• Record Label: Reprise
  • Release Date: Sep 21, 2004
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Universal acclaim- based on 841 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 50 out of 841

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  1. TimK
    Nov 18, 2004
    It is amazing it is the best song of Green Day I have ever heard. I can even play it on my electric guitar!
  2. CarlW
    Nov 19, 2004
    this album rocks
  3. ChrisP
    Oct 16, 2004
    Green Day's greatest album! I listened to it once and fell in love right away!
  4. Sarah
    Dec 11, 2004
    Absolutely the best cd that green day has come up with in a very long time. The tracks are much more mature, have depth, but still manage to be catchy and fun to listen to. Awesome, Awesome CD, it's on repeat in my stereo...
  5. clarisac
    Dec 30, 2004
    this cd rockes so hard i luv it!!!!!!
  6. harryb
    Dec 5, 2004
    the american idiot album is definetly only second best to dookie, which isnt a bad thing, surprisingly, the worst song is american idiot, which is still a great song, the best by far is boulevard of broken dreams, the second solo probably the greatest solo they have ever done, properair guitar stuff. Wake me up when september ends shows how great they are, taking a slow song and making it the american idiot album is definetly only second best to dookie, which isnt a bad thing, surprisingly, the worst song is american idiot, which is still a great song, the best by far is boulevard of broken dreams, the second solo probably the greatest solo they have ever done, properair guitar stuff. Wake me up when september ends shows how great they are, taking a slow song and making it heavy, the 9 minute song homecoming providing a geat conclusion to a great album and the final song whatsername creating somewhat of an epilogue and the other stories in the songs giving you a reason, if any to listen to this, greenday fans will get it anyway but this album will be remembered as one of rocks greats, as a greenday album it is 2nd best, as a music album it is the best stuff they have ever done Expand
  7. JasonS
    Oct 27, 2004
    Easily the best album of the year - I cant' stop listening to it. You can really hear the emotion in Billie Joe's voice, the desperation of the characters.
  8. BrandonE
    Sep 21, 2004
    I have been a fan for years...and with this new album is a reason for me to love their music even more...Flawless work..A+
  9. Holly
    Sep 27, 2004
    3 words- Green Day Rox!!!!! Truly the best cd i've heard in my life!
  10. gfhfghfhgfhf
    Nov 28, 2005
    awesome cd...very mature themes..green day has grown up!!!
  11. greendayfreakjelato
    Nov 4, 2005
    THE best band, THE best album, would travel the world 2 see green day!! they ROK!!! the american idiot is ma life saver. green day rules
  12. RJBabcock
    Jan 14, 2005
    Punk will never be the same. American Idiot changes everything. You will now have to say something and sound good doing it. A masterpiece!
  13. ScottC
    Jan 15, 2005
    Absolutely the best rock album of this decade bar none. I've always liked Green Day but I must admit I would never have guessed that they were capable of such an ambitious effort. They've packed an entire career worth of unbelieveably kick ass hooks into one album.
  14. RudyRules
    Dec 11, 2005
    The best pop punk album yet.
  15. theyrock
    Dec 12, 2005
    this album rules.
  16. GreendayRocks
    Dec 23, 2005
    I'd personally take on anyone who say's greenday is boring or annoying. This album is easily their 1st to 3rd best album. Every song has it's own brilliance. Also this album is very political. From boulevard of broken dreams to american idiot to jesus of suberbia this album stoops nowhere below brilliance. Two words 'Get IT'!
  17. Paula
    Jan 23, 2005
    Green Day rock and they prove that their new stuff is just as good as their older stuff with the American idiot album
  18. SergioM
    Jan 23, 2005
    The sort of album that a 30-something and a teenager can both rave about... What a wonderful album! I got chills listening to it - timeliness and urgency make it an album for the ages á la Pink Floyd's The Wall and The Beatle's St. Peppers.
  19. Jake
    Dec 31, 2005
    An absolute masterpiece.
  20. bobb
    Mar 22, 2005
    is this the greatest album of all time, it might just be. awesome
  21. BradS
    Apr 19, 2005
    Best rock album I've heard in years. I'm a 50+ year old rock fan who has started to listed to opera because it has the passion that rock lacks today. American Idiot has me believing that there's still some life left in rock and roll.
