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  1. JoshC
    Oct 9, 2007
    Easily the best rock album since the year 1987. I hate the people that say Nickleback sucks, cause, well they don't. It's bands like The Arcade Fire who like use a lot of instruments that sound "different", and also John Vanderslice, he records all of his own music which is just silly, he works too hard. Nickleback takes the easy way out and uses very similar chord structures to Easily the best rock album since the year 1987. I hate the people that say Nickleback sucks, cause, well they don't. It's bands like The Arcade Fire who like use a lot of instruments that sound "different", and also John Vanderslice, he records all of his own music which is just silly, he works too hard. Nickleback takes the easy way out and uses very similar chord structures to each of their songs, so as not to confuse it's audience, myself included. I like that if I turn on the radio at like noon I can hear Nickleback, and if I turn on the radio at like 12:13 I can hear Nickleback, I'm not sure if they are playing the same song or not, but really who can? P.S. Death Cab sucks... and the new Tegan and Sara album is horrible... And the Beatles? I wish they would have been inspired by Nickleback. Nuff said. Everyone should buy this new Nickleback album, and then bite a curb. Expand
  2. HerbisonD.
    Feb 13, 2008
    More often than not, records with real staying power don't provide instant gratification. That's sad, since the winds of change
  3. Ana
    Aug 8, 2006
    Nickelback is a really great band. Some people probably just judge them on the 2 songs that sound similar. Of course they do. Chad probably got the inspiration from listening to that song. At least they dont right about the same topics like everyone else does. yeah they talk about love but they make all the love theme songs differnt. its not the same topic over and over. they are a great Nickelback is a really great band. Some people probably just judge them on the 2 songs that sound similar. Of course they do. Chad probably got the inspiration from listening to that song. At least they dont right about the same topics like everyone else does. yeah they talk about love but they make all the love theme songs differnt. its not the same topic over and over. they are a great band. Just deal with it! Expand
  4. DanC
    Nov 30, 2007
    How the FUCK is this rated so bad.. Good as ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. leem
    Dec 27, 2005
    I highly doubt any of these low voters actually listened to the whole cd.
  6. IwantmyNICKELBACK!
    Oct 31, 2005
    The singer, I think his name is Dwight Nickleback, has the SWEETEST Hair! Anyone who can make a career out of writing the same song over and over again is burdened with the stench of genius! Mr. Nicleback, thank you for making the "middle of the road" safe again!
  7. JohnB
    Mar 9, 2006
    This album ROCKS!!! All you "0"s are nuts. Too much emo & rap. You all forgot what music sounds like. Chad and the boys try new things on this album. Every song is unique. This is not a good band, this is a great band.........
  8. MichaelC
    Apr 3, 2006
    To the scoffers, check your ears and your morals. Here's a bad that's growing up. Yes you like to see angst against everything, but when someone uses a little FAITH, you call the talentless, idiotical, rehashers. I think a look inside is in order. Keep up the great work NICKELBACK!!!
  9. sandeepm
    Feb 20, 2007
    superb job........chad sounds great in photograph
  10. KerryH
    Mar 13, 2007
    Loving everything Nickelback!
  11. DanielB.
    Jun 6, 2007
    idk y ppl think this album sucks kus it rocks best one so far and nickelbacks albums all rock
  12. JoeyB
    Sep 2, 2007
    you know i HATE how people hate bands becuse of how good they are! to me most people are just pisses me off like Eric C. here...i bet your one of those type of people that DOESNT LIKE nickelback becuase of how good they are or how much success they have...nickelback has sold almost 30 million albums and u have so much respect for them that u say they suck....well obvious they you know i HATE how people hate bands becuse of how good they are! to me most people are just pisses me off like Eric C. here...i bet your one of those type of people that DOESNT LIKE nickelback becuase of how good they are or how much success they have...nickelback has sold almost 30 million albums and u have so much respect for them that u say they suck....well obvious they dont suck lf they have sold that many albums and people all over the world has bought there albums....i dunno if anyone seen the clip where greendays lead singer made fun of chad krogers voice....well maybe if the guys from green day actually went through puberty and use more than 2 power cords in there songs they would be able put something with talent together.....everyone said the same thing about creed....they sold over 30 million albums in less then 10 years and STILL alot of people said they didnt like its either everyones lying or they just hate them and jealous over them because of there success ...nickelback is clearly one of the best rock bands out there puts all of the emo shit and lame ass punk shit to shame...which is all u see and hear on TV and radio today...grunge and alternative rock is the best stuff out there and the only stuff that has any large amounts of talent such as nickelback. this is an amazing band folks and nickelback keep on rockin! Expand
  13. BrittanyD
    Aug 20, 2009
