, an epiphany, an intensity.
    A Rush of Blood To The Head is more mechanical sounding than Coldplay’s first album, Parachutes. The golden-lit spinning globe on the album cover is a good indication of Parachutes’ warm acoustic sounds and dreamy melodies. Their first album was a great start to building their image as a British rock band, and it was almost more inviting in sound than A Rush Of Blood To The Head-— but I think that’s the point.
    While “Parachutes” is comparable to a dimly-lit café with the faint sounds of Sinatra drifting under the smell of freshly baked croissants, A Rush Of Blood To The Head is more like sitting in a fluorescently lit room in a mass-produced, lightly padded chair. While this may sound a little uncomfortable, it has impact, and that is the point of the album. Being cozy has its perks, but being uncomfortable can provoke important questions and evoke a whole new set of emotions.
    If you enjoyed the emotional progressions of A Rush Of Blood To The Head, I encourage you to listen to their other five, start to finish, and marvel at the emotional and mental journey they will take you on.
  51. Feb 23, 2016
    One of the greatest albums of all time by one of the greatest bands of all time. A Rush of Blood to the Head goes from gentle piano ballads to harder rock/alternative. The album carries beautiful melodies and thoughtful lyrics. A true classic!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 2 out of 25
  1. Without the emotional resonance of Martin's voice at its most free, Coldplay's brilliantly minimal musical foundation has nothing to support. So it falters.
  2. Coldplay's new record is a little edgier, trancier, and more conversational than their last. It is called A Rush of Blood to the Head, and in waves and swells of major tunes and frisky then looping time signatures, that's just about the effect it has.
  3. But while the sound of this album is more expansive, the influences a bit less obvious, and the approach more varied, the guys forgot to tote along their initial strength: the songs.