  22. mICKEYjohn
    Apr 24, 2005
  23. RMEr
    May 14, 2005
  24. billiejoearmstrong
    Jun 16, 2005
    it is the best and anyone who doesn't like Green day are stupid and its the best thing that has com out since slice cheese
  25. Max
    Jun 16, 2005
    this album is great, it has its typical green day pop punk tunes of course. the ones we've come to love this band for (American Idiot, Boulevared of Broken Dreams) then it has its mellower more introspective tunes (are we the waiting, give me novacaine, wake me up when september ends) and of course some by the numbers punk (st jimmy, she's a rebel, whatsername) there is also this album is great, it has its typical green day pop punk tunes of course. the ones we've come to love this band for (American Idiot, Boulevared of Broken Dreams) then it has its mellower more introspective tunes (are we the waiting, give me novacaine, wake me up when september ends) and of course some by the numbers punk (st jimmy, she's a rebel, whatsername) there is also several songs so great that they easily eclipse anything other pop punk bands have done, propelling this band so far above the competition that their peers are barely relevant. the must hear tracks on this albums are "Holiday", "Jesus of Suburbia", "Homecoming" and "Letterbomb" Expand
  26. edelc
    Jul 13, 2005
    i've never bought a greenday album before like many people who bought American Idiot. My tastes are varying. my favourite band is Queen. I really do like this album. It's got some gorgeous melodies (when september ends) and the second song on the album is like a musical all in itself. i dont care if this band is 'supposed' to be punk or whatever. there shouldn't i've never bought a greenday album before like many people who bought American Idiot. My tastes are varying. my favourite band is Queen. I really do like this album. It's got some gorgeous melodies (when september ends) and the second song on the album is like a musical all in itself. i dont care if this band is 'supposed' to be punk or whatever. there shouldn't be boundaries with music. that's immature. I just know that this is good music. Full stop. Expand
  27. WillO
    Sep 25, 2005
    One of the best rock albums of all time.
  28. kockmunchy
    Jan 18, 2006
    Fuck yeah! Green Day is da SHIT!!!
  29. AshD
    Jan 22, 2006
    I've never been into punk music but when I heard 'Boulevard of Broken dreams', I was just drawn in so much by Green Day. I love this album and all the songs sound completely different from eachother and are so unique that you will love every single song off it for different reasons. Definitely the best album of the year.
  30. MichaelS
    Mar 11, 2006
  31. HannahF
    Aug 14, 2006
    One of the best records of all time.
  32. earl
    Nov 18, 2004
  33. TomM
    Nov 21, 2004
    Awesomely deep album, must be listened to as a piece. The lyrics actaully mean something, telling a great, and whatsmore, relevent story.
  34. JakeM
    Nov 26, 2004
    Just as good as Dookie if not better, A true Masterpiece from Green Day
  35. ashcheesepie
    Nov 26, 2004
    i adore this album. it's just fucking super. it's important for long time green day fans to let go of dookie, i mean christ, listen to this! they're so much more than dookie. what sets this album apart is what holds the album together: the songs can be listened to holistically which creates a definitive atmosphere of something america (and the world) has lost. but an i adore this album. it's just fucking super. it's important for long time green day fans to let go of dookie, i mean christ, listen to this! they're so much more than dookie. what sets this album apart is what holds the album together: the songs can be listened to holistically which creates a definitive atmosphere of something america (and the world) has lost. but an individual song can also be upheld alone by its own merits. billie joe, i think, has proved himself through and through. Expand
    Dec 28, 2004
    THIS IS THE BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR HANDS DOWN. The music took me to places that i had never been before this Byfar is the ultimate album of the year.I think that for the content of the album they should make a rock opera
  37. killermonkey
    Dec 13, 2005
    this is one of the best punk albums ever when this came out i bought it right away i love green day and always have billie joe armstrong is my idol this cd is awesome and even has a storyline i wouldn't say it's their best cd (dookie is their best) but pretty close and extremely far from their worst anyway be sure to buy this it should be at a store for like 13 dollars anyway this is one of the best punk albums ever when this came out i bought it right away i love green day and always have billie joe armstrong is my idol this cd is awesome and even has a storyline i wouldn't say it's their best cd (dookie is their best) but pretty close and extremely far from their worst anyway be sure to buy this it should be at a store for like 13 dollars anyway i'm out cya Expand
  38. RickH
    Dec 23, 2005
    American Idiot really holds together and strikes a chord with anyone who was raised and conditioned to what we should believe and then later finding out that we nee to follow our own path, both the postive side as well as the destuctive side, in order to become who we really are.