    To all of the haters: They "sound like creed", "they're nothing like def leppard", or my favorite "sound the exact same" are some of your petty remarks. All I have to do is smile and think when you're in the car and you hear "rockstar" for the millionth time on the radio because so many people have requested it that you can't help but sing those lyrics-don't deny it. To all of the haters: They "sound like creed", "they're nothing like def leppard", or my favorite "sound the exact same" are some of your petty remarks. All I have to do is smile and think when you're in the car and you hear "rockstar" for the millionth time on the radio because so many people have requested it that you can't help but sing those lyrics-don't deny it. So please, try to comment harshly on Nickelback, because I'm sure your album hasn't sold as many as theirs. Expand
  14. TreyN
    Sep 1, 2009
    Another entourage of haters dissing a mainstream artist. I mean really, this album heralded hit after hit, and the only reason people dis it is because they are trying to find existentialism in their last doobie and Bob Dylan record that you have to be high to enjoy!!! Now granted, it is a tad poppy, but it has good tracks on it, but for some people, if it is not a band with hardcore Another entourage of haters dissing a mainstream artist. I mean really, this album heralded hit after hit, and the only reason people dis it is because they are trying to find existentialism in their last doobie and Bob Dylan record that you have to be high to enjoy!!! Now granted, it is a tad poppy, but it has good tracks on it, but for some people, if it is not a band with hardcore metal guitars and a pitbul barking as the vocalist, it is not meaningful music. It amazes me that people listen to this album and really went out of their way to trash it! I bet they all secretly hum tunes from it when they are alone and don't have any friends there to point and laugh at them. If people could truly become individuals and appreciate things for what they are, rather than hate anything the radio plays and praise artists that do not get any radio play. Expand
  15. MarieF
    Nov 25, 2005
    Can I give it higher than 10? I love it, but then, I like kick-ass rock! I think each album is better & better! I'm always looking forward to the next CD! I can't believe the negative comments made on this site. Guess they don't hear what I do. Keep making music NIckelback because there are plenty of fans like me!!!!!
  16. AlleleK
    Nov 28, 2005
    To those who would "sh*t sandwich"-review Chad and Co.'s latest effort, I say pox on y'all. I place a pox as well on anyone who would vote Chad the fugliest frontman. I SO do not get that. No, really; you're dingleberries, the lot of you. I upapologetically love this CD and am going on my thousandth listen. You hateraters are just plain ickypoopie! And, no; I do not listen To those who would "sh*t sandwich"-review Chad and Co.'s latest effort, I say pox on y'all. I place a pox as well on anyone who would vote Chad the fugliest frontman. I SO do not get that. No, really; you're dingleberries, the lot of you. I upapologetically love this CD and am going on my thousandth listen. You hateraters are just plain ickypoopie! And, no; I do not listen to "kwap" tuneage. I just saw James Blunt in San Diego. Nevermind the naysayazz: Nickelback is laughing all the way to the dime bank. Please come back and rock Allentown again soon, Nickelbackers! Expand
  17. SeanM
    Nov 6, 2005
    This album rocks, it combines the Beatles pop sensiblity with a touch of the raw power of Westenberg's Replacements. Although some tracks were a tad on the slow side, this album for the most part rocks hard and without forgiveness. I was kind of disappointed that it took Nickelback so long to release this, "Middle of the Road" is getting tired of being in the CD player.
  18. OnCrack
    Dec 15, 2005
    You guys are all crazy, this rivals Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti, anything less than a 10 is illegal in my opinion.
  19. DanH
    Oct 27, 2005
    all around great
  20. CraigD
    Oct 31, 2006
    This album is one of the best to come out in 2005 and just because Chad can right some great songs like Savin' me and Rockstar all you other supposed rock lovers are jelous. His songs have a better meanings than any other atrist I know and anything he writes he means and it shows his talents by the fact he can pen down his life in songs and sing them with great effects
  21. Chad
    Feb 14, 2006
    Nickelback what can you say the song Far Away is awesome and the Photograph was just perfect to start off promoting the album. The only thing I didn't like is when they were promoting it on the plane flight from east coast to west coast they didn't play much from the new album and that Seemed wieird but they still are the best. and I also loved rockstar song it's a tag off Nickelback what can you say the song Far Away is awesome and the Photograph was just perfect to start off promoting the album. The only thing I didn't like is when they were promoting it on the plane flight from east coast to west coast they didn't play much from the new album and that Seemed wieird but they still are the best. and I also loved rockstar song it's a tag off from see you at the show but still was a bit funny. Expand
  22. ChrisP
    Jul 16, 2006
    The only reason some people dont like this kind of music is cause its not gay and emo enough for them..its cool shit and is making Nickelback a lot of money so they must be doing something right
