• Record Label: Bureau B
  • Release Date: Nov 11, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Dec 12, 2014
    Adrift is a simultaneously relaxing and arresting experience. It's headphone music that rewards encapsulated ears and enclosed eyes.
  2. Dec 12, 2014
    By the time the tense album closer "Rice and Fish" arrives, Tarwater have deftly transformed what could have been a claustrophobic mire of sounds into a deceptively simple-sounding pastiche of sounds dark and unexpected.
  3. Dec 12, 2014
    While it may not quite measure up to their very best work, this is still utterly unlike anything else you’ll hear this year.
  4. Dec 12, 2014
    Overall, Adrift is pleasing and gives one a moment’s pause to really consider what’s at work here, even if the songs in the middle of the disc are generally not overtly sterling and you can point to areas of the album where there’s a weakness at work.

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