  39. JonG
    Dec 28, 2005
    Honestly i think this is a good album, but. The songs kinda get old after awhile and it gets to the point where you just don't wanna listen to it anymore. But all in all this is a pretty good album, and i suggest if you don't have it to go get it because their always crankin out new hits from the album.
  40. Sep 28, 2010
    Sure, it's an odd thing to review in 2010, but how can you not have your say on this album? My 7/10 is a simple one. I haven't yet, listened to an album that for me, has been over a 7. Such bands as Every Avenue, Asking Alexandria and such all seem to pump out amazing albums, but none over a 7. American Idiot, however, has had a HUGE impact on the way I saw music when it was released. ThisSure, it's an odd thing to review in 2010, but how can you not have your say on this album? My 7/10 is a simple one. I haven't yet, listened to an album that for me, has been over a 7. Such bands as Every Avenue, Asking Alexandria and such all seem to pump out amazing albums, but none over a 7. American Idiot, however, has had a HUGE impact on the way I saw music when it was released. This is why I don't really cringe when people say they used to, or even still, listen to Busted. I'd rather listen to Busted, which I did and sometimes still do, than say...50 Cent?

    American Idiot, however, changed my music style. As soon as i bought it and gave it a good beating, I knew that I was into this genre. At the time, the genre was 'guitars'. Then it branched into Korn, then Linkin Park and before you know it, I'm buying Whisteria Cottage CD's and trying to decide what else to buy.

    The reason I am wittering on about this is because had Green Day released American Idiot this week, in the music position that I am in, I would have given it a straight 9. But because I was 12, and I didn't understand the political subtext, 7 will have to do.
  41. Dec 27, 2010
    Absolutely epic, Green Day gives us an album that deserves to be named one of the best rock albums (if not the best) of the 21'st century first decade. Hilarious rock songs, grandiose epics and power ballads make up a very interesting album in which Billie Joe amstrong shows he is an excellent songwriter, one of the finest to come out of his generation.
  42. May 10, 2011
    Green Day throws off the shackles of punk rock normalcy and blasts out a beautifully constructed rock opera, filled with vision and creativity, and oozing with spectacular lyricism and instrumentals. The best album of the decade.
  43. Jan 4, 2014
    Introduced to this album when I was six years old, I loved it, and got told off for singing the bad words in it. Nine years on, I still listen to the songs in this album. It's definitely one of Green Day's greatest albums made and stands out above their new material.
  44. Mar 31, 2014
    This album, while it may have controversial lyrics, has a lot of soul in the tune, which is why I listen to music. It's got powerful choruses and catchy verses - and some substantial songs, I enjoy that a lot.
  45. Sep 20, 2015
    I enjoyed pretty much every song on this album with an exception which is "Are We the Waiting", that song just kinda annoys me. But overall the album is a 10
  46. Mar 9, 2017
    American Idiot are the best album from Green Day to me, Dookie second.
    It all contain a very serious written song, emotional singing, power beat, and a nice change of pace.
    Maybe it is one of the best album ever made of all time.
  47. Jan 3, 2018
    This album is another great one by Green Day. While not my favorite i really do enjoy this one a lot. The guitar riffs are stuff that you can recognize when you hear them and are also very interesting. The lyrics are can get very deep in points, talking about politics, society issues, and some times even talking about death. this album is really enjoyable to listen to and it gets a 9.5/10
  48. Jan 14, 2019
    This album has to be one of Green Day's best along with Dookie. Every song on this album, besides the title track, is great to amazing. There are definitely several favorites from this album with my personal favorites being Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, St. Jimmy, Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends and Homecoming. Fortunately, the rest of the album is fullThis album has to be one of Green Day's best along with Dookie. Every song on this album, besides the title track, is great to amazing. There are definitely several favorites from this album with my personal favorites being Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, St. Jimmy, Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends and Homecoming. Fortunately, the rest of the album is full of great songs. American Idiot is an amazing album and one of Green Day's best albums! Expand
  49. Sep 4, 2022
    First things first: there's a reason there's a Broadway musical of this album.