  23. JordanH.
    Dec 12, 2007
    I don't know why Nickelback are criticized so much. They are one of the best bands of the decade! This album is their best creation yet! They just get better and better with each release. We need music like this to defeat the bland cop-killing non-singing generation of hip-hop and rap. Throw away the guns, pick up this album, and be amazed.
  24. emmas
    Jan 31, 2007
    two words simpley. awsome.
  25. PhebeS
    Mar 23, 2007
    I love their sound. I love their lyrics. Critics won't change my mind about that. They are rock n roll. The ballads are beautiful.
  26. RyanF
    Apr 23, 2007
    Killer album these guys wail most the songs where all right acouple weren't as good, tell you this they kick ass live
  27. RamzeezeB
    Jul 19, 2007
    I don't know what other people are thinking but this album is amazing.
  28. ChrisS.
    Feb 5, 2008
    I hate all people who dislike and critize Nickelback. their music is brilliant. no its outstanding and out of this world rock'n'roll. i have listened to that album a countless number of times and i still cannot get enough of it (all the right reasons) each song sounds better and better. so listen Nickelback haters, i reckon that you are just jealous that because they are so much I hate all people who dislike and critize Nickelback. their music is brilliant. no its outstanding and out of this world rock'n'roll. i have listened to that album a countless number of times and i still cannot get enough of it (all the right reasons) each song sounds better and better. so listen Nickelback haters, i reckon that you are just jealous that because they are so much better than your rap shit and cant except it. notice that they actually have number ones and that they actually play music and not speak into a microphone so fast yuo cant understand a bloody word that they say just like rap. Well, my point is Nickelback are BLOODY FANTASTIC. I hope they keep the good stuff coming and that they don't take your crap seriously. People say that their music sounds the same, but if you bother to actually listen to it, it doesn't; some of it sounds similar but then it would thats the whole point in a group that their music is similar because that is their sound. Expand
  29. ZachM.
    Nov 10, 2005
    How can you people actually give this album a zero and try to justify your reasons. This is a great album. Ive always been a Nickleback fan and this is another great album from them. I am in the band at my university and Nickleback is a very musically talented band when it comes to dynamics, decrescendos, and crescendos. I love the emotion the song Photograph trigers in me thinking of my How can you people actually give this album a zero and try to justify your reasons. This is a great album. Ive always been a Nickleback fan and this is another great album from them. I am in the band at my university and Nickleback is a very musically talented band when it comes to dynamics, decrescendos, and crescendos. I love the emotion the song Photograph trigers in me thinking of my great high school years Expand
  30. MichaelH
    Nov 14, 2005
    For all those giving this CD a 0/1 why don't you keep you're opinion to your self if you aren't a fan of cop rock. I keep Nickelback with my favorites along with Stained, Deep Forest, Creed, Live, Jonny Cash, and Linkin Park. If you are not a fan of the genre don't f-ing vote
  31. Kat
    Nov 14, 2005
    This is a great CD that the guys put out. I never get tired of listening to it. Its the hardest sounding out that they have put out yet. I love it.
  32. MariaF
    Nov 21, 2005
    NICKELBACK ROCKS!!! This album is right up there amongs the best of the year!!!
  33. MarifeNanda
    Nov 21, 2005
    Nickelback prodecude the goods once more!!!!
  34. zachs
    Dec 17, 2005
    How can people say this album sucks. This is hard core rock meets the soft beet of country. If you are a true nickelback fan you will love this cd its great. Or thats my take on it.
