
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
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  1. Oct 11, 2011
    Although the album seems like silly fun on the surface, there is enough complexity to the interlocking synth lines and clattering rhythms to give the music some weight.
  2. Jan 13, 2012
    Everything adds up to an unexpected and intriguing album.
  3. Oct 13, 2011
    "Det Hester!" and "Dresinen" vary the formula a bit with, respectively, squelchy synth-bass and fuzzy electric guitar, while the album-closing "Aldri Ska Me Ha Det Goy" is a oozing slo-mo ballad that layers Endresen's vocals to suggest The Four Seasons Sing Pet Sounds.
  4. Jan 9, 2012
    It's a band comfortable with the idea of growing up but like kids trying on their parent's clothes, the ideas behind Aabenbaringen Over Aaskammen are a little oversized but not by much.
  5. Oct 17, 2011
    Ultimately, under the unifying sound of Casiokids' youthful pop, African, Asian and Norweigan influences combine in blissful harmony to create the ultimate musical expedition.
  6. Oct 11, 2011
    With much of the album sounding like the rest of their catalog, there isn't enough innovation within the entire affair.
  7. Feb 10, 2012
    The first half is exciting, accomplished and compelling--but then it wanders absent-mindedly into nondescript territory after the midway point and doesn't navigate its way back home.
  8. Jan 11, 2012
    Aabenbaringen Over Aaskammen attempts to splice that sound with a new, more varied approach. It isn't always entirely successful, it's sometimes awkward, but hey, what do you want?
  9. Feb 10, 2012
    A brilliant, breathlessly exciting, sunshine-dappled album of melodic, electronic alt-pop.
  10. Jan 12, 2012
    While it's far from perfect, Casiokids have done well to polish their sound, even if they've not yet quite decided what they want to be when they grow up
  11. 80
    This album is a subtly, sweetly wonderful thing--proof that, sometimes, sonic actions speak louder than words.
  12. Oct 11, 2011
    What's left then is a large number of effective, tightly constructed tracks that are sure to please a wide range of indie/synth pop fans, regardless of the language they speak.
  13. Oct 14, 2011
    It's not quite hype enough to be pure party music and lacks the cohesive point of view that fosters a more personal connection with a record.
  14. Oct 14, 2011
    This record isn't a revelation, perhaps, but it is rewarding nonetheless.
  15. Q Magazine
    Jan 10, 2012
    They sound truly beguiling. [Feb. 2012 p. 101]
  16. Oct 11, 2011
    Aabenbaringen Over Aaskammen's most vital resource is Casiokids' boundless sense of playfulness, which enables them to effortlessly blend the familiar with the transgressive.
  17. Feb 10, 2012
    Casiokids received a one million Kroner grant from fellow Nordmenn A-ha for musical potential....A-ha can consider their money well spent.
  18. 60
    Laidback and tidy, but fun.
  19. Oct 18, 2011
    Casiokids show a subtly deep thoughtfulness coursing their thoroughly joyous songs.
  20. Under The Radar
    Nov 3, 2011
    Still likeable in their simplicity, and sweet in their execution, one has to wonder what might have been if there were just a touch more coffee in the studio. [Oct 2011, p.97]

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