    In this album, Billie Joe Armstrong belts out his views of the country while telling the story of the Jesus of Suburbia. Every single song is powerful and meaningful, whether it's a slow ballad like Are We The Waiting, Give Me Novocaine, and Wake Me Up When September Ends, or a fast-paced song like American
    First things first: there's a reason there's a Broadway musical of this album.

    In this album, Billie Joe Armstrong belts out his views of the country while telling the story of the Jesus of Suburbia. Every single song is powerful and meaningful, whether it's a slow ballad like Are We The Waiting, Give Me Novocaine, and Wake Me Up When September Ends, or a fast-paced song like American Idiot, St Jimmy, or Letterbomb, or a full-on rock opera like Jesus of Suburbia or Homecoming.

    Lyrically, this album is perfect, Billie Joe Armstrong's vocals always deliver, and the band sounds incredible behind him. The story and meaning behind this album is second to none, and it's full of songs you can replay over and over again. It's very easily a perfect 10.


    FLAWLESS: Wake Me Up When September Ends
    PERFECT: Jesus Of Suburbia, Homecoming, Boulevard of Broken Dreams
    AMAZING: Holiday, Extraordinary Girl, St Jimmy, Whatsername
    GREAT: American Idiot, She's A Rebel, Letterbomb, Give Me Novocaine, Are We The Waiting
    GOOD: n/a
    OKAY: n/a
    BAD: n/a
    TERRIBLE: n/a
  50. andiev
    Jul 2, 2007
    this album literally rocks. i love his angry lyrics and the way joe picks at political matters, american idiot was the best song on the album, and also holiday, it just makes you wanna snarl at the government and scream, "cafeteria food freakin sucks!!!" okay, well, i was just getting carried away...but anyway, this album kicks ass
  51. MelissaB
    Mar 16, 2008
    It honestly completely changed the way I felt about music. The first album I've ever completely fallen in love with -- it opened so many doors to different bands for me and, almost 4 years on, 'Whatsername' still blows my mind every time I listen.
  52. BarbaraS
    Jul 9, 2009
    They grew up. As musicians and people. That's it.
  53. jackie
    Oct 3, 2006
    billie joe is hot
  54. uber
    Jan 5, 2007
    This is equal to Dookie at least. The concept is well thought out and delivered
  55. ToddH
    Feb 25, 2007
    Awsome album that continues to be amazing even 2 1/2 years later. It will be a classic that will be refered to for many years to come.
  56. ericr
    Feb 3, 2007
    can you say BEST CD EVER!??!
  57. PepS!
    Feb 7, 2007
    One of the best albums ever! I can listen to it over and over again!
  58. mirandas
    Feb 9, 2007
    I love this cd.
  59. maplejet
    May 25, 2007
    Don't get me wrong. This isn't a bad album, but it ain't GD's greatest. Their previous albums are better and should be given a listen. As for GD haters, go listen to you generic Led Zeppelin and be a poser
  60. BernS
    Jul 15, 2007
    I'm normally annoyed by the user votes being averaged out from some people voting 0 and the rest 10, but this is one of my favourite albums ever, so... Apparently it's not punk, but that means nothing to the likes of me. It's all very accessible pop-rock, and just plain pleasant to listen to. It's not often I can say that I love 11 songs out of 13.
  61. GavinB
    Feb 23, 2008
    After listening to this album twice I heard it playing in a second hand clothes store in Camden and found I could sing along to every track. Speaks for itself really. Occasionally cringeworthy lyrics fail to sabotage an incredibly punchy album of hookladen songs delivered with incredible energy.