  35. BenG
    Oct 26, 2005
    Nickelback has taught me a huge amount music & fashion. I take a lot of inspiration from somebody who can have that kind of effect onf the music I play and the clothes I wear. For me, Nickelback is my hero... a true genius
  36. seanb
    Oct 28, 2005
    this is the only album i have bought this year i can just play it the whole way through! "far away" is awesome! i love this album. 10/10
  37. ludas
    Oct 29, 2005
    great album
  38. Keaton
    Oct 29, 2005
    Honestly, people, are you really that retarded? To give this a 0 means that it has no musical merit whatsoever, which is certainly not the case; even a music teacher, band director, or classical musical composer could tell you that. Just because it doesn't vary with time signatures like Tool or Meshuggah doesn't give you a right to bash it. You are Nickelback haters through and Honestly, people, are you really that retarded? To give this a 0 means that it has no musical merit whatsoever, which is certainly not the case; even a music teacher, band director, or classical musical composer could tell you that. Just because it doesn't vary with time signatures like Tool or Meshuggah doesn't give you a right to bash it. You are Nickelback haters through and through and will continue to be until you die. With that said, this is the best Nickelback album to date. Highlights include Follow You Home, Photograph, Animals, Far Away, If Everyone Cared, Rockstar. Expand
  39. john
    Apr 14, 2006
    how refreshing to hear these boys rocking on this new album, ATRR. something for everyone on this album. i'm tired of these whiney bands with their wimpy lead singers with the quivering voices. Nickelback is great and they know it. keep rocking Nickelback, record the albums and we will buy and listen!!!!!
  40. JJN
    Jun 15, 2007
    good job its totally true
  41. JamesG.
    Aug 16, 2007
    You people are all on crack!!!!!! Awsome kick ass rock!!!!!! Go listen to your boring ass DMB.
  42. taylorb
    Nov 11, 2005
    it kicks ass
  43. darylg
    Nov 18, 2005
    how is it they have sold millions of albums and u dipsticks r still sayin nickelback r crap ?????????
  44. LuisD
    Nov 21, 2005
    Good album, really enjoy it!!!
  45. MariaD
    Nov 21, 2005
    Nickelback rocks no matter what you all say!!!
  46. AndrewC
    Nov 21, 2005
    My favourtie album of the year so far, next to Mesmerize by System of a down.
  47. Dawnw
    Dec 26, 2005
    The best rock I've heard in over 20 years
  48. Mar 23, 2012
    Although their best album is (and will most likely always be) "Silver SIde Up" this is a VERY close second. Every song is memorable, catchy and rewards during repeat listens. Nickelback hit the perfect formula here and haven't been to match it since.
  49. Mar 13, 2012
    It is a great album, with great singles and songs. I think the users that don't like this or any other album, song or record doesn't enjoy post- grunge
  50. Feb 29, 2012
    best rock album i have ever heard in my life,great energy,loving the new drums cause i didn't like the drummer they had before, follow you home is a great way to kick off any amazing album, love the ballads too (photograph, savin me, if everyone cared) just an outstanding album
  51. Jun 19, 2012
    Truly the last exceptional Nickelback album. I'm kind of on the NB hate bandwagon due to their recent releases. This album is exceptionally heavy and even includes a solo from the legendary Dimebag Darrell (RIP). Here and Now was okay, but it was NOTHING compared to this and Silver Side Up. It's sad that a once great modern rock band has turned to **** with things like auto-tune andTruly the last exceptional Nickelback album. I'm kind of on the NB hate bandwagon due to their recent releases. This album is exceptionally heavy and even includes a solo from the legendary Dimebag Darrell (RIP). Here and Now was okay, but it was NOTHING compared to this and Silver Side Up. It's sad that a once great modern rock band has turned to **** with things like auto-tune and synthesized guitars. As I said, this is the LAST exceptional release by a now-pitiful band. Expand
  52. Apr 8, 2020
    I just came here to add 10 scores cause i think they are so underrated and this album especially underrated
  53. SherylJ
    Oct 31, 2005
    This album is really enjoyable. I am a 30 something mother of 3 young children and this music is very much enjoyable to listen to. Even my children like it. Their is only one or two songs that are not appealing to me but the rest are awesome.
  54. Lee
    Jan 5, 2006
    I bought the CD after hearings "Animals" on the radio and I couldnt be happier. My fear was that, once again, I would purchase a CD with only one decent song on it. I'm happy to say that I can once again throw the cd in and completely disregard the seek button. I'm impressed with the entire album. Excellent work as usual....
  55. AntonF
    Mar 12, 2009
    This is a great album. The songs Nickelback write are amazingly catchy, powerful and well arranged/produced. And try to find a modern rock band that sounds better than Nickelback does live. The songs are just as tight and heavy as they are on the albums. The vocals are pretty much perfect. They sound just like on the album, only more powerful and energetic. Nickelback really knows how to This is a great album. The songs Nickelback write are amazingly catchy, powerful and well arranged/produced. And try to find a modern rock band that sounds better than Nickelback does live. The songs are just as tight and heavy as they are on the albums. The vocals are pretty much perfect. They sound just like on the album, only more powerful and energetic. Nickelback really knows how to write songs that please their fans AND theirselves. They love their own music just as much as the fans. Amazing muscicians. Amazing songwriting. Sure, the lyrics are pretty much crap, but they are definitely not serious. Actually, they're pretty funny. To me, anyway. Anyway, the music is what counts when it comes to Nickelback. You don't have to love, or even like their music. You just have to know, they are truly talented. I am a successful muscician myself, and I really mean this. Take care /anton. Expand
  56. heroh
    Nov 7, 2005
    Greast ablum great songs
  57. JoeBob
    Oct 27, 2005
    clearly the people that gave this a album a zero dont know anything about music and must not have listened to this record, it was the best thing iv herd from nickleback so far and one of the best albums all year.
  58. BobT
    Oct 29, 2005
    Never been much of a fan of this band - I hate screamers - but after watching Much Music's Nickelback: Coast to Coast, I thought I would give them a listen - and I've found the CD quite enjoyable. Critics criticize while the rest of us enjoy.
  59. ClaireH
    Jan 22, 2006
    I absolutely loved this album, especially "Savin' me" and "Rockstar". it's brilliant!
  60. FunkyMonkey22
    Jan 25, 2006
    This song is awesome!!! The message behind it is so true and everyone can relate. If you listen to this song once, it will be stuck in your head for days.
  61. Jon
    May 6, 2007
    nickelback is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! this is one of their better CD's
  62. Mark
    Oct 3, 2008
    I find it interesting that whenever a band puts together meaningful lyrics and meaningful topics it gets skewered by critics. I suppose critics are paid to find something new and different, and if the band has a style that their fans like and stick to it, critics move on. These guys are not doing anything new, and they don't apologize for it. Their music has some significant morals I find it interesting that whenever a band puts together meaningful lyrics and meaningful topics it gets skewered by critics. I suppose critics are paid to find something new and different, and if the band has a style that their fans like and stick to it, critics move on. These guys are not doing anything new, and they don't apologize for it. Their music has some significant morals and motives, and they are a ton of fun. I put them in the Creed and 3 Doors Down category. I hope next album they get a bit more edge back, but overall I love these guys. Expand
  63. ChristophB.
    May 20, 2008
    To the negative critics of this band and album: take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves what you have done with your lives so far. And spare me the cliched responses. Wishing you all the success with your small and pathetic existinces critcising other peoples' work and success. Still its easier than doing something yourself. Bon Chance ! Christoph
  64. ColinB
    Oct 26, 2005
    Why is this album getting such bad reviews????? I thought it was fantastic! All u other guys just don't appreciate it!
  65. SusanneH
    Oct 27, 2005
    Great album, the best one I think.
  66. DjDave
    Dec 12, 2005
    I'm "SHOCKED" this cd got such a low rating, personally I phucking Loved it and think it rocks! Go figure, eh... To each their own...
  67. Jan 14, 2015
    I don´t know why exist so much hate on this album! Just listen, It´s AWESOME! For me, the best tracks of the album are Photograph, Savin me and Far Away!
  68. SuleimanM.
    Jan 4, 2009
    A 41 eh? I guess we should keep giving albums like the Carter III an 82, because that's talent right? Pathetic. Great Album.
  69. danielp
    Oct 26, 2005
    I feel the need to come out in support of this album...i think peopel are looking for the answer to the worlds problems on CD, when really music should be about havin' a darn good time. This album has maximum attitude and will get under your skin within one listen.
  70. ChrisM.
    May 20, 2008
    Really guys. This is the first album of theirs I have bought and its great. Unapologetic rock. Cliched yes. But isn't that the point ? For all the naysayers out there who seem to be hell bent on knocking these guys: WHY DONT YOU GO AND DO SOMETHING YOURSELVES INSTEAD OF MAKING A CAREER OF KNOCKING OTHERS EFFORTS ? WOULD LOVE TO SEE AND HEAR THAT !! One Life and these lads are living Really guys. This is the first album of theirs I have bought and its great. Unapologetic rock. Cliched yes. But isn't that the point ? For all the naysayers out there who seem to be hell bent on knocking these guys: WHY DONT YOU GO AND DO SOMETHING YOURSELVES INSTEAD OF MAKING A CAREER OF KNOCKING OTHERS EFFORTS ? WOULD LOVE TO SEE AND HEAR THAT !! One Life and these lads are living it (unlike you you negative bastards). Keep me posted. Expand