  62. SMT
    Mar 22, 2008
    Anyone giving this album a 0 should really consider their taste in music. This is by far the best album, the reason they're anti-american is because there are so many problems in America. Not because they're promoting terrorism, music needs some political influence as they need to get out the message to some people who believe the world is perfect. Rock on Green Day, one of the Anyone giving this album a 0 should really consider their taste in music. This is by far the best album, the reason they're anti-american is because there are so many problems in America. Not because they're promoting terrorism, music needs some political influence as they need to get out the message to some people who believe the world is perfect. Rock on Green Day, one of the best albums of all time! Best songs; Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Give Me Novacaine and Wake Me Up When September End. Expand
  63. NourezRl
    May 25, 2008
    Simply Amazing. This is not anti-american, its at worst, anti-commercialist and anti-isolationist. The big theme of the album is feeling isolated in the world around you, not being able to connect and relate with all the people you know. And about the fact that the guitar is simply one or two repeated chords, Green Day is still at it's core a punk band, and the repeated chord Simply Amazing. This is not anti-american, its at worst, anti-commercialist and anti-isolationist. The big theme of the album is feeling isolated in the world around you, not being able to connect and relate with all the people you know. And about the fact that the guitar is simply one or two repeated chords, Green Day is still at it's core a punk band, and the repeated chord structure is a facet of punk music. Even if you go back to bands like Sex Pistols and the Buzzcocks, you'll see the same repetitive structure. Expand
  64. TomP.
    May 5, 2008
    Honestly, I've barely even listened to this album, I just wanted to comment on how Jon C. may just be the most ignorant person to ever listen to a CD.
  65. Joey
    Apr 17, 2009
    OK, this album is great, Green Day's best album, not IMO, almost a fact. The 0 to 3 ratings on this album are made by 1, frustrated American who does not care about the record itself, 2, people who say they are fans, but honestly and obviously, are not (haters), 3, a tip, before you can say anything, listen to it, I mean, listen to the music, not the lyrics, then, listen to the OK, this album is great, Green Day's best album, not IMO, almost a fact. The 0 to 3 ratings on this album are made by 1, frustrated American who does not care about the record itself, 2, people who say they are fans, but honestly and obviously, are not (haters), 3, a tip, before you can say anything, listen to it, I mean, listen to the music, not the lyrics, then, listen to the lyrics. Overall, most of you guys, are all over old punk, seriously, 70's punk, 80's ? It's shit, bad music, I may seem like a hater, but this thing really sounds like... garbage ? No just kidding, it's good, but so is pop punk (Green Day), you're just a freaking hater, you do not know what you're talking about. This album is maybe not a masterpiece, but definitely Green Day's best record, period. Expand
  66. JackS
    May 13, 2009
    All of the people below will regret the zero's you have given this album when, in twenty years time, it becomes one of the most influential albums in rock history.
  67. AndreaP
    Aug 4, 2009
    A well done record, some songs are awesome but one or two aren't so good. Sure one of the best album by Green Day.
  68. SunnyG
    Sep 18, 2006
    Always best and rocking one. Best album
  69. DaveN
    Sep 22, 2006
    This easily the best CD Green Day has released since Dookie.
  70. AaronS
    Jan 1, 2007
    The best Green Day to date! For those of you thinking that this album was written for TRL, you're MISTAKEN! This statement goes to show that you don't understand Green Day's symbolism nor their sarcasm within this alblum. As for their "slower" songs on this album, apperently you aren't much of a Green Day fan. They have made MANY ballads that aren't exactly "punk The best Green Day to date! For those of you thinking that this album was written for TRL, you're MISTAKEN! This statement goes to show that you don't understand Green Day's symbolism nor their sarcasm within this alblum. As for their "slower" songs on this album, apperently you aren't much of a Green Day fan. They have made MANY ballads that aren't exactly "punk rock." Have you not heard "Macy's Day Parade," "Minority," or "Time of Your Life." This album is a statement to the American people that all is not well with this country. We still have oppression, hate, and corruption in this land. Green Day at least has decided to call out the government for this and all those who believe in the policies that continue this way of thinking. Some call them Un-American. Even Wal-Mart has banned this album from their stores for this very same reason. Yet I can't help to think, the America that Green Day sings about sounds more like the America as it should be, a FREE LAND. Not some politicians version, but one that truly allows all of its citizens the same security, freedoms, and oppurtunities that everyone else is allowed. Each song on this album holds a message for us; it's just up to us to decipher it. Green Day wants us to think about whether what our country is doing is in the right or wrong. At times they are blatantly honest (mostly in the form of sarcasm) about what is wrong with this country, in others you must think about what has transpired and why the lyrics really say what they do. For example, "When September Ends" has a deeper meaning than what you think. It's there, you just have to find it! Expand
  71. eskildb
    Mar 19, 2007
    This album is the greatest ever! I mean look at the songs. They are so good. And Tre Cool, is so funny. And Billy is so good and cool.
  72. BenN
    Mar 23, 2007
    I would be an american idiot if i did not like this album
  73. kadek
    Mar 24, 2007
    This album is astonishing! I don't understand how some people can not like it. I have followed Green Day from the start, And I love 90's "Dookie" as much as I like this album. I mean cmon people look at what your sayin when you say, "American Idiot really sux" the album won 14 Grammy's was also labeled a 10x Platinum Album. One of the grammy's being "Best Rock Group"! This album is astonishing! I don't understand how some people can not like it. I have followed Green Day from the start, And I love 90's "Dookie" as much as I like this album. I mean cmon people look at what your sayin when you say, "American Idiot really sux" the album won 14 Grammy's was also labeled a 10x Platinum Album. One of the grammy's being "Best Rock Group"! I mean, i guess it depends on who you are... as in like the lyrics in "American Idiot" are politically charged and have extremely good meanings to them, you just have to look beyond the outside stereotype of "anti-american emo's" because if you do the research before you judge you would know that green day is not out to destroy the goverment, they are just trying to expose the things that the "Bush Admin." would rather brush under the carpet. Green Day has really grown up and impressed me greatly. I hope they continue the streak. P.S. If you are totally against volitle music that challenges the american government... you think green day is bad? hahaha go listen to "ANTI-FLAG"s albums and talk to me again. GREEN DAY ROX!!! :) Expand
  74. meganr
    Apr 6, 2007
    I love American Idiot because it tells about what is going on in the world today and the war.
  75. Sam
    May 13, 2007
    So the comments look like this is a "love it or hate it" album. I'm a "love it." The overused Boulevard of Broken Dreams aside, there are some awesome and unappreciated tracks on here. "Jesus of Suburbia" and "St. Jimmy" are two of my favorites, for the exuberance of the music and singing. And of course the infectious "Holiday." Find me a catchier guitar strain. Love it. Some of the So the comments look like this is a "love it or hate it" album. I'm a "love it." The overused Boulevard of Broken Dreams aside, there are some awesome and unappreciated tracks on here. "Jesus of Suburbia" and "St. Jimmy" are two of my favorites, for the exuberance of the music and singing. And of course the infectious "Holiday." Find me a catchier guitar strain. Love it. Some of the music is deep enough to be thought-provoking. However, it's not unavoidably deep. If the politics of the music aren't your thing, it's still possible to look past the tones of the message and appreciate the great tunes and musicianship for what they are. Expand
  76. jam
    Jun 19, 2007
    i think american idiot rax and the thing is it shows what green day think of the world 2day such as american idiot. I personally love holiday, bouvlevard of broken dreams, wake me up when september ends and a few more, but thing is if there band hadn't hit the charts i would have never gotten in2 green day and other rock/punk/heavy metal bands. Personally i prefer the album Dookie to i think american idiot rax and the thing is it shows what green day think of the world 2day such as american idiot. I personally love holiday, bouvlevard of broken dreams, wake me up when september ends and a few more, but thing is if there band hadn't hit the charts i would have never gotten in2 green day and other rock/punk/heavy metal bands. Personally i prefer the album Dookie to this 1 though o n green keep on making music Expand
  77. KeilaT
    Jul 9, 2007
    OK so this is like 4 yrs after Aerican Idiot was released but I still adore this album with every fragment of my teenaged soul. I wish that everyone could comprehend the brilliance and underhanded eloquence of this organized rave! Green Day is impeccable hands down.