  71. JonathanQ.
    Jul 25, 2008
    To start with let me lay out the obvious: This album is forumulaic, cliché and fairly repetetive. In spite of this Nickelback have seemed to have produced, possibly unwillingly, a genuinley fun hard rock record. With the obvious made-to-be-a-single Rockstar to the obligitary ballad, If Nobody Died, this album never suprises but never fails to entertain. With some great riffing and To start with let me lay out the obvious: This album is forumulaic, cliché and fairly repetetive. In spite of this Nickelback have seemed to have produced, possibly unwillingly, a genuinley fun hard rock record. With the obvious made-to-be-a-single Rockstar to the obligitary ballad, If Nobody Died, this album never suprises but never fails to entertain. With some great riffing and semi-witty lyrics this has great listen again value and some superb sing-alongability. Expand
  72. FrancoisB.
    Jul 31, 2008
    I am proud to say Nickelback make good, solid and enjoyable rock music that grows on you. I don't care what the low-scoring lamers say, you cannot recognize music when you hear it. Probably like RAVE and DANCE music don't you? What a sad case.
  73. GregH
    Dec 29, 2005
    OK. It may not be the best album they've released, but why such low ratings? If anything the album deserves some respect for their tribute to Dimebag Darrell (that's his solo on "Side of Bullet", by the way). It may not be as charged as some of their earlier albums, but that's a product of their shift directly into the mainstream. Bottom line: give the album a listen-it may OK. It may not be the best album they've released, but why such low ratings? If anything the album deserves some respect for their tribute to Dimebag Darrell (that's his solo on "Side of Bullet", by the way). It may not be as charged as some of their earlier albums, but that's a product of their shift directly into the mainstream. Bottom line: give the album a listen-it may shock you. To each his own. Collapse
  74. Mar 7, 2011
    One of there best albums, it does have one or two lame songs, but this is still an album I recommend if you like rock or are a fan of the band, a great CD.
  75. Dec 16, 2012
    dear haters, if ur not **** nickelback fans then dont review their album you knobs! obviously not everyone can like a certain band, but if u dont like them then dont spew **** about them on a page for fans
  76. Juc@
    Jun 29, 2006
    I thinkNickelback made better albums before, but I also think that it isn't the worst I've ever heard. I hope the ones who say it's boring and unoriginal, and shit have ever listened to this album, and know what they wrote down. But it isn't the worst album of 2005.
  77. DaneB
    Oct 30, 2005
    Far and away the best mix overall of music Nickelback have ever produced.On albums such as this from big bands I ten to look for one or two real cracking songs. I didnt have to look far past the beautifully reminisant PHOTOGRAPH and the soon to be smash hit FAR AWAY These two songs alone pull nickelback away from the stricktly HEAVY METAL tag Great Album
  78. FlorenceC
    Nov 8, 2006
    Nickelback is an awesome band and I've been around long enough to know the difference. I grew up in the Beastles/Led Zepplin/Aerosmith era and I know great music when I hear it. Chad has one of the best voices ever in Rock. I like to classify them as groovy rock instead of post-grunge. There are millions of us Nickelback fans and all of you so called music critics are jealous hypocrites.
  79. marksman_d9k
    Oct 19, 2007
    Quite good. I don't see any particular problems except some songs are almost the same as others. Anyway, i'd personally liked "Savin' Me" and "Rockstar" - they're quite successful. However, i've got bored after listening the whole CD.
  80. SeanyM.
    Jan 4, 2008
    I seriously don't get all the hate towards this band. Ok, they're all douches. But that has nothing to do with the music, and i personally love this album. There are a few weak tracks (mainly the slower ones - Savin' Me, Far Away, and maybe Photograph and Rockstar for being so damn cliche) but other than them, this album is great. Follow You Home is awesome, Animals is pure I seriously don't get all the hate towards this band. Ok, they're all douches. But that has nothing to do with the music, and i personally love this album. There are a few weak tracks (mainly the slower ones - Savin' Me, Far Away, and maybe Photograph and Rockstar for being so damn cliche) but other than them, this album is great. Follow You Home is awesome, Animals is pure rocking, Next Contestant is menacing and Someone That You're With is just a great rock tune. Most people just hate Nickelback because it's cool to hate them these days. Way to jump on the bandwagon everybody. Expand
  81. NatP
    Nov 20, 2005
    This album isn't the best nickelback album...but I just can't get enough of "Far Away". I love that song! He just sounds so vulnerable in that song and it shows the vocals that Chad Kroeger is capable of.