  78. VonC
    Jan 14, 2009
    Fantastic album with well-written lyrics and hilly emotional ride from start to finish. It's funny to see the low scores with nothing but deflection and scorn from, I guess, two-time Bush voters! Someone actually used the term "moonbats"! What's this? A political forum? LOL! Billy must have been signing about those dead-enders.
  79. BenC
    Feb 11, 2009
    If you hate this album then, A. You have no taste and listen to modern rap and pop crap. B. . You are stupid enough to think that Green Day is anti-American. American Idiot is one of the few albums of the century with a point. Rock formed on the basis of protest, with roots in the blues and continuing with the anti-war classics of the 60s and 70s. It is a protest against the amazingly If you hate this album then, A. You have no taste and listen to modern rap and pop crap. B. . You are stupid enough to think that Green Day is anti-American. American Idiot is one of the few albums of the century with a point. Rock formed on the basis of protest, with roots in the blues and continuing with the anti-war classics of the 60s and 70s. It is a protest against the amazingly screwed up American pop culture after 9/11. The songs tell a cohesive story with some of the best lyrics I've heard ever, and is backed ub with solid instrumentation. In a world where corporate bigwigs are taking all of our money and underpaying poor laborers in China, and the government takes away citizens rights one by one, American Idiot uses Jesus of Suburbia show how messed up this current system is. Expand
  80. SidS
    May 18, 2009
    When you are an old Green Day fan and are just willing them to bring out another 'Dookie', a bit disappointing.
  81. KevinL.
    Jun 17, 2009
    Of course, American Idiot pales in comparison to the likes of Dookie or Insomniac but it's far from crap. In fact, it's an excellent album. I don't think Green Day wanna live in the shadow of Dookie forever so I welcome their change.
  82. Simone
    Nov 15, 2006
    Green Day is best and this album is truly purfect
  83. SamI
    Dec 13, 2006
    Hands down my favorite album of 2004. The songs don't really work alone, but as a whole the album is magnificent. A great example of how an album *should* be made, the sum being greater than its parts.
  84. ShellK
    Oct 23, 2006
    This CD Rocks
  85. ggjujuewqtq
    Jan 12, 2007
    is exellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  86. DesmondH.
    Dec 2, 2007
    If you think they are anti-America, you are an idiot. GD are anti-war, idiots.
  87. Dan
    Dec 25, 2007
    Although heavily commercialized, there is no doubt that American Idiot is still a great punk rock album. Each of its song plays a part of an overriding story in the album, and reflects America in its modern age. Its riffs, although relatively simple, are catchy nevetheless, and are certainly catchy enough to hook any punk rock fan. Aside from its obvious commercialization and change, Although heavily commercialized, there is no doubt that American Idiot is still a great punk rock album. Each of its song plays a part of an overriding story in the album, and reflects America in its modern age. Its riffs, although relatively simple, are catchy nevetheless, and are certainly catchy enough to hook any punk rock fan. Aside from its obvious commercialization and change, American Idiot is a superb album and another good step for Green Day. Expand
  88. pauld.
    Jul 15, 2007
    by far there best album
  89. MattM
    Jul 28, 2008
    A great album with powerfully organized and well-written songs, and great lyrics. The best songs on the album Holiday, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, She's a Rebel, Extraordinary Girl, Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Homecoming, and Whatsername.
  90. AndrewC.
    Oct 26, 2009
    "American Idiot" is one of the leading rock operas of our time. The epic starts off with the title track. One of the album's highlights is "Jesus of Suburbia", which is, like every song, a serious one, telling about the economy, although the most politics-headed song is the song that follows, "Holiday", which will have people singing along as the classic blasts through the speakers, "American Idiot" is one of the leading rock operas of our time. The epic starts off with the title track. One of the album's highlights is "Jesus of Suburbia", which is, like every song, a serious one, telling about the economy, although the most politics-headed song is the song that follows, "Holiday", which will have people singing along as the classic blasts through the speakers, with strong lines. Billie Joe Armstrong says the topic sentence in just one line, "I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies". The guitar feedback transitions into "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", a song we all knew from the radio. Songs 5-10 are good, but not the strong points. 11 is "Wake Me Up When September Ends" confused as a song for 9/11, although it was to honor his father. Another nine minute epic follows after "Jesus of Suburbia", which was song 2, called "Homecoming". The last song is "Whatsername", originally to be released as a single, although Green Day thought the video was terrible. Overall, "American Idiot" is a classic, and hopefully, it will also be re-mastered. Expand
  91. KyleM
    Feb 26, 2009
    American Idiot is one of this decades greatest CD's. Although the music may not sound like it did 15 years ago on Dookie, it's still got a lot of punch to it. This and Warning are albums Green Day have released to prove they've grown up, you can play the same exact thing for 20 years and expect to keep on living. American Idiot is Green Day's biggest risk, and biggest success.
  92. WyattM.
    Jul 31, 2009
    I think green day put great meaning's for there song's in American idiot.
  93. chadw
    Dec 17, 2006
    I don't know why people say that this is awful. Everybody who listens to this record should like it.
  94. DaleF
    Dec 26, 2007
    3 years after the release of this CD and it's still in my player constantly. Incredible CD.
  95. Jul 6, 2011
    This is the definition of a perfect album. It covers a ton of genres without sounding convoluted or boring. If you love punk or classic rock, then you owe it to yourself to listen this album.
  96. Jul 19, 2012
    Awesome album! It's got it all. I love Green Day and have loved it for a long time and it's one of my all time favorite bands. This album has a lot of there most popular and best songs, like American Idiot, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and Whatsername. I think that this album is actually their best album next to Dookie and Nimrod. Classic band with classic songs that will be loved andAwesome album! It's got it all. I love Green Day and have loved it for a long time and it's one of my all time favorite bands. This album has a lot of there most popular and best songs, like American Idiot, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and Whatsername. I think that this album is actually their best album next to Dookie and Nimrod. Classic band with classic songs that will be loved and cherished forever. Expand
  97. Feb 19, 2014
    Un Disco excelente, de hecho me parece el mejor de la banda hasta ahora, lo recomiendo a cualquiera que le guste el rock, ademas cuenta una historia muy buena, muy recomendado!
  98. Dec 16, 2012
    This has got to be one of the greatest albums, not just in rock history, but of all music history. Definitely one of those albums you should listen to before you die.
  99. Jan 12, 2013
    This review contains spoilers. A amazing album, its got it all, from punk to softer songs that all goes together really well. There is a storyline cleverly written in to this album which can has so many meanings and everytime you listen to it you pick up on something new. One of the greatest albums of all time! Collapse
  100. Apr 19, 2013
    This is the kind of album that gets people excited about music. A beautiful blend of the personal and political, "American Idiot" excellently captures the emotional landscape of the post-9/11 U.S. Themes like media hysteria, anti-imperialism, antiwar sensibilities, lower middle class life, religious disillusionment, drug addiction, tragic love, the search for meaning, and ultimatelyThis is the kind of album that gets people excited about music. A beautiful blend of the personal and political, "American Idiot" excellently captures the emotional landscape of the post-9/11 U.S. Themes like media hysteria, anti-imperialism, antiwar sensibilities, lower middle class life, religious disillusionment, drug addiction, tragic love, the search for meaning, and ultimately learning everything the hard way, are all woven together into a story that makes up for what it lacks in clarity with surprisingly accessible gravitas. Stylistically, critics of Green Day are quick to point out their disloyalty to the tried-and-true formulas of punk's first wave, and indeed you will find this album to be anything but formulaic. This time, the trio have seen fit to experiment not only with song structure, but also modestly with instrumentation, and it has paid off. That said, if you are a fan of the boisterous pop-punk of the Ramones, the fiery idealism of the Clash, and the grandiosity of the Who, you will feel at home listening to "American Idiot". While older critics harp on the fact that Green Day had the nerve to form in the late 80's instead of 10 or 15 years earlier, the sweet children have grown up, and they have a hell of a story to tell. Come to this album with no biases or pretensions, and it might very well change your life. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. It is exactly what the band needs to boost itself to the next level of pop-punk prowess.
  2. There's still plenty of spunk in to be found in this Sgt. Pepper-lite.
  3. Not only does it contain Green Day’s finest songs (and choruses) to date... but it also scratches at the surface of political dissatisfaction with nails sharp enough to leave a nasty scar.