  82. GavinH
    Nov 23, 2005
    I accept Nickelback for what they are, and once you do that you can allow yourself this guilty pleasure. There are some great straight ahead rock tunes on the album, and Chad Kroger never said he wanted to re-invent the wheel. Want some kick-ass rock? Pick up the album, if you want something more "meaningful"....listen to "OK Computer"
  83. Dec 17, 2013
    Feelings are so intense this album and I do not know if rate it with 7 for his good songs or a 4 because it is a very strong project that overshadows me, but I decide to give it the best because it shows the feelings of any person even expressed equally throughout the album. Nickelback is a band that has music for a long time and you will attract more fans despite its bad reviews.Feelings are so intense this album and I do not know if rate it with 7 for his good songs or a 4 because it is a very strong project that overshadows me, but I decide to give it the best because it shows the feelings of any person even expressed equally throughout the album. Nickelback is a band that has music for a long time and you will attract more fans despite its bad reviews.

    excellent album with songs like Animals, Photograph, Far Away, Side In A Bullet & Rockstar
  84. Mar 26, 2021
    There are a few songs that are kind of junk, but the songs "savin' me", "side of a bullet", and "photograph" are all good, well made, meaningful songs
  85. MikeK
    Nov 28, 2005
    Chad and Co., If you want to score a higher rating from "The New York Times" (or other such elitists), you´d do well to include a backing string section next time around.
  86. NickR
    Nov 16, 2005
    Sorry man but you lose your credibility when you make reference to that fact that your favourites include Linkin Park and Staind. This isn't a bad album but it certainly doesn't break any new ground
  87. Aug 24, 2011
    Nickelback start feeling like a typical rock band that you heard before, almost all the songs feels the same, no strong emotions. I think he just did it for the money.
  88. Jun 15, 2013
    Definitely not their best album but listenable at best. They really don't help themselves with "Rockstar" when it comes to repelling haters. If you're going to stop people from mocking you, don't do a song that's intended to mock yourself so you can show a less serious side to your band. The meaningful lyrics give the listener some interest in the album but "Follow You Home" and "Side of aDefinitely not their best album but listenable at best. They really don't help themselves with "Rockstar" when it comes to repelling haters. If you're going to stop people from mocking you, don't do a song that's intended to mock yourself so you can show a less serious side to your band. The meaningful lyrics give the listener some interest in the album but "Follow You Home" and "Side of a Bullet" being put on the same album as "Photograph" and "If Everyone Cared" kind of ruins their attempt at mixing pop rock and heavy rock together. Doesn't sound right Expand
  89. BostonCanuck
    Oct 26, 2005
    Eh, I mean if you except them for what they are, this is not bad. I mean it is the same song/formula but at least it still rocks. Was anyone really expecting "Dark Side of The Moon"?
  90. AnthonyV
    Jan 30, 2006
    If this were an emo album, the critics would have given this album five stars. It's every bit as pop as Jimmy Eat World or Fall Our Plan or Get Up Theory or Juliana Plan or yes I know what their real names are thank you, and ten years after EMO dies too, they'll all be right there in the bargain bin with Nickelback and the other "grunnnge!" bands. Let's quit kidding If this were an emo album, the critics would have given this album five stars. It's every bit as pop as Jimmy Eat World or Fall Our Plan or Get Up Theory or Juliana Plan or yes I know what their real names are thank you, and ten years after EMO dies too, they'll all be right there in the bargain bin with Nickelback and the other "grunnnge!" bands. Let's quit kidding ourselves, people. Nickelback is POP. Middle of the road pop. So are all the emo bands I mentioned. The only thing separating this from the current flavor of the week is that Nickelback sings their songs instead of WHINING THEM. Other than that, same chords, same structure, same instruments, same everything. The band members just don't look as good wearing thick glasses and black hair. Expand
  91. johnybravo
    Jan 3, 2006
    this album is ok. nothing special. it lacks balls, im not convinced with its manly butch sound, and neither is their public by the looks of things. production is almost perfect as usual, shame about the lack lustre songs. only as good as your last album lads...
  92. JakobL.
    Feb 4, 2008
    Bah. In response to some people here. Just because a band has sold a lot, doesn't mean they're good does it?? Avril Lavigne has sold more of her second album than this, but would you say she was better? I doubt it. The whole thing is just a hard rock cliche, the same formula re-used over and over again , and i guarantee you their next album will be the same. I have given it 4 Bah. In response to some people here. Just because a band has sold a lot, doesn't mean they're good does it?? Avril Lavigne has sold more of her second album than this, but would you say she was better? I doubt it. The whole thing is just a hard rock cliche, the same formula re-used over and over again , and i guarantee you their next album will be the same. I have given it 4 because it's not the worst album i have ever heard by a long shot. Being cliched and boring is better than being tortured by something by, say, Coldplay. If you want true, uplifting music to be inspired by, listen to Radiohead, the Beatles, etc. THAT is rock music. Expand
  93. ChadKroger
    Nov 22, 2005
    I am the lead singer of Nickelback, and I think this album is okay. We didn't really try very hard. We just sat around and recorded the angst in our hearts, and tried to make it sound like we were Nirvana or the Offspring. I really don't think we could do much better. We aren't all that great, like everyone is saying. If you want to skip having to hear the album, you can I am the lead singer of Nickelback, and I think this album is okay. We didn't really try very hard. We just sat around and recorded the angst in our hearts, and tried to make it sound like we were Nirvana or the Offspring. I really don't think we could do much better. We aren't all that great, like everyone is saying. If you want to skip having to hear the album, you can just send me the money directly. Thanks for your money. Expand
  94. ZoddM
    Nov 17, 2005
    I may never really know how awful this album or its singles are since I race to change the channel or radio station everytime I hear the words "look at this photograph...". Not as horrible as Sean Paul, so for the benefit of the doubt, I award a 4.
  95. Aug 6, 2015
    This album is so frustrating every song is about the same thing and every song follows the same beat and rhythm. a true example of lazy songwriting!!!!
  96. finul.
    Dec 20, 2008
    Generic arena-rock ("Animals," "Follow You Home") with the occasional decent but unexceptional ballad ("If Everyone Cared"). Pick up a couple Pearl Jam or Nirvana records instead.
  97. Justin
    Mar 26, 2007
    The catchy music licks can't make up for the lead singer's repulsive voice nor, more importantly, his childish lyrics. I only liked one song on this album.
  98. UriN.
    Dec 2, 2005
    You either give it a ten and scream nonsensically about how the critics are idiots, give it a zero and scream nonsensically about how that last group of people are idiots, or have a brain cell in your head not overcome by THC or alcohol. It had a good song or two, but it needs more, and something stellar to be a good album.
  99. Feb 10, 2011
    Despite their new drummer, the album doesn't have any huge difference from their previous release The Long Road. Rather than start this album from where The Long Road left off, it pretty much makes a duplicate. The songs don't really have any distinctive quality, either. Often you get the feeling that this band is just plain derivative, instead of adding their own twist to things.

    Despite their new drummer, the album doesn't have any huge difference from their previous release The Long Road. Rather than start this album from where The Long Road left off, it pretty much makes a duplicate. The songs don't really have any distinctive quality, either. Often you get the feeling that this band is just plain derivative, instead of adding their own twist to things.

    The songwriting here is nothing special. The rhyming includes "photograph" and "laugh", "cared" and "shared", "lied" and "cried", "rockstar" and "car", among other things. Why didn't these guys just spend a little bit of their time with a rhyming dictionary for better ideas? Instrumentals are quite unimpressive, even with a drummer who proved himself talented in 3 Doors Down. It also seems like cliche is the middle name of all of the Nickelback members.

    In the end it seems All The Right Reasons was made for all the wrong ones. Which is a shame, because some of the lyrics are actually quite meaningful. It's just that their badly written and boring. Overall, skip this one and look harder for the rare good modern hard rock band.
  100. Segageek
    Jan 4, 2006
    Ok i have listened to the first 4 nickelband albums and they were good. So i thought id give this album a try and how i regret it so. First off everyone needs to relize one thing. CHAD CANT SING! Honestly and Photogragh sounded like a warped version of someday. There is not even one song on this album that stands out. Even the bands chad krouger helps have made better albums then his band Ok i have listened to the first 4 nickelband albums and they were good. So i thought id give this album a try and how i regret it so. First off everyone needs to relize one thing. CHAD CANT SING! Honestly and Photogragh sounded like a warped version of someday. There is not even one song on this album that stands out. Even the bands chad krouger helps have made better albums then his band this year. Aka Default, Theory Of A Dead man. Way better albums. I dont see a reason how these guys are still around a complete and utterly bland album. Check Out the new Default Album it's 10X better then this pos of an album Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. Despite all their newly developed relative nuances, Nickelback remain unchanged: they're still unspeakably awful.
  2. Billboard
    Less polish and more attitude are welcome changes that fire up the rock numbers and give them more snap. [8 Oct 2005]
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    They're exploring a richer, more diverse sound. [28 Oct 2005, p.84]